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#include <boost/range/algorithm_ext/erase.hpp>
#include <Interpreters/InterpreterSelectQuery.h>
#include <Interpreters/InterpreterInsertQuery.h>
#include <Interpreters/InterpreterAlterQuery.h>
#include <Interpreters/castColumn.h>
#include <Interpreters/evaluateConstantExpression.h>
#include <Processors/Transforms/AddingMissedTransform.h>
#include <DataStreams/IBlockInputStream.h>
#include <Storages/StorageBuffer.h>
#include <Storages/StorageFactory.h>
#include <Storages/AlterCommands.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTInsertQuery.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTIdentifier.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTLiteral.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTExpressionList.h>
#include <Common/setThreadName.h>
#include <Common/CurrentMetrics.h>
#include <Common/MemoryTracker.h>
#include <Common/FieldVisitors.h>
#include <Common/quoteString.h>
#include <Common/typeid_cast.h>
#include <Common/ProfileEvents.h>
#include <common/logger_useful.h>
#include <common/getThreadId.h>
#include <ext/range.h>
#include <Processors/Transforms/ConvertingTransform.h>
#include <Processors/Transforms/FilterTransform.h>
#include <Processors/Transforms/ExpressionTransform.h>
#include <Processors/Sources/SourceFromInputStream.h>
namespace ProfileEvents
extern const Event StorageBufferFlush;
extern const Event StorageBufferErrorOnFlush;
extern const Event StorageBufferPassedAllMinThresholds;
extern const Event StorageBufferPassedTimeMaxThreshold;
extern const Event StorageBufferPassedRowsMaxThreshold;
extern const Event StorageBufferPassedBytesMaxThreshold;
namespace CurrentMetrics
extern const Metric StorageBufferRows;
extern const Metric StorageBufferBytes;
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
extern const int INFINITE_LOOP;
const StorageID & table_id_,
const ColumnsDescription & columns_,
const ConstraintsDescription & constraints_,
Context & context_,
size_t num_shards_,
const Thresholds & min_thresholds_,
const Thresholds & max_thresholds_,
const StorageID & destination_id_,
bool allow_materialized_)
: IStorage(table_id_)
, global_context(context_)
, num_shards(num_shards_), buffers(num_shards_)
, min_thresholds(min_thresholds_)
, max_thresholds(max_thresholds_)
, destination_id(destination_id_)
, allow_materialized(allow_materialized_)
, log(&Logger::get("StorageBuffer (" + table_id_.getFullTableName() + ")"))
// Should not happen if shutdown was called
if (flush_thread.joinable())
/// Reads from one buffer (from one block) under its mutex.
class BufferSource : public SourceWithProgress
BufferSource(const Names & column_names_, StorageBuffer::Buffer & buffer_, const StorageBuffer & storage)
: SourceWithProgress(storage.getSampleBlockForColumns(column_names_))
, column_names(column_names_.begin(), column_names_.end()), buffer(buffer_) {}
String getName() const override { return "Buffer"; }
Chunk generate() override
Chunk res;
if (has_been_read)
return res;
has_been_read = true;
std::lock_guard lock(buffer.mutex);
if (!buffer.data.rows())
return res;
Columns columns;
for (const auto & name : column_names)
UInt64 size = columns.at(0)->size();
res.setColumns(std::move(columns), size);
return res;
Names column_names;
StorageBuffer::Buffer & buffer;
bool has_been_read = false;
QueryProcessingStage::Enum StorageBuffer::getQueryProcessingStage(const Context & context, const ASTPtr & query_ptr) const
if (destination_id)
auto destination = DatabaseCatalog::instance().getTable(destination_id);
if (destination.get() == this)
throw Exception("Destination table is myself. Read will cause infinite loop.", ErrorCodes::INFINITE_LOOP);
return destination->getQueryProcessingStage(context, query_ptr);
return QueryProcessingStage::FetchColumns;
Pipes StorageBuffer::read(
const Names & column_names,
const SelectQueryInfo & query_info,
const Context & context,
QueryProcessingStage::Enum processed_stage,
size_t max_block_size,
unsigned num_streams)
Pipes pipes_from_dst;
if (destination_id)
auto destination = DatabaseCatalog::instance().getTable(destination_id);
if (destination.get() == this)
throw Exception("Destination table is myself. Read will cause infinite loop.", ErrorCodes::INFINITE_LOOP);
auto destination_lock = destination->lockStructureForShare(false, context.getCurrentQueryId());
const bool dst_has_same_structure = std::all_of(column_names.begin(), column_names.end(), [this, destination](const String& column_name)
return destination->hasColumn(column_name) &&
if (dst_has_same_structure)
if (query_info.order_by_optimizer)
query_info.input_sorting_info = query_info.order_by_optimizer->getInputOrder(destination);
/// The destination table has the same structure of the requested columns and we can simply read blocks from there.
