Robert Schulze ab2b5cd5ca
More fixes
2023-09-26 18:55:10 +00:00

632 lines
18 KiB

#include <IO/ReadBuffer.h>
#include <IO/WriteBuffer.h>
#include <IO/ReadHelpers.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <IO/ReadBufferFromString.h>
#include <IO/readDecimalText.h>
#include <Core/Field.h>
#include <Core/DecimalComparison.h>
#include <Common/FieldVisitorDump.h>
#include <Common/FieldVisitorToString.h>
#include <Common/FieldVisitorWriteBinary.h>
using namespace std::literals;
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int DECIMAL_OVERFLOW;
inline Field getBinaryValue(UInt8 type, ReadBuffer & buf)
switch (static_cast<Field::Types::Which>(type))
case Field::Types::Null:
return Field();
case Field::Types::UInt64:
UInt64 value;
readVarUInt(value, buf);
return value;
case Field::Types::UInt128:
UInt128 value;
readBinary(value, buf);
return value;
case Field::Types::UInt256:
UInt256 value;
readBinary(value, buf);
return value;
case Field::Types::UUID:
UUID value;
readBinary(value, buf);
return value;
case Field::Types::IPv4:
IPv4 value;
readBinary(value, buf);
return value;
case Field::Types::IPv6:
IPv6 value;
readBinary(value.toUnderType(), buf);
return value;
case Field::Types::Int64:
Int64 value;
readVarInt(value, buf);
return value;
case Field::Types::Int128:
Int128 value;
readBinary(value, buf);
return value;
case Field::Types::Int256:
Int256 value;
readBinary(value, buf);
return value;
case Field::Types::Float64:
Float64 value;
readFloatBinary(value, buf);
return value;
case Field::Types::String:
std::string value;
readStringBinary(value, buf);
return value;
case Field::Types::Array:
Array value;
readBinary(value, buf);
return value;
case Field::Types::Tuple:
Tuple value;
readBinary(value, buf);
return value;
case Field::Types::Map:
Map value;
readBinary(value, buf);
return value;
case Field::Types::Object:
Object value;
readBinary(value, buf);
return value;
case Field::Types::AggregateFunctionState:
AggregateFunctionStateData value;
readStringBinary(, buf);
readStringBinary(, buf);
return value;
case Field::Types::Bool:
UInt8 value;
readBinary(value, buf);
return bool(value);
case Field::Types::Decimal32:
case Field::Types::Decimal64:
case Field::Types::Decimal128:
case Field::Types::Decimal256:
case Field::Types::CustomType:
return Field();
void readBinary(Array & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
size_t size;
UInt8 type;
readBinary(type, buf);
readBinary(size, buf);
for (size_t index = 0; index < size; ++index)
x.push_back(getBinaryValue(type, buf));
void writeBinary(const Array & x, WriteBuffer & buf)
UInt8 type = Field::Types::Null;
size_t size = x.size();
if (size)
type = x.front().getType();
writeBinary(type, buf);
writeBinary(size, buf);
for (const auto & elem : x)
Field::dispatch([&buf] (const auto & value) { FieldVisitorWriteBinary()(value, buf); }, elem);
void writeText(const Array & x, WriteBuffer & buf)
String res = applyVisitor(FieldVisitorToString(), Field(x));
buf.write(, res.size());
void readBinary(Tuple & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
size_t size;
readBinary(size, buf);
for (size_t index = 0; index < size; ++index)
UInt8 type;
readBinary(type, buf);
x.push_back(getBinaryValue(type, buf));
void writeBinary(const Tuple & x, WriteBuffer & buf)
const size_t size = x.size();
writeBinary(size, buf);
for (const auto & elem : x)
const UInt8 type = elem.getType();
writeBinary(type, buf);
Field::dispatch([&buf] (const auto & value) { FieldVisitorWriteBinary()(value, buf); }, elem);
void writeText(const Tuple & x, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeFieldText(Field(x), buf);
