2021-08-07 19:30:59 +03:00

43 lines
1.9 KiB

set(LIBRARY_DIR "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/croaring")
add_library(roaring ${SRCS})
target_include_directories(roaring PRIVATE "${LIBRARY_DIR}/include/roaring")
target_include_directories(roaring SYSTEM BEFORE PUBLIC "${LIBRARY_DIR}/include")
target_include_directories(roaring SYSTEM BEFORE PUBLIC "${LIBRARY_DIR}/cpp")
# We redirect malloc/free family of functions to different functions that will track memory in ClickHouse.
# It will make this library depend on linking to 'clickhouse_common_io' library that is not done explicitly via 'target_link_libraries'.
# And we check that all libraries dependencies are satisfied and all symbols are resolved if we do build with shared libraries.
# That's why we enable it only in static build.
# Also note that we exploit implicit function declarations.
target_compile_definitions(roaring PRIVATE
endif ()