2023-04-04 20:31:12 -03:00

209 lines
8.3 KiB

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/find_symbols.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
template <char ... symbols>
void test_find_first_not(const std::string & haystack, std::size_t expected_pos)
const char * begin =;
const char * end = + haystack.size();
ASSERT_EQ(begin + expected_pos, find_first_not_symbols<symbols...>(begin, end));
void test_find_first_not(const std::string & haystack, const std::string & symbols, const std::size_t expected_pos)
const char * begin =;
ASSERT_EQ(begin + expected_pos, find_first_not_symbols(haystack, SearchSymbols(symbols)));
TEST(FindSymbols, SimpleTest)
const std::string s = "Hello, world! Goodbye...";
const char * begin =;
const char * end = + s.size();
ASSERT_EQ(find_first_symbols<'a'>(begin, end), end);
ASSERT_EQ(find_first_symbols<'e'>(begin, end), begin + 1);
ASSERT_EQ(find_first_symbols<'.'>(begin, end), begin + 21);
ASSERT_EQ(find_first_symbols<' '>(begin, end), begin + 6);
ASSERT_EQ(find_first_symbols<'H'>(begin, end), begin);
ASSERT_EQ((find_first_symbols<'a', 'e'>(begin, end)), begin + 1);
ASSERT_EQ((find_first_symbols<'a', 'e', 'w', 'x', 'z'>(begin, end)), begin + 1);
ASSERT_EQ((find_first_symbols<'p', 'q', 's', 'x', 'z'>(begin, end)), end);
ASSERT_EQ(find_last_symbols_or_null<'a'>(begin, end), nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(find_last_symbols_or_null<'e'>(begin, end), end - 4);
ASSERT_EQ(find_last_symbols_or_null<'.'>(begin, end), end - 1);
ASSERT_EQ(find_last_symbols_or_null<' '>(begin, end), end - 11);
ASSERT_EQ(find_last_symbols_or_null<'H'>(begin, end), begin);
ASSERT_EQ((find_last_symbols_or_null<'a', 'e'>(begin, end)), end - 4);
std::vector<std::string> vals;
splitInto<' ', ','>(vals, "hello, world", true);
ASSERT_EQ(vals, (std::vector<std::string>{"hello", "world"}));
std::vector<std::string> vals;
splitInto<' ', ','>(vals, "s String", true);
ASSERT_EQ(vals, (std::vector<std::string>{"s", "String"}));
TEST(FindSymbols, RunTimeNeedle)
auto test_haystack = [](const auto & haystack, const auto & unfindable_needle) {
#define TEST_HAYSTACK_AND_NEEDLE(haystack_, needle_) \
do { \
const auto & h = haystack_; \
const auto & n = needle_; \
std::find_first_of(, + h.size(),, + n.size()), \
find_first_symbols(h, SearchSymbols(n)) \
) << "haystack: \"" << h << "\" (" << static_cast<const void*>( << ")" \
<< ", needle: \"" << n << "\""; \
} \
while (false)
// can't find needle
TEST_HAYSTACK_AND_NEEDLE(haystack, unfindable_needle);
#define TEST_WITH_MODIFIED_NEEDLE(haystack, in_needle, needle_update_statement) \
do \
{ \
std::string needle = (in_needle); \
(needle_update_statement); \
TEST_HAYSTACK_AND_NEEDLE(haystack, needle); \
} \
while (false)
// findable symbol is at beginning of the needle
// Can find at first pos of haystack
TEST_WITH_MODIFIED_NEEDLE(haystack, unfindable_needle, needle.front() = haystack.front());
// Can find at first pos of haystack
TEST_WITH_MODIFIED_NEEDLE(haystack, unfindable_needle, needle.front() = haystack.back());
// Can find in the middle of haystack
TEST_WITH_MODIFIED_NEEDLE(haystack, unfindable_needle, needle.front() = haystack[haystack.size() / 2]);
// findable symbol is at end of the needle
// Can find at first pos of haystack
TEST_WITH_MODIFIED_NEEDLE(haystack, unfindable_needle, needle.back() = haystack.front());
// Can find at first pos of haystack
TEST_WITH_MODIFIED_NEEDLE(haystack, unfindable_needle, needle.back() = haystack.back());
// Can find in the middle of haystack
TEST_WITH_MODIFIED_NEEDLE(haystack, unfindable_needle, needle.back() = haystack[haystack.size() / 2]);
// findable symbol is in the middle of the needle
// Can find at first pos of haystack
TEST_WITH_MODIFIED_NEEDLE(haystack, unfindable_needle, needle[needle.size() / 2] = haystack.front());
// Can find at first pos of haystack
TEST_WITH_MODIFIED_NEEDLE(haystack, unfindable_needle, needle[needle.size() / 2] = haystack.back());
// Can find in the middle of haystack
TEST_WITH_MODIFIED_NEEDLE(haystack, unfindable_needle, needle[needle.size() / 2] = haystack[haystack.size() / 2]);
// there are 4 major groups of cases:
// haystack < 16 bytes, haystack > 16 bytes
// needle < 5 bytes, needle >= 5 bytes
// First and last symbols of haystack should be unique
const std::string long_haystack = "Hello, world! Goodbye...?";
const std::string short_haystack = "Hello, world!";
// In sync with find_first_symbols_dispatch code: long needles receive special treatment.