void readBinary(Map & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
size_t size;
readBinary(size, buf);
for (size_t index = 0; index < size; ++index)
UInt8 type;
readBinary(type, buf);
x.push_back(getBinaryValue(type, buf));
void writeBinary(const Map & x, WriteBuffer & buf)
const size_t size = x.size();
writeBinary(size, buf);
for (const auto & elem : x)
const UInt8 type = elem.getType();
writeBinary(type, buf);
Field::dispatch([&buf] (const auto & value) { FieldVisitorWriteBinary()(value, buf); }, elem);
void writeText(const Map & x, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeFieldText(Field(x), buf);
void readBinary(Object & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
size_t size;
readBinary(size, buf);
for (size_t index = 0; index < size; ++index)
UInt8 type;
String key;
readBinary(type, buf);
readBinary(key, buf);
x[key] = getBinaryValue(type, buf);
void writeBinary(const Object & x, WriteBuffer & buf)
const size_t size = x.size();
writeBinary(size, buf);
for (const auto & [key, value] : x)
const UInt8 type = value.getType();
writeBinary(type, buf);
writeBinary(key, buf);
Field::dispatch([&buf] (const auto & val) { FieldVisitorWriteBinary()(val, buf); }, value);
void writeText(const Object & x, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeFieldText(Field(x), buf);
void writeBinary(const CustomType & x, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeBinary(std::string_view(x.getTypeName()), buf);
writeBinary(x.toString(), buf);
void writeText(const CustomType & x, WriteBuffer & buf)
writeFieldText(Field(x), buf);
template <typename T>
void readQuoted(DecimalField<T> & x, ReadBuffer & buf)
assertChar('\'', buf);
T value;
UInt32 scale;
int32_t exponent;
uint32_t max_digits = static_cast<uint32_t>(-1);
readDigits<true>(buf, value, max_digits, exponent, true);
if (exponent > 0)
scale = 0;
if (common::mulOverflow(value.value, DecimalUtils::scaleMultiplier<T>(exponent), value.value))
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::DECIMAL_OVERFLOW, "Decimal math overflow");
scale = -exponent;
assertChar('\'', buf);
x = DecimalField<T>{value, scale};
template void readQuoted<Decimal32>(DecimalField<Decimal32> & x, ReadBuffer & buf);
template void readQuoted<Decimal64>(DecimalField<Decimal64> & x, ReadBuffer & buf);
template void readQuoted<Decimal128>(DecimalField<Decimal128> & x, ReadBuffer & buf);
template void readQuoted<Decimal256>(DecimalField<Decimal256> & x, ReadBuffer & buf);
void writeFieldText(const Field & x, WriteBuffer & buf)
String res = Field::dispatch(FieldVisitorToString(), x);
buf.write(, res.size());
String Field::dump() const
return applyVisitor(FieldVisitorDump(), *this);
Field Field::restoreFromDump(std::string_view dump_)
auto show_error = [&dump_]
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::CANNOT_RESTORE_FROM_FIELD_DUMP, "Couldn't restore Field from dump: {}", String{dump_});
std::string_view dump = dump_;
if (dump == "NULL")
return {};
std::string_view prefix = std::string_view{"Int64_"};
if (dump.starts_with(prefix))
Int64 value = parseFromString<Int64>(dump.substr(prefix.length()));
return value;
prefix = std::string_view{"UInt64_"};
if (dump.starts_with(prefix))
UInt64 value = parseFromString<UInt64>(dump.substr(prefix.length()));
return value;
prefix = std::string_view{"Int128_"};
if (dump.starts_with(prefix))
Int128 value = parseFromString<Int128>(dump.substr(prefix.length()));
return value;
prefix = std::string_view{"UInt128_"};
if (dump.starts_with(prefix))
UInt128 value = parseFromString<UInt128>(dump.substr(prefix.length()));
return value;
prefix = std::string_view{"Int256_"};
