* CLICKHOUSE-4063: less manual html @ index.md * CLICKHOUSE-4063: recommend markdown="1" in README.md * CLICKHOUSE-4003: manually purge custom.css for now * CLICKHOUSE-4064: expand <details> before any print (including to pdf) * CLICKHOUSE-3927: rearrange interfaces/formats.md a bit * CLICKHOUSE-3306: add few http headers * Remove copy-paste introduced in #3392 * Hopefully better chinese fonts #3392 * get rid of tabs @ custom.css * Apply comments and patch from #3384 * Add jdbc.md to ToC and some translation, though it still looks badly incomplete * minor punctuation * Add some backlinks to official website from mirrors that just blindly take markdown sources * Do not make fonts extra light * find . -name '*.md' -type f | xargs -I{} perl -pi -e 's//g' {} * find . -name '*.md' -type f | xargs -I{} perl -pi -e 's/ sql/g' {} * Remove outdated stuff from roadmap.md * Not so light font on front page too * Refactor Chinese formats.md to match recent changes in other languages * Update some links on front page * Remove some outdated comment * Add twitter link to front page * More front page links tuning * Add Amsterdam meetup link * Smaller font to avoid second line * Add Amsterdam link to README.md * Proper docs nav translation * Back to 300 font-weight except Chinese * fix docs build * Update Amsterdam link * remove symlinks * more zh punctuation * apply lost comment by @zhang2014 * Apply comments by @zhang2014 from #3417 * Remove Beijing link * rm incorrect symlink * restore content of docs/zh/operations/table_engines/index.md * CLICKHOUSE-3751: stem terms while searching docs * CLICKHOUSE-3751: use English stemmer in non-English docs too * CLICKHOUSE-4135 fix * Remove past meetup link * Add blog link to top nav * Add ContentSquare article link * Add form link to front page + refactor some texts * couple markup fixes * minor * Introduce basic ODBC driver page in docs * More verbose 3rd party libs disclaimer * Put third-party stuff into a separate folder * Separate third-party stuff in ToC too * Update links * Move stuff that is not really (only) a client library into a separate page * Add clickhouse-hdfs-loader link * Some introduction for "interfaces" section * Rewrite tcp.md * http_interface.md -> http.md * fix link * Remove unconvenient error for now * try to guess anchor instead of failing * remove symlink * Remove outdated info from introduction * remove ru roadmap.md * replace ru roadmap.md with symlink * Update roadmap.md * lost file * Title case in toc_en.yml * Sync "Functions" ToC section with en * Remove reference to pretty old ClickHouse release from docs * couple lost symlinks in fa * Close quote in proper place * Rewrite en/getting_started/index.md * Sync en<>ru getting_started/index.md * minor changes * Some gui.md refactoring * Translate DataGrip section to ru * Translate DataGrip section to zh * Translate DataGrip section to fa * Translate DBeaver section to fa * Translate DBeaver section to zh * Split third-party GUI to open-source and commercial * Mention some RDBMS integrations + ad-hoc translation fixes * Add rel="external nofollow" to outgoing links from docs * Lost blank lines * Fix class name * More rel="external nofollow" * Apply suggestions by @sundy-li * Mobile version of front page improvements * test * test 2 * test 3 * Update LICENSE * minor docs fix * Highlight current article as suggested by @sundy-li * fix link destination * Introduce backup.md (only "en" for now) * Mention INSERT+SELECT in backup.md * Some improvements for replication.md * Add backup.md to toc * Mention clickhouse-backup tool * Mention LightHouse in third-party GUI list * Introduce interfaces/third-party/proxy.md * Add clickhouse-bulk to proxy.md * Major extension of integrations.md contents * fix link target * remove unneeded file * better toc item name * fix markdown * better ru punctuation * Add yet another possible backup approach * Simplify copying permalinks to headers * Support non-eng link anchors in docs + update some deps * Generate anchors for single-page mode automatically * Remove anchors to top of pages * Remove anchors that nobody links to * build fixes * fix few links * restore css * fix some links * restore gifs * fix lost words * more docs fixes * docs fixes * NULL anchor * update urllib3 dependency * more fixes
7.7 KiB
Копирует данные из таблиц одного кластера в таблицы другого (или этого же) кластера.