// as of now "long" means >= 5
const std::string unfindable_long_needle = "0123456789ABCDEF";
const std::string unfindable_short_needle = "0123";
SCOPED_TRACE("Long haystack");
test_haystack(long_haystack, unfindable_long_needle);
test_haystack(long_haystack, unfindable_short_needle);
SCOPED_TRACE("Short haystack");
test_haystack(short_haystack, unfindable_long_needle);
test_haystack(short_haystack, unfindable_short_needle);
// Assert big haystack is not accepted and exception is thrown
ASSERT_ANY_THROW(find_first_symbols(long_haystack, SearchSymbols("ABCDEFIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZacfghijkmnpqstuvxz")));
TEST(FindNotSymbols, AllSymbolsPresent)
std::string str_with_17_bytes = "hello world hello";
std::string str_with_16_bytes = {str_with_17_bytes.begin(), str_with_17_bytes.end() - 1u};
std::string str_with_15_bytes = {str_with_16_bytes.begin(), str_with_16_bytes.end() - 1u};
* The below variations will choose different implementation strategies:
* 1. Loop method only because it does not contain enough bytes for SSE 4.2
* 2. SSE4.2 only since string contains exactly 16 bytes
* 3. SSE4.2 + Loop method will take place because only first 16 bytes are treated by SSE 4.2 and remaining bytes is treated by loop
* Below code asserts that all calls return the ::end of the input string. This was not true prior to this fix as mentioned in PR #47304
* */
test_find_first_not<'h', 'e', 'l', 'o', 'w', 'r', 'd', ' '>(str_with_15_bytes, str_with_15_bytes.size());
test_find_first_not<'h', 'e', 'l', 'o', 'w', 'r', 'd', ' '>(str_with_16_bytes, str_with_16_bytes.size());
test_find_first_not<'h', 'e', 'l', 'o', 'w', 'r', 'd', ' '>(str_with_17_bytes, str_with_17_bytes.size());
const auto * symbols = "helowrd ";
test_find_first_not(str_with_15_bytes, symbols, str_with_15_bytes.size());
test_find_first_not(str_with_16_bytes, symbols, str_with_16_bytes.size());
test_find_first_not(str_with_17_bytes, symbols, str_with_17_bytes.size());
TEST(FindNotSymbols, NoSymbolsMatch)
std::string s = "abcdefg";
// begin should be returned since the first character of the string does not match any of the below symbols
test_find_first_not<'h', 'i', 'j'>(s, 0u);
test_find_first_not(s, "hij", 0u);
TEST(FindNotSymbols, ExtraSymbols)
std::string s = "hello_world_hello";
test_find_first_not<'h', 'e', 'l', 'o', ' '>(s, 5u);
test_find_first_not(s, "helo ", 5u);
TEST(FindNotSymbols, EmptyString)
std::string s;
test_find_first_not<'h', 'e', 'l', 'o', 'w', 'r', 'd', ' '>(s, s.size());
test_find_first_not(s, "helowrd ", s.size());
TEST(FindNotSymbols, SingleChar)
std::string s = "a";
test_find_first_not<'a'>(s, s.size());
test_find_first_not(s, "a", s.size());
TEST(FindNotSymbols, NullCharacter)
// special test to ensure only the passed template arguments are used as needles
// since current find_first_symbols implementation takes in 16 characters and defaults
// to \0.
std::string s("abcdefg\0x", 9u);
test_find_first_not<'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'>(s, 7u);
test_find_first_not(s, "abcdefg", 7u);