2024-03-19 17:04:29 +01:00

289 lines
12 KiB

#pragma once
#include <Common/Allocator.h>
#include <Columns/IColumn.h>
#include <Formats/FormatSettings.h>
#include <Interpreters/Context_fwd.h>
#include <IO/BufferWithOwnMemory.h>
#include <IO/CompressionMethod.h>
#include <IO/ParallelReadBuffer.h>
#include <base/types.h>
#include <Core/NamesAndTypes.h>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace DB
class Block;
struct Settings;
struct FormatFactorySettings;
struct ReadSettings;
class ReadBuffer;
class WriteBuffer;
class IProcessor;
using ProcessorPtr = std::shared_ptr<IProcessor>;
class IInputFormat;
class IOutputFormat;
class IRowOutputFormat;
struct RowInputFormatParams;
class ISchemaReader;
class IExternalSchemaReader;
using SchemaReaderPtr = std::shared_ptr<ISchemaReader>;
using ExternalSchemaReaderPtr = std::shared_ptr<IExternalSchemaReader>;
using InputFormatPtr = std::shared_ptr<IInputFormat>;
using OutputFormatPtr = std::shared_ptr<IOutputFormat>;
using RowOutputFormatPtr = std::shared_ptr<IRowOutputFormat>;
template <typename Allocator>
struct Memory;
FormatSettings getFormatSettings(const ContextPtr & context);
template <typename T>
FormatSettings getFormatSettings(const ContextPtr & context, const T & settings);
/** Allows to create an IInputFormat or IOutputFormat by the name of the format.
* Note: format and compression are independent things.
class FormatFactory final : private boost::noncopyable
/** Fast reading data from buffer and save result to memory.
* Reads at least `min_bytes` and some more until the end of the chunk, depends on the format.
* If `max_rows` is non-zero the function also stops after reading the `max_rows` number of rows
* (even if the `min_bytes` boundary isn't reached yet).
* Used in ParallelParsingInputFormat.
using FileSegmentationEngine = std::function<std::pair<bool, size_t>(
ReadBuffer & buf,
DB::Memory<Allocator<false>> & memory,
size_t min_bytes,
size_t max_rows)>;
using FileSegmentationEngineCreator = std::function<FileSegmentationEngine(
const FormatSettings & settings)>;
// On the input side, there are two kinds of formats:
// * InputCreator - formats parsed sequentially, e.g. CSV. Almost all formats are like this.
// FormatFactory uses ParallelReadBuffer to read in parallel, and ParallelParsingInputFormat
// to parse in parallel; the formats mostly don't need to worry about it.
// * RandomAccessInputCreator - column-oriented formats that require seeking back and forth in
// the file when reading. E.g. Parquet has metadata at the end of the file (needs to be read
// before we can parse any data), can skip columns by seeking in the file, and often reads
// many short byte ranges from the file. ParallelReadBuffer and ParallelParsingInputFormat
// are a poor fit. Instead, the format implementation is in charge of parallelizing both
// reading and parsing.
using InputCreator = std::function<InputFormatPtr(
ReadBuffer & buf,
const Block & header,
const RowInputFormatParams & params,
const FormatSettings & settings)>;
// Incompatible with FileSegmentationEngine.
using RandomAccessInputCreator = std::function<InputFormatPtr(
ReadBuffer & buf,
const Block & header,
const FormatSettings & settings,
const ReadSettings& read_settings,
bool is_remote_fs,
size_t max_download_threads,
size_t max_parsing_threads)>;
using OutputCreator = std::function<OutputFormatPtr(
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const FormatSettings & settings)>;
/// Some input formats can have non trivial readPrefix() and readSuffix(),
/// so in some cases there is no possibility to use parallel parsing.
/// The checker should return true if parallel parsing should be disabled.
using NonTrivialPrefixAndSuffixChecker = std::function<bool(ReadBuffer & buf)>;
/// Some formats can support append depending on settings.
/// The checker should return true if format support append.
using AppendSupportChecker = std::function<bool(const FormatSettings & settings)>;
using SchemaReaderCreator = std::function<SchemaReaderPtr(ReadBuffer & in, const FormatSettings & settings)>;
using ExternalSchemaReaderCreator = std::function<ExternalSchemaReaderPtr(const FormatSettings & settings)>;
/// Some formats can extract different schemas from the same source depending on
/// some settings. To process this case in schema cache we should add some additional
/// information to a cache key. This getter should return some string with information
/// about such settings. For example, for Protobuf format it's the path to the schema
/// and the name of the message.
using AdditionalInfoForSchemaCacheGetter = std::function<String(const FormatSettings & settings)>;
/// Some formats can support reading subset of columns depending on settings.
/// The checker should return true if format support append.
using SubsetOfColumnsSupportChecker = std::function<bool(const FormatSettings & settings)>;
struct Creators
String name;
InputCreator input_creator;
RandomAccessInputCreator random_access_input_creator;
OutputCreator output_creator;
FileSegmentationEngineCreator file_segmentation_engine_creator;
SchemaReaderCreator schema_reader_creator;
ExternalSchemaReaderCreator external_schema_reader_creator;
bool supports_parallel_formatting{false};
bool prefers_large_blocks{false};
NonTrivialPrefixAndSuffixChecker non_trivial_prefix_and_suffix_checker;
AppendSupportChecker append_support_checker;
AdditionalInfoForSchemaCacheGetter additional_info_for_schema_cache_getter;
SubsetOfColumnsSupportChecker subset_of_columns_support_checker;
using FormatsDictionary = std::unordered_map<String, Creators>;
using FileExtensionFormats = std::unordered_map<String, String>;
static FormatFactory & instance();
/// This has two tricks up its sleeve:
/// * Parallel reading.
