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synced 2024-12-01 03:52:15 +00:00
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#pragma once
#include <AggregateFunctions/IAggregateFunction.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeDateTime.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypesNumber.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnsNumber.h>
#include <Common/assert_cast.h>
#include <base/range.h>
#include <base/sort.h>
#include <Common/PODArray.h>
#include <IO/ReadHelpers.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <bitset>
#include <stack>
namespace DB
struct Settings;
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int TOO_SLOW;
extern const int SYNTAX_ERROR;
extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS;
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
/// helper type for comparing `std::pair`s using solely the .first member
template <template <typename> class Comparator>
struct ComparePairFirst final
template <typename T1, typename T2>
bool operator()(const std::pair<T1, T2> & lhs, const std::pair<T1, T2> & rhs) const
return Comparator<T1>{}(lhs.first, rhs.first);
static constexpr size_t max_events = 32;
template <typename T>
struct AggregateFunctionSequenceMatchData final
using Timestamp = T;
using Events = std::bitset<max_events>;
using TimestampEvents = std::pair<Timestamp, Events>;
using Comparator = ComparePairFirst<std::less>;
bool sorted = true;
PODArrayWithStackMemory<TimestampEvents, 64> events_list;
/// sequenceMatch conditions met at least once in events_list
std::bitset<max_events> conditions_met;
void add(const Timestamp timestamp, const Events & events)
/// store information exclusively for rows with at least one event
if (events.any())
events_list.emplace_back(timestamp, events);
sorted = false;
conditions_met |= events;
void merge(const AggregateFunctionSequenceMatchData & other)
if (other.events_list.empty())
events_list.insert(std::begin(other.events_list), std::end(other.events_list));
sorted = false;
conditions_met |= other.conditions_met;
void sort()
if (sorted)
::sort(std::begin(events_list), std::end(events_list), Comparator{});
sorted = true;
void serialize(WriteBuffer & buf) const
writeBinary(sorted, buf);
writeBinary(events_list.size(), buf);
for (const auto & events : events_list)
writeBinary(events.first, buf);
writeBinary(events.second.to_ulong(), buf);
void deserialize(ReadBuffer & buf)
readBinary(sorted, buf);
size_t size;
readBinary(size, buf);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
Timestamp timestamp;
readBinary(timestamp, buf);
UInt64 events;
readBinary(events, buf);
events_list.emplace_back(timestamp, Events{events});
/// Max number of iterations to match the pattern against a sequence, exception thrown when exceeded
constexpr auto sequence_match_max_iterations = 1000000;
template <typename T, typename Data, typename Derived>
class AggregateFunctionSequenceBase : public IAggregateFunctionDataHelper<Data, Derived>
AggregateFunctionSequenceBase(const DataTypes & arguments, const Array & params, const String & pattern_)
: IAggregateFunctionDataHelper<Data, Derived>(arguments, params)
, pattern(pattern_)
arg_count = arguments.size();
void add(AggregateDataPtr __restrict place, const IColumn ** columns, const size_t row_num, Arena *) const override
const auto timestamp = assert_cast<const ColumnVector<T> *>(columns[0])->getData()[row_num];
typename Data::Events events;
for (const auto i : collections::range(1, arg_count))
const auto event = assert_cast<const ColumnUInt8 *>(columns[i])->getData()[row_num];
events.set(i - 1, event);
this->data(place).add(timestamp, events);
void merge(AggregateDataPtr __restrict place, ConstAggregateDataPtr rhs, Arena *) const override
void serialize(ConstAggregateDataPtr __restrict place, WriteBuffer & buf, std::optional<size_t> /* version */) const override
void deserialize(AggregateDataPtr __restrict place, ReadBuffer & buf, std::optional<size_t> /* version */, Arena *) const override
bool haveSameStateRepresentation(const IAggregateFunction & rhs) const override
return this->getName() == rhs.getName() && this->haveEqualArgumentTypes(rhs);
enum class PatternActionType
struct PatternAction final
PatternActionType type;
std::uint64_t extra;
PatternAction() = default;
explicit PatternAction(const PatternActionType type_, const std::uint64_t extra_ = 0) : type{type_}, extra{extra_} {}
using PatternActions = PODArrayWithStackMemory<PatternAction, 64>;
Derived & derived() { return static_cast<Derived &>(*this); }
void parsePattern()
pattern_has_time = false;
const char * pos = pattern.data();
const char * begin = pos;
const char * end = pos + pattern.size();
auto throw_exception = [&](const std::string & msg)
throw Exception{msg + " '" + std::string(pos, end) + "' at position " + toString(pos - begin), ErrorCodes::SYNTAX_ERROR};
auto match = [&pos, end](const char * str) mutable
size_t length = strlen(str);
if (pos + length <= end && 0 == memcmp(pos, str, length))
pos += length;
return true;
return false;
while (pos < end)
if (match("(?"))
