2016-01-07 01:53:39 +03:00

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// URI.h
// $Id: //poco/1.4/Foundation/include/Poco/URI.h#1 $
// Library: Foundation
// Package: URI
// Module: URI
// Definition of the URI class.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef Foundation_URI_INCLUDED
#define Foundation_URI_INCLUDED
#include "Poco/Foundation.h"
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
namespace Poco {
class Path;
class Foundation_API URI
/// A Uniform Resource Identifier, as specified in RFC 3986.
/// The URI class provides methods for building URIs from their
/// parts, as well as for splitting URIs into their parts.
/// Furthermore, the class provides methods for resolving
/// relative URIs against base URIs.
/// The class automatically performs a few normalizations on
/// all URIs and URI parts passed to it:
/// * scheme identifiers are converted to lower case
/// * percent-encoded characters are decoded
/// * optionally, dot segments are removed from paths (see normalize())
typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > QueryParameters;
/// Creates an empty URI.
explicit URI(const std::string& uri);
/// Parses an URI from the given string. Throws a
/// SyntaxException if the uri is not valid.
explicit URI(const char* uri);
/// Parses an URI from the given string. Throws a
/// SyntaxException if the uri is not valid.
URI(const std::string& scheme, const std::string& pathEtc);
/// Creates an URI from its parts.
URI(const std::string& scheme, const std::string& authority, const std::string& pathEtc);
/// Creates an URI from its parts.
URI(const std::string& scheme, const std::string& authority, const std::string& path, const std::string& query);
/// Creates an URI from its parts.
URI(const std::string& scheme, const std::string& authority, const std::string& path, const std::string& query, const std::string& fragment);
/// Creates an URI from its parts.
URI(const URI& uri);
/// Copy constructor. Creates an URI from another one.
URI(const URI& baseURI, const std::string& relativeURI);
/// Creates an URI from a base URI and a relative URI, according to
/// the algorithm in section 5.2 of RFC 3986.
explicit URI(const Path& path);
/// Creates a URI from a path.
/// The path will be made absolute, and a file:// URI
/// will be built from it.
/// Destroys the URI.
URI& operator = (const URI& uri);
/// Assignment operator.
URI& operator = (const std::string& uri);
/// Parses and assigns an URI from the given string. Throws a
/// SyntaxException if the uri is not valid.
URI& operator = (const char* uri);
/// Parses and assigns an URI from the given string. Throws a
/// SyntaxException if the uri is not valid.
void swap(URI& uri);
/// Swaps the URI with another one.
void clear();
/// Clears all parts of the URI.
std::string toString() const;
/// Returns a string representation of the URI.
/// Characters in the path, query and fragment parts will be
/// percent-encoded as necessary.
const std::string& getScheme() const;
/// Returns the scheme part of the URI.
void setScheme(const std::string& scheme);
/// Sets the scheme part of the URI. The given scheme
/// is converted to lower-case.
/// A list of registered URI schemes can be found
/// at <>.
const std::string& getUserInfo() const;
/// Returns the user-info part of the URI.
void setUserInfo(const std::string& userInfo);
/// Sets the user-info part of the URI.
const std::string& getHost() const;
/// Returns the host part of the URI.
void setHost(const std::string& host);
/// Sets the host part of the URI.
unsigned short getPort() const;
/// Returns the port number part of the URI.
/// If no port number (0) has been specified, the
/// well-known port number (e.g., 80 for http) for
/// the given scheme is returned if it is known.
/// Otherwise, 0 is returned.
void setPort(unsigned short port);
/// Sets the port number part of the URI.
std::string getAuthority() const;
/// Returns the authority part (userInfo, host and port)
/// of the URI.
/// If the port number is a well-known port
/// number for the given scheme (e.g., 80 for http), it
/// is not included in the authority.
void setAuthority(const std::string& authority);
/// Parses the given authority part for the URI and sets
/// the user-info, host, port components accordingly.
const std::string& getPath() const;
/// Returns the path part of the URI.
void setPath(const std::string& path);
/// Sets the path part of the URI.
std::string getQuery() const;
/// Returns the decoded query part of the URI.
/// Note that encoded ampersand characters ('&', "%26")
/// will be decoded, which could cause ambiguities if the query
/// string contains multiple parameters and a parameter name
/// or value contains an ampersand as well.
/// In such a case it's better to use getRawQuery() or
/// getQueryParameters().
void setQuery(const std::string& query);
/// Sets the query part of the URI.
/// The query string will be percent-encoded. If the query
/// already contains percent-encoded characters, these
/// will be double-encoded, which is probably not what's
/// intended by the caller. Furthermore, ampersand ('&')
/// characters in the query will not be encoded. This could
/// lead to ambiguity issues if the query string contains multiple
/// name-value parameters separated by ampersand, and if any
/// name or value also contains an ampersand. In such a
/// case, it's better to use setRawQuery() with a properly
/// percent-encoded query string, or use addQueryParameter()
/// or setQueryParameters(), which take care of appropriate
/// percent encoding of parameter names and values.
void addQueryParameter(const std::string& param, const std::string& val = "");
/// Adds "param=val" to the query; "param" may not be empty.
/// If val is empty, only '=' is appended to the parameter.
/// In addition to regular encoding, function also encodes '&' and '=',
/// if found in param or val.
const std::string& getRawQuery() const;
/// Returns the query string in raw form, which usually
/// means percent encoded.
void setRawQuery(const std::string& query);
/// Sets the query part of the URI.
