2019-01-30 14:48:23 +03:00

212 lines
6.6 KiB

#include "PerformanceTest.h"
#include <Core/Types.h>
#include <common/getMemoryAmount.h>
#include <IO/ReadBufferFromFile.h>
#include <IO/ReadHelpers.h>
#include <IO/WriteBufferFromFile.h>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include "executeQuery.h"
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
const XMLConfigurationPtr & config_,
Connection & connection_,
InterruptListener & interrupt_listener_,
const PerformanceTestInfo & test_info_,
Context & context_)
: config(config_)
, connection(connection_)
, interrupt_listener(interrupt_listener_)
, test_info(test_info_)
, context(context_)
, log(&Poco::Logger::get("PerformanceTest"))
bool PerformanceTest::checkPreconditions() const
if (!config->has("preconditions"))
return true;
Strings preconditions;
config->keys("preconditions", preconditions);
size_t table_precondition_index = 0;
for (const std::string & precondition : preconditions)
if (precondition == "flush_disk_cache")
if (system(
"(>&2 echo 'Flushing disk cache...') && (sudo sh -c 'echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches') && (>&2 echo 'Flushed.')"))
LOG_WARNING(log, "Failed to flush disk cache");
return false;
if (precondition == "ram_size")
size_t ram_size_needed = config->getUInt64("preconditions.ram_size");
size_t actual_ram = getMemoryAmount();
if (!actual_ram)
throw Exception("ram_size precondition not available on this platform", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
if (ram_size_needed > actual_ram)
LOG_WARNING(log, "Not enough RAM: need = " << ram_size_needed << ", present = " << actual_ram);
return false;
if (precondition == "table_exists")
std::string precondition_key = "preconditions.table_exists[" + std::to_string(table_precondition_index++) + "]";
std::string table_to_check = config->getString(precondition_key);
std::string query = "EXISTS TABLE " + table_to_check + ";";
size_t exist = 0;
connection.sendQuery(query, "", QueryProcessingStage::Complete, &test_info.settings, nullptr, false);
while (true)
Connection::Packet packet = connection.receivePacket();
if (packet.type == Protocol::Server::Data)
for (const ColumnWithTypeAndName & column : packet.block)
if ( == "result" && column.column->size() > 0)
exist = column.column->get64(0);
if (exist)
if (packet.type == Protocol::Server::Exception
|| packet.type == Protocol::Server::EndOfStream)
if (!exist)
LOG_WARNING(log, "Table " << table_to_check << " doesn't exist");
return false;
return true;
UInt64 PerformanceTest::calculateMaxExecTime() const
UInt64 result = 0;
for (const auto & stop_conditions : test_info.stop_conditions_by_run)
UInt64 condition_max_time = stop_conditions.getMaxExecTime();
if (condition_max_time == 0)
return 0;
result += condition_max_time;
return result;
std::vector<TestStats> PerformanceTest::execute()
std::vector<TestStats> statistics_by_run;
size_t total_runs = test_info.times_to_run * test_info.queries.size();
LOG_INFO(log, "Totally will run cases " << total_runs << " times");
UInt64 max_exec_time = calculateMaxExecTime();
if (max_exec_time != 0)
LOG_INFO(log, "Test will be executed for a maximum of " << max_exec_time / 1000. << " seconds");
LOG_INFO(log, "Test execution time cannot be determined");
for (size_t number_of_launch = 0; number_of_launch < test_info.times_to_run; ++number_of_launch)
QueriesWithIndexes queries_with_indexes;
for (size_t query_index = 0; query_index < test_info.queries.size(); ++query_index)
size_t statistic_index = number_of_launch * test_info.queries.size() + query_index;
queries_with_indexes.push_back({test_info.queries[query_index], statistic_index});
if (got_SIGINT)
runQueries(queries_with_indexes, statistics_by_run);
return statistics_by_run;
void PerformanceTest::runQueries(
const QueriesWithIndexes & queries_with_indexes,
std::vector<TestStats> & statistics_by_run)
for (const auto & [query, run_index] : queries_with_indexes)
LOG_INFO(log, "[" << run_index<< "] Run query '" << query << "'");
TestStopConditions & stop_conditions = test_info.stop_conditions_by_run[run_index];
TestStats & statistics = statistics_by_run[run_index];
executeQuery(connection, query, statistics, stop_conditions, interrupt_listener, context);
if (test_info.exec_type == ExecutionType::Loop)
LOG_INFO(log, "Will run query in loop");
for (size_t iteration = 1; !statistics.got_SIGINT; ++iteration)
if (stop_conditions.areFulfilled())
LOG_INFO(log, "Stop conditions fullfilled");
executeQuery(connection, query, statistics, stop_conditions, interrupt_listener, context);
catch (const Exception & e)
statistics.exception = "Code: " + std::to_string(e.code()) + ", e.displayText() = " + e.displayText();
LOG_WARNING(log, "Code: " << e.code() << ", e.displayText() = " << e.displayText()
<< ", Stack trace:\n\n" << e.getStackTrace().toString());
if (!statistics.got_SIGINT)
statistics.ready = true;
got_SIGINT = true;
LOG_INFO(log, "Got SIGINT, will terminate as soon as possible");