Alexander Kuzmenkov f3bde19b74 Do not use iterators in find() and emplace() methods of hash tables.
Instead, these methods return a pointer to the required data as they are
stored inside the hash table. The caller uses overloaded functions to
get the key and "mapped" values from this pointer. Such an interface
avoids the need for constructing iterator-like wrapper objects, which is
especially important for compound hash tables such as the future
2019-09-24 17:44:35 +03:00

351 lines
9.2 KiB

#pragma once
#include <Columns/IColumn.h>
#include <Common/assert_cast.h>
#include <Common/HashTable/HashTableKeyHolder.h>
#include <Interpreters/AggregationCommon.h>
namespace DB
namespace ColumnsHashing
/// Generic context for HashMethod. Context is shared between multiple threads, all methods must be thread-safe.
/// Is used for caching.
class HashMethodContext
virtual ~HashMethodContext() = default;
struct Settings
size_t max_threads;
using HashMethodContextPtr = std::shared_ptr<HashMethodContext>;
namespace columns_hashing_impl
template <typename Value, bool consecutive_keys_optimization_>
struct LastElementCache
static constexpr bool consecutive_keys_optimization = consecutive_keys_optimization_;
Value value;
bool empty = true;
bool found = false;
bool check(const Value & value_) { return !empty && value == value_; }
template <typename Key>
bool check(const Key & key) { return !empty && value.first == key; }
template <typename Data>
struct LastElementCache<Data, false>
static constexpr bool consecutive_keys_optimization = false;
template <typename Mapped>
class EmplaceResultImpl
Mapped & value;
Mapped & cached_value;
bool inserted;
EmplaceResultImpl(Mapped & value_, Mapped & cached_value_, bool inserted_)
: value(value_), cached_value(cached_value_), inserted(inserted_) {}
bool isInserted() const { return inserted; }
auto & getMapped() const { return value; }
void setMapped(const Mapped & mapped)
cached_value = mapped;
value = mapped;
template <>
class EmplaceResultImpl<void>
bool inserted;
explicit EmplaceResultImpl(bool inserted_) : inserted(inserted_) {}
bool isInserted() const { return inserted; }
template <typename Mapped>
class FindResultImpl
Mapped * value;
bool found;
FindResultImpl(Mapped * value_, bool found_) : value(value_), found(found_) {}
bool isFound() const { return found; }
Mapped & getMapped() const { return *value; }
template <>
class FindResultImpl<void>
bool found;
explicit FindResultImpl(bool found_) : found(found_) {}
bool isFound() const { return found; }
template <typename Derived, typename Value, typename Mapped, bool consecutive_keys_optimization>
class HashMethodBase
using EmplaceResult = EmplaceResultImpl<Mapped>;
using FindResult = FindResultImpl<Mapped>;
static constexpr bool has_mapped = !std::is_same<Mapped, void>::value;
using Cache = LastElementCache<Value, consecutive_keys_optimization>;
static HashMethodContextPtr createContext(const HashMethodContext::Settings &) { return nullptr; }
template <typename Data>
ALWAYS_INLINE EmplaceResult emplaceKey(Data & data, size_t row, Arena & pool)
auto key_holder = static_cast<Derived &>(*this).getKeyHolder(row, pool);
return emplaceImpl(key_holder, data);
template <typename Data>
ALWAYS_INLINE FindResult findKey(Data & data, size_t row, Arena & pool)
auto key_holder = static_cast<Derived &>(*this).getKeyHolder(row, pool);
return findKeyImpl(keyHolderGetKey(key_holder), data);
template <typename Data>
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t getHash(const Data & data, size_t row, Arena & pool)
auto key_holder = static_cast<Derived &>(*this).getKeyHolder(row, pool);
return data.hash(keyHolderGetKey(key_holder));
Cache cache;
if constexpr (consecutive_keys_optimization)
if constexpr (has_mapped)
/// Init PairNoInit elements.
