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#include "Interpreters/Cache/QueryCache.h"
#include <Functions/FunctionFactory.h>
#include <Interpreters/Context.h>
#include <Interpreters/InDepthNodeVisitor.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTFunction.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTSetQuery.h>
#include <Parsers/IAST.h>
#include <Parsers/formatAST.h>
#include <Common/logger_useful.h>
#include <Common/ProfileEvents.h>
#include <Common/SipHash.h>
#include <Common/TTLCachePolicy.h>
#include <Core/Settings.h>
#include <base/defines.h> /// chassert
namespace ProfileEvents
extern const Event QueryCacheHits;
extern const Event QueryCacheMisses;
namespace DB
struct HasNonDeterministicFunctionsMatcher
struct Data
const ContextPtr context;
bool has_non_deterministic_functions = false;
static bool needChildVisit(const ASTPtr &, const ASTPtr &) { return true; }
static void visit(const ASTPtr & node, Data & data)
if (data.has_non_deterministic_functions)
if (const auto * function = node->as<ASTFunction>())
const auto func = FunctionFactory::instance().tryGet(function->name, data.context);
if (func && !func->isDeterministic())
data.has_non_deterministic_functions = true;
using HasNonDeterministicFunctionsVisitor = InDepthNodeVisitor<HasNonDeterministicFunctionsMatcher, true>;
bool astContainsNonDeterministicFunctions(ASTPtr ast, ContextPtr context)
HasNonDeterministicFunctionsMatcher::Data finder_data{context};
return finder_data.has_non_deterministic_functions;
class RemoveQueryCacheSettingsMatcher
struct Data {};
static bool needChildVisit(ASTPtr &, const ASTPtr &) { return true; }
static void visit(ASTPtr & ast, Data &)
if (auto * set_clause = ast->as<ASTSetQuery>())
auto is_query_cache_related_setting = [](const auto & change)
return change.name.starts_with("query_cache_") || change.name.ends_with("_query_cache");
std::erase_if(set_clause->changes, is_query_cache_related_setting);
/// TODO further improve AST cleanup, e.g. remove SETTINGS clause completely if it is empty
/// E.g. SELECT 1 SETTINGS use_query_cache = true
/// and SELECT 1;
/// currently don't match.
using RemoveQueryCacheSettingsVisitor = InDepthNodeVisitor<RemoveQueryCacheSettingsMatcher, true>;
/// Consider
/// (1) SET use_query_cache = true;
/// SELECT expensiveComputation(...) SETTINGS max_threads = 64, query_cache_ttl = 300;
/// SET use_query_cache = false;
/// and
/// (2) SELECT expensiveComputation(...) SETTINGS max_threads = 64, use_query_cache = true;
/// The SELECT queries in (1) and (2) are basically the same and the user expects that the second invocation is served from the query
/// cache. However, query results are indexed by their query ASTs and therefore no result will be found. Insert and retrieval behave overall
/// more natural if settings related to the query cache are erased from the AST key. Note that at this point the settings themselves
/// have been parsed already, they are not lost or discarded.