pipes_from_dst = destination->read(column_names, query_info, context, processed_stage, max_block_size, num_streams);
/// There is a struct mismatch and we need to convert read blocks from the destination table.
const Block header = getSampleBlock();
Names columns_intersection = column_names;
Block header_after_adding_defaults = header;
for (const String & column_name : column_names)
if (!destination->hasColumn(column_name))
LOG_WARNING(log, "Destination table " << destination_id.getNameForLogs()
<< " doesn't have column " << backQuoteIfNeed(column_name) << ". The default values are used.");
boost::range::remove_erase(columns_intersection, column_name);
const auto & dst_col = destination->getColumn(column_name);
const auto & col = getColumn(column_name);
if (!dst_col.type->equals(*col.type))
LOG_WARNING(log, "Destination table " << destination_id.getNameForLogs()
<< " has different type of column " << backQuoteIfNeed(column_name) << " ("
<< dst_col.type->getName() << " != " << col.type->getName() << "). Data from destination table are converted.");
header_after_adding_defaults.getByName(column_name) = ColumnWithTypeAndName(dst_col.type, column_name);
if (columns_intersection.empty())
LOG_WARNING(log, "Destination table " << destination_id.getNameForLogs()
<< " has no common columns with block in buffer. Block of data is skipped.");
pipes_from_dst = destination->read(columns_intersection, query_info, context, processed_stage, max_block_size, num_streams);
for (auto & pipe : pipes_from_dst)
pipe.getHeader(), header_after_adding_defaults, getColumns().getDefaults(), context));
pipe.getHeader(), header, ConvertingTransform::MatchColumnsMode::Name, context));
for (auto & pipe : pipes_from_dst)
Pipes pipes_from_buffers;
for (auto & buf : buffers)
pipes_from_buffers.emplace_back(std::make_shared<BufferSource>(column_names, buf, *this));
/** If the sources from the table were processed before some non-initial stage of query execution,
* then sources from the buffers must also be wrapped in the processing pipeline before the same stage.
if (processed_stage > QueryProcessingStage::FetchColumns)
for (auto & pipe : pipes_from_buffers)
pipe = InterpreterSelectQuery(query_info.query, context, std::move(pipe), SelectQueryOptions(processed_stage)).executeWithProcessors().getPipe();
if (query_info.prewhere_info)
for (auto & pipe : pipes_from_buffers)
pipe.addSimpleTransform(std::make_shared<FilterTransform>(pipe.getHeader(), query_info.prewhere_info->prewhere_actions,
query_info.prewhere_info->prewhere_column_name, query_info.prewhere_info->remove_prewhere_column));
if (query_info.prewhere_info->alias_actions)
for (auto & pipe : pipes_from_buffers)
pipe.addSimpleTransform(std::make_shared<ExpressionTransform>(pipe.getHeader(), query_info.prewhere_info->alias_actions));
for (auto & pipe : pipes_from_buffers)
return pipes_from_dst;
static void appendBlock(const Block & from, Block & to)
if (!to)
throw Exception("Cannot append to empty block", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
assertBlocksHaveEqualStructure(from, to, "Buffer");
size_t rows = from.rows();
size_t bytes = from.bytes();
CurrentMetrics::add(CurrentMetrics::StorageBufferRows, rows);
CurrentMetrics::add(CurrentMetrics::StorageBufferBytes, bytes);
size_t old_rows = to.rows();
auto temporarily_disable_memory_tracker = getCurrentMemoryTrackerActionLock();
for (size_t column_no = 0, columns = to.columns(); column_no < columns; ++column_no)
const IColumn & col_from = *from.getByPosition(column_no).column.get();
MutableColumnPtr col_to = (*std::move(to.getByPosition(column_no).column)).mutate();
col_to->insertRangeFrom(col_from, 0, rows);
to.getByPosition(column_no).column = std::move(col_to);
catch (...)
