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#pragma once
#include <DB/Interpreters/Aggregator.h>
#include <DB/DataStreams/IProfilingBlockInputStream.h>
#include <DB/DataStreams/ParallelInputsProcessor.h>
namespace DB
using Poco::SharedPtr;
/** Агрегирует несколько источников параллельно.
* Производит агрегацию блоков из разных источников независимо в разных потоках, затем объединяет результаты.
* Если final == false, агрегатные функции не финализируются, то есть, не заменяются на своё значение, а содержат промежуточное состояние вычислений.
* Это необходимо, чтобы можно было продолжить агрегацию (например, объединяя потоки частично агрегированных данных).
class ParallelAggregatingBlockInputStream : public IProfilingBlockInputStream
/** Столбцы из key_names и аргументы агрегатных функций, уже должны быть вычислены.
ParallelAggregatingBlockInputStream(BlockInputStreams inputs, const Names & key_names,
const AggregateDescriptions & aggregates, bool overflow_row_, bool final_, size_t max_threads_,
size_t max_rows_to_group_by_, OverflowMode group_by_overflow_mode_,
Compiler * compiler_, UInt32 min_count_to_compile_, size_t group_by_two_level_threshold_)
: aggregator(key_names, aggregates, overflow_row_, max_rows_to_group_by_, group_by_overflow_mode_,
compiler_, min_count_to_compile_, group_by_two_level_threshold_),
final(final_), max_threads(std::min(inputs.size(), max_threads_)),
keys_size(aggregator.getNumberOfKeys()), aggregates_size(aggregator.getNumberOfAggregates()),
handler(*this), processor(inputs, max_threads, handler)
children.insert(children.end(), inputs.begin(), inputs.end());
String getName() const override { return "ParallelAggregatingBlockInputStream"; }
String getID() const override
std::stringstream res;
res << "ParallelAggregating(";
Strings children_ids(children.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i)
children_ids[i] = children[i]->getID();
/// Порядок не имеет значения.
std::sort(children_ids.begin(), children_ids.end());
for (size_t i = 0; i < children_ids.size(); ++i)
res << (i == 0 ? "" : ", ") << children_ids[i];
res << ", " << aggregator.getID() << ")";
return res.str();
void cancel() override
bool old_val = false;
if (!is_cancelled.compare_exchange_strong(old_val, true, std::memory_order_seq_cst, std::memory_order_relaxed))
Block readImpl() override
if (!executed)
executed = true;
AggregatedDataVariantsPtr data_variants = executeAndMerge();
if (data_variants)
blocks = aggregator.convertToBlocks(*data_variants, final, max_threads);
it = blocks.begin();
Block res;
if (isCancelled() || it == blocks.end())
return res;
res = *it;
return res;
Aggregator aggregator;
bool final;
size_t max_threads;
size_t keys_size;
size_t aggregates_size;
/** Используется, если есть ограничение на максимальное количество строк при агрегации,
* и если group_by_overflow_mode == ANY.
* В этом случае, новые ключи не добавляются в набор, а производится агрегация только по
* ключам, которые уже успели попасть в набор.
bool no_more_keys = false;
bool executed = false;
BlocksList blocks;
BlocksList::iterator it;
Logger * log = &Logger::get("ParallelAggregatingBlockInputStream");
ManyAggregatedDataVariants many_data;
Exceptions exceptions;
struct ThreadData
size_t src_rows = 0;
size_t src_bytes = 0;
StringRefs key;
ConstColumnPlainPtrs key_columns;
Aggregator::AggregateColumns aggregate_columns;
Sizes key_sizes;
ThreadData(size_t keys_size, size_t aggregates_size)
std::vector<ThreadData> threads_data;
struct Handler
Handler(ParallelAggregatingBlockInputStream & parent_)
: parent(parent_) {}
void onBlock(Block & block, size_t thread_num)
parent.aggregator.executeOnBlock(block, *parent.many_data[thread_num],
parent.threads_data[thread_num].key_columns, parent.threads_data[thread_num].aggregate_columns,
parent.threads_data[thread_num].key_sizes, parent.threads_data[thread_num].key,
parent.threads_data[thread_num].src_rows += block.rowsInFirstColumn();
parent.threads_data[thread_num].src_bytes += block.bytes();
void onFinish()
void onException(ExceptionPtr & exception, size_t thread_num)
parent.exceptions[thread_num] = exception;
ParallelAggregatingBlockInputStream & parent;
Handler handler;
ParallelInputsProcessor<Handler> processor;
AggregatedDataVariantsPtr executeAndMerge()
for (size_t i = 0; i < max_threads; ++i)
threads_data.emplace_back(keys_size, aggregates_size);
LOG_TRACE(log, "Aggregating");
Stopwatch watch;
for (auto & elem : many_data)
elem = new AggregatedDataVariants;
if (isCancelled())
return nullptr;
double elapsed_seconds = watch.elapsedSeconds();
size_t total_src_rows = 0;
size_t total_src_bytes = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < max_threads; ++i)
size_t rows = many_data[i]->size();
LOG_TRACE(log, std::fixed << std::setprecision(3)
<< "Aggregated. " << threads_data[i].src_rows << " to " << rows << " rows"
<< " (from " << threads_data[i].src_bytes / 1048576.0 << " MiB)"
<< " in " << elapsed_seconds << " sec."
<< " (" << threads_data[i].src_rows / elapsed_seconds << " rows/sec., "
<< threads_data[i].src_bytes / elapsed_seconds / 1048576.0 << " MiB/sec.)");
total_src_rows += threads_data[i].src_rows;
total_src_bytes += threads_data[i].src_bytes;
LOG_TRACE(log, std::fixed << std::setprecision(3)
<< "Total aggregated. " << total_src_rows << " rows (from " << total_src_bytes / 1048576.0 << " MiB)"
<< " in " << elapsed_seconds << " sec."
<< " (" << total_src_rows / elapsed_seconds << " rows/sec., " << total_src_bytes / elapsed_seconds / 1048576.0 << " MiB/sec.)");
if (isCancelled())
return nullptr;
return aggregator.merge(many_data, max_threads);