ASTPtr removeQueryCacheSettings(ASTPtr ast)
ASTPtr transformed_ast = ast->clone();
RemoveQueryCacheSettingsMatcher::Data visitor_data;
return transformed_ast;
String queryStringFromAST(ASTPtr ast)
WriteBufferFromOwnString buf;
formatAST(*ast, buf, /*hilite*/ false, /*one_line*/ true, /*show_secrets*/ false);
return buf.str();
ASTPtr ast_,
Block header_,
const String & user_name_, bool is_shared_,
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> expires_at_,
bool is_compressed_)
: ast(removeQueryCacheSettings(ast_))
, header(header_)
, user_name(user_name_)
, is_shared(is_shared_)
, expires_at(expires_at_)
, is_compressed(is_compressed_)
, query_string(queryStringFromAST(ast_))
QueryCache::Key::Key(ASTPtr ast_, const String & user_name_)
: QueryCache::Key(ast_, {}, user_name_, false, std::chrono::system_clock::from_time_t(1), false) /// dummy values for everything != AST or user name
bool QueryCache::Key::operator==(const Key & other) const
return ast->getTreeHash() == other.ast->getTreeHash();
size_t QueryCache::KeyHasher::operator()(const Key & key) const
SipHash hash;
auto res = hash.get64();
return res;
size_t QueryCache::QueryCacheEntryWeight::operator()(const Entry & entry) const
size_t res = 0;
for (const auto & chunk : entry.chunks)
res += chunk.allocatedBytes();
res += entry.totals.has_value() ? entry.totals->allocatedBytes() : 0;
res += entry.extremes.has_value() ? entry.extremes->allocatedBytes() : 0;
return res;
bool QueryCache::IsStale::operator()(const Key & key) const
return (key.expires_at < std::chrono::system_clock::now());
Cache & cache_, const Key & key_,
size_t max_entry_size_in_bytes_, size_t max_entry_size_in_rows_,
std::chrono::milliseconds min_query_runtime_,
bool squash_partial_results_,
size_t max_block_size_)
: cache(cache_)
, key(key_)
, max_entry_size_in_bytes(max_entry_size_in_bytes_)
, max_entry_size_in_rows(max_entry_size_in_rows_)
, min_query_runtime(min_query_runtime_)
, squash_partial_results(squash_partial_results_)
, max_block_size(max_block_size_)
if (auto entry = cache.getWithKey(key); entry.has_value() && !IsStale()(entry->key))
skip_insert = true; /// Key already contained in cache and did not expire yet --> don't replace it
LOG_TRACE(&Poco::Logger::get("QueryCache"), "Skipped insert (non-stale entry found), query: {}", key.query_string);
QueryCache::Writer::Writer(const Writer & other)
: cache(other.cache)
, key(other.key)
, max_entry_size_in_bytes(other.max_entry_size_in_bytes)
, max_entry_size_in_rows(other.max_entry_size_in_rows)
, min_query_runtime(other.min_query_runtime)
, squash_partial_results(other.squash_partial_results)
, max_block_size(other.max_block_size)
void QueryCache::Writer::buffer(Chunk && chunk, ChunkType chunk_type)
if (skip_insert)
/// Reading from the query cache is implemented using processor `SourceFromChunks` which inherits from `ISource`.
/// The latter has logic which finishes processing (= calls `.finish()` on the output port + returns `Status::Finished`)
/// when the derived class returns an empty chunk. If this empty chunk is not the last chunk,
/// i.e. if it is followed by non-empty chunks, the query result will be incorrect.
/// This situation should theoretically never occur in practice but who knows...
/// To be on the safe side, writing into the query cache now rejects empty chunks and thereby avoids this scenario.
if (chunk.empty())
std::lock_guard lock(mutex);
switch (chunk_type)
case ChunkType::Result:
/// Normal query result chunks are simply buffered. They are squashed and compressed later in finalizeWrite().
case ChunkType::Totals:
case ChunkType::Extremes:
/// For simplicity, totals and extremes chunks are immediately squashed (totals/extremes are obscure and even if enabled, few
/// such chunks are expected).
auto & buffered_chunk = (chunk_type == ChunkType::Totals) ? query_result->totals : query_result->extremes;
if (!buffered_chunk.has_value())
buffered_chunk = std::move(chunk);
void QueryCache::Writer::finalizeWrite()
if (skip_insert)
std::lock_guard lock(mutex);
/// Check some reasons why the entry must not be cached:
if (std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now() - query_start_time) < min_query_runtime)
LOG_TRACE(&Poco::Logger::get("QueryCache"), "Skipped insert (query not expensive enough), query: {}", key.query_string);
if (auto entry = cache.getWithKey(key); entry.has_value() && !IsStale()(entry->key))
/// Same check as in ctor because a parallel Writer could have inserted the current key in the meantime
LOG_TRACE(&Poco::Logger::get("QueryCache"), "Skipped insert (non-stale entry found), query: {}", key.query_string);
if (squash_partial_results)
/// Squash partial result chunks to chunks of size 'max_block_size' each. This costs some performance but provides a more natural
/// compression of neither too small nor big blocks. Also, it will look like 'max_block_size' is respected when the query result is
/// served later on from the query cache.
