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synced 2024-12-11 08:52:06 +00:00
Components like client/server/... are very generic, and there is no point in disabling them, since it does not reduce amount of compiled code a lot anyway (just a few modules for entrypoints, everything else is already included in the clickhouse binary), and eventually they are just symlinks to the clickhouse binary. But there are few, that requires extra libraries, like ODBC bridge or keeper components (and there is also standalone keeper binary compiled with musl), those had been kept. Also add some descriptions for some utils and change exit code to 0 for --help. Signed-off-by: Azat Khuzhin <a.khuzhin@semrush.com>
517 lines
16 KiB
517 lines
16 KiB
#include <csignal>
#include <csetjmp>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <new>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility> /// pair
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include "config_tools.h"
#include <Common/StringUtils/StringUtils.h>
#include <Common/getHashOfLoadedBinary.h>
#include <Common/IO.h>
#include <base/phdr_cache.h>
#include <base/coverage.h>
/// Universal executable for various clickhouse applications
int mainEntryClickHouseServer(int argc, char ** argv);
int mainEntryClickHouseClient(int argc, char ** argv);
int mainEntryClickHouseLocal(int argc, char ** argv);
int mainEntryClickHouseBenchmark(int argc, char ** argv);
int mainEntryClickHouseExtractFromConfig(int argc, char ** argv);
int mainEntryClickHouseCompressor(int argc, char ** argv);
int mainEntryClickHouseFormat(int argc, char ** argv);
int mainEntryClickHouseClusterCopier(int argc, char ** argv);
int mainEntryClickHouseObfuscator(int argc, char ** argv);
int mainEntryClickHouseGitImport(int argc, char ** argv);
int mainEntryClickHouseStaticFilesDiskUploader(int argc, char ** argv);
int mainEntryClickHouseSU(int argc, char ** argv);
int mainEntryClickHouseDisks(int argc, char ** argv);
int mainEntryClickHouseHashBinary(int, char **)
/// Intentionally without newline. So you can run:
/// objcopy --add-section .clickhouse.hash=<(./clickhouse hash-binary) clickhouse
std::cout << getHashOfLoadedBinaryHex();
return 0;
int mainEntryClickHouseKeeper(int argc, char ** argv);
int mainEntryClickHouseKeeperConverter(int argc, char ** argv);
int mainEntryClickHouseKeeperClient(int argc, char ** argv);
// install
int mainEntryClickHouseInstall(int argc, char ** argv);
int mainEntryClickHouseStart(int argc, char ** argv);
int mainEntryClickHouseStop(int argc, char ** argv);
int mainEntryClickHouseStatus(int argc, char ** argv);
int mainEntryClickHouseRestart(int argc, char ** argv);
using MainFunc = int (*)(int, char**);
#if !defined(FUZZING_MODE)
/// Add an item here to register new application
std::pair<std::string_view, MainFunc> clickhouse_applications[] =
{"local", mainEntryClickHouseLocal},
{"client", mainEntryClickHouseClient},
{"benchmark", mainEntryClickHouseBenchmark},
{"server", mainEntryClickHouseServer},
{"extract-from-config", mainEntryClickHouseExtractFromConfig},
{"compressor", mainEntryClickHouseCompressor},
{"format", mainEntryClickHouseFormat},
{"copier", mainEntryClickHouseClusterCopier},
{"obfuscator", mainEntryClickHouseObfuscator},
{"git-import", mainEntryClickHouseGitImport},
{"static-files-disk-uploader", mainEntryClickHouseStaticFilesDiskUploader},
{"su", mainEntryClickHouseSU},
{"hash-binary", mainEntryClickHouseHashBinary},
{"disks", mainEntryClickHouseDisks},
// keeper
{"keeper", mainEntryClickHouseKeeper},
{"keeper-converter", mainEntryClickHouseKeeperConverter},
{"keeper-client", mainEntryClickHouseKeeperClient},
// install
{"install", mainEntryClickHouseInstall},
{"start", mainEntryClickHouseStart},
{"stop", mainEntryClickHouseStop},
{"status", mainEntryClickHouseStatus},
{"restart", mainEntryClickHouseRestart},
/// Add an item here to register a new short name
std::pair<std::string_view, std::string_view> clickhouse_short_names[] =
{"chl", "local"},
{"chc", "client"},
int printHelp(int, char **)
std::cerr << "Use one of the following commands:" << std::endl;
for (auto & application : clickhouse_applications)
std::cerr << "clickhouse " << application.first << " [args] " << std::endl;
return -1;
enum class InstructionFail
NONE = 0,
SSE3 = 1,
SSSE3 = 2,
SSE4_1 = 3,
SSE4_2 = 4,
AVX = 6,
AVX2 = 7,
AVX512 = 8
auto instructionFailToString(InstructionFail fail)
switch (fail)
#define ret(x) return std::make_tuple(STDERR_FILENO, x, sizeof(x) - 1)
case InstructionFail::NONE:
case InstructionFail::SSE3:
case InstructionFail::SSSE3:
case InstructionFail::SSE4_1:
case InstructionFail::SSE4_2:
case InstructionFail::POPCNT:
case InstructionFail::AVX:
case InstructionFail::AVX2:
case InstructionFail::AVX512:
sigjmp_buf jmpbuf;
[[noreturn]] void sigIllCheckHandler(int, siginfo_t *, void *)
siglongjmp(jmpbuf, 1);
/// Check if necessary SSE extensions are available by trying to execute some sse instructions.