/// Rollback changes.
for (size_t column_no = 0, columns = to.columns(); column_no < columns; ++column_no)
ColumnPtr & col_to = to.getByPosition(column_no).column;
if (col_to->size() != old_rows)
col_to = (*std::move(col_to)).mutate()->cut(0, old_rows);
catch (...)
/// In case when we cannot rollback, do not leave incorrect state in memory.
class BufferBlockOutputStream : public IBlockOutputStream
explicit BufferBlockOutputStream(StorageBuffer & storage_) : storage(storage_) {}
Block getHeader() const override { return storage.getSampleBlock(); }
void write(const Block & block) override
if (!block)
// Check table structure.
storage.check(block, true);
size_t rows = block.rows();
if (!rows)
StoragePtr destination;
if (storage.destination_id)
destination = DatabaseCatalog::instance().tryGetTable(storage.destination_id);
if (destination.get() == &storage)
throw Exception("Destination table is myself. Write will cause infinite loop.", ErrorCodes::INFINITE_LOOP);
size_t bytes = block.bytes();
/// If the block already exceeds the maximum limit, then we skip the buffer.
if (rows > storage.max_thresholds.rows || bytes > storage.max_thresholds.bytes)
if (storage.destination_id)
LOG_TRACE(storage.log, "Writing block with " << rows << " rows, " << bytes << " bytes directly.");
storage.writeBlockToDestination(block, destination);
/// We distribute the load on the shards by the stream number.
const auto start_shard_num = getThreadId() % storage.num_shards;
/// We loop through the buffers, trying to lock mutex. No more than one lap.
auto shard_num = start_shard_num;
StorageBuffer::Buffer * least_busy_buffer = nullptr;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> least_busy_lock;
size_t least_busy_shard_rows = 0;
for (size_t try_no = 0; try_no < storage.num_shards; ++try_no)
std::unique_lock lock(storage.buffers[shard_num].mutex, std::try_to_lock);
if (lock.owns_lock())
size_t num_rows = storage.buffers[shard_num].data.rows();
if (!least_busy_buffer || num_rows < least_busy_shard_rows)
least_busy_buffer = &storage.buffers[shard_num];
least_busy_lock = std::move(lock);
least_busy_shard_rows = num_rows;
shard_num = (shard_num + 1) % storage.num_shards;
/// If you still can not lock anything at once, then we'll wait on mutex.
if (!least_busy_buffer)
least_busy_buffer = &storage.buffers[start_shard_num];
least_busy_lock = std::unique_lock(least_busy_buffer->mutex);
insertIntoBuffer(block, *least_busy_buffer);
StorageBuffer & storage;
void insertIntoBuffer(const Block & block, StorageBuffer::Buffer & buffer)
time_t current_time = time(nullptr);
/// Sort the columns in the block. This is necessary to make it easier to concatenate the blocks later.
Block sorted_block = block.sortColumns();
if (!buffer.data)
buffer.data = sorted_block.cloneEmpty();
else if (storage.checkThresholds(buffer, current_time, sorted_block.rows(), sorted_block.bytes()))
/** If, after inserting the buffer, the constraints are exceeded, then we will reset the buffer.