Chunks squashed_chunks;
size_t rows_remaining_in_squashed = 0; /// how many further rows can the last squashed chunk consume until it reaches max_block_size
for (auto & chunk : query_result->chunks)
const size_t rows_chunk = chunk.getNumRows();
if (rows_chunk == 0)
size_t rows_chunk_processed = 0;
while (true)
if (rows_remaining_in_squashed == 0)
Chunk empty_chunk = Chunk(chunk.cloneEmptyColumns(), 0);
rows_remaining_in_squashed = max_block_size;
const size_t rows_to_append = std::min(rows_chunk - rows_chunk_processed, rows_remaining_in_squashed);
squashed_chunks.back().append(chunk, rows_chunk_processed, rows_to_append);
rows_chunk_processed += rows_to_append;
rows_remaining_in_squashed -= rows_to_append;
if (rows_chunk_processed == rows_chunk)
query_result->chunks = std::move(squashed_chunks);
if (key.is_compressed)
/// Compress result chunks. Reduces the space consumption of the cache but means reading from it will be slower due to decompression.
Chunks compressed_chunks;
for (const auto & chunk : query_result->chunks)
const Columns & columns = chunk.getColumns();
Columns compressed_columns;
for (const auto & column : columns)
auto compressed_column = column->compress();
Chunk compressed_chunk(compressed_columns, chunk.getNumRows());
query_result->chunks = std::move(compressed_chunks);
/// Check more reasons why the entry must not be cached.
auto count_rows_in_chunks = [](const Entry & entry)
size_t res = 0;
for (const auto & chunk : entry.chunks)
res += chunk.getNumRows();
res += entry.totals.has_value() ? entry.totals->getNumRows() : 0;
res += entry.extremes.has_value() ? entry.extremes->getNumRows() : 0;
return res;
size_t new_entry_size_in_bytes = QueryCacheEntryWeight()(*query_result);
size_t new_entry_size_in_rows = count_rows_in_chunks(*query_result);
if ((new_entry_size_in_bytes > max_entry_size_in_bytes) || (new_entry_size_in_rows > max_entry_size_in_rows))
LOG_TRACE(&Poco::Logger::get("QueryCache"), "Skipped insert (query result too big), new_entry_size_in_bytes: {} ({}), new_entry_size_in_rows: {} ({}), query: {}", new_entry_size_in_bytes, max_entry_size_in_bytes, new_entry_size_in_rows, max_entry_size_in_rows, key.query_string);
cache.set(key, query_result);
was_finalized = true;
/// Creates a source processor which serves result chunks stored in the query cache, and separate sources for optional totals/extremes.
void QueryCache::Reader::buildSourceFromChunks(Block header, Chunks && chunks, const std::optional<Chunk> & totals, const std::optional<Chunk> & extremes)
source_from_chunks = std::make_unique<SourceFromChunks>(header, std::move(chunks));
if (totals.has_value())
Chunks chunks_totals;
source_from_chunks_totals = std::make_unique<SourceFromChunks>(header, std::move(chunks_totals));
if (extremes.has_value())
Chunks chunks_extremes;
source_from_chunks_extremes = std::make_unique<SourceFromChunks>(header, std::move(chunks_extremes));
QueryCache::Reader::Reader(Cache & cache_, const Key & key, const std::lock_guard<std::mutex> &)
auto entry = cache_.getWithKey(key);
if (!entry.has_value())
LOG_TRACE(&Poco::Logger::get("QueryCache"), "No entry found for query {}", key.query_string);
const auto & entry_key = entry->key;
const auto & entry_mapped = entry->mapped;
if (!entry_key.is_shared && entry_key.user_name != key.user_name)
LOG_TRACE(&Poco::Logger::get("QueryCache"), "Inaccessible entry found for query {}", key.query_string);
if (IsStale()(entry_key))
LOG_TRACE(&Poco::Logger::get("QueryCache"), "Stale entry found for query {}", key.query_string);
if (!entry_key.is_compressed)
// Cloning chunks isn't exactly great. It could be avoided by another indirection, i.e. wrapping Entry's members chunks, totals and
// extremes into shared_ptrs and assuming that the lifecycle of these shared_ptrs coincides with the lifecycle of the Entry
// shared_ptr. This is not done 1. to keep things simple 2. this case (uncompressed chunks) is the exceptional case, in the other
// case (the default case aka. compressed chunks) we need to decompress the entry anyways and couldn't apply the potential
// optimization.
