2020-09-07 14:08:53 +03:00

256 lines
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#include <utility>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
#include <Storages/RabbitMQ/ReadBufferFromRabbitMQConsumer.h>
#include <Storages/RabbitMQ/RabbitMQHandler.h>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/split.hpp>
#include <common/logger_useful.h>
#include "Poco/Timer.h"
#include <amqpcpp.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS;
ChannelPtr consumer_channel_,
ChannelPtr setup_channel_,
HandlerPtr event_handler_,
const String & exchange_name_,
size_t channel_id_base_,
const String & channel_base_,
const String & queue_base_,
Poco::Logger * log_,
char row_delimiter_,
bool hash_exchange_,
size_t num_queues_,
const String & deadletter_exchange_,
uint32_t queue_size_,
const std::atomic<bool> & stopped_)
: ReadBuffer(nullptr, 0)
, consumer_channel(std::move(consumer_channel_))
, setup_channel(setup_channel_)
, event_handler(event_handler_)
, exchange_name(exchange_name_)
, channel_base(channel_base_)
, channel_id_base(channel_id_base_)
, queue_base(queue_base_)
, hash_exchange(hash_exchange_)
, num_queues(num_queues_)
, deadletter_exchange(deadletter_exchange_)
, log(log_)
, row_delimiter(row_delimiter_)
, queue_size(queue_size_)
, stopped(stopped_)
, received(queue_size * num_queues)
for (size_t queue_id = 0; queue_id < num_queues; ++queue_id)
BufferBase::set(nullptr, 0, 0);
void ReadBufferFromRabbitMQConsumer::bindQueue(size_t queue_id)
std::atomic<bool> binding_created = false;
auto success_callback = [&](const std::string & queue_name, int msgcount, int /* consumercount */)
LOG_DEBUG(log, "Queue {} is declared", queue_name);
if (msgcount)
LOG_INFO(log, "Queue {} is non-empty. Non-consumed messaged will also be delivered", queue_name);
/* Here we bind either to sharding exchange (consistent-hash) or to bridge exchange (fanout). All bindings to routing keys are
* done between client's exchange and local bridge exchange. Binding key must be a string integer in case of hash exchange, for
* fanout exchange it can be arbitrary
setup_channel->bindQueue(exchange_name, queue_name, std::to_string(channel_id_base))
.onSuccess([&] { binding_created = true; })
.onError([&](const char * message)
throw Exception(
"Failed to create queue binding with queue {} for exchange {}. Reason: {}", std::string(message),
queue_name, exchange_name);
auto error_callback([&](const char * message)
/* This error is most likely a result of an attempt to declare queue with different settings if it was declared before. So for a
* given queue name either deadletter_exchange parameter changed or queue_size changed, i.e. table was declared with different
* max_block_size parameter. Solution: client should specify a different queue_base parameter or manually delete previously
* declared queues via any of the various cli tools.
throw Exception("Failed to declare queue. Probably queue settings are conflicting: max_block_size, deadletter_exchange. Attempt \
specifying differently those settings or use a different queue_base or manually delete previously declared queues, \
which were declared with the same names. ERROR reason: "
+ std::string(message), ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);
AMQP::Table queue_settings;
queue_settings["x-max-length"] = queue_size;
queue_settings["x-overflow"] = "reject-publish";
if (!deadletter_exchange.empty())
queue_settings["x-dead-letter-exchange"] = deadletter_exchange;
/* The first option not just simplifies queue_name, but also implements the possibility to be able to resume reading from one
* specific queue when its name is specified in queue_base setting
const String queue_name = !hash_exchange ? queue_base : std::to_string(channel_id_base) + "_" + std::to_string(queue_id) + "_" + queue_base;
setup_channel->declareQueue(queue_name, AMQP::durable, queue_settings).onSuccess(success_callback).onError(error_callback);
while (!binding_created)
void ReadBufferFromRabbitMQConsumer::subscribe()
for (const auto & queue_name : queues)
.onSuccess([&](const std::string & /* consumer_tag */)
LOG_TRACE(log, "Consumer on channel {} is subscribed to queue {}", channel_id, queue_name);
if (++subscribed == queues.size());
.onReceived([&](const AMQP::Message & message, uint64_t delivery_tag, bool redelivered)
if (message.bodySize())
String message_received = std::string(message.body(), message.body() + message.bodySize());
if (row_delimiter != '\0')
message_received += row_delimiter;
if (message.hasMessageID())
received.push({message_received, message.messageID(), redelivered, AckTracker(delivery_tag, channel_id)});
received.push({message_received, "", redelivered, AckTracker(delivery_tag, channel_id)});
.onError([&](const char * message)
/* End up here either if channel ends up in an error state (then there will be resubscription) or consume call error, which
* arises from queue settings mismatch or queue level error, which should not happen as noone else is supposed to touch them
LOG_ERROR(log, "Consumer failed on channel {}. Reason: {}", channel_id, message);;
bool ReadBufferFromRabbitMQConsumer::ackMessages()
AckTracker record_info = last_inserted_record_info;
/* Do not send ack to server if message's channel is not the same as current running channel because delivery tags are scoped per
* channel, so if channel fails, all previous delivery tags become invalid
if (record_info.channel_id == channel_id && record_info.delivery_tag && record_info.delivery_tag > prev_tag)
/// Commit all received messages with delivery tags from last commited to last inserted
if (!consumer_channel->ack(record_info.delivery_tag, AMQP::multiple))
LOG_ERROR(log, "Failed to commit messages with delivery tags from last commited to {} on channel {}",
record_info.delivery_tag, channel_id);
return false;
prev_tag = record_info.delivery_tag;
LOG_TRACE(log, "Consumer commited messages with deliveryTags up to {} on channel {}", record_info.delivery_tag, channel_id);
return true;
void ReadBufferFromRabbitMQConsumer::updateAckTracker(AckTracker record_info)
if (record_info.delivery_tag && channel_error.load())
if (!record_info.delivery_tag)
prev_tag = 0;
last_inserted_record_info = record_info;
void ReadBufferFromRabbitMQConsumer::setupChannel()
/* First number indicates current consumer buffer; second number indicates serial number of created channel for current buffer,
* i.e. if channel fails - another one is created and its serial number is incremented; channel_base is to guarantee that
* channel_id is unique for each table
channel_id = std::to_string(channel_id_base) + "_" + std::to_string(channel_id_counter++) + "_" + channel_base;
LOG_TRACE(log, "Channel {} is created", channel_id);
subscribed = 0;
consumer_channel->onError([&](const char * message)
LOG_ERROR(log, "Channel {} error: {}", channel_id, message);;;
void ReadBufferFromRabbitMQConsumer::iterateEventLoop()
bool ReadBufferFromRabbitMQConsumer::nextImpl()
if (stopped || !allowed)
return false;
if (received.tryPop(current))
auto * new_position = const_cast<char *>(;
BufferBase::set(new_position, current.message.size(), 0);
allowed = false;
return true;
return false;