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#pragma once
#include <Parsers/IAST_fwd.h>
#include <Common/ThreadPool.h>
#include <Core/Settings.h>
#include <Poco/Logger.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace DB
/// A queue, that stores data for insert queries and periodically flushes it to tables.
/// The data is grouped by table, format and settings of insert query.
class AsynchronousInsertQueue : public WithContext
using Milliseconds = std::chrono::milliseconds;
AsynchronousInsertQueue(ContextPtr context_, size_t pool_size, Milliseconds cleanup_timeout);
void push(ASTPtr query, ContextPtr query_context);
void waitForProcessingQuery(const String & query_id, const Milliseconds & timeout);
struct InsertQuery
ASTPtr query;
Settings settings;
InsertQuery(const ASTPtr & query_, const Settings & settings_);
InsertQuery(const InsertQuery & other);
InsertQuery & operator=(const InsertQuery & other);
bool operator==(const InsertQuery & other) const;
struct Hash { UInt64 operator()(const InsertQuery & insert_query) const; };
struct InsertData
struct Entry
const String bytes;
const String query_id;
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> create_time;
Entry(String && bytes_, String && query_id_);
void finish(std::exception_ptr exception_ = nullptr);
bool wait(const Milliseconds & timeout) const;
bool isFinished() const;
std::exception_ptr getException() const;
mutable std::mutex mutex;
mutable std::condition_variable cv;
bool finished = false;
std::exception_ptr exception;
explicit InsertData(std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point now)
: first_update(now)
using EntryPtr = std::shared_ptr<Entry>;
std::list<EntryPtr> entries;
size_t size = 0;
/// Timestamp of the first insert into queue, or after the last queue dump.
/// Used to detect for how long the queue is active, so we can dump it by timer.
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> first_update;
using InsertDataPtr = std::unique_ptr<InsertData>;
/// A separate container, that holds a data and a mutex for it.
/// When it's needed to process current chunk of data, it can be moved for processing
/// and new data can be recreated without holding a lock during processing.
struct Container
std::mutex mutex;
InsertDataPtr data;
using Queue = std::unordered_map<InsertQuery, std::shared_ptr<Container>, InsertQuery::Hash>;
using QueueIterator = Queue::iterator;
/// Ordered container
using DeadlineQueue = std::map<std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point, QueueIterator>;
mutable std::shared_mutex rwlock;
Queue queue;
/// This is needed only for using inside cleanup() function and correct signaling about shutdown
mutable std::mutex cleanup_mutex;
mutable std::condition_variable cleanup_can_run;
mutable std::mutex deadline_mutex;
mutable std::condition_variable are_tasks_available;
DeadlineQueue deadline_queue;
using QueryIdToEntry = std::unordered_map<String, InsertData::EntryPtr>;
mutable std::mutex currently_processing_mutex;
QueryIdToEntry currently_processing_queries;
/// Logic and events behind queue are as follows:
/// - busy_timeout: if queue is active for too long and there are a lot of rapid inserts, then we dump the data, so it doesn't
/// grow for a long period of time and users will be able to select new data in deterministic manner.
/// - stale_timeout: if queue is stale for too long, then we dump the data too, so that users will be able to select the last
/// piece of inserted data.
/// During processing incoming INSERT queries we can also check whether the maximum size of data in buffer is reached (async_insert_max_data_size setting)
/// If so, then again we dump the data.
const Milliseconds cleanup_timeout;
std::atomic<bool> shutdown{false};
ThreadPool pool; /// dump the data only inside this pool.
ThreadFromGlobalPool dump_by_first_update_thread; /// uses busy_timeout and busyCheck()
ThreadFromGlobalPool cleanup_thread; /// uses busy_timeout and cleanup()
Poco::Logger * log = &Poco::Logger::get("AsynchronousInsertQueue");
void busyCheck();
void cleanup();
/// Should be called with shared or exclusively locked 'rwlock'.
void pushImpl(InsertData::EntryPtr entry, QueueIterator it);
void scheduleDataProcessingJob(const InsertQuery & key, InsertDataPtr data, ContextPtr global_context);
static void processData(InsertQuery key, InsertDataPtr data, ContextPtr global_context);
template <typename E>
static void finishWithException(const ASTPtr & query, const std::list<InsertData::EntryPtr> & entries, const E & exception);
/// @param timeout - time to wait
/// @return true if shutdown requested
bool waitForShutdown(const Milliseconds & timeout);
auto getQueueLocked() const
std::shared_lock lock(rwlock);
return std::make_pair(std::ref(queue), std::move(lock));