Можно запустить несколько clickhouse-copier
для разных серверах для выполнения одного и того же задания. Для синхронизации между процессами используется ZooKeeper.
После запуска, clickhouse-copier
Соединяется с ZooKeeper и получает:
- Задания на копирование.
- Состояние заданий на копирование.
Выполняет задания.
Каждый запущенный процесс выбирает "ближайший" шард исходного кластера и копирует данные в кластер назначения, при необходимости перешардируя их.
отслеживает изменения в ZooKeeper и применяет их "на лету".
Для снижения сетевого трафика рекомендуем запускать clickhouse-copier
на том же сервере, где находятся исходные данные.
Запуск clickhouse-copier
Утилиту следует запускать вручную следующим образом:
clickhouse-copier copier --daemon --config zookeeper.xml --task-path /task/path --base-dir /path/to/dir
Параметры запуска:
- запускаетclickhouse-copier
в режиме демона.config
- путь к файлуzookeeper.xml
с параметрами соединения с ZooKeeper.task-path
- путь к ноде ZooKeeper. Нода используется для синхронизации между процессамиclickhouse-copier
и для хранения заданий. Задания хранятся в$task-path/description
- путь к логам и вспомогательным файлам. При запускеclickhouse-copier
создает в$base-dir
. Если параметр не указан, то каталоги будут создаваться в каталоге, гдеclickhouse-copier
был запущен.
Формат zookeeper.xml
<node index="1">
Конфигурация заданий на копирование
<!-- Configuration of clusters as in an ordinary server config -->
<!-- How many simultaneously active workers are possible. If you run more workers superfluous workers will sleep. -->
<!-- Setting used to fetch (pull) data from source cluster tables -->
<!-- Setting used to insert (push) data to destination cluster tables -->
<!-- Common setting for fetch (pull) and insert (push) operations. Also, copier process context uses it.
They are overlaid by <settings_pull/> and <settings_push/> respectively. -->
<!-- Sync insert is set forcibly, leave it here just in case. -->
<!-- Copying tasks description.
You could specify several table task in the same task description (in the same ZooKeeper node), they will be performed
<!-- A table task, copies one table. -->
<!-- Source cluster name (from <remote_servers/> section) and tables in it that should be copied -->
<!-- Destination cluster name and tables in which the data should be inserted -->
<!-- Engine of destination tables.
If destination tables have not be created, workers create them using columns definition from source tables and engine
definition from here.
NOTE: If the first worker starts insert data and detects that destination partition is not empty then the partition will
be dropped and refilled, take it into account if you already have some data in destination tables. You could directly
specify partitions that should be copied in <enabled_partitions/>, they should be in quoted format like partition column of
system.parts table.
ENGINE=ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/{cluster}/{shard}/hits2', '{replica}')
PARTITION BY toMonday(date)
ORDER BY (CounterID, EventDate)
<!-- Sharding key used to insert data to destination cluster -->
<sharding_key>jumpConsistentHash(intHash64(UserID), 2)</sharding_key>
<!-- Optional expression that filter data while pull them from source servers -->
<where_condition>CounterID != 0</where_condition>
<!-- This section specifies partitions that should be copied, other partition will be ignored.
Partition names should have the same format as
partition column of system.parts table (i.e. a quoted text).
Since partition key of source and destination cluster could be different,
these partition names specify destination partitions.
NOTE: In spite of this section is optional (if it is not specified, all partitions will be copied),
it is strictly recommended to specify them explicitly.
If you already have some ready paritions on destination cluster they
will be removed at the start of the copying since they will be interpeted
as unfinished data from the previous copying!!!
<!-- Next table to copy. It is not copied until previous table is copying. -->
отслеживает изменения /task/path/description
и применяет их "на лету". Если вы поменяете, например, значение max_workers
, то количество процессов, выполняющих задания, также изменится.