if (dump.starts_with(prefix))
Int256 value = parseFromString<Int256>(dump.substr(prefix.length()));
return value;
prefix = std::string_view{"UInt256_"};
if (dump.starts_with(prefix))
UInt256 value = parseFromString<UInt256>(dump.substr(prefix.length()));
return value;
prefix = std::string_view{"Float64_"};
if (dump.starts_with(prefix))
Float64 value = parseFromString<Float64>(dump.substr(prefix.length()));
return value;
prefix = std::string_view{"Decimal32_"};
if (dump_.starts_with(prefix))
DecimalField<Decimal32> decimal;
ReadBufferFromString buf{dump.substr(prefix.length())};
readQuoted(decimal, buf);
return decimal;
prefix = std::string_view{"Decimal64_"};
if (dump_.starts_with(prefix))
DecimalField<Decimal64> decimal;
ReadBufferFromString buf{dump.substr(prefix.length())};
readQuoted(decimal, buf);
return decimal;
prefix = std::string_view{"Decimal128_"};
if (dump_.starts_with(prefix))
DecimalField<Decimal128> decimal;
ReadBufferFromString buf{dump.substr(prefix.length())};
readQuoted(decimal, buf);
return decimal;
prefix = std::string_view{"Decimal256_"};
if (dump_.starts_with(prefix))
DecimalField<Decimal256> decimal;
ReadBufferFromString buf{dump.substr(prefix.length())};
readQuoted(decimal, buf);
return decimal;
if (dump.starts_with("\'"))
String str;
ReadBufferFromString buf{dump};
readQuoted(str, buf);
return str;
prefix = std::string_view{"Bool_"};
if (dump.starts_with(prefix))
bool value = parseFromString<bool>(dump.substr(prefix.length()));
return value;
prefix = std::string_view{"Array_["};
if (dump.starts_with(prefix))
std::string_view tail = dump.substr(prefix.length());
Array array;
while (tail != "]")
size_t separator = tail.find_first_of(",]");
if (separator == std::string_view::npos)
bool comma = (tail[separator] == ',');
std::string_view element = tail.substr(0, separator);
if (comma)
if (!comma && tail != "]")
return array;
prefix = std::string_view{"Tuple_("};
if (dump.starts_with(prefix))
std::string_view tail = dump.substr(prefix.length());
Tuple tuple;
while (tail != ")")
size_t separator = tail.find_first_of(",)");
if (separator == std::string_view::npos)
bool comma = (tail[separator] == ',');
std::string_view element = tail.substr(0, separator);
if (comma)
if (!comma && tail != ")")
return tuple;
prefix = std::string_view{"Map_("};
if (dump.starts_with(prefix))
std::string_view tail = dump.substr(prefix.length());
Map map;
while (tail != ")")
size_t separator = tail.find_first_of(",)");
if (separator == std::string_view::npos)
bool comma = (tail[separator] == ',');
std::string_view element = tail.substr(0, separator);
if (comma)
if (!comma && tail != ")")
return map;
prefix = std::string_view{"AggregateFunctionState_("};
if (dump.starts_with(prefix))
std::string_view after_prefix = dump.substr(prefix.length());
size_t comma = after_prefix.find(',');
size_t end = after_prefix.find(')', comma + 1);
if ((comma == std::string_view::npos) || (end != after_prefix.length() - 1))
std::string_view name_view = after_prefix.substr(0, comma);
std::string_view data_view = after_prefix.substr(comma + 1, end - comma - 1);
ReadBufferFromString name_buf{name_view};
ReadBufferFromString data_buf{data_view};
AggregateFunctionStateData res;
readQuotedString(, name_buf);
readQuotedString(, data_buf);
return res;
template <typename T>
bool decimalEqual(T x, T y, UInt32 x_scale, UInt32 y_scale)
using Comparator = DecimalComparison<T, T, EqualsOp>;
return Comparator::compare(x, y, x_scale, y_scale);
template <typename T>
bool decimalLess(T x, T y, UInt32 x_scale, UInt32 y_scale)
using Comparator = DecimalComparison<T, T, LessOp>;
return Comparator::compare(x, y, x_scale, y_scale);