/// To enable it, make sure `buf` is a SeekableReadBuffer implementing readBigAt().
/// * Parallel parsing.
/// `buf` must outlive the returned IInputFormat.
InputFormatPtr getInput(
const String & name,
ReadBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const ContextPtr & context,
UInt64 max_block_size,
const std::optional<FormatSettings> & format_settings = std::nullopt,
std::optional<size_t> max_parsing_threads = std::nullopt,
std::optional<size_t> max_download_threads = std::nullopt,
// affects things like buffer sizes and parallel reading
bool is_remote_fs = false,
// allows to do: buf -> parallel read -> decompression,
// because parallel read after decompression is not possible
CompressionMethod compression = CompressionMethod::None,
bool need_only_count = false) const;
/// Checks all preconditions. Returns ordinary format if parallel formatting cannot be done.
OutputFormatPtr getOutputFormatParallelIfPossible(
const String & name,
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const ContextPtr & context,
const std::optional<FormatSettings> & format_settings = std::nullopt) const;
OutputFormatPtr getOutputFormat(
const String & name,
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const ContextPtr & context,
const std::optional<FormatSettings> & _format_settings = std::nullopt) const;
String getContentType(
const String & name,
const ContextPtr & context,
const std::optional<FormatSettings> & format_settings = std::nullopt) const;
SchemaReaderPtr getSchemaReader(
const String & name,
ReadBuffer & buf,
const ContextPtr & context,
const std::optional<FormatSettings> & format_settings = std::nullopt) const;
ExternalSchemaReaderPtr getExternalSchemaReader(
const String & name,
const ContextPtr & context,
const std::optional<FormatSettings> & format_settings = std::nullopt) const;
void registerFileSegmentationEngine(const String & name, FileSegmentationEngine file_segmentation_engine);
void registerFileSegmentationEngineCreator(const String & name, FileSegmentationEngineCreator file_segmentation_engine_creator);
void registerNonTrivialPrefixAndSuffixChecker(const String & name, NonTrivialPrefixAndSuffixChecker non_trivial_prefix_and_suffix_checker);
void registerAppendSupportChecker(const String & name, AppendSupportChecker append_support_checker);
/// If format always doesn't support append, you can use this method instead of
/// registerAppendSupportChecker with append_support_checker that always returns true.
void markFormatHasNoAppendSupport(const String & name);
bool checkIfFormatSupportAppend(const String & name, const ContextPtr & context, const std::optional<FormatSettings> & format_settings_ = std::nullopt);
/// Register format by its name.
void registerInputFormat(const String & name, InputCreator input_creator);
void registerRandomAccessInputFormat(const String & name, RandomAccessInputCreator input_creator);
void registerOutputFormat(const String & name, OutputCreator output_creator);
/// Register file extension for format
void registerFileExtension(const String & extension, const String & format_name);
String getFormatFromFileName(String file_name);
std::optional<String> tryGetFormatFromFileName(String file_name);
String getFormatFromFileDescriptor(int fd);
std::optional<String> tryGetFormatFromFileDescriptor(int fd);
/// Register schema readers for format its name.
void registerSchemaReader(const String & name, SchemaReaderCreator schema_reader_creator);
void registerExternalSchemaReader(const String & name, ExternalSchemaReaderCreator external_schema_reader_creator);
void markOutputFormatSupportsParallelFormatting(const String & name);
void markOutputFormatPrefersLargeBlocks(const String & name);
void markFormatSupportsSubsetOfColumns(const String & name);
void registerSubsetOfColumnsSupportChecker(const String & name, SubsetOfColumnsSupportChecker subset_of_columns_support_checker);
bool checkIfFormatSupportsSubsetOfColumns(const String & name, const ContextPtr & context, const std::optional<FormatSettings> & format_settings_ = std::nullopt) const;
bool checkIfFormatHasSchemaReader(const String & name) const;
bool checkIfFormatHasExternalSchemaReader(const String & name) const;
bool checkIfFormatHasAnySchemaReader(const String & name) const;
bool checkIfOutputFormatPrefersLargeBlocks(const String & name) const;
bool checkParallelizeOutputAfterReading(const String & name, const ContextPtr & context) const;
void registerAdditionalInfoForSchemaCacheGetter(const String & name, AdditionalInfoForSchemaCacheGetter additional_info_for_schema_cache_getter);
String getAdditionalInfoForSchemaCache(const String & name, const ContextPtr & context, const std::optional<FormatSettings> & format_settings_ = std::nullopt);
const FormatsDictionary & getAllFormats() const
return dict;
std::vector<String> getAllInputFormats() const;
bool isInputFormat(const String & name) const;
bool isOutputFormat(const String & name) const;
/// Check that format with specified name exists and throw an exception otherwise.
void checkFormatName(const String & name) const;
bool exists(const String & name) const;
FormatsDictionary dict;
FileExtensionFormats file_extension_formats;
const Creators & getCreators(const String & name) const;
Creators & getOrCreateCreators(const String & name);
// Creates a ReadBuffer to give to an input format. Returns nullptr if we should use `buf` directly.
std::unique_ptr<ReadBuffer> wrapReadBufferIfNeeded(
ReadBuffer & buf,
CompressionMethod compression,
const Creators & creators,
const FormatSettings & format_settings,
const Settings & settings,
bool is_remote_fs,
size_t max_download_threads) const;