Alexey Milovidov 90297e225c
Merge pull request #36430 from amosbird/fixcolumnmatcher
Fix column matcher and column transformer
2022-04-24 09:11:21 +03:00

2700 lines
82 KiB

#include <cerrno>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <Poco/String.h>
#include <IO/ReadBufferFromMemory.h>
#include <IO/ReadHelpers.h>
#include <Parsers/DumpASTNode.h>
#include <Common/typeid_cast.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTAsterisk.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTColumnsTransformers.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTExpressionList.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTFunction.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTFunctionWithKeyValueArguments.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTIdentifier.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTLiteral.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTOrderByElement.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTInterpolateElement.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTQualifiedAsterisk.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTQueryParameter.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTSelectWithUnionQuery.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTSubquery.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTTTLElement.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTWindowDefinition.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTAssignment.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTColumnsMatcher.h>
#include <Parsers/parseIdentifierOrStringLiteral.h>
#include <Parsers/parseIntervalKind.h>
#include <Parsers/ExpressionListParsers.h>
#include <Parsers/ParserSelectWithUnionQuery.h>
#include <Parsers/ParserCase.h>
#include <Parsers/ExpressionElementParsers.h>
#include <Parsers/ParserCreateQuery.h>
#include <Parsers/queryToString.h>
#include <Interpreters/StorageID.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS;
extern const int SYNTAX_ERROR;
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
bool ParserArray::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
ASTPtr contents_node;
ParserExpressionList contents(false);
if (pos->type != TokenType::OpeningSquareBracket)
return false;
if (!contents.parse(pos, contents_node, expected))
return false;
if (pos->type != TokenType::ClosingSquareBracket)
return false;
auto function_node = std::make_shared<ASTFunction>();
function_node->name = "array";
function_node->arguments = contents_node;
node = function_node;
return true;
bool ParserParenthesisExpression::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
ASTPtr contents_node;
ParserExpressionList contents(false);
if (pos->type != TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket)
return false;
if (!contents.parse(pos, contents_node, expected))
return false;
bool is_elem = true;
if (pos->type == TokenType::Comma)
is_elem = false;
if (pos->type != TokenType::ClosingRoundBracket)
return false;
const auto & expr_list = contents_node->as<ASTExpressionList &>();
/// Empty expression in parentheses is not allowed.
if (expr_list.children.empty())
expected.add(pos, "non-empty parenthesized list of expressions");
return false;
/// Special case for one-element tuple.
if (expr_list.children.size() == 1 && is_elem)
auto * ast_literal = expr_list.children.front()->as<ASTLiteral>();
/// But only if its argument is not tuple,
/// since otherwise it will do incorrect transformation:
/// (foo,bar) IN (('foo','bar')) -> (foo,bar) IN ('foo','bar')
if (!(ast_literal && ast_literal->value.getType() == Field::Types::Tuple))
node = expr_list.children.front();
return true;
auto function_node = std::make_shared<ASTFunction>();
function_node->name = "tuple";
function_node->arguments = contents_node;
node = function_node;
return true;
bool ParserSubquery::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
ASTPtr select_node;
ParserSelectWithUnionQuery select;
if (pos->type != TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket)
return false;
if (!select.parse(pos, select_node, expected))
return false;
if (pos->type != TokenType::ClosingRoundBracket)
return false;
node = std::make_shared<ASTSubquery>();
return true;
bool ParserIdentifier::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
/// Identifier in backquotes or in double quotes
if (pos->type == TokenType::QuotedIdentifier)
ReadBufferFromMemory buf(pos->begin, pos->size());
String s;
if (*pos->begin == '`')
readBackQuotedStringWithSQLStyle(s, buf);
readDoubleQuotedStringWithSQLStyle(s, buf);
if (s.empty()) /// Identifiers "empty string" are not allowed.
return false;
node = std::make_shared<ASTIdentifier>(s);
return true;
else if (pos->type == TokenType::BareWord)
node = std::make_shared<ASTIdentifier>(String(pos->begin, pos->end));
return true;
else if (allow_query_parameter && pos->type == TokenType::OpeningCurlyBrace)
if (pos->type != TokenType::BareWord)
expected.add(pos, "substitution name (identifier)");
return false;
String name(pos->begin, pos->end);
if (pos->type != TokenType::Colon)
expected.add(pos, "colon between name and type");
return false;
if (pos->type != TokenType::BareWord)
expected.add(pos, "substitution type (identifier)");
return false;
String type(pos->begin, pos->end);
if (type != "Identifier")
expected.add(pos, "substitution type (identifier)");
return false;
if (pos->type != TokenType::ClosingCurlyBrace)
expected.add(pos, "closing curly brace");
return false;
node = std::make_shared<ASTIdentifier>("", std::make_shared<ASTQueryParameter>(name, type));
return true;
return false;
bool ParserCompoundIdentifier::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
ASTPtr id_list;
if (!ParserList(std::make_unique<ParserIdentifier>(allow_query_parameter), std::make_unique<ParserToken>(TokenType::Dot), false)
.parse(pos, id_list, expected))
return false;
std::vector<String> parts;
std::vector<ASTPtr> params;
const auto & list = id_list->as<ASTExpressionList &>();
for (const auto & child : list.children)
if (parts.back().empty())
ParserKeyword s_uuid("UUID");
UUID uuid = UUIDHelpers::Nil;
if (table_name_with_optional_uuid)
if (parts.size() > 2)
return false;
if (s_uuid.ignore(pos, expected))
ParserStringLiteral uuid_p;
ASTPtr ast_uuid;
if (!uuid_p.parse(pos, ast_uuid, expected))
return false;
uuid = parseFromString<UUID>(ast_uuid->as<ASTLiteral>()->value.get<String>());
if (parts.size() == 1) node = std::make_shared<ASTTableIdentifier>(parts[0], std::move(params));
else node = std::make_shared<ASTTableIdentifier>(parts[0], parts[1], std::move(params));
node->as<ASTTableIdentifier>()->uuid = uuid;
node = std::make_shared<ASTIdentifier>(std::move(parts), false, std::move(params));
return true;
ASTPtr createFunctionCast(const ASTPtr & expr_ast, const ASTPtr & type_ast)
/// Convert to canonical representation in functional form: CAST(expr, 'type')
auto type_literal = std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>(queryToString(type_ast));
auto expr_list_args = std::make_shared<ASTExpressionList>();
auto func_node = std::make_shared<ASTFunction>();
func_node->name = "CAST";
func_node->arguments = std::move(expr_list_args);
return func_node;
bool parseCastAs(IParser::Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
/** Possible variants for cast operator cast(expr [[AS] alias_1] AS Type), cast(expr [[AS] alias_1], type_expr [[as] alias_2]).
* First try to match with cast(expr [[AS] alias_1] AS Type)
* Then try to match with cast(expr [[AS] alias_1], type_expr [[as] alias_2]).
ASTPtr expr_node;
ASTPtr type_node;
ASTPtr identifier_node;
if (ParserExpression().parse(pos, expr_node, expected))
ParserKeyword as_keyword_parser("AS");
bool parse_as = as_keyword_parser.ignore(pos, expected);
/// CAST (a b AS UInt32) OR CAST (a b, expr)
if (!parse_as && ParserIdentifier().parse(pos, identifier_node, expected))
parse_as = as_keyword_parser.ignore(pos, expected);
if (parse_as)
/// CAST (a AS Type) OR CAST (a AS b AS Type) OR CAST (a AS b, expr)
auto begin = pos;
auto expected_copy = expected;
bool next_identifier = ParserIdentifier().ignore(begin, expected_copy);
bool next_identifier_with_comma = next_identifier && ParserToken(TokenType::Comma).ignore(begin, expected_copy);
bool next_identifier_with_as
= next_identifier && !next_identifier_with_comma && as_keyword_parser.ignore(begin, expected_copy);
if (next_identifier_with_as)
if (ParserIdentifier().parse(pos, identifier_node, expected) && as_keyword_parser.ignore(pos, expected))
return false;
if (!next_identifier_with_comma && ParserDataType().parse(pos, type_node, expected))
node = createFunctionCast(expr_node, type_node);
return true;
/// CAST(a AS b, expr)
if (parse_as)
if (ParserIdentifier().parse(pos, identifier_node, expected))
return false;
if (ParserToken(TokenType::Comma).ignore(pos, expected)
&& ParserExpressionWithOptionalAlias(true /*allow_alias_without_as_keyword*/).parse(pos, type_node, expected))
node = makeASTFunction("CAST", expr_node, type_node);
return true;
return false;
bool parseSubstring(IParser::Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
/// Either SUBSTRING(expr FROM start) or SUBSTRING(expr FROM start FOR length) or SUBSTRING(expr, start, length)
/// The latter will be parsed normally as a function later.