template <typename T>
bool decimalLessOrEqual(T x, T y, UInt32 x_scale, UInt32 y_scale)
using Comparator = DecimalComparison<T, T, LessOrEqualsOp>;
return Comparator::compare(x, y, x_scale, y_scale);
template bool decimalEqual<Decimal32>(Decimal32 x, Decimal32 y, UInt32 x_scale, UInt32 y_scale);
template bool decimalEqual<Decimal64>(Decimal64 x, Decimal64 y, UInt32 x_scale, UInt32 y_scale);
template bool decimalEqual<Decimal128>(Decimal128 x, Decimal128 y, UInt32 x_scale, UInt32 y_scale);
template bool decimalEqual<Decimal256>(Decimal256 x, Decimal256 y, UInt32 x_scale, UInt32 y_scale);
template bool decimalEqual<DateTime64>(DateTime64 x, DateTime64 y, UInt32 x_scale, UInt32 y_scale);
template bool decimalLess<Decimal32>(Decimal32 x, Decimal32 y, UInt32 x_scale, UInt32 y_scale);
template bool decimalLess<Decimal64>(Decimal64 x, Decimal64 y, UInt32 x_scale, UInt32 y_scale);
template bool decimalLess<Decimal128>(Decimal128 x, Decimal128 y, UInt32 x_scale, UInt32 y_scale);
template bool decimalLess<Decimal256>(Decimal256 x, Decimal256 y, UInt32 x_scale, UInt32 y_scale);
template bool decimalLess<DateTime64>(DateTime64 x, DateTime64 y, UInt32 x_scale, UInt32 y_scale);
template bool decimalLessOrEqual<Decimal32>(Decimal32 x, Decimal32 y, UInt32 x_scale, UInt32 y_scale);
template bool decimalLessOrEqual<Decimal64>(Decimal64 x, Decimal64 y, UInt32 x_scale, UInt32 y_scale);
template bool decimalLessOrEqual<Decimal128>(Decimal128 x, Decimal128 y, UInt32 x_scale, UInt32 y_scale);
template bool decimalLessOrEqual<Decimal256>(Decimal256 x, Decimal256 y, UInt32 x_scale, UInt32 y_scale);
template bool decimalLessOrEqual<DateTime64>(DateTime64 x, DateTime64 y, UInt32 x_scale, UInt32 y_scale);
inline void writeText(const Null & x, WriteBuffer & buf)
if (x.isNegativeInfinity())
writeText("-Inf", buf);
if (x.isPositiveInfinity())
writeText("+Inf", buf);
writeText("NULL", buf);
String toString(const Field & x)
return Field::dispatch(
[] (const auto & value)
// Use explicit type to prevent implicit construction of Field and
// infinite recursion into toString<Field>.
return toString<decltype(value)>(value);
std::string_view fieldTypeToString(Field::Types::Which type)
switch (type)
case Field::Types::Which::Null: return "Null"sv;
case Field::Types::Which::Array: return "Array"sv;
case Field::Types::Which::Tuple: return "Tuple"sv;
case Field::Types::Which::Map: return "Map"sv;
case Field::Types::Which::Object: return "Object"sv;
case Field::Types::Which::AggregateFunctionState: return "AggregateFunctionState"sv;
case Field::Types::Which::Bool: return "Bool"sv;
case Field::Types::Which::String: return "String"sv;
case Field::Types::Which::Decimal32: return "Decimal32"sv;
case Field::Types::Which::Decimal64: return "Decimal64"sv;
case Field::Types::Which::Decimal128: return "Decimal128"sv;
case Field::Types::Which::Decimal256: return "Decimal256"sv;
case Field::Types::Which::Float64: return "Float64"sv;
case Field::Types::Which::Int64: return "Int64"sv;
case Field::Types::Which::Int128: return "Int128"sv;
case Field::Types::Which::Int256: return "Int256"sv;
case Field::Types::Which::UInt64: return "UInt64"sv;
case Field::Types::Which::UInt128: return "UInt128"sv;
case Field::Types::Which::UInt256: return "UInt256"sv;
case Field::Types::Which::UUID: return "UUID"sv;
case Field::Types::Which::IPv4: return "IPv4"sv;
case Field::Types::Which::IPv6: return "IPv6"sv;
case Field::Types::Which::CustomType: return "CustomType"sv;
/// Keep in mind, that "magic_enum" is very expensive for compiler, that's why we don't use it.
std::string_view Field::getTypeName() const
return fieldTypeToString(which);