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synced 2024-12-14 02:12:21 +00:00
* Revert "Revert "More parallel execution for queries with `FINAL` (#36396)""
This reverts commit 5bfb15262c
* fix tests
* fix review suggestions
Co-authored-by: mergify[bot] <37929162+mergify[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
278 lines
12 KiB
278 lines
12 KiB
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <queue>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <Core/Field.h>
#include <Interpreters/ExpressionAnalyzer.h>
#include <Interpreters/TreeRewriter.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTFunction.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTIdentifier.h>
#include <Processors/QueryPlan/PartsSplitter.h>
#include <Processors/Transforms/FilterSortedStreamByRange.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/RangesInDataPart.h>
using namespace DB;
using Values = std::vector<Field>;
std::string toString(const Values & value)
return fmt::format("({})", fmt::join(value, ", "));
/// Adaptor to access PK values from index.
class IndexAccess
explicit IndexAccess(const RangesInDataParts & parts_) : parts(parts_) { }
Values getValue(size_t part_idx, size_t mark) const
const auto & index = parts[part_idx].data_part->index;
Values values(index.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i)
index[i]->get(mark, values[i]);
return values;
size_t getMarkRows(size_t part_idx, size_t mark) const { return parts[part_idx].data_part->index_granularity.getMarkRows(mark); }
size_t getTotalRowCount() const
size_t total = 0;
for (const auto & part : parts)
total += part.getRowsCount();
return total;
const RangesInDataParts & parts;
/// Splits parts into layers, each layer will contain parts subranges with PK values from its own range.
/// Will try to produce exactly max_layer layers but may return less if data is distributed in not a very parallelizable way.
std::pair<std::vector<Values>, std::vector<RangesInDataParts>> split(RangesInDataParts parts, size_t max_layers)
// We will advance the iterator pointing to the mark with the smallest PK value until there will be not less than rows_per_layer rows in the current layer (roughly speaking).
// Then we choose the last observed value as the new border, so the current layer will consists of granules with values greater than the previous mark and less or equal
// than the new border.
struct PartsRangesIterator
struct MarkRangeWithPartIdx : MarkRange
size_t part_idx;
enum class EventType
bool operator<(const PartsRangesIterator & other) const { return std::tie(value, event) > std::tie(other.value, other.event); }
Values value;
MarkRangeWithPartIdx range;
EventType event;
const auto index_access = std::make_unique<IndexAccess>(parts);
std::priority_queue<PartsRangesIterator> parts_ranges_queue;
for (size_t part_idx = 0; part_idx < parts.size(); ++part_idx)
for (const auto & range : parts[part_idx].ranges)
{index_access->getValue(part_idx, range.begin), {range, part_idx}, PartsRangesIterator::EventType::RangeStart});
const auto & index_granularity = parts[part_idx].data_part->index_granularity;
if (index_granularity.hasFinalMark() && range.end + 1 == index_granularity.getMarksCount())
{index_access->getValue(part_idx, range.end), {range, part_idx}, PartsRangesIterator::EventType::RangeEnd});
/// The beginning of currently started (but not yet finished) range of marks of a part in the current layer.
std::unordered_map<size_t, size_t> current_part_range_begin;
/// The current ending of a range of marks of a part in the current layer.
std::unordered_map<size_t, size_t> current_part_range_end;
/// Determine borders between layers.
std::vector<Values> borders;
std::vector<RangesInDataParts> result_layers;
const size_t rows_per_layer = std::max<size_t>(index_access->getTotalRowCount() / max_layers, 1);
while (!parts_ranges_queue.empty())
// New layer should include last granules of still open ranges from the previous layer,
// because they may already contain values greater than the last border.
size_t rows_in_current_layer = 0;
size_t marks_in_current_layer = 0;
// Intersection between the current and next layers is just the last observed marks of each still open part range. Ratio is empirical.
auto layers_intersection_is_too_big = [&]()
const auto intersected_parts = current_part_range_end.size();
return marks_in_current_layer < intersected_parts * 2;
while (rows_in_current_layer < rows_per_layer || layers_intersection_is_too_big() || result_layers.size() == max_layers)
// We're advancing iterators until a new value showed up.