cache.value.second = Mapped();
cache.value.first = {};
cache.value = Value();
template <typename Data, typename KeyHolder>
ALWAYS_INLINE EmplaceResult emplaceImpl(KeyHolder & key_holder, Data & data)
if constexpr (Cache::consecutive_keys_optimization)
if (cache.found && cache.check(keyHolderGetKey(key_holder)))
if constexpr (has_mapped)
return EmplaceResult(cache.value.second, cache.value.second, false);
return EmplaceResult(false);
typename Data::LookupResult it;
bool inserted = false;
data.emplace(key_holder, it, inserted);
[[maybe_unused]] Mapped * cached = nullptr;
if constexpr (has_mapped)
cached = lookupResultGetMapped(it);
if (inserted)
if constexpr (has_mapped)
new(lookupResultGetMapped(it)) Mapped();
if constexpr (consecutive_keys_optimization)
cache.found = true;
cache.empty = false;
if constexpr (has_mapped)
cache.value.first = *lookupResultGetKey(it);
cache.value.second = *lookupResultGetMapped(it);
cached = &cache.value.second;
cache.value = *lookupResultGetKey(it);
if constexpr (has_mapped)
return EmplaceResult(*lookupResultGetMapped(it), *cached, inserted);
return EmplaceResult(inserted);
template <typename Data, typename Key>
ALWAYS_INLINE FindResult findKeyImpl(Key key, Data & data)
if constexpr (Cache::consecutive_keys_optimization)
if (cache.check(key))
if constexpr (has_mapped)
return FindResult(&cache.value.second, cache.found);
return FindResult(cache.found);
auto it = data.find(key);
if constexpr (consecutive_keys_optimization)
cache.found = it != nullptr;
cache.empty = false;
if constexpr (has_mapped)
cache.value.first = key;
if (it)
cache.value.second = *lookupResultGetMapped(it);
cache.value = key;
if constexpr (has_mapped)
return FindResult(it ? lookupResultGetMapped(it) : nullptr, it != nullptr);
return FindResult(it != nullptr);
template <typename T>
struct MappedCache : public PaddedPODArray<T> {};
template <>
struct MappedCache<void> {};
/// This class is designed to provide the functionality that is required for
/// supporting nullable keys in HashMethodKeysFixed. If there are
/// no nullable keys, this class is merely implemented as an empty shell.
template <typename Key, bool has_nullable_keys>
class BaseStateKeysFixed;
/// Case where nullable keys are supported.
template <typename Key>
class BaseStateKeysFixed<Key, true>
BaseStateKeysFixed(const ColumnRawPtrs & key_columns)
for (const auto & col : key_columns)
if (auto * nullable_col = checkAndGetColumn<ColumnNullable>(col))
/// Return the columns which actually contain the values of the keys.
/// For a given key column, if it is nullable, we return its nested
/// column. Otherwise we return the key column itself.
inline const ColumnRawPtrs & getActualColumns() const
return actual_columns;
/// Create a bitmap that indicates whether, for a particular row,
/// a key column bears a null value or not.
KeysNullMap<Key> createBitmap(size_t row) const
KeysNullMap<Key> bitmap{};
for (size_t k = 0; k < null_maps.size(); ++k)
if (null_maps[k] != nullptr)
const auto & null_map = assert_cast<const ColumnUInt8 &>(*null_maps[k]).getData();
if (null_map[row] == 1)
size_t bucket = k / 8;
size_t offset = k % 8;
bitmap[bucket] |= UInt8(1) << offset;
return bitmap;
ColumnRawPtrs actual_columns;
ColumnRawPtrs null_maps;
/// Case where nullable keys are not supported.
template <typename Key>
class BaseStateKeysFixed<Key, false>
BaseStateKeysFixed(const ColumnRawPtrs & columns) : actual_columns(columns) {}
const ColumnRawPtrs & getActualColumns() const { return actual_columns; }
KeysNullMap<Key> createBitmap(size_t) const
throw Exception{"Internal error: calling createBitmap() for non-nullable keys"
" is forbidden", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR};
ColumnRawPtrs actual_columns;