if (match("t"))
PatternActionType type;
if (match("<="))
type = PatternActionType::TimeLessOrEqual;
else if (match("<"))
type = PatternActionType::TimeLess;
else if (match(">="))
type = PatternActionType::TimeGreaterOrEqual;
else if (match(">"))
type = PatternActionType::TimeGreater;
else if (match("=="))
type = PatternActionType::TimeEqual;
throw_exception("Unknown time condition");
UInt64 duration = 0;
const auto * prev_pos = pos;
pos = tryReadIntText(duration, pos, end);
if (pos == prev_pos)
throw_exception("Could not parse number");
if (actions.back().type != PatternActionType::SpecificEvent &&
actions.back().type != PatternActionType::AnyEvent &&
actions.back().type != PatternActionType::KleeneStar)
throw Exception{"Temporal condition should be preceded by an event condition", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS};
pattern_has_time = true;
actions.emplace_back(type, duration);
UInt64 event_number = 0;
const auto * prev_pos = pos;
pos = tryReadIntText(event_number, pos, end);
if (pos == prev_pos)
throw_exception("Could not parse number");
if (event_number > arg_count - 1)
throw Exception{"Event number " + toString(event_number) + " is out of range", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS};
actions.emplace_back(PatternActionType::SpecificEvent, event_number - 1);
dfa_states.back().transition = DFATransition::SpecificEvent;
dfa_states.back().event = event_number - 1;
conditions_in_pattern.set(event_number - 1);
if (!match(")"))
throw_exception("Expected closing parenthesis, found");
else if (match(".*"))
dfa_states.back().has_kleene = true;
else if (match("."))
dfa_states.back().transition = DFATransition::AnyEvent;
throw_exception("Could not parse pattern, unexpected starting symbol");
/// Uses a DFA based approach in order to better handle patterns without
/// time assertions.
/// NOTE: This implementation relies on the assumption that the pattern is *small*.
/// This algorithm performs in O(mn) (with m the number of DFA states and N the number
/// of events) with a memory consumption and memory allocations in O(m). It means that
/// if n >>> m (which is expected to be the case), this algorithm can be considered linear.
template <typename EventEntry>
bool dfaMatch(EventEntry & events_it, const EventEntry events_end) const
using ActiveStates = std::vector<bool>;
/// Those two vectors keep track of which states should be considered for the current
/// event as well as the states which should be considered for the next event.
ActiveStates active_states(dfa_states.size(), false);
ActiveStates next_active_states(dfa_states.size(), false);
active_states[0] = true;
/// Keeps track of dead-ends in order not to iterate over all the events to realize that
/// the match failed.