* This also protects against unlimited consumption of RAM, since if it is impossible to write to the table,
* an exception will be thrown, and new data will not be added to the buffer.
storage.flushBuffer(buffer, false /* check_thresholds */, true /* locked */);
if (!buffer.first_write_time)
buffer.first_write_time = current_time;
appendBlock(sorted_block, buffer.data);
BlockOutputStreamPtr StorageBuffer::write(const ASTPtr & /*query*/, const Context & /*context*/)
return std::make_shared<BufferBlockOutputStream>(*this);
bool StorageBuffer::mayBenefitFromIndexForIn(const ASTPtr & left_in_operand, const Context & query_context) const
if (!destination_id)
return false;
auto destination = DatabaseCatalog::instance().getTable(destination_id);
if (destination.get() == this)
throw Exception("Destination table is myself. Read will cause infinite loop.", ErrorCodes::INFINITE_LOOP);
return destination->mayBenefitFromIndexForIn(left_in_operand, query_context);
void StorageBuffer::startup()
if (global_context.getSettingsRef().readonly)
LOG_WARNING(log, "Storage " << getName() << " is run with readonly settings, it will not be able to insert data."
<< " Set appropriate system_profile to fix this.");
flush_thread = ThreadFromGlobalPool(&StorageBuffer::flushThread, this);
void StorageBuffer::shutdown()
if (flush_thread.joinable())
optimize(nullptr /*query*/, {} /*partition*/, false /*final*/, false /*deduplicate*/, global_context);
catch (...)
/** NOTE If you do OPTIMIZE after insertion,
* it does not guarantee, that all data will be in destination table at the time of next SELECT just after OPTIMIZE.
* Because in case if there was already running flushBuffer method,
* then call to flushBuffer inside OPTIMIZE will see empty buffer and return quickly,
* but at the same time, the already running flushBuffer method possibly is not finished,
* so next SELECT will observe missing data.
* This kind of race condition make very hard to implement proper tests.
bool StorageBuffer::optimize(const ASTPtr & /*query*/, const ASTPtr & partition, bool final, bool deduplicate, const Context & /*context*/)
if (partition)
throw Exception("Partition cannot be specified when optimizing table of type Buffer", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
if (final)
throw Exception("FINAL cannot be specified when optimizing table of type Buffer", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
if (deduplicate)
throw Exception("DEDUPLICATE cannot be specified when optimizing table of type Buffer", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
return true;
bool StorageBuffer::checkThresholds(const Buffer & buffer, time_t current_time, size_t additional_rows, size_t additional_bytes) const
time_t time_passed = 0;
if (buffer.first_write_time)
time_passed = current_time - buffer.first_write_time;
size_t rows = buffer.data.rows() + additional_rows;
size_t bytes = buffer.data.bytes() + additional_bytes;
return checkThresholdsImpl(rows, bytes, time_passed);
bool StorageBuffer::checkThresholdsImpl(size_t rows, size_t bytes, time_t time_passed) const
if (time_passed > min_thresholds.time && rows > min_thresholds.rows && bytes > min_thresholds.bytes)
return true;
if (time_passed > max_thresholds.time)
return true;
if (rows > max_thresholds.rows)
return true;
if (bytes > max_thresholds.bytes)
return true;
return false;
void StorageBuffer::flushAllBuffers(const bool check_thresholds)
for (auto & buf : buffers)
flushBuffer(buf, check_thresholds);
void StorageBuffer::flushBuffer(Buffer & buffer, bool check_thresholds, bool locked)
Block block_to_write;
time_t current_time = time(nullptr);
size_t rows = 0;
size_t bytes = 0;
time_t time_passed = 0;
std::unique_lock lock(buffer.mutex, std::defer_lock);
if (!locked)
block_to_write = buffer.data.cloneEmpty();
rows = buffer.data.rows();
bytes = buffer.data.bytes();
if (buffer.first_write_time)
time_passed = current_time - buffer.first_write_time;
if (check_thresholds)
if (!checkThresholdsImpl(rows, bytes, time_passed))
if (rows == 0)
buffer.first_write_time = 0;
CurrentMetrics::sub(CurrentMetrics::StorageBufferRows, block_to_write.rows());
CurrentMetrics::sub(CurrentMetrics::StorageBufferBytes, block_to_write.bytes());
LOG_TRACE(log, "Flushing buffer with " << rows << " rows, " << bytes << " bytes, age " << time_passed << " seconds.");
if (!destination_id)
/** For simplicity, buffer is locked during write.
