
169 lines
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#pragma once
#include <ext/shared_ptr_helper.hpp>
#include <Storages/IStorage.h>
#include <Common/SimpleIncrement.h>
#include <Client/ConnectionPool.h>
#include <Client/ConnectionPoolWithFailover.h>
#include <Interpreters/Settings.h>
#include <Interpreters/Cluster.h>
#include <Interpreters/ExpressionActions.h>
#include <common/logger_useful.h>
namespace DB
class Context;
class StorageDistributedDirectoryMonitor;
/** A distributed table that resides on multiple servers.
* Uses data from the specified database and tables on each server.
* You can pass one address, not several.
* In this case, the table can be considered remote, rather than distributed.
class StorageDistributed : private ext::shared_ptr_helper<StorageDistributed>, public IStorage
friend class ext::shared_ptr_helper<StorageDistributed>;
friend class DistributedBlockOutputStream;
friend class StorageDistributedDirectoryMonitor;
static StoragePtr create(
const std::string & name_, /// The name of the table.
NamesAndTypesListPtr columns_, /// List of columns.
const NamesAndTypesList & materialized_columns_,
const NamesAndTypesList & alias_columns_,
const ColumnDefaults & column_defaults_,
const String & remote_database_, /// database on remote servers.
const String & remote_table_, /// The name of the table on the remote servers.
const String & cluster_name,
const Context & context_,
const ASTPtr & sharding_key_,
const String & data_path_);
static StoragePtr create(
const std::string & name_, /// The name of the table.
NamesAndTypesListPtr columns_, /// List of columns.
const String & remote_database_, /// database on remote servers.
const String & remote_table_, /// The name of the table on the remote servers.
ClusterPtr & owned_cluster_,
const Context & context_);
std::string getName() const override { return "Distributed"; }
std::string getTableName() const override { return name; }
bool supportsSampling() const override { return true; }
bool supportsFinal() const override { return true; }
bool supportsPrewhere() const override { return true; }
bool supportsParallelReplicas() const override { return true; }
const NamesAndTypesList & getColumnsListImpl() const override { return *columns; }
NameAndTypePair getColumn(const String & column_name) const override;
bool hasColumn(const String & column_name) const override;
bool isRemote() const override { return true; }
BlockInputStreams read(
const Names & column_names,
const ASTPtr & query,
const Context & context,
QueryProcessingStage::Enum & processed_stage,
size_t max_block_size = DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE,
unsigned threads = 1) override;
BlockOutputStreamPtr write(const ASTPtr & query, const Settings & settings) override;
void drop() override {}
void rename(const String & new_path_to_db, const String & new_database_name, const String & new_table_name) override { name = new_table_name; }
/// in the sub-tables, you need to manually add and delete columns
/// the structure of the sub-table is not checked
void alter(const AlterCommands & params, const String & database_name, const String & table_name, const Context & context) override;
void shutdown() override;
void reshardPartitions(
const ASTPtr & query, const String & database_name,
const Field & first_partition, const Field & last_partition,
const WeightedZooKeeperPaths & weighted_zookeeper_paths,
const ASTPtr & sharding_key_expr, bool do_copy, const Field & coordinator,
Context & context) override;
/// From each replica, get a description of the corresponding local table.
BlockInputStreams describe(const Context & context, const Settings & settings);
const ExpressionActionsPtr & getShardingKeyExpr() const { return sharding_key_expr; }
const String & getShardingKeyColumnName() const { return sharding_key_column_name; }
size_t getShardCount() const;
const String & getPath() const { return path; }
std::string getRemoteDatabaseName() const { return remote_database; }
std::string getRemoteTableName() const { return remote_table; }
std::string getClusterName() const { return cluster_name; } /// Returns empty string if tables is used by TableFunctionRemote
const std::string & name_,
NamesAndTypesListPtr columns_,
const String & remote_database_,
const String & remote_table_,
const String & cluster_name_,
const Context & context_,
const ASTPtr & sharding_key_ = nullptr,
const String & data_path_ = String{});
const std::string & name_,
NamesAndTypesListPtr columns_,
const NamesAndTypesList & materialized_columns_,
const NamesAndTypesList & alias_columns_,
const ColumnDefaults & column_defaults_,
const String & remote_database_,
const String & remote_table_,
const String & cluster_name_,
const Context & context_,
const ASTPtr & sharding_key_ = nullptr,
const String & data_path_ = String{});
/// create directory monitor thread by subdirectory name
void createDirectoryMonitor(const std::string & name);
/// create directory monitors for each existing subdirectory
void createDirectoryMonitors();
/// ensure directory monitor creation
void requireDirectoryMonitor(const std::string & name);
ClusterPtr getCluster() const;
/// Get monotonically increasing string to name files with data to be written to remote servers.
String getMonotonicFileName();
String name;
NamesAndTypesListPtr columns;
String remote_database;
String remote_table;
const Context & context;
Logger * log = &Logger::get("StorageDistributed");
/// Used to implement TableFunctionRemote.
std::shared_ptr<Cluster> owned_cluster;
/// Is empty if this storage implements TableFunctionRemote.
const String cluster_name;
bool has_sharding_key;
ExpressionActionsPtr sharding_key_expr;
String sharding_key_column_name;
String path; /// Can be empty if data_path_ is empty. In this case, a directory for the data to be sent is not created.
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<StorageDistributedDirectoryMonitor>> directory_monitors;
/// Used for global monotonic ordering of files to send.
SimpleIncrement file_names_increment;