2024-07-20 14:42:53 +02:00

144 lines
5.1 KiB

import json
import os
from typing import Union, Dict
import boto3
import requests
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
from pr_info import PRInfo
from ci_utils import Shell
class CIBuddy:
_HEADERS = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
def __init__(self, dry_run=False):
self.repo = os.getenv("GITHUB_REPOSITORY", "")
self.dry_run = dry_run
res = self._get_webhooks()
self.test_channel = ""
self.dev_ci_channel = ""
if res:
self.test_channel = json.loads(res)["test_channel"]
self.dev_ci_channel = json.loads(res)["ci_channel"]
self.job_name = os.getenv("CHECK_NAME", "unknown")
pr_info = PRInfo()
self.pr_number = pr_info.number
self.head_ref = pr_info.head_ref
self.commit_url = pr_info.commit_html_url
self.sha = pr_info.sha[:10]
def _get_webhooks():
name = "ci_buddy_web_hooks"
session = boto3.Session(region_name="us-east-1") # Replace with your region
ssm_client = session.client("ssm")
json_string = None
response = ssm_client.get_parameter(
WithDecryption=True, # Set to True if the parameter is a SecureString
json_string = response["Parameter"]["Value"]
except ClientError as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
return json_string
def post(self, message, dry_run=None):
if dry_run is None:
dry_run = self.dry_run
print(f"Posting slack message, dry_run [{dry_run}]")
if dry_run:
url = self.test_channel
url = self.dev_ci_channel
data = {"text": message}
try:, headers=self._HEADERS, data=json.dumps(data), timeout=10)
except Exception as e:
print(f"ERROR: Failed to post message, ex {e}")
def _post_formatted(
self, title: str, body: Union[Dict, str], with_wf_link: bool
) -> None:
message = title
if isinstance(body, dict):
for name, value in body.items():
if "commit_sha" in name:
value = (
message += f" *{name}*: {value}\n"
message += body + "\n"
run_id = os.getenv("GITHUB_RUN_ID", "")
if with_wf_link and run_id:
message += f" *workflow*: <{self.repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}|{run_id}>\n"
def post_info(
self, title: str, body: Union[Dict, str], with_wf_link: bool = True
) -> None:
title_extended = f":white_circle: *{title}*\n\n"
self._post_formatted(title_extended, body, with_wf_link)
def post_done(
self, title: str, body: Union[Dict, str], with_wf_link: bool = True
) -> None:
title_extended = f":white_check_mark: *{title}*\n\n"
self._post_formatted(title_extended, body, with_wf_link)
def post_warning(
self, title: str, body: Union[Dict, str], with_wf_link: bool = True
) -> None:
title_extended = f":warning: *{title}*\n\n"
self._post_formatted(title_extended, body, with_wf_link)
def post_critical(
self, title: str, body: Union[Dict, str], with_wf_link: bool = True
) -> None:
title_extended = f":black_circle: *{title}*\n\n"
self._post_formatted(title_extended, body, with_wf_link)
def post_job_error(
error_description: str,
job_name: str = "",
with_instance_info: bool = True,
with_wf_link: bool = True,
) -> None:
instance_id, instance_type = "unknown", "unknown"
if with_instance_info:
instance_id ="ec2metadata --instance-id") or instance_id
instance_type ="ec2metadata --instance-type") or instance_type
if not job_name:
job_name = os.getenv("CHECK_NAME", "unknown")
line_err = f":red_circle: *Error: {error_description}*\n\n"
line_ghr = f" *Runner:* `{instance_type}`, `{instance_id}`\n"
line_job = f" *Job:* `{job_name}`\n"
line_pr_ = f" *PR:* <{self.repo}/pull/{self.pr_number}|#{self.pr_number}>, <{self.commit_url}|{self.sha}>\n"
line_br_ = (
f" *Branch:* `{self.head_ref}`, <{self.commit_url}|{self.sha}>\n"
message = line_err
message += line_job
if with_instance_info:
message += line_ghr
if self.pr_number > 0:
message += line_pr_
message += line_br_
run_id = os.getenv("GITHUB_RUN_ID", "")
if with_wf_link and run_id:
message += f" *workflow*: <{self.repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}|{run_id}>\n"
if __name__ == "__main__":
# test
buddy = CIBuddy(dry_run=True)