ParserKeyword as_keyword_parser("AS");
ParserIdentifier identifier_parser;
ASTPtr expr_node;
ASTPtr start_node;
ASTPtr length_node;
if (!ParserExpression().parse(pos, expr_node, expected))
return false;
auto from_keyword_parser = ParserKeyword("FROM");
bool from_exists = from_keyword_parser.check(pos, expected);
if (!from_exists && pos->type != TokenType::Comma)
ASTPtr identifier_node;
bool parsed_as = as_keyword_parser.ignore(pos, expected);
bool parsed_identifer = identifier_parser.parse(pos, identifier_node, expected);
if (parsed_as && !parsed_identifer)
return false;
if (parsed_identifer)
from_exists = from_keyword_parser.check(pos, expected);
if (pos->type == TokenType::Comma)
if (from_exists)
return false;
if (!ParserExpression().parse(pos, start_node, expected))
return false;
auto for_keyword_parser = ParserKeyword("FOR");
bool for_exists = for_keyword_parser.check(pos, expected);
if (!for_exists && pos->type != TokenType::Comma)
ASTPtr identifier_node;
bool parsed_as = as_keyword_parser.ignore(pos, expected);
bool parsed_identifer = identifier_parser.parse(pos, identifier_node, expected);
if (parsed_as && !parsed_identifer)
return false;
if (parsed_identifer)
for_exists = for_keyword_parser.check(pos, expected);
bool need_parse_length_expression = for_exists;
if (pos->type == TokenType::Comma)
if (for_exists)
return false;
need_parse_length_expression = true;
if (need_parse_length_expression
&& !ParserExpressionWithOptionalAlias(true /*allow_alias_without_as_keyword*/).parse(pos, length_node, expected))
return false;
/// Convert to canonical representation in functional form: SUBSTRING(expr, start, length)
if (length_node)
node = makeASTFunction("substring", expr_node, start_node, length_node);
node = makeASTFunction("substring", expr_node, start_node);
return true;
bool parseTrim(bool trim_left, bool trim_right, IParser::Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
/// Handles all possible TRIM/LTRIM/RTRIM call variants ([[LEADING|TRAILING|BOTH] trim_character FROM] input_string)
std::string func_name;
bool char_override = false;
ASTPtr expr_node;
ASTPtr pattern_node;
ASTPtr to_remove;
if (!trim_left && !trim_right)
if (ParserKeyword("BOTH").ignore(pos, expected))
trim_left = true;
trim_right = true;
char_override = true;
else if (ParserKeyword("LEADING").ignore(pos, expected))
trim_left = true;
char_override = true;
else if (ParserKeyword("TRAILING").ignore(pos, expected))
trim_right = true;
char_override = true;
trim_left = true;
trim_right = true;
if (char_override)
if (!ParserExpression().parse(pos, to_remove, expected))
return false;
auto from_keyword_parser = ParserKeyword("FROM");
bool from_exists = from_keyword_parser.check(pos, expected);
if (!from_exists)
ASTPtr identifier_node;
bool parsed_as = ParserKeyword("AS").ignore(pos, expected);
bool parsed_identifer = ParserIdentifier().parse(pos, identifier_node, expected);
if (parsed_as && !parsed_identifer)
return false;
if (parsed_identifer)
from_exists = from_keyword_parser.check(pos, expected);
if (!from_exists)
return false;
auto quote_meta_func_node = std::make_shared<ASTFunction>();
auto quote_meta_list_args = std::make_shared<ASTExpressionList>();
quote_meta_list_args->children = {to_remove};
quote_meta_func_node->name = "regexpQuoteMeta";
quote_meta_func_node->arguments = std::move(quote_meta_list_args);
to_remove = std::move(quote_meta_func_node);
if (!ParserExpressionWithOptionalAlias(true /*allow_alias_without_as_keyword*/).parse(pos, expr_node, expected))
return false;
/// Convert to regexp replace function call
if (char_override)
auto pattern_func_node = std::make_shared<ASTFunction>();
auto pattern_list_args = std::make_shared<ASTExpressionList>();
if (trim_left && trim_right)
= {std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>("^["),
func_name = "replaceRegexpAll";
if (trim_left)
pattern_list_args->children = {std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>("^["), to_remove, std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>("]+")};
/// trim_right == false not possible
pattern_list_args->children = {std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>("["), to_remove, std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>("]+$")};
func_name = "replaceRegexpOne";
pattern_func_node->name = "concat";
pattern_func_node->arguments = std::move(pattern_list_args);
pattern_node = std::move(pattern_func_node);
if (trim_left && trim_right)
func_name = "trimBoth";
if (trim_left)
func_name = "trimLeft";
/// trim_right == false not possible
func_name = "trimRight";
if (char_override)
node = makeASTFunction(func_name, expr_node, pattern_node, std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>(""));
node = makeASTFunction(func_name, expr_node);
return true;
bool parseExtract(IParser::Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
/// First try to match with date extract operator EXTRACT(part FROM date)
/// Then with function extract(haystack, pattern)
IParser::Pos begin = pos;
IntervalKind interval_kind;
if (parseIntervalKind(pos, expected, interval_kind))
ASTPtr expr;
ParserKeyword s_from("FROM");
ParserExpressionWithOptionalAlias elem_parser(true /*allow_alias_without_as_keyword*/);
if (s_from.ignore(pos, expected) && elem_parser.parse(pos, expr, expected))
node = makeASTFunction(interval_kind.toNameOfFunctionExtractTimePart(), expr);
return true;
pos = begin;
ASTPtr expr_list;
if (!ParserExpressionList(true /*allow_alias_without_as_keyword*/).parse(pos, expr_list, expected))
return false;
auto res = std::make_shared<ASTFunction>();
res->name = "extract";
res->arguments = expr_list;
node = std::move(res);
return true;
bool parsePosition(IParser::Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
/// First try to match with position(needle IN haystack)
/// Then with position(haystack, needle[, start_pos])
ParserExpressionWithOptionalAlias expr_parser(true /*allow_alias_without_as_keyword*/);
ASTPtr first_arg_expr_node;
if (!expr_parser.parse(pos, first_arg_expr_node, expected))
return false;
ASTFunction * func_in = typeid_cast<ASTFunction *>(first_arg_expr_node.get());
if (func_in && func_in->name == "in")
ASTExpressionList * in_args = typeid_cast<ASTExpressionList *>(func_in->arguments.get());
if (in_args && in_args->children.size() == 2)
node = makeASTFunction("position", in_args->children[1], in_args->children[0]);
return true;
if (pos->type != TokenType::Comma)
return false;
ASTPtr second_arg_expr_node;
if (!expr_parser.parse(pos, second_arg_expr_node, expected))
return false;
ASTPtr start_pos_expr_node;
if (pos->type == TokenType::Comma)
if (!expr_parser.parse(pos, start_pos_expr_node, expected))
return false;
auto arguments = std::make_shared<ASTExpressionList>();
if (start_pos_expr_node)
auto res = std::make_shared<ASTFunction>();
res->name = "position";
res->arguments = std::move(arguments);
node = std::move(res);
return true;
bool parseDateAdd(const char * function_name, IParser::Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
/// First to match with function(unit, offset, timestamp)
/// Then with function(offset, timestamp)
ASTPtr timestamp_node;
ASTPtr offset_node;
IntervalKind interval_kind;