* We could unlock buffer temporary, but it would lead to too many difficulties:
* - data, that is written, will not be visible for SELECTs;
* - new data could be appended to buffer, and in case of exception, we must merge it with old data, that has not been written;
* - this could lead to infinite memory growth.
writeBlockToDestination(block_to_write, DatabaseCatalog::instance().tryGetTable(destination_id));
catch (...)
/// Return the block to its place in the buffer.
CurrentMetrics::add(CurrentMetrics::StorageBufferRows, block_to_write.rows());
CurrentMetrics::add(CurrentMetrics::StorageBufferBytes, block_to_write.bytes());
if (!buffer.first_write_time)
buffer.first_write_time = current_time;
/// After a while, the next write attempt will happen.
void StorageBuffer::writeBlockToDestination(const Block & block, StoragePtr table)
if (!destination_id || !block)
if (!table)
LOG_ERROR(log, "Destination table " << destination_id.getNameForLogs() << " doesn't exist. Block of data is discarded.");
auto temporarily_disable_memory_tracker = getCurrentMemoryTrackerActionLock();
auto insert = std::make_shared<ASTInsertQuery>();
insert->table_id = destination_id;
/** We will insert columns that are the intersection set of columns of the buffer table and the subordinate table.
* This will support some of the cases (but not all) when the table structure does not match.
Block structure_of_destination_table = allow_materialized ? table->getSampleBlock() : table->getSampleBlockNonMaterialized();
Block block_to_write;
for (size_t i : ext::range(0, structure_of_destination_table.columns()))
auto dst_col = structure_of_destination_table.getByPosition(i);
if (block.has(dst_col.name))
auto column = block.getByName(dst_col.name);
if (!column.type->equals(*dst_col.type))
LOG_WARNING(log, "Destination table " << destination_id.getNameForLogs()
<< " have different type of column " << backQuoteIfNeed(column.name) << " ("
<< dst_col.type->getName() << " != " << column.type->getName()
<< "). Block of data is converted.");
column.column = castColumn(column, dst_col.type, global_context);
column.type = dst_col.type;
if (block_to_write.columns() == 0)
LOG_ERROR(log, "Destination table " << destination_id.getNameForLogs()
<< " have no common columns with block in buffer. Block of data is discarded.");
if (block_to_write.columns() != block.columns())
LOG_WARNING(log, "Not all columns from block in buffer exist in destination table "
<< destination_id.getNameForLogs() << ". Some columns are discarded.");
auto list_of_columns = std::make_shared<ASTExpressionList>();
insert->columns = list_of_columns;
for (const auto & column : block_to_write)
InterpreterInsertQuery interpreter{insert, global_context, allow_materialized};
auto block_io = interpreter.execute();
void StorageBuffer::flushThread()
catch (...)