size_t n_active = 1;
for (/* empty */; events_it != events_end && n_active > 0 && !active_states.back(); ++events_it)
n_active = 0;
next_active_states.assign(dfa_states.size(), false);
for (size_t state = 0; state < dfa_states.size(); ++state)
if (!active_states[state])
switch (dfa_states[state].transition)
case DFATransition::None:
case DFATransition::AnyEvent:
next_active_states[state + 1] = true;
case DFATransition::SpecificEvent:
if (events_it->second.test(dfa_states[state].event))
next_active_states[state + 1] = true;
if (dfa_states[state].has_kleene)
next_active_states[state] = true;
swap(active_states, next_active_states);
return active_states.back();
template <typename EventEntry>
bool backtrackingMatch(EventEntry & events_it, const EventEntry events_end) const
const auto action_begin = std::begin(actions);
const auto action_end = std::end(actions);
auto action_it = action_begin;
const auto events_begin = events_it;
auto base_it = events_it;
/// an iterator to action plus an iterator to row in events list plus timestamp at the start of sequence
using backtrack_info = std::tuple<decltype(action_it), EventEntry, EventEntry>;
std::stack<backtrack_info> back_stack;
/// backtrack if possible
const auto do_backtrack = [&]
while (!back_stack.empty())
auto & top = back_stack.top();
action_it = std::get<0>(top);
events_it = std::next(std::get<1>(top));
base_it = std::get<2>(top);
if (events_it != events_end)
return true;
return false;
size_t i = 0;
while (action_it != action_end && events_it != events_end)
if (action_it->type == PatternActionType::SpecificEvent)
if (events_it->second.test(action_it->extra))
/// move to the next action and events
base_it = events_it;
++action_it, ++events_it;
else if (!do_backtrack())
/// backtracking failed, bail out
else if (action_it->type == PatternActionType::AnyEvent)
base_it = events_it;
++action_it, ++events_it;
else if (action_it->type == PatternActionType::KleeneStar)
back_stack.emplace(action_it, events_it, base_it);
base_it = events_it;
else if (action_it->type == PatternActionType::TimeLessOrEqual)
if (events_it->first <= base_it->first + action_it->extra)
/// condition satisfied, move onto next action
back_stack.emplace(action_it, events_it, base_it);
base_it = events_it;
else if (!do_backtrack())
else if (action_it->type == PatternActionType::TimeLess)
if (events_it->first < base_it->first + action_it->extra)
back_stack.emplace(action_it, events_it, base_it);
base_it = events_it;
else if (!do_backtrack())
else if (action_it->type == PatternActionType::TimeGreaterOrEqual)
if (events_it->first >= base_it->first + action_it->extra)
back_stack.emplace(action_it, events_it, base_it);
base_it = events_it;
else if (++events_it == events_end && !do_backtrack())
else if (action_it->type == PatternActionType::TimeGreater)
if (events_it->first > base_it->first + action_it->extra)
back_stack.emplace(action_it, events_it, base_it);
base_it = events_it;
else if (++events_it == events_end && !do_backtrack())
else if (action_it->type == PatternActionType::TimeEqual)
if (events_it->first == base_it->first + action_it->extra)
back_stack.emplace(action_it, events_it, base_it);
base_it = events_it;
else if (++events_it == events_end && !do_backtrack())
throw Exception{"Unknown PatternActionType", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR};
if (++i > sequence_match_max_iterations)
throw Exception{"Pattern application proves too difficult, exceeding max iterations (" + toString(sequence_match_max_iterations) + ")",
/// if there are some actions remaining
if (action_it != action_end)
/// match multiple empty strings at end
while (action_it->type == PatternActionType::KleeneStar ||
action_it->type == PatternActionType::TimeLessOrEqual ||
action_it->type == PatternActionType::TimeLess ||
(action_it->type == PatternActionType::TimeGreaterOrEqual && action_it->extra == 0))
if (events_it == events_begin)
return action_it == action_end;
/// Splits the pattern into deterministic parts separated by non-deterministic fragments
/// (time constraints and Kleene stars), and tries to match the deterministic parts in their specified order,
/// ignoring the non-deterministic fragments.
/// This function can quickly check that a full match is not possible if some deterministic fragment is missing.
template <typename EventEntry>
bool couldMatchDeterministicParts(const EventEntry events_begin, const EventEntry events_end, bool limit_iterations = true) const
size_t events_processed = 0;
auto events_it = events_begin;
const auto actions_end = std::end(actions);
auto actions_it = std::begin(actions);
auto det_part_begin = actions_it;
auto match_deterministic_part = [&events_it, events_end, &events_processed, det_part_begin, actions_it, limit_iterations]()
auto events_it_init = events_it;
auto det_part_it = det_part_begin;
while (det_part_it != actions_it && events_it != events_end)
/// matching any event
if (det_part_it->type == PatternActionType::AnyEvent)
++events_it, ++det_part_it;
/// matching specific event
if (events_it->second.test(det_part_it->extra))
++events_it, ++det_part_it;
/// abandon current matching, try to match the deterministic fragment further in the list
events_it = ++events_it_init;
det_part_it = det_part_begin;
if (limit_iterations && ++events_processed > sequence_match_max_iterations)
throw Exception{"Pattern application proves too difficult, exceeding max iterations (" + toString(sequence_match_max_iterations) + ")",
return det_part_it == actions_it;
for (; actions_it != actions_end; ++actions_it)
if (actions_it->type != PatternActionType::SpecificEvent && actions_it->type != PatternActionType::AnyEvent)
if (!match_deterministic_part())
return false;
det_part_begin = std::next(actions_it);
return match_deterministic_part();
enum class DFATransition : char
/// .-------.