ASTPtr interval_func_node;
if (parseIntervalKind(pos, expected, interval_kind))
if (pos->type != TokenType::Comma)
return false;
if (!ParserExpressionWithOptionalAlias(true /*allow_alias_without_as_keyword*/).parse(pos, offset_node, expected))
return false;
if (pos->type != TokenType::Comma)
return false;
if (!ParserExpressionWithOptionalAlias(true /*allow_alias_without_as_keyword*/).parse(pos, timestamp_node, expected))
return false;
auto interval_expr_list_args = std::make_shared<ASTExpressionList>();
interval_expr_list_args->children = {offset_node};
interval_func_node = std::make_shared<ASTFunction>();
interval_func_node->as<ASTFunction &>().name = interval_kind.toNameOfFunctionToIntervalDataType();
interval_func_node->as<ASTFunction &>().arguments = std::move(interval_expr_list_args);
interval_func_node->as<ASTFunction &>().children.push_back(interval_func_node->as<ASTFunction &>().arguments);
ASTPtr expr_list;
if (!ParserExpressionList(true /*allow_alias_without_as_keyword*/).parse(pos, expr_list, expected))
return false;
auto res = std::make_shared<ASTFunction>();
res->name = function_name;
res->arguments = expr_list;
node = std::move(res);
return true;
node = makeASTFunction(function_name, timestamp_node, interval_func_node);
return true;
bool parseDateDiff(IParser::Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
/// First to match with dateDiff(unit, startdate, enddate, [timezone])
/// Then with dateDiff('unit', startdate, enddate, [timezone])
ASTPtr left_node;
ASTPtr right_node;
IntervalKind interval_kind;
if (parseIntervalKind(pos, expected, interval_kind))
if (pos->type != TokenType::Comma)
return false;
if (!ParserExpressionWithOptionalAlias(true /*allow_alias_without_as_keyword*/).parse(pos, left_node, expected))
return false;
if (pos->type != TokenType::Comma)
return false;
if (!ParserExpressionWithOptionalAlias(true /*allow_alias_without_as_keyword*/).parse(pos, right_node, expected))
return false;
ASTPtr timezone_node;
if (pos->type == TokenType::Comma)
/// Optional timezone
if (!ParserExpressionWithOptionalAlias(true /*allow_alias_without_as_keyword*/).parse(pos, timezone_node, expected))
return false;
auto interval_literal = std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>(interval_kind.toDateDiffUnit());
if (timezone_node)
node = makeASTFunction("dateDiff", std::move(interval_literal), std::move(left_node), std::move(right_node), std::move(timezone_node));
node = makeASTFunction("dateDiff", std::move(interval_literal), std::move(left_node), std::move(right_node));
return true;
ASTPtr expr_list;
if (!ParserExpressionList(true /*allow_alias_without_as_keyword*/).parse(pos, expr_list, expected))
return false;
auto res = std::make_shared<ASTFunction>();
res->name = "dateDiff";
res->arguments = expr_list;
node = std::move(res);
return true;
bool parseExists(IParser::Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
if (!ParserSelectWithUnionQuery().parse(pos, node, expected))
return false;
auto subquery = std::make_shared<ASTSubquery>();
node = makeASTFunction("exists", subquery);
return true;
bool ParserFunction::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
ParserIdentifier id_parser;
bool has_all = false;
bool has_distinct = false;
ASTPtr identifier;
ASTPtr query;
ASTPtr expr_list_args;
ASTPtr expr_list_params;
if (is_table_function)
if (ParserTableFunctionView().parse(pos, node, expected))
return true;
if (!id_parser.parse(pos, identifier, expected))
return false;
if (pos->type != TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket)
return false;
/// Avoid excessive backtracking.
/// Special cases for expressions that look like functions but contain some syntax sugar:
/// Can be parsed as a composition of functions, but the contents must be unwrapped:
/// POSITION(x IN y) -> POSITION(in(x, y)) -> POSITION(y, x)
/// Can be parsed as a function, but not always:
/// CAST(x AS type) - alias has to be unwrapped
/// CAST(x AS type(params))
/// Can be parsed as a function, but some identifier arguments have special meanings.
/// DATE_ADD(MINUTE, x, y) -> addMinutes(x, y)
/// Have keywords that have to processed explicitly:
String function_name = getIdentifierName(identifier);
String function_name_lowercase = Poco::toLower(function_name);
std::optional<bool> parsed_special_function;
if (function_name_lowercase == "cast")
parsed_special_function = parseCastAs(pos, node, expected);
else if (function_name_lowercase == "extract")
parsed_special_function = parseExtract(pos, node, expected);
else if (function_name_lowercase == "substring")
parsed_special_function = parseSubstring(pos, node, expected);
else if (function_name_lowercase == "position")
parsed_special_function = parsePosition(pos, node, expected);
else if (function_name_lowercase == "exists")
parsed_special_function = parseExists(pos, node, expected);
else if (function_name_lowercase == "trim")
parsed_special_function = parseTrim(false, false, pos, node, expected);
else if (function_name_lowercase == "ltrim")
parsed_special_function = parseTrim(true, false, pos, node, expected);
else if (function_name_lowercase == "rtrim")
parsed_special_function = parseTrim(false, true, pos, node, expected);
else if (function_name_lowercase == "dateadd" || function_name_lowercase == "date_add"
|| function_name_lowercase == "timestampadd" || function_name_lowercase == "timestamp_add")
parsed_special_function = parseDateAdd("plus", pos, node, expected);
else if (function_name_lowercase == "datesub" || function_name_lowercase == "date_sub"
|| function_name_lowercase == "timestampsub" || function_name_lowercase == "timestamp_sub")
parsed_special_function = parseDateAdd("minus", pos, node, expected);
else if (function_name_lowercase == "datediff" || function_name_lowercase == "date_diff"
|| function_name_lowercase == "timestampdiff" || function_name_lowercase == "timestamp_diff")
parsed_special_function = parseDateDiff(pos, node, expected);
if (parsed_special_function.has_value())
return parsed_special_function.value() && ParserToken(TokenType::ClosingRoundBracket).ignore(pos);
auto pos_after_bracket = pos;
auto old_expected = expected;
ParserKeyword all("ALL");
ParserKeyword distinct("DISTINCT");
if (all.ignore(pos, expected))
has_all = true;
if (distinct.ignore(pos, expected))
has_distinct = true;
if (!has_all && all.ignore(pos, expected))
has_all = true;
if (has_all && has_distinct)
return false;
if (has_all || has_distinct)
/// case f(ALL), f(ALL, x), f(DISTINCT), f(DISTINCT, x), ALL and DISTINCT should be treat as identifier
if (pos->type == TokenType::Comma || pos->type == TokenType::ClosingRoundBracket)
pos = pos_after_bracket;
expected = old_expected;
has_all = false;
has_distinct = false;
ParserExpressionList contents(false, is_table_function);
const char * contents_begin = pos->begin;
if (!contents.parse(pos, expr_list_args, expected))
return false;
const char * contents_end = pos->begin;
if (pos->type != TokenType::ClosingRoundBracket)
return false;
/** Check for a common error case - often due to the complexity of quoting command-line arguments,
* an expression of the form toDate(2014-01-01) appears in the query instead of toDate('2014-01-01').
