Alexander Kuzmenkov f3bde19b74 Do not use iterators in find() and emplace() methods of hash tables.
Instead, these methods return a pointer to the required data as they are
stored inside the hash table. The caller uses overloaded functions to
get the key and "mapped" values from this pointer. Such an interface
avoids the need for constructing iterator-like wrapper objects, which is
especially important for compound hash tables such as the future
2019-09-24 17:44:35 +03:00

416 lines
11 KiB

#pragma once
#include <Common/HashTable/HashTable.h>
template <typename Key, typename TState = HashTableNoState>
struct FixedHashTableCell
using State = TState;
using value_type = Key;
using mapped_type = void;
bool full;
FixedHashTableCell() {}
FixedHashTableCell(const Key &, const State &) : full(true) {}
bool isZero(const State &) const { return !full; }
void setZero() { full = false; }
static constexpr bool need_zero_value_storage = false;
/// This Cell is only stored inside an iterator. It's used to accomodate the fact
/// that the iterator based API always provide a reference to a continuous memory
/// containing the Key. As a result, we have to instantiate a real Key field.
/// All methods that return a mutable reference to the Key field are named with
/// -Mutable suffix, indicating this is uncommon usage. As this is only for lookup
/// tables, it's totally fine to discard the Key mutations.
struct CellExt
Key key;
const value_type & getValue() const { return key; }
void update(Key && key_, FixedHashTableCell *) { key = key_; }
/** Used as a lookup table for small keys such as UInt8, UInt16. It's different
* than a HashTable in that keys are not stored in the Cell buf, but inferred
* inside each iterator. There are a bunch of to make it faster than using
* HashTable: a) It doesn't have a conflict chain; b) There is no key
* comparision; c) The number of cycles for checking cell empty is halved; d)
* Memory layout is tighter, especially the Clearable variants.
* NOTE: For Set variants this should always be better. For Map variants
* however, as we need to assemble the real cell inside each iterator, there
* might be some cases we fall short.
* TODO: Deprecate the cell API so that end users don't rely on the structure
* of cell. Instead iterator should be used for operations such as cell
* transfer, key updates (f.g. StringRef) and serde. This will allow
* TwoLevelHashSet(Map) to contain different type of sets(maps).
template <typename Key, typename Cell, typename Allocator>
class FixedHashTable : private boost::noncopyable, protected Allocator, protected Cell::State
static constexpr size_t BUFFER_SIZE = 1ULL << (sizeof(Key) * 8);
friend class const_iterator;
friend class iterator;
friend class Reader;
using Self = FixedHashTable;
using cell_type = Cell;
size_t m_size = 0; /// Amount of elements
Cell * buf; /// A piece of memory for all elements except the element with zero key.
void alloc() { buf = reinterpret_cast<Cell *>(Allocator::alloc(BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(Cell))); }
void free()
if (buf)
Allocator::free(buf, getBufferSizeInBytes());
buf = nullptr;
void destroyElements()
if (!std::is_trivially_destructible_v<Cell>)
for (iterator it = begin(), it_end = end(); it != it_end; ++it)
template <typename Derived, bool is_const>
class iterator_base
using Container = std::conditional_t<is_const, const Self, Self>;
using cell_type = std::conditional_t<is_const, const Cell, Cell>;
Container * container;
cell_type * ptr;
friend class FixedHashTable;
iterator_base() {}
iterator_base(Container * container_, cell_type * ptr_) : container(container_), ptr(ptr_)
cell.update(ptr - container->buf, ptr);
bool operator==(const iterator_base & rhs) const { return ptr == rhs.ptr; }
bool operator!=(const iterator_base & rhs) const { return ptr != rhs.ptr; }
Derived & operator++()
/// Skip empty cells in the main buffer.