/// | |
/// `-------'
/// .-------. (?[0-9])
/// | | ----------
/// `-------'
/// .-------. .
/// | | ----------
/// `-------'
struct DFAState
explicit DFAState(bool has_kleene_ = false)
: has_kleene{has_kleene_}, event{0}, transition{DFATransition::None}
/// .-------.
/// | | - - -
/// `-------'
/// |_^
bool has_kleene;
/// In the case of a state transitions with a `SpecificEvent`,
/// `event` contains the value of the event.
uint32_t event;
/// The kind of transition out of this state.
DFATransition transition;
using DFAStates = std::vector<DFAState>;
/// `True` if the parsed pattern contains time assertions (?t...), `false` otherwise.
bool pattern_has_time;
/// sequenceMatch conditions met at least once in the pattern
std::bitset<max_events> conditions_in_pattern;
std::string pattern;
size_t arg_count;
PatternActions actions;
DFAStates dfa_states;
template <typename T, typename Data>
class AggregateFunctionSequenceMatch final : public AggregateFunctionSequenceBase<T, Data, AggregateFunctionSequenceMatch<T, Data>>
AggregateFunctionSequenceMatch(const DataTypes & arguments, const Array & params, const String & pattern_)
: AggregateFunctionSequenceBase<T, Data, AggregateFunctionSequenceMatch<T, Data>>(arguments, params, pattern_) {}
using AggregateFunctionSequenceBase<T, Data, AggregateFunctionSequenceMatch<T, Data>>::AggregateFunctionSequenceBase;
String getName() const override { return "sequenceMatch"; }
DataTypePtr getReturnType() const override { return std::make_shared<DataTypeUInt8>(); }
bool allocatesMemoryInArena() const override { return false; }
void insertResultInto(AggregateDataPtr __restrict place, IColumn & to, Arena *) const override
auto & output = assert_cast<ColumnUInt8 &>(to).getData();
if ((this->conditions_in_pattern & this->data(place).conditions_met) != this->conditions_in_pattern)
const auto & data_ref = this->data(place);
const auto events_begin = std::begin(data_ref.events_list);
const auto events_end = std::end(data_ref.events_list);
auto events_it = events_begin;
bool match = (this->pattern_has_time ?
(this->couldMatchDeterministicParts(events_begin, events_end) && this->backtrackingMatch(events_it, events_end)) :
this->dfaMatch(events_it, events_end));
template <typename T, typename Data>
class AggregateFunctionSequenceCount final : public AggregateFunctionSequenceBase<T, Data, AggregateFunctionSequenceCount<T, Data>>
AggregateFunctionSequenceCount(const DataTypes & arguments, const Array & params, const String & pattern_)
: AggregateFunctionSequenceBase<T, Data, AggregateFunctionSequenceCount<T, Data>>(arguments, params, pattern_) {}
using AggregateFunctionSequenceBase<T, Data, AggregateFunctionSequenceCount<T, Data>>::AggregateFunctionSequenceBase;
String getName() const override { return "sequenceCount"; }
DataTypePtr getReturnType() const override { return std::make_shared<DataTypeUInt64>(); }
bool allocatesMemoryInArena() const override { return false; }
void insertResultInto(AggregateDataPtr __restrict place, IColumn & to, Arena *) const override
auto & output = assert_cast<ColumnUInt64 &>(to).getData();
if ((this->conditions_in_pattern & this->data(place).conditions_met) != this->conditions_in_pattern)
UInt64 count(ConstAggregateDataPtr __restrict place) const
const auto & data_ref = this->data(place);
const auto events_begin = std::begin(data_ref.events_list);
const auto events_end = std::end(data_ref.events_list);
auto events_it = events_begin;
size_t count = 0;
// check if there is a chance of matching the sequence at least once
if (this->couldMatchDeterministicParts(events_begin, events_end))
while (events_it != events_end && this->backtrackingMatch(events_it, events_end))
return count;