* If you do not report that the first option is an error, then the argument will be interpreted as 2014 - 01 - 01 - some number,
* and the query silently returns an unexpected result.
if (function_name == "toDate"
&& contents_end - contents_begin == strlen("2014-01-01")
&& contents_begin[0] >= '2' && contents_begin[0] <= '3'
&& contents_begin[1] >= '0' && contents_begin[1] <= '9'
&& contents_begin[2] >= '0' && contents_begin[2] <= '9'
&& contents_begin[3] >= '0' && contents_begin[3] <= '9'
&& contents_begin[4] == '-'
&& contents_begin[5] >= '0' && contents_begin[5] <= '9'
&& contents_begin[6] >= '0' && contents_begin[6] <= '9'
&& contents_begin[7] == '-'
&& contents_begin[8] >= '0' && contents_begin[8] <= '9'
&& contents_begin[9] >= '0' && contents_begin[9] <= '9')
std::string contents_str(contents_begin, contents_end - contents_begin);
throw Exception("Argument of function toDate is unquoted: toDate(" + contents_str + "), must be: toDate('" + contents_str + "')"
, ErrorCodes::SYNTAX_ERROR);
/// The parametric aggregate function has two lists (parameters and arguments) in parentheses. Example: quantile(0.9)(x).
if (allow_function_parameters && pos->type == TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket)
/// Parametric aggregate functions cannot have DISTINCT in parameters list.
if (has_distinct)
return false;
expr_list_params = expr_list_args;
expr_list_args = nullptr;
pos_after_bracket = pos;
old_expected = expected;
if (all.ignore(pos, expected))
has_all = true;
if (distinct.ignore(pos, expected))
has_distinct = true;
if (!has_all && all.ignore(pos, expected))
has_all = true;
if (has_all && has_distinct)
return false;
if (has_all || has_distinct)
/// case f(ALL), f(ALL, x), f(DISTINCT), f(DISTINCT, x), ALL and DISTINCT should be treat as identifier
if (pos->type == TokenType::Comma || pos->type == TokenType::ClosingRoundBracket)
pos = pos_after_bracket;
expected = old_expected;
has_distinct = false;
if (!contents.parse(pos, expr_list_args, expected))
return false;
if (pos->type != TokenType::ClosingRoundBracket)
return false;
auto function_node = std::make_shared<ASTFunction>();
tryGetIdentifierNameInto(identifier, function_node->name);
/// func(DISTINCT ...) is equivalent to funcDistinct(...)
if (has_distinct)
function_node->name += "Distinct";
function_node->arguments = expr_list_args;
if (expr_list_params)
function_node->parameters = expr_list_params;
ParserKeyword filter("FILTER");
ParserKeyword over("OVER");
if (filter.ignore(pos, expected))
// We are slightly breaking the parser interface by parsing the window
// definition into an existing ASTFunction. Normally it would take a
// reference to ASTPtr and assign it the new node. We only have a pointer
// of a different type, hence this workaround with a temporary pointer.
ASTPtr function_node_as_iast = function_node;
ParserFilterClause filter_parser;
if (!filter_parser.parse(pos, function_node_as_iast, expected))
return false;
if (over.ignore(pos, expected))
function_node->is_window_function = true;
ASTPtr function_node_as_iast = function_node;
ParserWindowReference window_reference;
if (!window_reference.parse(pos, function_node_as_iast, expected))
return false;
node = function_node;
return true;
bool ParserTableFunctionView::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
ParserIdentifier id_parser;
ParserKeyword view("VIEW");
ParserSelectWithUnionQuery select;
ASTPtr identifier;
ASTPtr query;
if (!view.ignore(pos, expected))
return false;
if (pos->type != TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket)
return false;
bool maybe_an_subquery = pos->type == TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket;
if (!select.parse(pos, query, expected))
return false;
auto & select_ast = query->as<ASTSelectWithUnionQuery &>();
if (select_ast.list_of_selects->children.size() == 1 && maybe_an_subquery)
// It's an subquery. Bail out.
return false;
if (pos->type != TokenType::ClosingRoundBracket)
return false;
auto function_node = std::make_shared<ASTFunction>();
tryGetIdentifierNameInto(identifier, function_node->name);
auto expr_list_with_single_query = std::make_shared<ASTExpressionList>();
function_node->name = "view";
function_node->arguments = expr_list_with_single_query;
node = function_node;
return true;
bool ParserFilterClause::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
ASTFunction & function = dynamic_cast<ASTFunction &>(*node);
ParserToken parser_opening_bracket(TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket);
if (!parser_opening_bracket.ignore(pos, expected))
return false;
ParserKeyword parser_where("WHERE");
if (!parser_where.ignore(pos, expected))
return false;
ParserExpressionList parser_condition(false);
ASTPtr condition;
if (!parser_condition.parse(pos, condition, expected) || condition->children.size() != 1)
return false;
ParserToken parser_closing_bracket(TokenType::ClosingRoundBracket);
if (!parser_closing_bracket.ignore(pos, expected))
return false;
} += "If";
return true;
bool ParserWindowReference::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
ASTFunction & function = dynamic_cast<ASTFunction &>(*node);
// Variant 1:
// function_name ( * ) OVER window_name
if (pos->type != TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket)
ASTPtr window_name_ast;
ParserIdentifier window_name_parser;
if (window_name_parser.parse(pos, window_name_ast, expected))
function.window_name = getIdentifierName(window_name_ast);
return true;
return false;
// Variant 2:
// function_name ( * ) OVER ( window_definition )
ParserWindowDefinition parser_definition;
return parser_definition.parse(pos, function.window_definition, expected);
static bool tryParseFrameDefinition(ASTWindowDefinition * node, IParser::Pos & pos,
Expected & expected)
ParserKeyword keyword_rows("ROWS");
ParserKeyword keyword_groups("GROUPS");
ParserKeyword keyword_range("RANGE");
node->frame_is_default = false;
if (keyword_rows.ignore(pos, expected))
node->frame_type = WindowFrame::FrameType::Rows;
else if (keyword_groups.ignore(pos, expected))
node->frame_type = WindowFrame::FrameType::Groups;
else if (keyword_range.ignore(pos, expected))
node->frame_type = WindowFrame::FrameType::Range;
/* No frame clause. */
node->frame_is_default = true;
return true;
ParserKeyword keyword_between("BETWEEN");
ParserKeyword keyword_unbounded("UNBOUNDED");
ParserKeyword keyword_preceding("PRECEDING");
ParserKeyword keyword_following("FOLLOWING");
ParserKeyword keyword_and("AND");
ParserKeyword keyword_current_row("CURRENT ROW");
// There are two variants of grammar for the frame:
// When the frame end is not specified (2), it defaults to CURRENT ROW.
const bool has_frame_end = keyword_between.ignore(pos, expected);
if (keyword_current_row.ignore(pos, expected))
node->frame_begin_type = WindowFrame::BoundaryType::Current;
ParserExpression parser_expression;
if (keyword_unbounded.ignore(pos, expected))
node->frame_begin_type = WindowFrame::BoundaryType::Unbounded;
else if (parser_expression.parse(pos, node->frame_begin_offset, expected))
// We will evaluate the expression for offset expression later.
node->frame_begin_type = WindowFrame::BoundaryType::Offset;
return false;
if (keyword_preceding.ignore(pos, expected))
node->frame_begin_preceding = true;
else if (keyword_following.ignore(pos, expected))
node->frame_begin_preceding = false;
if (node->frame_begin_type == WindowFrame::BoundaryType::Unbounded)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS,
"Frame start cannot be UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING");
return false;
if (has_frame_end)
if (!keyword_and.ignore(pos, expected))
return false;
if (keyword_current_row.ignore(pos, expected))
node->frame_end_type = WindowFrame::BoundaryType::Current;
ParserExpression parser_expression;
if (keyword_unbounded.ignore(pos, expected))
node->frame_end_type = WindowFrame::BoundaryType::Unbounded;
else if (parser_expression.parse(pos, node->frame_end_offset, expected))
// We will evaluate the expression for offset expression later.
node->frame_end_type = WindowFrame::BoundaryType::Offset;
return false;
if (keyword_preceding.ignore(pos, expected))
node->frame_end_preceding = true;
if (node->frame_end_type == WindowFrame::BoundaryType::Unbounded)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS,
"Frame end cannot be UNBOUNDED PRECEDING");
else if (keyword_following.ignore(pos, expected))
// Positive offset or UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING.
