2023-01-23 18:09:26 +00:00

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#pragma once
#include <Interpreters/Context_fwd.h>
#include <Interpreters/IJoin.h>
#include <Interpreters/TemporaryDataOnDisk.h>
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <Common/MultiVersion.h>
#include <mutex>
namespace DB
class TableJoin;
class HashJoin;
* Efficient and highly parallel implementation of external memory JOIN based on HashJoin.
* Supports most of the JOIN modes, except CROSS and ASOF.
* The joining algorithm consists of three stages:
* 1) During the first stage we accumulate blocks of the right table via @addJoinedBlock.
* Each input block is split into multiple buckets based on the hash of the row join keys.
* The first bucket is added to the in-memory HashJoin, and the remaining buckets are written to disk for further processing.
* When the size of HashJoin exceeds the limits, we double the number of buckets.
* There can be multiple threads calling addJoinedBlock, just like @ConcurrentHashJoin.
* 2) At the second stage we process left table blocks via @joinBlock.
* Again, each input block is split into multiple buckets by hash.
* The first bucket is joined in-memory via HashJoin::joinBlock, and the remaining buckets are written to the disk.
* 3) When the last thread reading left table block finishes, the last stage begins.
* Each @DelayedJoinedBlocksTransform calls repeatedly @getDelayedBlocks until there are no more unfinished buckets left.
* Inside @getDelayedBlocks we select the next unprocessed bucket, load right table blocks from disk into in-memory HashJoin,
* And then join them with left table blocks.
* After joining the left table blocks, we can load non-joined rows from the right table for RIGHT/FULL JOINs.
* Note that non-joined rows are processed in multiple threads, unlike HashJoin/ConcurrentHashJoin/MergeJoin.
class GraceHashJoin final : public IJoin
class FileBucket;
class DelayedBlocks;
using InMemoryJoin = HashJoin;
using InMemoryJoinPtr = std::shared_ptr<InMemoryJoin>;
using BucketPtr = std::shared_ptr<FileBucket>;
using Buckets = std::vector<BucketPtr>;
ContextPtr context_, std::shared_ptr<TableJoin> table_join_,
const Block & left_sample_block_, const Block & right_sample_block_,
TemporaryDataOnDiskScopePtr tmp_data_,
bool any_take_last_row_ = false);
~GraceHashJoin() override;
const TableJoin & getTableJoin() const override { return *table_join; }
void initialize(const Block & sample_block) override;
bool addJoinedBlock(const Block & block, bool check_limits) override;
void checkTypesOfKeys(const Block & block) const override;
void joinBlock(Block & block, std::shared_ptr<ExtraBlock> & not_processed) override;
void setTotals(const Block & block) override;
size_t getTotalRowCount() const override;
size_t getTotalByteCount() const override;
bool alwaysReturnsEmptySet() const override;
bool supportParallelJoin() const override { return true; }
bool supportTotals() const override { return false; }
getNonJoinedBlocks(const Block & left_sample_block, const Block & result_sample_block, UInt64 max_block_size) const override;
/// Open iterator over joined blocks.
/// Must be called after all @joinBlock calls.
IBlocksStreamPtr getDelayedBlocks() override;
bool hasDelayedBlocks() const override { return true; }
static bool isSupported(const std::shared_ptr<TableJoin> & table_join);
void initBuckets();
/// Create empty join for in-memory processing.
InMemoryJoinPtr makeInMemoryJoin();
/// Add right table block to the @join. Calls @rehash on overflow.
void addJoinedBlockImpl(Block block);
/// Check that join satisfies limits on rows/bytes in table_join.
bool hasMemoryOverflow(size_t total_rows, size_t total_bytes) const;
bool hasMemoryOverflow(const InMemoryJoinPtr & hash_join_) const;
bool hasMemoryOverflow(const BlocksList & blocks) const;
/// Create new bucket at the end of @destination.
void addBucket(Buckets & destination);
/// Increase number of buckets to match desired_size.
/// Called when HashJoin in-memory table for one bucket exceeds the limits.
/// NB: after @rehashBuckets there may be rows that are written to the buckets that they do not belong to.
/// It is fine; these rows will be written to the corresponding buckets during the third stage.
Buckets rehashBuckets(size_t to_size);
/// Perform some bookkeeping after all calls to @joinBlock.
void startReadingDelayedBlocks();
size_t getNumBuckets() const;
Buckets getCurrentBuckets() const;
/// Structure block to store in the HashJoin according to sample_block.
Block prepareRightBlock(const Block & block);
Poco::Logger * log;
ContextPtr context;
std::shared_ptr<TableJoin> table_join;
Block left_sample_block;
Block right_sample_block;
Block output_sample_block;
bool any_take_last_row;
const size_t max_num_buckets;
size_t max_block_size;
Names left_key_names;
Names right_key_names;
TemporaryDataOnDiskPtr tmp_data;
Buckets buckets;
mutable std::shared_mutex rehash_mutex;
FileBucket * current_bucket = nullptr;
mutable std::mutex current_bucket_mutex;
InMemoryJoinPtr hash_join;
Block hash_join_sample_block;
mutable std::mutex hash_join_mutex;