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// POP3ClientSession.h
// $Id: //poco/1.4/Net/include/Poco/Net/POP3ClientSession.h#1 $
// Library: Net
// Package: Mail
// Module: POP3ClientSession
// Definition of the POP3ClientSession class.
// Copyright (c) 2005-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef Net_POP3ClientSession_INCLUDED
#define Net_POP3ClientSession_INCLUDED
#include "Poco/Net/Net.h"
#include "Poco/Net/DialogSocket.h"
#include "Poco/Timespan.h"
#include <ostream>
#include <vector>
namespace Poco {
namespace Net {
class MessageHeader;
class MailMessage;
class PartHandler;
class Net_API POP3ClientSession
/// This class implements an Post Office Protocol
/// Version 3 (POP3, RFC 1939)
/// client for receiving e-mail messages.
POP3_PORT = 110
struct MessageInfo
/// Information returned by listMessages().
int id;
int size;
typedef std::vector<MessageInfo> MessageInfoVec;
explicit POP3ClientSession(const StreamSocket& socket);
/// Creates the POP3ClientSession using
/// the given socket, which must be connected
/// to a POP3 server.
POP3ClientSession(const std::string& host, Poco::UInt16 port = POP3_PORT);
/// Creates the POP3ClientSession using a socket connected
/// to the given host and port.
virtual ~POP3ClientSession();
/// Destroys the SMTPClientSession.
void setTimeout(const Poco::Timespan& timeout);
/// Sets the timeout for socket read operations.
Poco::Timespan getTimeout() const;
/// Returns the timeout for socket read operations.
void login(const std::string& username, const std::string& password);
/// Logs in to the POP3 server by sending a USER command
/// followed by a PASS command.
/// Throws a POP3Exception in case of a POP3-specific error, or a
/// NetException in case of a general network communication failure.
void close();
/// Sends a QUIT command and closes the connection to the server.
/// Throws a POP3Exception in case of a POP3-specific error, or a
/// NetException in case of a general network communication failure.
int messageCount();
/// Sends a STAT command to determine the number of messages
/// available on the server and returns that number.
/// Throws a POP3Exception in case of a POP3-specific error, or a
/// NetException in case of a general network communication failure.
void listMessages(MessageInfoVec& messages);
/// Fills the given vector with the ids and sizes of all
/// messages available on the server.
/// Throws a POP3Exception in case of a POP3-specific error, or a
/// NetException in case of a general network communication failure.
void retrieveMessage(int id, MailMessage& message);
/// Retrieves the message with the given id from the server and
/// stores the raw message content in the message's
/// content string, available with message.getContent().
/// Throws a POP3Exception in case of a POP3-specific error, or a
/// NetException in case of a general network communication failure.
void retrieveMessage(int id, MailMessage& message, PartHandler& handler);
/// Retrieves the message with the given id from the server and
/// stores it in message.
/// If the message has multiple parts, the parts
/// are reported to the PartHandler. If the message
/// is not a multi-part message, the content is stored
/// in a string available by calling message.getContent().
/// Throws a POP3Exception in case of a POP3-specific error, or a
/// NetException in case of a general network communication failure.
void retrieveMessage(int id, std::ostream& ostr);
/// Retrieves the raw message with the given id from the
/// server and copies it to the given output stream.
/// Throws a POP3Exception in case of a POP3-specific error, or a
/// NetException in case of a general network communication failure.
void retrieveHeader(int id, MessageHeader& header);
/// Retrieves the message header of the message with the
/// given id and stores it in header.
/// For this to work, the server must support the TOP command.
/// Throws a POP3Exception in case of a POP3-specific error, or a
/// NetException in case of a general network communication failure.
void deleteMessage(int id);
/// Marks the message with the given ID for deletion. The message
/// will be deleted when the connection to the server is
/// closed by calling close().
/// Throws a POP3Exception in case of a POP3-specific error, or a
/// NetException in case of a general network communication failure.
bool sendCommand(const std::string& command, std::string& response);
/// Sends the given command verbatim to the server
/// and waits for a response.
/// Returns true if the response is positive, false otherwise.
/// Throws a POP3Exception in case of a POP3-specific error, or a
/// NetException in case of a general network communication failure.
bool sendCommand(const std::string& command, const std::string& arg, std::string& response);
/// Sends the given command verbatim to the server
/// and waits for a response.
/// Returns true if the response is positive, false otherwise.
/// Throws a POP3Exception in case of a POP3-specific error, or a
/// NetException in case of a general network communication failure.
bool sendCommand(const std::string& command, const std::string& arg1, const std::string& arg2, std::string& response);
/// Sends the given command verbatim to the server
/// and waits for a response.
/// Returns true if the response is positive, false otherwise.
/// Throws a POP3Exception in case of a POP3-specific error, or a
/// NetException in case of a general network communication failure.
static bool isPositive(const std::string& response);
DialogSocket _socket;
bool _isOpen;
} } // namespace Poco::Net
#endif // Net_POP3ClientSession_INCLUDED