node->frame_end_preceding = false;
return false;
return true;
// All except parent window name.
static bool parseWindowDefinitionParts(IParser::Pos & pos,
ASTWindowDefinition & node, Expected & expected)
ParserKeyword keyword_partition_by("PARTITION BY");
ParserNotEmptyExpressionList columns_partition_by(
false /* we don't allow declaring aliases here*/);
ParserKeyword keyword_order_by("ORDER BY");
ParserOrderByExpressionList columns_order_by;
if (keyword_partition_by.ignore(pos, expected))
ASTPtr partition_by_ast;
if (columns_partition_by.parse(pos, partition_by_ast, expected))
node.partition_by = partition_by_ast;
return false;
if (keyword_order_by.ignore(pos, expected))
ASTPtr order_by_ast;
if (columns_order_by.parse(pos, order_by_ast, expected))
node.order_by = order_by_ast;
return false;
return tryParseFrameDefinition(&node, pos, expected);
bool ParserWindowDefinition::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
auto result = std::make_shared<ASTWindowDefinition>();
ParserToken parser_openging_bracket(TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket);
if (!parser_openging_bracket.ignore(pos, expected))
return false;
// We can have a parent window name specified before all other things. No
// easy way to distinguish identifier from keywords, so just try to parse it
// both ways.
if (parseWindowDefinitionParts(pos, *result, expected))
// Successfully parsed without parent window specifier. It can be empty,
// so check that it is followed by the closing bracket.
ParserToken parser_closing_bracket(TokenType::ClosingRoundBracket);
if (parser_closing_bracket.ignore(pos, expected))
node = result;
return true;
// Try to parse with parent window specifier.
ParserIdentifier parser_parent_window;
ASTPtr window_name_identifier;
if (!parser_parent_window.parse(pos, window_name_identifier, expected))
return false;
result->parent_window_name = window_name_identifier->as<const ASTIdentifier &>().name();
if (!parseWindowDefinitionParts(pos, *result, expected))
return false;
ParserToken parser_closing_bracket(TokenType::ClosingRoundBracket);
if (!parser_closing_bracket.ignore(pos, expected))
return false;
node = result;
return true;
bool ParserWindowList::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
auto result = std::make_shared<ASTExpressionList>();
for (;;)
auto elem = std::make_shared<ASTWindowListElement>();
ParserIdentifier parser_window_name;
ASTPtr window_name_identifier;
if (!parser_window_name.parse(pos, window_name_identifier, expected))
return false;
elem->name = getIdentifierName(window_name_identifier);
ParserKeyword keyword_as("AS");
if (!keyword_as.ignore(pos, expected))
return false;
ParserWindowDefinition parser_window_definition;
if (!parser_window_definition.parse(pos, elem->definition, expected))
return false;
// If the list countinues, there should be a comma.
ParserToken parser_comma(TokenType::Comma);
if (!parser_comma.ignore(pos))
node = result;
return true;
bool ParserCodecDeclarationList::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
return ParserList(std::make_unique<ParserIdentifierWithOptionalParameters>(),
std::make_unique<ParserToken>(TokenType::Comma), false).parse(pos, node, expected);
bool ParserCodec::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
ParserCodecDeclarationList codecs;
ASTPtr expr_list_args;
if (pos->type != TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket)
return false;
if (!codecs.parse(pos, expr_list_args, expected))
return false;
if (pos->type != TokenType::ClosingRoundBracket)
return false;
auto function_node = std::make_shared<ASTFunction>();
function_node->name = "CODEC";
function_node->arguments = expr_list_args;
node = function_node;
return true;
template <TokenType ...tokens>
static bool isOneOf(TokenType token)
return ((token == tokens) || ...);
bool ParserCastOperator::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
/// Parse numbers (including decimals), strings, arrays and tuples of them.
const char * data_begin = pos->begin;
const char * data_end = pos->end;
bool is_string_literal = pos->type == TokenType::StringLiteral;
if (pos->type == TokenType::Minus)
if (pos->type != TokenType::Number)
return false;
data_end = pos->end;
else if (pos->type == TokenType::Number || is_string_literal)
else if (isOneOf<TokenType::OpeningSquareBracket, TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket>(pos->type))
TokenType last_token = TokenType::OpeningSquareBracket;
std::vector<TokenType> stack;
while (pos.isValid())
if (isOneOf<TokenType::OpeningSquareBracket, TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket>(pos->type))
if (!isOneOf<TokenType::OpeningSquareBracket, TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket, TokenType::Comma>(last_token))
return false;
else if (pos->type == TokenType::ClosingSquareBracket)
if (isOneOf<TokenType::Comma, TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket, TokenType::Minus>(last_token))
return false;
if (stack.empty() || stack.back() != TokenType::OpeningSquareBracket)
return false;
else if (pos->type == TokenType::ClosingRoundBracket)
if (isOneOf<TokenType::Comma, TokenType::OpeningSquareBracket, TokenType::Minus>(last_token))
return false;
if (stack.empty() || stack.back() != TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket)
return false;
else if (pos->type == TokenType::Comma)
if (isOneOf<TokenType::OpeningSquareBracket, TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket, TokenType::Comma, TokenType::Minus>(last_token))
return false;
else if (pos->type == TokenType::Number)
if (!isOneOf<TokenType::OpeningSquareBracket, TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket, TokenType::Comma, TokenType::Minus>(last_token))
return false;
else if (isOneOf<TokenType::StringLiteral, TokenType::Minus>(pos->type))
if (!isOneOf<TokenType::OpeningSquareBracket, TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket, TokenType::Comma>(last_token))
return false;
/// Update data_end on every iteration to avoid appearances of extra trailing
/// whitespaces into data. Whitespaces are skipped at operator '++' of Pos.
data_end = pos->end;
last_token = pos->type;
if (!stack.empty())
return false;
return false;
ASTPtr type_ast;
if (ParserToken(TokenType::DoubleColon).ignore(pos, expected)
&& ParserDataType().parse(pos, type_ast, expected))
String s;
size_t data_size = data_end - data_begin;
if (is_string_literal)
ReadBufferFromMemory buf(data_begin, data_size);
readQuotedStringWithSQLStyle(s, buf);
assert(buf.count() == data_size);
s = String(data_begin, data_size);
auto literal = std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>(std::move(s));
node = createFunctionCast(literal, type_ast);
return true;
return false;
bool ParserNull::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
ParserKeyword nested_parser("NULL");
if (nested_parser.parse(pos, node, expected))
node = std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>(Null());
return true;
return false;
bool ParserBool::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
if (ParserKeyword("true").parse(pos, node, expected))
node = std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>(true);
return true;
else if (ParserKeyword("false").parse(pos, node, expected))
node = std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>(false);
return true;
return false;
static bool parseNumber(char * buffer, size_t size, bool negative, int base, Field & res)
errno = 0; /// Functions strto* don't clear errno.
char * pos_integer = buffer;
UInt64 uint_value = std::strtoull(buffer, &pos_integer, base);
if (pos_integer == buffer + size && errno != ERANGE && (!negative || uint_value <= (1ULL << 63)))
if (negative)
res = static_cast<Int64>(-uint_value);
res = uint_value;
return true;
return false;
bool ParserNumber::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
Pos literal_begin = pos;
bool negative = false;
if (pos->type == TokenType::Minus)
negative = true;
else if (pos->type == TokenType::Plus) /// Leading plus is simply ignored.
Field res;
if (!pos.isValid())
return false;
/** Maximum length of number. 319 symbols is enough to write maximum double in decimal form.
* Copy is needed to use strto* functions, which require 0-terminated string.
static constexpr size_t MAX_LENGTH_OF_NUMBER = 319;
if (pos->size() > MAX_LENGTH_OF_NUMBER)
expected.add(pos, "number");
return false;
char buf[MAX_LENGTH_OF_NUMBER + 1];
memcpy(buf, pos->begin, pos->size());
buf[pos->size()] = 0;
char * pos_double = buf;
errno = 0; /// Functions strto* don't clear errno.
