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#include <Storages/RabbitMQ/WriteBufferToRabbitMQProducer.h>
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnString.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnsNumber.h>
#include <Interpreters/Context.h>
#include <Common/logger_useful.h>
#include <amqpcpp.h>
#include <uv.h>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/split.hpp>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
namespace DB
static const auto BATCH = 1000;
static const auto RETURNED_LIMIT = 50000;
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
const RabbitMQConfiguration & configuration_,
ContextPtr global_context,
const Names & routing_keys_,
const String & exchange_name_,
const AMQP::ExchangeType exchange_type_,
const size_t channel_id_base_,
const bool persistent_,
std::atomic<bool> & shutdown_called_,
Poco::Logger * log_,
std::optional<char> delimiter,
size_t rows_per_message,
size_t chunk_size_)
: WriteBuffer(nullptr, 0)
, connection(configuration_, log_)
, routing_keys(routing_keys_)
, exchange_name(exchange_name_)
, exchange_type(exchange_type_)
, channel_id_base(std::to_string(channel_id_base_))
, persistent(persistent_)
, shutdown_called(shutdown_called_)
, payloads(BATCH)
, returned(RETURNED_LIMIT)
, log(log_)
, delim(delimiter)
, max_rows(rows_per_message)
, chunk_size(chunk_size_)
if (connection.connect())
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::CANNOT_CONNECT_RABBITMQ, "Cannot connect to RabbitMQ {}", connection.connectionInfoForLog());
writing_task = global_context->getSchedulePool().createTask("RabbitMQWritingTask", [this]{ writingFunc(); });
if (exchange_type == AMQP::ExchangeType::headers)
for (const auto & header : routing_keys)
std::vector<String> matching;
boost::split(matching, header, [](char c){ return c == '='; });
key_arguments[matching[0]] = matching[1];
assert(rows == 0);
void WriteBufferToRabbitMQProducer::countRow()
if (++rows % max_rows == 0)
const std::string & last_chunk = chunks.back();
size_t last_chunk_size = offset();
if (last_chunk_size && delim && last_chunk[last_chunk_size - 1] == delim)
std::string payload;
payload.reserve((chunks.size() - 1) * chunk_size + last_chunk_size);
for (auto i = chunks.begin(), end = --chunks.end(); i != end; ++i)
payload.append(last_chunk, 0, last_chunk_size);
if (!payloads.push(std::make_pair(payload_counter, payload)))
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Could not push to payloads queue");
void WriteBufferToRabbitMQProducer::setupChannel()
producer_channel = connection.createChannel();
producer_channel->onError([&](const char * message)
LOG_ERROR(log, "Producer's channel {} error: {}", channel_id, message);
/// Channel is not usable anymore. (https://github.com/CopernicaMarketingSoftware/AMQP-CPP/issues/36#issuecomment-125112236)
/* Save records that have not received ack/nack from server before channel closure. They are removed and pushed back again once
* they are republished because after channel recovery they will acquire new delivery tags, so all previous records become invalid
for (const auto & record : delivery_record)
if (!returned.push(record.second))
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Could not push to returned queue");
LOG_DEBUG(log, "Producer on channel {} hasn't confirmed {} messages, {} waiting to be published",
channel_id, delivery_record.size(), payloads.size());
/// Delivery tags are scoped per channel.
delivery_tag = 0;
producer_ready = false;
channel_id = channel_id_base + "_" + std::to_string(channel_id_counter++);
LOG_DEBUG(log, "Producer's channel {} is ready", channel_id);
/* if persistent == true, onAck is received when message is persisted to disk or when it is consumed on every queue. If fails,
* onNack() is received. If persistent == false, message is confirmed the moment it is enqueued. First option is two times
* slower than the second, so default is second and the first is turned on in table setting.