/// The given query string must be properly percent-encoded.
QueryParameters getQueryParameters() const;
/// Returns the decoded query string parameters as a vector
/// of name-value pairs.
void setQueryParameters(const QueryParameters& params);
/// Sets the query part of the URI from a vector
/// of query parameters.
/// Calls addQueryParameter() for each parameter name and value.
const std::string& getFragment() const;
/// Returns the fragment part of the URI.
void setFragment(const std::string& fragment);
/// Sets the fragment part of the URI.
void setPathEtc(const std::string& pathEtc);
/// Sets the path, query and fragment parts of the URI.
std::string getPathEtc() const;
/// Returns the path, query and fragment parts of the URI.
std::string getPathAndQuery() const;
/// Returns the path and query parts of the URI.
void resolve(const std::string& relativeURI);
/// Resolves the given relative URI against the base URI.
/// See section 5.2 of RFC 3986 for the algorithm used.
void resolve(const URI& relativeURI);
/// Resolves the given relative URI against the base URI.
/// See section 5.2 of RFC 3986 for the algorithm used.
bool isRelative() const;
/// Returns true if the URI is a relative reference, false otherwise.
/// A relative reference does not contain a scheme identifier.
/// Relative references are usually resolved against an absolute
/// base reference.
bool empty() const;
/// Returns true if the URI is empty, false otherwise.
bool operator == (const URI& uri) const;
/// Returns true if both URIs are identical, false otherwise.
/// Two URIs are identical if their scheme, authority,
/// path, query and fragment part are identical.
bool operator == (const std::string& uri) const;
/// Parses the given URI and returns true if both URIs are identical,
/// false otherwise.
bool operator != (const URI& uri) const;
/// Returns true if both URIs are identical, false otherwise.
bool operator != (const std::string& uri) const;
/// Parses the given URI and returns true if both URIs are identical,
/// false otherwise.
void normalize();
/// Normalizes the URI by removing all but leading . and .. segments from the path.
/// If the first path segment in a relative path contains a colon (:),
/// such as in a Windows path containing a drive letter, a dot segment (./)
/// is prepended in accordance with section 3.3 of RFC 3986.
void getPathSegments(std::vector<std::string>& segments);
/// Places the single path segments (delimited by slashes) into the
/// given vector.
static void encode(const std::string& str, const std::string& reserved, std::string& encodedStr);
/// URI-encodes the given string by escaping reserved and non-ASCII
/// characters. The encoded string is appended to encodedStr.
static void decode(const std::string& str, std::string& decodedStr, bool plusAsSpace = false);
/// URI-decodes the given string by replacing percent-encoded
/// characters with the actual character. The decoded string
/// is appended to decodedStr.
/// When plusAsSpace is true, non-encoded plus signs in the query are decoded as spaces.
/// (
bool equals(const URI& uri) const;
/// Returns true if both uri's are equivalent.
bool isWellKnownPort() const;
/// Returns true if the URI's port number is a well-known one
/// (for example, 80, if the scheme is http).
unsigned short getWellKnownPort() const;
/// Returns the well-known port number for the URI's scheme,
/// or 0 if the port number is not known.
void parse(const std::string& uri);
/// Parses and assigns an URI from the given string. Throws a
/// SyntaxException if the uri is not valid.
void parseAuthority(std::string::const_iterator& it, const std::string::const_iterator& end);
/// Parses and sets the user-info, host and port from the given data.
void parseHostAndPort(std::string::const_iterator& it, const std::string::const_iterator& end);
/// Parses and sets the host and port from the given data.
void parsePath(std::string::const_iterator& it, const std::string::const_iterator& end);
/// Parses and sets the path from the given data.
void parsePathEtc(std::string::const_iterator& it, const std::string::const_iterator& end);
/// Parses and sets the path, query and fragment from the given data.
void parseQuery(std::string::const_iterator& it, const std::string::const_iterator& end);
/// Parses and sets the query from the given data.
void parseFragment(std::string::const_iterator& it, const std::string::const_iterator& end);
/// Parses and sets the fragment from the given data.
void mergePath(const std::string& path);
/// Appends a path to the URI's path.
void removeDotSegments(bool removeLeading = true);
/// Removes all dot segments from the path.
static void getPathSegments(const std::string& path, std::vector<std::string>& segments);
/// Places the single path segments (delimited by slashes) into the
/// given vector.
void buildPath(const std::vector<std::string>& segments, bool leadingSlash, bool trailingSlash);
/// Builds the path from the given segments.
static const std::string RESERVED_PATH;
static const std::string RESERVED_QUERY;
static const std::string RESERVED_FRAGMENT;
static const std::string ILLEGAL;
std::string _scheme;
std::string _userInfo;
std::string _host;
unsigned short _port;
std::string _path;
std::string _query;
std::string _fragment;
// inlines
inline const std::string& URI::getScheme() const
return _scheme;
inline const std::string& URI::getUserInfo() const
return _userInfo;
inline const std::string& URI::getHost() const
return _host;
inline const std::string& URI::getPath() const
return _path;
inline const std::string& URI::getRawQuery() const
return _query;
inline const std::string& URI::getFragment() const
return _fragment;
inline void swap(URI& u1, URI& u2)
} // namespace Poco
#endif // Foundation_URI_INCLUDED