Float64 float_value = std::strtod(buf, &pos_double);
if (pos_double != buf + pos->size() || errno == ERANGE)
/// Try to parse number as binary literal representation. Example: 0b0001.
if (pos->size() > 2 && buf[0] == '0' && buf[1] == 'b')
char * buf_skip_prefix = buf + 2;
if (parseNumber(buf_skip_prefix, pos->size() - 2, negative, 2, res))
auto literal = std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>(res);
literal->begin = literal_begin;
literal->end = ++pos;
node = literal;
return true;
expected.add(pos, "number");
return false;
if (float_value < 0)
throw Exception("Logical error: token number cannot begin with minus, but parsed float number is less than zero.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
if (negative)
float_value = -float_value;
res = float_value;
/// try to use more exact type: UInt64
parseNumber(buf, pos->size(), negative, 0, res);
auto literal = std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>(res);
literal->begin = literal_begin;
literal->end = ++pos;
node = literal;
return true;
bool ParserUnsignedInteger::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
Field res;
if (!pos.isValid())
return false;
UInt64 x = 0;
ReadBufferFromMemory in(pos->begin, pos->size());
if (!tryReadIntText(x, in) || in.count() != pos->size())
expected.add(pos, "unsigned integer");
return false;
res = x;
auto literal = std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>(res);
literal->begin = pos;
literal->end = ++pos;
node = literal;
return true;
bool ParserStringLiteral::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
if (pos->type != TokenType::StringLiteral && pos->type != TokenType::HereDoc)
return false;
String s;
if (pos->type == TokenType::StringLiteral)
ReadBufferFromMemory in(pos->begin, pos->size());
readQuotedStringWithSQLStyle(s, in);
catch (const Exception &)
expected.add(pos, "string literal");
return false;
if (in.count() != pos->size())
expected.add(pos, "string literal");
return false;
else if (pos->type == TokenType::HereDoc)
std::string_view here_doc(pos->begin, pos->size());
size_t heredoc_size = here_doc.find('$', 1) + 1;
assert(heredoc_size != std::string_view::npos);
s = String(pos->begin + heredoc_size, pos->size() - heredoc_size * 2);
auto literal = std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>(s);
literal->begin = pos;
literal->end = ++pos;
node = literal;
return true;
template <typename Collection>
bool ParserCollectionOfLiterals<Collection>::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
if (pos->type != opening_bracket)
return false;
Pos literal_begin = pos;
Collection arr;
ParserLiteral literal_p;
ParserCollectionOfLiterals<Collection> collection_p(opening_bracket, closing_bracket);
while (pos.isValid())
if (!arr.empty())
if (pos->type == closing_bracket)
std::shared_ptr<ASTLiteral> literal;
/// Parse one-element tuples (e.g. (1)) later as single values for backward compatibility.
if (std::is_same_v<Collection, Tuple> && arr.size() == 1)
return false;
literal = std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>(std::move(arr));
literal->begin = literal_begin;
literal->end = ++pos;
node = literal;
return true;
else if (pos->type == TokenType::Comma)
else if (pos->type == TokenType::Colon && std::is_same_v<Collection, Map> && arr.size() % 2 == 1)
expected.add(pos, "comma or closing bracket");
return false;
ASTPtr literal_node;
if (!literal_p.parse(pos, literal_node, expected) && !collection_p.parse(pos, literal_node, expected))
return false;
arr.push_back(literal_node->as<ASTLiteral &>().value);
expected.add(pos, getTokenName(closing_bracket));
return false;
template bool ParserCollectionOfLiterals<Array>::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected);
template bool ParserCollectionOfLiterals<Tuple>::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected);
template bool ParserCollectionOfLiterals<Map>::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected);
bool ParserLiteral::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
ParserNull null_p;
ParserNumber num_p;
ParserBool bool_p;
ParserStringLiteral str_p;
if (null_p.parse(pos, node, expected))
return true;
if (num_p.parse(pos, node, expected))
return true;
if (bool_p.parse(pos, node, expected))
return true;
if (str_p.parse(pos, node, expected))
return true;
return false;
const char * ParserAlias::restricted_keywords[] =
"ONLY", /// YQL's synonym for ANTI. Note: YQL is the name of one of proprietary languages, completely unrelated to ClickHouse.
bool ParserAlias::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
ParserKeyword s_as("AS");
ParserIdentifier id_p;
bool has_as_word = s_as.ignore(pos, expected);
if (!allow_alias_without_as_keyword && !has_as_word)
return false;
if (!id_p.parse(pos, node, expected))
return false;
if (!has_as_word)
/** In this case, the alias can not match the keyword -
* so that in the query "SELECT x FROM t", the word FROM was not considered an alias,
* and in the query "SELECT x FR FROM t", the word FR was considered an alias.
const String name = getIdentifierName(node);
for (const char ** keyword = restricted_keywords; *keyword != nullptr; ++keyword)
if (0 == strcasecmp(, *keyword))
return false;
return true;
bool ParserColumnsMatcher::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
ParserKeyword columns("COLUMNS");
ParserList columns_p(std::make_unique<ParserCompoundIdentifier>(false, true), std::make_unique<ParserToken>(TokenType::Comma), false);
ParserStringLiteral regex;
if (!columns.ignore(pos, expected))
return false;
if (pos->type != TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket)
return false;
ASTPtr column_list;
ASTPtr regex_node;
if (!columns_p.parse(pos, column_list, expected) && !regex.parse(pos, regex_node, expected))
return false;
if (pos->type != TokenType::ClosingRoundBracket)
return false;
ASTPtr res;
if (column_list)
auto list_matcher = std::make_shared<ASTColumnsListMatcher>();
list_matcher->column_list = column_list;
res = list_matcher;
auto regexp_matcher = std::make_shared<ASTColumnsRegexpMatcher>();
regexp_matcher->setPattern(regex_node->as<ASTLiteral &>().value.get<String>());
res = regexp_matcher;
ParserColumnsTransformers transformers_p(allowed_transformers);
ASTPtr transformer;
while (transformers_p.parse(pos, transformer, expected))
node = std::move(res);
return true;
bool ParserColumnsTransformers::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
ParserKeyword apply("APPLY");
ParserKeyword except("EXCEPT");
ParserKeyword replace("REPLACE");
ParserKeyword as("AS");
ParserKeyword strict("STRICT");
if (allowed_transformers.isSet(ColumnTransformer::APPLY) && apply.ignore(pos, expected))
bool with_open_round_bracket = false;
if (pos->type == TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket)
with_open_round_bracket = true;
ASTPtr lambda;
String lambda_arg;
ASTPtr func_name;
ASTPtr expr_list_args;
auto opos = pos;
if (ParserLambdaExpression().parse(pos, lambda, expected))
if (const auto * func = lambda->as<ASTFunction>(); func && func->name == "lambda")
if (func->arguments->children.size() != 2)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::SYNTAX_ERROR, "lambda requires two arguments");
const auto * lambda_args_tuple = func->arguments->>as<ASTFunction>();
if (!lambda_args_tuple || lambda_args_tuple->name != "tuple")
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::SYNTAX_ERROR, "First argument of lambda must be a tuple");
const ASTs & lambda_arg_asts = lambda_args_tuple->arguments->children;
if (lambda_arg_asts.size() != 1)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::SYNTAX_ERROR, "APPLY column transformer can only accept lambda with one argument");
if (auto opt_arg_name = tryGetIdentifierName(lambda_arg_asts[0]); opt_arg_name)