/// If instruction is unavailable, SIGILL will be sent by kernel.
void checkRequiredInstructionsImpl(volatile InstructionFail & fail)
#if defined(__SSE3__)
fail = InstructionFail::SSE3;
__asm__ volatile ("addsubpd %%xmm0, %%xmm0" : : : "xmm0");
#if defined(__SSSE3__)
fail = InstructionFail::SSSE3;
__asm__ volatile ("pabsw %%xmm0, %%xmm0" : : : "xmm0");
#if defined(__SSE4_1__)
fail = InstructionFail::SSE4_1;
__asm__ volatile ("pmaxud %%xmm0, %%xmm0" : : : "xmm0");
#if defined(__SSE4_2__)
fail = InstructionFail::SSE4_2;
__asm__ volatile ("pcmpgtq %%xmm0, %%xmm0" : : : "xmm0");
/// Defined by -msse4.2
#if defined(__POPCNT__)
fail = InstructionFail::POPCNT;
uint64_t a = 0;
uint64_t b = 0;
__asm__ volatile ("popcnt %1, %0" : "=r"(a) :"r"(b) :);
#if defined(__AVX__)
fail = InstructionFail::AVX;
__asm__ volatile ("vaddpd %%ymm0, %%ymm0, %%ymm0" : : : "ymm0");
#if defined(__AVX2__)
fail = InstructionFail::AVX2;
__asm__ volatile ("vpabsw %%ymm0, %%ymm0" : : : "ymm0");
#if defined(__AVX512__)
fail = InstructionFail::AVX512;
__asm__ volatile ("vpabsw %%zmm0, %%zmm0" : : : "zmm0");
fail = InstructionFail::NONE;
/// Macros to avoid using strlen(), since it may fail if SSE is not supported.
#define writeError(data) do \
{ \
static_assert(__builtin_constant_p(data)); \
if (!writeRetry(STDERR_FILENO, data, sizeof(data) - 1)) \
_Exit(1); \
} while (false)
/// Check SSE and others instructions availability. Calls exit on fail.
/// This function must be called as early as possible, even before main, because static initializers may use unavailable instructions.
void checkRequiredInstructions()
struct sigaction sa{};
struct sigaction sa_old{};
sa.sa_sigaction = sigIllCheckHandler;
sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
auto signal = SIGILL;
if (sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask) != 0
|| sigaddset(&sa.sa_mask, signal) != 0
|| sigaction(signal, &sa, &sa_old) != 0)
/// You may wonder about strlen.
/// Typical implementation of strlen is using SSE4.2 or AVX2.
/// But this is not the case because it's compiler builtin and is executed at compile time.
writeError("Can not set signal handler\n");
volatile InstructionFail fail = InstructionFail::NONE;
if (sigsetjmp(jmpbuf, 1))
writeError("Instruction check fail. The CPU does not support ");
if (!std::apply(writeRetry, instructionFailToString(fail)))
writeError(" instruction set.\n");
if (sigaction(signal, &sa_old, nullptr))
writeError("Can not set signal handler\n");
struct Checker
} checker
#ifndef OS_DARWIN
__attribute__((init_priority(101))) /// Run before other static initializers.
#if !defined(FUZZING_MODE) && !defined(USE_MUSL)
/// NOTE: We will migrate to full static linking or our own dynamic loader to make this code obsolete.
void checkHarmfulEnvironmentVariables(char ** argv)
std::initializer_list<const char *> harmful_env_variables = {
/// The list is a selection from "man ld-linux".
/// The list is a selection from "man dyld" (osx).
bool require_reexec = false;
for (const auto * var : harmful_env_variables)
if (const char * value = getenv(var); value && value[0]) // NOLINT(concurrency-mt-unsafe)
/// NOTE: setenv() is used over unsetenv() since unsetenv() marked as harmful
if (setenv(var, "", true)) // NOLINT(concurrency-mt-unsafe) // this is safe if not called concurrently
fmt::print(stderr, "Cannot override {} environment variable", var);
require_reexec = true;
if (require_reexec)
/// Use execvp() over execv() to search in PATH.
/// This should be safe, since:
/// - if argv[0] is relative path - it is OK
/// - if argv[0] has only basename, the it will search in PATH, like shell will do.
/// Also note, that this (search in PATH) because there is no easy and
/// portable way to get absolute path of argv[0].