} while (!shutdown_event.tryWait(1000));
void StorageBuffer::checkAlterIsPossible(const AlterCommands & commands, const Settings & /* settings */)
for (const auto & command : commands)
if (command.type != AlterCommand::Type::ADD_COLUMN && command.type != AlterCommand::Type::MODIFY_COLUMN
&& command.type != AlterCommand::Type::DROP_COLUMN && command.type != AlterCommand::Type::COMMENT_COLUMN)
throw Exception(
"Alter of type '" + alterTypeToString(command.type) + "' is not supported by storage " + getName(),
std::optional<UInt64> StorageBuffer::totalRows() const
std::optional<UInt64> underlying_rows;
auto underlying = DatabaseCatalog::instance().tryGetTable(destination_id);
if (underlying)
underlying_rows = underlying->totalRows();
if (!underlying_rows)
return underlying_rows;
UInt64 rows = 0;
for (auto & buffer : buffers)
std::lock_guard lock(buffer.mutex);
rows += buffer.data.rows();
return rows + *underlying_rows;
std::optional<UInt64> StorageBuffer::totalBytes() const
UInt64 bytes = 0;
for (auto & buffer : buffers)
std::lock_guard lock(buffer.mutex);
bytes += buffer.data.bytes();
return bytes;
void StorageBuffer::alter(const AlterCommands & params, const Context & context, TableStructureWriteLockHolder & table_lock_holder)
lockStructureExclusively(table_lock_holder, context.getCurrentQueryId());
auto table_id = getStorageID();
checkAlterIsPossible(params, context.getSettingsRef());
/// So that no blocks of the old structure remain.
optimize({} /*query*/, {} /*partition_id*/, false /*final*/, false /*deduplicate*/, context);
StorageInMemoryMetadata metadata = getInMemoryMetadata();
DatabaseCatalog::instance().getDatabase(table_id.database_name)->alterTable(context, table_id.table_name, metadata);
void registerStorageBuffer(StorageFactory & factory)
/** Buffer(db, table, num_buckets, min_time, max_time, min_rows, max_rows, min_bytes, max_bytes)
* db, table - in which table to put data from buffer.
* num_buckets - level of parallelism.
* min_time, max_time, min_rows, max_rows, min_bytes, max_bytes - conditions for flushing the buffer.
factory.registerStorage("Buffer", [](const StorageFactory::Arguments & args)
ASTs & engine_args = args.engine_args;
if (engine_args.size() != 9)
throw Exception("Storage Buffer requires 9 parameters: "
" destination_database, destination_table, num_buckets, min_time, max_time, min_rows, max_rows, min_bytes, max_bytes.",
engine_args[0] = evaluateConstantExpressionForDatabaseName(engine_args[0], args.local_context);
engine_args[1] = evaluateConstantExpressionOrIdentifierAsLiteral(engine_args[1], args.local_context);
String destination_database = engine_args[0]->as<ASTLiteral &>().value.safeGet<String>();
String destination_table = engine_args[1]->as<ASTLiteral &>().value.safeGet<String>();
UInt64 num_buckets = applyVisitor(FieldVisitorConvertToNumber<UInt64>(), engine_args[2]->as<ASTLiteral &>().value);
Int64 min_time = applyVisitor(FieldVisitorConvertToNumber<Int64>(), engine_args[3]->as<ASTLiteral &>().value);
Int64 max_time = applyVisitor(FieldVisitorConvertToNumber<Int64>(), engine_args[4]->as<ASTLiteral &>().value);
UInt64 min_rows = applyVisitor(FieldVisitorConvertToNumber<UInt64>(), engine_args[5]->as<ASTLiteral &>().value);
UInt64 max_rows = applyVisitor(FieldVisitorConvertToNumber<UInt64>(), engine_args[6]->as<ASTLiteral &>().value);
UInt64 min_bytes = applyVisitor(FieldVisitorConvertToNumber<UInt64>(), engine_args[7]->as<ASTLiteral &>().value);
UInt64 max_bytes = applyVisitor(FieldVisitorConvertToNumber<UInt64>(), engine_args[8]->as<ASTLiteral &>().value);
/// If destination_id is not set, do not write data from the buffer, but simply empty the buffer.
StorageID destination_id = StorageID::createEmpty();
if (!destination_table.empty())
destination_id.database_name = args.context.resolveDatabase(destination_database);
destination_id.table_name = destination_table;
return StorageBuffer::create(
StorageBuffer::Thresholds{min_time, min_rows, min_bytes},
StorageBuffer::Thresholds{max_time, max_rows, max_bytes},