auto buf_end = container->buf + container->BUFFER_SIZE;
while (ptr < buf_end && ptr->isZero(*container))
return static_cast<Derived &>(*this);
auto & operator*()
if (cell.key != ptr - container->buf)
cell.update(ptr - container->buf, ptr);
return cell;
auto * operator-> ()
if (cell.key != ptr - container->buf)
cell.update(ptr - container->buf, ptr);
return &cell;
auto getPtr() const { return ptr; }
size_t getHash() const { return ptr - container->buf; }
size_t getCollisionChainLength() const { return 0; }
typename cell_type::CellExt cell;
using key_type = Key;
using value_type = typename Cell::value_type;
using mapped_type = typename Cell::mapped_type;
using LookupResult = Cell *;
using ConstLookupResult = const Cell *;
size_t hash(const Key & x) const { return x; }
FixedHashTable() { alloc(); }
FixedHashTable(FixedHashTable && rhs) : buf(nullptr) { *this = std::move(rhs); }
FixedHashTable & operator=(FixedHashTable && rhs)
std::swap(buf, rhs.buf);
std::swap(m_size, rhs.m_size);
return *this;
class Reader final : private Cell::State
Reader(DB::ReadBuffer & in_) : in(in_) {}
Reader(const Reader &) = delete;
Reader & operator=(const Reader &) = delete;
bool next()
if (!is_initialized)
DB::readVarUInt(size, in);
is_initialized = true;
if (read_count == size)
is_eof = true;
return false;
return true;
inline const value_type & get() const
if (!is_initialized || is_eof)
throw DB::Exception("No available data", DB::ErrorCodes::NO_AVAILABLE_DATA);
return cell.getValue();
DB::ReadBuffer & in;
Cell cell;
size_t read_count = 0;
size_t size;
bool is_eof = false;
bool is_initialized = false;
class iterator : public iterator_base<iterator, false>
using iterator_base<iterator, false>::iterator_base;
class const_iterator : public iterator_base<const_iterator, true>
using iterator_base<const_iterator, true>::iterator_base;
const_iterator begin() const
if (!buf)
return end();
const Cell * ptr = buf;
auto buf_end = buf + BUFFER_SIZE;
while (ptr < buf_end && ptr->isZero(*this))
return const_iterator(this, ptr);
const_iterator cbegin() const { return begin(); }
iterator begin()
if (!buf)
return end();
Cell * ptr = buf;
auto buf_end = buf + BUFFER_SIZE;
while (ptr < buf_end && ptr->isZero(*this))
return iterator(this, ptr);
const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(this, buf + BUFFER_SIZE); }
const_iterator cend() const { return end(); }
iterator end() { return iterator(this, buf + BUFFER_SIZE); }
/// The last parameter is unused but exists for compatibility with HashTable interface.
void ALWAYS_INLINE emplace(Key x, LookupResult & it, bool & inserted, size_t /* hash */ = 0)
it = &buf[x];
if (!buf[x].isZero(*this))
inserted = false;
new (&buf[x]) Cell(x, *this);
inserted = true;
std::pair<LookupResult, bool> ALWAYS_INLINE insert(const value_type & x)
std::pair<LookupResult, bool> res;
emplace(Cell::getKey(x), res.first, res.second);
if (res.second)
insertSetMapped(lookupResultGetMapped(res.first), x);
return res;
LookupResult ALWAYS_INLINE find(Key x)
return !buf[x].isZero(*this) ? &buf[x] : nullptr;
ConstLookupResult ALWAYS_INLINE find(Key x) const
return const_cast<std::decay_t<decltype(*this)> *>(this)->find(x);
LookupResult ALWAYS_INLINE find(Key, size_t hash_value)
return !buf[hash_value].isZero(*this) ? &buf[hash_value] : nullptr;
ConstLookupResult ALWAYS_INLINE find(Key key, size_t hash_value) const
return const_cast<std::decay_t<decltype(*this)> *>(this)->find(key, hash_value);
bool ALWAYS_INLINE has(Key x) const { return !buf[x].isZero(*this); }
bool ALWAYS_INLINE has(Key, size_t hash_value) const { return !buf[hash_value].isZero(*this); }
void write(DB::WriteBuffer & wb) const
DB::writeVarUInt(m_size, wb);
for (auto ptr = buf, buf_end = buf + BUFFER_SIZE; ptr < buf_end; ++ptr)
if (!ptr->isZero(*this))
DB::writeVarUInt(ptr - buf);
void writeText(DB::WriteBuffer & wb) const
DB::writeText(m_size, wb);
for (auto ptr = buf, buf_end = buf + BUFFER_SIZE; ptr < buf_end; ++ptr)
if (!ptr->isZero(*this))
DB::writeChar(',', wb);
DB::writeText(ptr - buf, wb);
DB::writeChar(',', wb);
void read(DB::ReadBuffer & rb)
DB::readVarUInt(m_size, rb);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_size; ++i)
size_t place_value = 0;
DB::readVarUInt(place_value, rb);
Cell x;;
new (&buf[place_value]) Cell(x, *this);
void readText(DB::ReadBuffer & rb)
DB::readText(m_size, rb);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_size; ++i)
size_t place_value = 0;
DB::assertChar(',', rb);
DB::readText(place_value, rb);
Cell x;
DB::assertChar(',', rb);
new (&buf[place_value]) Cell(x, *this);
size_t size() const { return m_size; }
bool empty() const { return 0 == m_size; }
void clear()
m_size = 0;
memset(static_cast<void *>(buf), 0, BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(*buf));
/// After executing this function, the table can only be destroyed,
/// and also you can use the methods `size`, `empty`, `begin`, `end`.
void clearAndShrink()
m_size = 0;
size_t getBufferSizeInBytes() const { return BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(Cell); }
size_t getBufferSizeInCells() const { return BUFFER_SIZE; }
size_t getCollisions() const { return 0; }