* "Publisher confirms" are implemented similar to strategy#3 here https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/tutorial-seven-java.html
.onAck([&](uint64_t acked_delivery_tag, bool multiple)
removeRecord(acked_delivery_tag, multiple, false);
.onNack([&](uint64_t nacked_delivery_tag, bool multiple, bool /* requeue */)
removeRecord(nacked_delivery_tag, multiple, true);
producer_ready = true;
void WriteBufferToRabbitMQProducer::removeRecord(UInt64 received_delivery_tag, bool multiple, bool republish)
auto record_iter = delivery_record.find(received_delivery_tag);
assert(record_iter != delivery_record.end());
if (multiple)
/// If multiple is true, then all delivery tags up to and including current are confirmed (with ack or nack).
if (republish)
for (auto record = delivery_record.begin(); record != record_iter; ++record)
if (!returned.push(record->second))
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Could not push to returned queue");
/// Delete the records even in case when republished because new delivery tags will be assigned by the server.
delivery_record.erase(delivery_record.begin(), record_iter);
if (republish)
if (!returned.push(record_iter->second))
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Could not push to returned queue");
void WriteBufferToRabbitMQProducer::publish(ConcurrentBoundedQueue<std::pair<UInt64, String>> & messages, bool republishing)
std::pair<UInt64, String> payload;
/* It is important to make sure that delivery_record.size() is never bigger than returned.size(), i.e. number if unacknowledged
* messages cannot exceed returned.size(), because they all might end up there
while (!messages.empty() && producer_channel->usable() && delivery_record.size() < RETURNED_LIMIT)
bool pop_result = messages.pop(payload);
if (!pop_result)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Could not pop payload");
AMQP::Envelope envelope(payload.second.data(), payload.second.size());
/// if headers exchange is used, routing keys are added here via headers, if not - it is just empty
AMQP::Table message_settings = key_arguments;
/* There is the case when connection is lost in the period after some messages were published and before ack/nack was sent by the
* server, then it means that publisher will never know whether those messages were delivered or not, and therefore those records
* that received no ack/nack before connection loss will be republished (see onError() callback), so there might be duplicates. To
* let consumer know that received message might be a possible duplicate - a "republished" field is added to message metadata
message_settings["republished"] = std::to_string(republishing);
/* Adding here a messageID property to message metadata. Since RabbitMQ does not guarantee exactly-once delivery, then on the
* consumer side "republished" field of message metadata can be checked and, if it set to 1, consumer might also check "messageID"
* property. This way detection of duplicates is guaranteed
/// Delivery mode is 1 or 2. 1 is default. 2 makes a message durable, but makes performance 1.5-2 times worse
if (persistent)
if (exchange_type == AMQP::ExchangeType::consistent_hash)
producer_channel->publish(exchange_name, std::to_string(delivery_tag), envelope);
else if (exchange_type == AMQP::ExchangeType::headers)
producer_channel->publish(exchange_name, "", envelope);
producer_channel->publish(exchange_name, routing_keys[0], envelope);
/// This is needed for "publisher confirms", which guarantees at-least-once delivery
delivery_record.insert(delivery_record.end(), {delivery_tag, payload});
/// Need to break at some point to let event loop run, because no publishing actually happens before looping
if (delivery_tag % BATCH == 0)
void WriteBufferToRabbitMQProducer::writingFunc()
while ((!payloads.empty() || wait_all) && !shutdown_called.load())
/// If onReady callback is not received, producer->usable() will anyway return true,
/// but must publish only after onReady callback.
if (producer_ready)
/* Publish main paylods only when there are no returned messages. This way it is ensured that returned messages are republished
* as fast as possible and no new publishes are made before returned messages are handled
if (!returned.empty() && producer_channel->usable())
publish(returned, true);
else if (!payloads.empty() && producer_channel->usable())
publish(payloads, false);
if (wait_num.load() && delivery_record.empty() && payloads.empty() && returned.empty())
wait_all = false;
else if (!producer_channel->usable())
if (connection.reconnect())
LOG_DEBUG(log, "Producer on channel {} completed", channel_id);
void WriteBufferToRabbitMQProducer::nextImpl()
void WriteBufferToRabbitMQProducer::addChunk()
set(chunks.back().data(), chunk_size);
void WriteBufferToRabbitMQProducer::reinitializeChunks()
rows = 0;
/// We cannot leave the buffer in the undefined state (i.e. without any
/// underlying buffer), since in this case the WriteBuffeR::next() will
/// not call our nextImpl() (due to available() == 0)
void WriteBufferToRabbitMQProducer::iterateEventLoop()