lambda_arg = *opt_arg_name;
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::SYNTAX_ERROR, "lambda argument declarations must be identifiers");
lambda = nullptr;
pos = opos;
if (!lambda)
if (!ParserIdentifier().parse(pos, func_name, expected))
return false;
if (pos->type == TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket)
if (!ParserExpressionList(false).parse(pos, expr_list_args, expected))
return false;
if (pos->type != TokenType::ClosingRoundBracket)
return false;
String column_name_prefix;
if (with_open_round_bracket && pos->type == TokenType::Comma)
ParserStringLiteral parser_string_literal;
ASTPtr ast_prefix_name;
if (!parser_string_literal.parse(pos, ast_prefix_name, expected))
return false;
column_name_prefix = ast_prefix_name->as<ASTLiteral &>().value.get<const String &>();
if (with_open_round_bracket)
if (pos->type != TokenType::ClosingRoundBracket)
return false;
auto res = std::make_shared<ASTColumnsApplyTransformer>();
if (lambda)
res->lambda = lambda;
res->lambda_arg = lambda_arg;
res->func_name = getIdentifierName(func_name);
res->parameters = expr_list_args;
res->column_name_prefix = column_name_prefix;
node = std::move(res);
return true;
else if (allowed_transformers.isSet(ColumnTransformer::EXCEPT) && except.ignore(pos, expected))
if (strict.ignore(pos, expected))
is_strict = true;
ASTs identifiers;
ASTPtr regex_node;
ParserStringLiteral regex;
auto parse_id = [&identifiers, &pos, &expected]
ASTPtr identifier;
if (!ParserIdentifier(true).parse(pos, identifier, expected))
return false;
return true;
if (pos->type == TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket)
// support one or more parameter
if (!ParserList::parseUtil(pos, expected, parse_id, false) && !regex.parse(pos, regex_node, expected))
return false;
if (pos->type != TokenType::ClosingRoundBracket)
return false;
// only one parameter
if (!parse_id() && !regex.parse(pos, regex_node, expected))
return false;
auto res = std::make_shared<ASTColumnsExceptTransformer>();
if (regex_node)
res->setPattern(regex_node->as<ASTLiteral &>().value.get<String>());
res->children = std::move(identifiers);
res->is_strict = is_strict;
node = std::move(res);
return true;
else if (allowed_transformers.isSet(ColumnTransformer::REPLACE) && replace.ignore(pos, expected))
if (strict.ignore(pos, expected))
is_strict = true;
ASTs replacements;
ParserExpression element_p;
ParserIdentifier ident_p;
auto parse_id = [&]
ASTPtr expr;
if (!element_p.parse(pos, expr, expected))
return false;
if (!as.ignore(pos, expected))
return false;
ASTPtr ident;
if (!ident_p.parse(pos, ident, expected))
return false;
auto replacement = std::make_shared<ASTColumnsReplaceTransformer::Replacement>();
replacement->name = getIdentifierName(ident);
replacement->expr = std::move(expr);
return true;
if (pos->type == TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket)
if (!ParserList::parseUtil(pos, expected, parse_id, false))
return false;
if (pos->type != TokenType::ClosingRoundBracket)
return false;
// only one parameter
if (!parse_id())
return false;
auto res = std::make_shared<ASTColumnsReplaceTransformer>();
res->children = std::move(replacements);
res->is_strict = is_strict;
node = std::move(res);
return true;
return false;
bool ParserAsterisk::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
if (pos->type == TokenType::Asterisk)
auto asterisk = std::make_shared<ASTAsterisk>();
ParserColumnsTransformers transformers_p(allowed_transformers);
ASTPtr transformer;
while (transformers_p.parse(pos, transformer, expected))
node = asterisk;
return true;
return false;
bool ParserQualifiedAsterisk::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
if (!ParserCompoundIdentifier(true, true).parse(pos, node, expected))
return false;
if (pos->type != TokenType::Dot)
return false;
if (pos->type != TokenType::Asterisk)
return false;
auto res = std::make_shared<ASTQualifiedAsterisk>();
ParserColumnsTransformers transformers_p;
ASTPtr transformer;
while (transformers_p.parse(pos, transformer, expected))
node = std::move(res);
return true;
bool ParserSubstitution::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
if (pos->type != TokenType::OpeningCurlyBrace)
return false;
if (pos->type != TokenType::BareWord)
expected.add(pos, "substitution name (identifier)");
return false;
String name(pos->begin, pos->end);
if (pos->type != TokenType::Colon)
expected.add(pos, "colon between name and type");
return false;
auto old_pos = pos;
ParserDataType type_parser;
if (!type_parser.ignore(pos, expected))
expected.add(pos, "substitution type");
return false;
String type(old_pos->begin, pos->begin);
if (pos->type != TokenType::ClosingCurlyBrace)
expected.add(pos, "closing curly brace");
return false;
node = std::make_shared<ASTQueryParameter>(name, type);
return true;
bool ParserMySQLGlobalVariable::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
if (pos->type != TokenType::DoubleAt)
return false;
if (pos->type != TokenType::BareWord)
expected.add(pos, "variable name");
return false;
String name(pos->begin, pos->end);
/// SELECT @@session|global.variable style
if (pos->type == TokenType::Dot)
if (pos->type != TokenType::BareWord)
expected.add(pos, "variable name");
return false;
name = String(pos->begin, pos->end);
auto name_literal = std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>(name);
auto expr_list_args = std::make_shared<ASTExpressionList>();
auto function_node = std::make_shared<ASTFunction>();
function_node->name = "globalVariable";
function_node->arguments = expr_list_args;
node = function_node;
node->setAlias("@@" + name);
return true;
bool ParserExpressionElement::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
return ParserSubquery().parse(pos, node, expected)
|| ParserCastOperator().parse(pos, node, expected)
|| ParserTupleOfLiterals().parse(pos, node, expected)
|| ParserParenthesisExpression().parse(pos, node, expected)
|| ParserArrayOfLiterals().parse(pos, node, expected)
|| ParserArray().parse(pos, node, expected)
|| ParserLiteral().parse(pos, node, expected)
|| ParserCase().parse(pos, node, expected)
|| ParserColumnsMatcher().parse(pos, node, expected) /// before ParserFunction because it can be also parsed as a function.
|| ParserFunction().parse(pos, node, expected)
|| ParserQualifiedAsterisk().parse(pos, node, expected)
|| ParserAsterisk().parse(pos, node, expected)
|| ParserCompoundIdentifier(false, true).parse(pos, node, expected)
|| ParserSubstitution().parse(pos, node, expected)
|| ParserMySQLGlobalVariable().parse(pos, node, expected);
bool ParserWithOptionalAlias::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
if (!elem_parser->parse(pos, node, expected))
return false;
/** Little hack.
* In the SELECT section, we allow parsing aliases without specifying the AS keyword.
* These aliases can not be the same as the query keywords.
* And the expression itself can be an identifier that matches the keyword.
* For example, a column may be called where. And in the query it can be written `SELECT where AS x FROM table` or even `SELECT where x FROM table`.
* Even can be written `SELECT where AS from FROM table`, but it can not be written `SELECT where from FROM table`.
* See the ParserAlias implementation for details.
* But there is a small problem - an inconvenient error message if there is an extra comma in the SELECT section at the end.
* Although this error is very common. Example: `SELECT x, y, z, FROM tbl`
* If you do nothing, it's parsed as a column with the name FROM and alias tbl.
* To avoid this situation, we do not allow the parsing of the alias without the AS keyword for the identifier with the name FROM.
* Note: this also filters the case when the identifier is quoted.
* Example: SELECT x, y, z, `FROM` tbl. But such a case could be solved.