Chunks cloned_chunks;
for (const auto & chunk : entry_mapped->chunks)
buildSourceFromChunks(entry_key.header, std::move(cloned_chunks), entry_mapped->totals, entry_mapped->extremes);
Chunks decompressed_chunks;
const Chunks & chunks = entry_mapped->chunks;
for (const auto & chunk : chunks)
const Columns & columns = chunk.getColumns();
Columns decompressed_columns;
for (const auto & column : columns)
auto decompressed_column = column->decompress();
Chunk decompressed_chunk(decompressed_columns, chunk.getNumRows());
buildSourceFromChunks(entry_key.header, std::move(decompressed_chunks), entry_mapped->totals, entry_mapped->extremes);
LOG_TRACE(&Poco::Logger::get("QueryCache"), "Entry found for query {}", key.query_string);
bool QueryCache::Reader::hasCacheEntryForKey() const
bool has_entry = (source_from_chunks != nullptr);
if (has_entry)
return has_entry;
std::unique_ptr<SourceFromChunks> QueryCache::Reader::getSource()
return std::move(source_from_chunks);
std::unique_ptr<SourceFromChunks> QueryCache::Reader::getSourceTotals()
return std::move(source_from_chunks_totals);
std::unique_ptr<SourceFromChunks> QueryCache::Reader::getSourceExtremes()
return std::move(source_from_chunks_extremes);
QueryCache::Reader QueryCache::createReader(const Key & key)
std::lock_guard lock(mutex);
return Reader(cache, key, lock);
QueryCache::Writer QueryCache::createWriter(const Key & key, std::chrono::milliseconds min_query_runtime, bool squash_partial_results, size_t max_block_size, size_t max_query_cache_size_in_bytes_quota, size_t max_query_cache_entries_quota)
/// Update the per-user cache quotas with the values stored in the query context. This happens per query which writes into the query
/// cache. Obviously, this is overkill but I could find the good place to hook into which is called when the settings profiles in
/// users.xml change.
cache.setQuotaForUser(key.user_name, max_query_cache_size_in_bytes_quota, max_query_cache_entries_quota);
std::lock_guard lock(mutex);
return Writer(cache, key, max_entry_size_in_bytes, max_entry_size_in_rows, min_query_runtime, squash_partial_results, max_block_size);
void QueryCache::reset()
std::lock_guard lock(mutex);
cache_size_in_bytes = 0;
size_t QueryCache::weight() const
return cache.weight();
size_t QueryCache::count() const
return cache.count();
size_t QueryCache::recordQueryRun(const Key & key)
std::lock_guard lock(mutex);
size_t times = ++times_executed[key];
// Regularly drop times_executed to avoid DOS-by-unlimited-growth.
static constexpr size_t TIMES_EXECUTED_MAX_SIZE = 10'000;
if (times_executed.size() > TIMES_EXECUTED_MAX_SIZE)
return times;
std::vector<QueryCache::Cache::KeyMapped> QueryCache::dump() const
return cache.dump();
: cache(std::make_unique<TTLCachePolicy<Key, Entry, KeyHasher, QueryCacheEntryWeight, IsStale>>(std::make_unique<PerUserTTLCachePolicyUserQuota>()))
void QueryCache::updateConfiguration(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config)
std::lock_guard lock(mutex);
size_t max_size_in_bytes = config.getUInt64("query_cache.max_size_in_bytes", 1_GiB);
size_t max_entries = config.getUInt64("query_cache.max_entries", 1024);
max_entry_size_in_bytes = config.getUInt64("query_cache.max_entry_size_in_bytes", 1_MiB);
max_entry_size_in_rows = config.getUInt64("query_cache.max_entry_rows_in_rows", 30'000'000);