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synced 2024-12-17 11:52:27 +00:00
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<create_query>CREATE TABLE index_test (z UInt32, INDEX i_x (mortonDecode(2, z).1) TYPE minmax, INDEX i_y (mortonDecode(2, z).2) TYPE minmax) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY z</create_query>
<fill_query>INSERT INTO index_test SELECT number * 10 FROM numbers_mt(toUInt64(0x100000000 / 10)) SETTINGS max_insert_threads=8</fill_query>
SELECT count() FROM index_test WHERE mortonDecode(2, z).1 >= 20000 AND mortonDecode(2, z).1 <= 20100 AND mortonDecode(2, z).2 >= 10000 AND mortonDecode(2, z).2 <= 10100
<drop_query>DROP TABLE IF EXISTS index_test</drop_query>