* In the future it would be easier to disallow unquoted identifiers that match the keywords.
bool allow_alias_without_as_keyword_now = allow_alias_without_as_keyword;
if (allow_alias_without_as_keyword)
if (auto opt_id = tryGetIdentifierName(node))
if (0 == strcasecmp(opt_id->data(), "FROM"))
allow_alias_without_as_keyword_now = false;
ASTPtr alias_node;
if (ParserAlias(allow_alias_without_as_keyword_now).parse(pos, alias_node, expected))
/// FIXME: try to prettify this cast using `as<>()`
if (auto * ast_with_alias = dynamic_cast<ASTWithAlias *>(node.get()))
tryGetIdentifierNameInto(alias_node, ast_with_alias->alias);
expected.add(pos, "alias cannot be here");
return false;
return true;
bool ParserOrderByElement::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
ParserExpressionWithOptionalAlias elem_p(false);
ParserKeyword ascending("ASCENDING");
ParserKeyword descending("DESCENDING");
ParserKeyword asc("ASC");
ParserKeyword desc("DESC");
ParserKeyword nulls("NULLS");
ParserKeyword first("FIRST");
ParserKeyword last("LAST");
ParserKeyword collate("COLLATE");
ParserKeyword with_fill("WITH FILL");
ParserKeyword from("FROM");
ParserKeyword to("TO");
ParserKeyword step("STEP");
ParserStringLiteral collate_locale_parser;
ParserExpressionWithOptionalAlias exp_parser(false);
ASTPtr expr_elem;
if (!elem_p.parse(pos, expr_elem, expected))
return false;
int direction = 1;
if (descending.ignore(pos) || desc.ignore(pos))
direction = -1;
ascending.ignore(pos) || asc.ignore(pos);
int nulls_direction = direction;
bool nulls_direction_was_explicitly_specified = false;
if (nulls.ignore(pos))
nulls_direction_was_explicitly_specified = true;
if (first.ignore(pos))
nulls_direction = -direction;
else if (last.ignore(pos))
return false;
ASTPtr locale_node;
if (collate.ignore(pos))
if (!collate_locale_parser.parse(pos, locale_node, expected))
return false;
/// WITH FILL [FROM x] [TO y] [STEP z]
bool has_with_fill = false;
ASTPtr fill_from;
ASTPtr fill_to;
ASTPtr fill_step;
if (with_fill.ignore(pos))
has_with_fill = true;
if (from.ignore(pos) && !exp_parser.parse(pos, fill_from, expected))
return false;
if (to.ignore(pos) && !exp_parser.parse(pos, fill_to, expected))
return false;
if (step.ignore(pos) && !exp_parser.parse(pos, fill_step, expected))
return false;
auto elem = std::make_shared<ASTOrderByElement>();
elem->direction = direction;
elem->nulls_direction = nulls_direction;
elem->nulls_direction_was_explicitly_specified = nulls_direction_was_explicitly_specified;
elem->collation = locale_node;
elem->with_fill = has_with_fill;
elem->fill_from = fill_from;
elem->fill_to = fill_to;
elem->fill_step = fill_step;
if (locale_node)
node = elem;
return true;
bool ParserInterpolateElement::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
ParserKeyword as("AS");
ParserExpression element_p;
ParserIdentifier ident_p;
ASTPtr ident;
if (!ident_p.parse(pos, ident, expected))
return false;
ASTPtr expr;
if (as.ignore(pos, expected))
if (!element_p.parse(pos, expr, expected))
return false;
expr = ident;
auto elem = std::make_shared<ASTInterpolateElement>();
elem->column = ident->getColumnName();
elem->expr = expr;
node = elem;
return true;
bool ParserFunctionWithKeyValueArguments::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
ParserIdentifier id_parser;
ParserKeyValuePairsList pairs_list_parser;
ASTPtr identifier;
ASTPtr expr_list_args;
if (!id_parser.parse(pos, identifier, expected))
return false;
bool left_bracket_found = false;
if (pos.get().type != TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket)
if (!brackets_can_be_omitted)
return false;
left_bracket_found = true;
if (!pairs_list_parser.parse(pos, expr_list_args, expected))
return false;
if (left_bracket_found)
if (pos.get().type != TokenType::ClosingRoundBracket)
return false;
auto function = std::make_shared<ASTFunctionWithKeyValueArguments>(left_bracket_found);
function->name = Poco::toLower(identifier->as<ASTIdentifier>()->name());
function->elements = expr_list_args;
node = function;
return true;
bool ParserTTLElement::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
ParserKeyword s_to_disk("TO DISK");
ParserKeyword s_to_volume("TO VOLUME");
ParserKeyword s_if_exists("IF EXISTS");
ParserKeyword s_delete("DELETE");
ParserKeyword s_where("WHERE");
ParserKeyword s_group_by("GROUP BY");
ParserKeyword s_set("SET");
ParserKeyword s_recompress("RECOMPRESS");
ParserKeyword s_codec("CODEC");
ParserToken s_comma(TokenType::Comma);
ParserToken s_eq(TokenType::Equals);
ParserIdentifier parser_identifier;
ParserStringLiteral parser_string_literal;
ParserExpression parser_exp;
ParserExpressionList parser_keys_list(false);
ParserCodec parser_codec;
ParserList parser_assignment_list(
std::make_unique<ParserAssignment>(), std::make_unique<ParserToken>(TokenType::Comma));
ASTPtr ttl_expr;
if (!parser_exp.parse(pos, ttl_expr, expected))
return false;
TTLMode mode;
DataDestinationType destination_type = DataDestinationType::DELETE;
String destination_name;
if (s_to_disk.ignore(pos))
mode = TTLMode::MOVE;
destination_type = DataDestinationType::DISK;
else if (s_to_volume.ignore(pos))
mode = TTLMode::MOVE;
destination_type = DataDestinationType::VOLUME;
else if (s_group_by.ignore(pos))
mode = TTLMode::GROUP_BY;
else if (s_recompress.ignore(pos))
mode = TTLMode::DELETE;
ASTPtr where_expr;
ASTPtr group_by_key;
ASTPtr recompression_codec;
ASTPtr group_by_assignments;
bool if_exists = false;
if (mode == TTLMode::MOVE)
if (s_if_exists.ignore(pos))
if_exists = true;
ASTPtr ast_space_name;
if (!parser_string_literal.parse(pos, ast_space_name, expected))
return false;
destination_name = ast_space_name->as<ASTLiteral &>().value.get<const String &>();
else if (mode == TTLMode::GROUP_BY)
if (!parser_keys_list.parse(pos, group_by_key, expected))
return false;
if (s_set.ignore(pos))
if (!parser_assignment_list.parse(pos, group_by_assignments, expected))
return false;
else if (mode == TTLMode::DELETE && s_where.ignore(pos))
if (!parser_exp.parse(pos, where_expr, expected))
return false;
else if (mode == TTLMode::RECOMPRESS)
if (!s_codec.ignore(pos))
return false;
if (!parser_codec.parse(pos, recompression_codec, expected))
return false;
auto ttl_element = std::make_shared<ASTTTLElement>(mode, destination_type, destination_name, if_exists);
if (where_expr)
if (mode == TTLMode::GROUP_BY)
ttl_element->group_by_key = std::move(group_by_key->children);
if (group_by_assignments)
ttl_element->group_by_assignments = std::move(group_by_assignments->children);
if (mode == TTLMode::RECOMPRESS)
ttl_element->recompression_codec = recompression_codec;
node = ttl_element;
return true;
bool ParserIdentifierWithOptionalParameters::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
ParserIdentifier non_parametric;
ParserIdentifierWithParameters parametric;
if (parametric.parse(pos, node, expected))
auto * func = node->as<ASTFunction>();
func->no_empty_args = true;
return true;
ASTPtr ident;
if (non_parametric.parse(pos, ident, expected))
auto func = std::make_shared<ASTFunction>();
tryGetIdentifierNameInto(ident, func->name);
func->no_empty_args = true;
node = func;
return true;
return false;
bool ParserAssignment::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected)
auto assignment = std::make_shared<ASTAssignment>();
node = assignment;
ParserIdentifier p_identifier;
ParserToken s_equals(TokenType::Equals);
ParserExpression p_expression;
ASTPtr column;
if (!p_identifier.parse(pos, column, expected))
return false;
if (!s_equals.ignore(pos, expected))
return false;
ASTPtr expression;
if (!p_expression.parse(pos, expression, expected))
return false;
tryGetIdentifierNameInto(column, assignment->column_name);
if (expression)
return true;