Values last_value;
while (!parts_ranges_queue.empty() && (last_value.empty() || last_value == parts_ranges_queue.top().value))
auto current = parts_ranges_queue.top();
const auto part_idx = current.range.part_idx;
if (current.event == PartsRangesIterator::EventType::RangeEnd)
MarkRanges{{current_part_range_begin[part_idx], current.range.end}});
last_value = std::move(current.value);
rows_in_current_layer += index_access->getMarkRows(part_idx, current.range.begin);
current_part_range_begin.try_emplace(part_idx, current.range.begin);
current_part_range_end[part_idx] = current.range.begin;
if (current.range.begin + 1 < current.range.end)
current.value = index_access->getValue(part_idx, current.range.begin);
if (parts_ranges_queue.empty())
if (rows_in_current_layer >= rows_per_layer && !layers_intersection_is_too_big() && result_layers.size() < max_layers)
for (const auto & [part_idx, last_mark] : current_part_range_end)
MarkRanges{{current_part_range_begin[part_idx], last_mark + 1}});
current_part_range_begin[part_idx] = current_part_range_end[part_idx];
for (auto & layer : result_layers)
[](const auto & lhs, const auto & rhs) { return lhs.part_index_in_query < rhs.part_index_in_query; });
return {std::move(borders), std::move(result_layers)};
/// Will return borders.size()+1 filters in total, i-th filter will accept rows with PK values within the range [borders[i-1], borders[i]).
ASTs buildFilters(const KeyDescription & primary_key, const std::vector<Values> & borders)
auto add_and_condition = [&](ASTPtr & result, const ASTPtr & foo) { result = (!result) ? foo : makeASTFunction("and", result, foo); };
/// Produces ASTPtr to predicate (pk_col0, pk_col1, ... , pk_colN) > (value[0], value[1], ... , value[N]), possibly with conversions.
/// For example, if table PK is (a, toDate(d)), where `a` is UInt32 and `d` is DateTime, and PK columns values are (8192, 19160),
/// it will build the following predicate: greater(tuple(a, toDate(d)), tuple(8192, cast(19160, 'Date'))).
auto lexicographically_greater = [&](const Values & value)
// PK may contain functions of the table columns, so we need the actual PK AST with all expressions it contains.
ASTPtr pk_columns_as_tuple = makeASTFunction("tuple", primary_key.expression_list_ast->children);
ASTPtr value_ast = std::make_shared<ASTExpressionList>();
for (size_t i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i)
const auto & types = primary_key.data_types;
ASTPtr component_ast = std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>(value[i]);
// Values of some types (e.g. Date, DateTime) are stored in columns as numbers and we get them as just numbers from the index.
// So we need an explicit Cast for them.
if (isColumnedAsNumber(types.at(i)->getTypeId()) && !isNumber(types.at(i)->getTypeId()))
component_ast = makeASTFunction("cast", std::move(component_ast), std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>(types.at(i)->getName()));
ASTPtr values_as_tuple = makeASTFunction("tuple", value_ast->children);
return makeASTFunction("greater", pk_columns_as_tuple, values_as_tuple);
ASTs filters(borders.size() + 1);
for (size_t layer = 0; layer <= borders.size(); ++layer)
if (layer > 0)
add_and_condition(filters[layer], lexicographically_greater(borders[layer - 1]));
if (layer < borders.size())
add_and_condition(filters[layer], makeASTFunction("not", lexicographically_greater(borders[layer])));
return filters;
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
Pipes buildPipesForReadingByPKRanges(
const KeyDescription & primary_key,
RangesInDataParts parts,
size_t max_layers,
ContextPtr context,
ReadingInOrderStepGetter && reading_step_getter)
if (max_layers <= 1)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "max_layer should be greater than 1.");
auto && [borders, result_layers] = split(std::move(parts), max_layers);
auto filters = buildFilters(primary_key, borders);
Pipes pipes(result_layers.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < result_layers.size(); ++i)
pipes[i] = reading_step_getter(std::move(result_layers[i]));
auto & filter_function = filters[i];
if (!filter_function)
auto syntax_result = TreeRewriter(context).analyze(filter_function, primary_key.expression->getRequiredColumnsWithTypes());
auto actions = ExpressionAnalyzer(filter_function, syntax_result, context).getActionsDAG(false);
ExpressionActionsPtr expression_actions = std::make_shared<ExpressionActions>(std::move(actions));
auto description = fmt::format(
"filter values in [{}, {})", i ? ::toString(borders[i - 1]) : "-inf", i < borders.size() ? ::toString(borders[i]) : "+inf");
auto pk_expression = std::make_shared<ExpressionActions>(primary_key.expression->getActionsDAG().clone());
pipes[i].addSimpleTransform([pk_expression](const Block & header)
{ return std::make_shared<ExpressionTransform>(header, pk_expression); });
[&](const Block & header)
auto step = std::make_shared<FilterSortedStreamByRange>(header, expression_actions, filter_function->getColumnName(), true);
return step;
return pipes;