2021-07-03 16:29:32 +03:00

42 lines
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#include <functional>
/** Adapt functor to static method where functor passed as context.
* Main use case to convert lambda into function that can be passed into JIT code.
template <typename Functor>
class FunctorToStaticMethodAdaptor : public FunctorToStaticMethodAdaptor<decltype(&Functor::operator())>
template <typename R, typename C, typename ...Args>
class FunctorToStaticMethodAdaptor<R (C::*)(Args...) const>
static R call(C * ptr, Args &&... arguments)
return std::invoke(&C::operator(), ptr, std::forward<Args>(arguments)...);
static R unsafeCall(char * ptr, Args &&... arguments)
C * ptr_typed = reinterpret_cast<C*>(ptr);
return std::invoke(&C::operator(), ptr_typed, std::forward<Args>(arguments)...);
template <typename R, typename C, typename ...Args>
class FunctorToStaticMethodAdaptor<R (C::*)(Args...)>
static R call(C * ptr, Args &&... arguments)
return std::invoke(&C::operator(), ptr, std::forward<Args>(arguments)...);
static R unsafeCall(char * ptr, Args &&... arguments)
C * ptr_typed = static_cast<C*>(ptr);
return std::invoke(&C::operator(), ptr_typed, std::forward<Args>(arguments)...);