/// - on linux there is /proc/self/exec and AT_EXECFN
/// - but on other OSes there is no such thing (especially on OSX).
/// And since static linking will be done someday anyway,
/// let's not pollute the code base with special cases.
int error = execvp(argv[0], argv);
void dumpCoverage()
/// A user can request to dump the coverage information into files at exit.
/// This is useful for non-server applications such as clickhouse-format or clickhouse-client,
/// that cannot introspect it with SQL functions at runtime.
/// The CLICKHOUSE_WRITE_COVERAGE environment variable defines a prefix for a filename 'prefix.pid'
/// containing the list of addresses of covered .
/// The format is even simpler than Clang's "sancov": an array of 64-bit addresses, native byte order, no header.
if (const char * coverage_filename_prefix = getenv("CLICKHOUSE_WRITE_COVERAGE")) // NOLINT(concurrency-mt-unsafe)
auto dump = [](const std::string & name, auto span)
/// Write only non-zeros.
std::vector<uintptr_t> data;
for (auto addr : span)
if (addr)
int fd = ::open(name.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_CLOEXEC, 0400);
if (-1 == fd)
writeError("Cannot open a file to write the coverage data\n");
if (!writeRetry(fd, reinterpret_cast<const char *>(data.data()), data.size() * sizeof(data[0])))
writeError("Cannot write the coverage data to a file\n");
if (0 != ::close(fd))
writeError("Cannot close the file with coverage data\n");
dump(fmt::format("{}.{}", coverage_filename_prefix, getpid()), getCumulativeCoverage());
bool isClickhouseApp(std::string_view app_suffix, std::vector<char *> & argv)
for (const auto & [alias, name] : clickhouse_short_names)
if (app_suffix == name
&& !argv.empty() && (alias == argv[0] || endsWith(argv[0], "/" + std::string(alias))))
return true;
/// Use app if the first arg 'app' is passed (the arg should be quietly removed)
if (argv.size() >= 2)
auto first_arg = argv.begin() + 1;
/// 'clickhouse --client ...' and 'clickhouse client ...' are Ok
if (*first_arg == app_suffix
|| (std::string_view(*first_arg).starts_with("--") && std::string_view(*first_arg).substr(2) == app_suffix))
return true;
/// Use app if clickhouse binary is run through symbolic link with name clickhouse-app
std::string app_name = "clickhouse-" + std::string(app_suffix);
return !argv.empty() && (app_name == argv[0] || endsWith(argv[0], "/" + app_name));
/// Don't allow dlopen in the main ClickHouse binary, because it is harmful and insecure.
/// We don't use it. But it can be used by some libraries for implementation of "plugins".
/// We absolutely discourage the ancient technique of loading
/// 3rd-party uncontrolled dangerous libraries into the process address space,
/// because it is insane.
#if !defined(USE_MUSL)
extern "C"
void * dlopen(const char *, int)
return nullptr;
void * dlmopen(long, const char *, int) // NOLINT
return nullptr;
int dlclose(void *)
return 0;
const char * dlerror()
return "ClickHouse does not allow dynamic library loading";
/// This allows to implement assert to forbid initialization of a class in static constructors.
/// Usage:
/// extern bool inside_main;
/// class C { C() { assert(inside_main); } };
bool inside_main = false;
bool inside_main = true;
#if !defined(FUZZING_MODE)
int main(int argc_, char ** argv_)
inside_main = true;
SCOPE_EXIT({ inside_main = false; });
/// PHDR cache is required for query profiler to work reliably
/// It also speed up exception handling, but exceptions from dynamically loaded libraries (dlopen)
/// will work only after additional call of this function.
/// Note: we forbid dlopen in our code.
#if !defined(USE_MUSL)
/// This is used for testing. For example,
/// clickhouse-local should be able to run a simple query without throw/catch.
if (getenv("CLICKHOUSE_TERMINATE_ON_ANY_EXCEPTION")) // NOLINT(concurrency-mt-unsafe)
DB::terminate_on_any_exception = true;
/// Reset new handler to default (that throws std::bad_alloc)
/// It is needed because LLVM library clobbers it.
std::vector<char *> argv(argv_, argv_ + argc_);
/// Print a basic help if nothing was matched
MainFunc main_func = printHelp;
for (auto & application : clickhouse_applications)
if (isClickhouseApp(application.first, argv))
main_func = application.second;
/// Interpret binary without argument or with arguments starts with dash
/// ('-') as clickhouse-local for better usability:
/// clickhouse # dumps help
/// clickhouse -q 'select 1' # use local
/// clickhouse # spawn local
/// clickhouse local # spawn local
if (main_func == printHelp && !argv.empty() && (argv.size() == 1 || argv[1][0] == '-'))
main_func = mainEntryClickHouseLocal;
int exit_code = main_func(static_cast<int>(argv.size()), argv.data());
return exit_code;