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#include <DB/Core/FieldVisitors.h>
#include <DB/Parsers/ASTSetQuery.h>
#include <DB/Parsers/ASTFunction.h>
#include <DB/Parsers/ASTAsterisk.h>
#include <DB/Parsers/ASTIdentifier.h>
#include <DB/Parsers/ASTSelectQuery.h>
#include <DB/Parsers/ASTSubquery.h>
#include <DB/Parsers/ASTTablesInSelectQuery.h>
#include <DB/Common/typeid_cast.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER;
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
ASTSelectQuery::ASTSelectQuery(const StringRange range_) : ASTQueryWithOutput(range_)
bool ASTSelectQuery::hasArrayJoin(const ASTPtr & ast)
if (const ASTFunction * function = typeid_cast<const ASTFunction *>(&*ast))
if (function->kind == ASTFunction::ARRAY_JOIN)
return true;
for (const auto & child : ast->children)
if (hasArrayJoin(child))
return true;
return false;
bool ASTSelectQuery::hasAsterisk() const
for (const auto & ast : select_expression_list->children)
if (typeid_cast<const ASTAsterisk *>(&*ast) != nullptr)
return true;
return false;
void ASTSelectQuery::renameColumns(const ASTSelectQuery & source)
const ASTs & from = source.select_expression_list->children;
ASTs & to = select_expression_list->children;
if (from.size() != to.size())
throw Exception("Size mismatch in UNION ALL chain",
for (size_t i = 0; i < from.size(); ++i)
/// Если столбец имеет алиас, то он должен совпадать с названием исходного столбца.
/// В противном случае мы ему присваиваем алиас, если требуется.
if (!to[i]->tryGetAlias().empty())
if (to[i]->tryGetAlias() != from[i]->getAliasOrColumnName())
throw Exception("Column alias mismatch in UNION ALL chain",
else if (to[i]->getColumnName() != from[i]->getAliasOrColumnName())
void ASTSelectQuery::rewriteSelectExpressionList(const Names & required_column_names)
ASTPtr result = std::make_shared<ASTExpressionList>();
ASTs asts = select_expression_list->children;
/// Создать отображение.
/// Элемент отображения.
struct Arrow
Arrow() = default;
Arrow(size_t to_position_) :
to_position(to_position_), is_selected(true)
size_t to_position = 0;
bool is_selected = false;
/// Отображение одного SELECT выражения в другое.
using Mapping = std::vector<Arrow>;
Mapping mapping(asts.size());
/// На какой позиции в SELECT-выражении находится соответствующий столбец из column_names.
std::vector<size_t> positions_of_required_columns(required_column_names.size());
/// Не будем выбрасывать выражения, содержащие функцию arrayJoin.
for (size_t i = 0; i < asts.size(); ++i)
if (hasArrayJoin(asts[i]))
mapping[i] = Arrow(i);
for (size_t i = 0; i < required_column_names.size(); ++i)
size_t j = 0;
for (; j < asts.size(); ++j)
if (asts[j]->getAliasOrColumnName() == required_column_names[i])
positions_of_required_columns[i] = j;
if (j == asts.size())
throw Exception("Error while rewriting expression list for select query."
" Could not find alias: " + required_column_names[i],
std::vector<size_t> positions_of_required_columns_in_subquery_order = positions_of_required_columns;
std::sort(positions_of_required_columns_in_subquery_order.begin(), positions_of_required_columns_in_subquery_order.end());
for (size_t i = 0; i < required_column_names.size(); ++i)
mapping[positions_of_required_columns_in_subquery_order[i]] = Arrow(positions_of_required_columns[i]);
/// Составить новое выражение.
for (const auto & arrow : mapping)
if (arrow.is_selected)
for (auto & child : children)
if (child == select_expression_list)
child = result;
select_expression_list = result;
/** NOTE: Может показаться, что мы могли испортить запрос, выбросив выражение с алиасом, который используется где-то еще.
* Такого произойти не может, потому что этот метод вызывается всегда для запроса, на котором хоть раз создавали
* ExpressionAnalyzer, что гарантирует, что в нем все алиасы уже подставлены. Не совсем очевидная логика.
ASTPtr ASTSelectQuery::clone() const
auto ptr = cloneImpl(true);
/// Установить указатели на предыдущие запросы SELECT.
ASTPtr current = ptr;
static_cast<ASTSelectQuery *>(current.get())->prev_union_all = nullptr;
ASTPtr next = static_cast<ASTSelectQuery *>(current.get())->next_union_all;
while (next != nullptr)
ASTSelectQuery * next_select_query = static_cast<ASTSelectQuery *>(next.get());
next_select_query->prev_union_all = current.get();
current = next;
next = next_select_query->next_union_all;
return ptr;
ASTPtr ASTSelectQuery::cloneFirstSelect() const
auto res = cloneImpl(false);
res->prev_union_all = nullptr;
return res;
std::shared_ptr<ASTSelectQuery> ASTSelectQuery::cloneImpl(bool traverse_union_all) const
auto res = std::make_shared<ASTSelectQuery>(*this);
#define CLONE(member) if (member) { res->member = member->clone(); res->children.push_back(res->member); }
/** NOTE Члены должны клонироваться точно в таком же порядке,
* в каком они были вставлены в children в ParserSelectQuery.
* Это важно, потому что из имён children-ов составляется идентификатор (getTreeID),
* который может быть использован для идентификаторов столбцов в случае подзапросов в операторе IN.
* При распределённой обработке запроса, в случае, если один из серверов localhost, а другой - нет,
* запрос на localhost выполняется в рамках процесса и при этом клонируется,
* а на удалённый сервер запрос отправляется в текстовом виде по TCP.
* И если порядок при клонировании не совпадает с порядком при парсинге,
* то на разных серверах получатся разные идентификаторы.
#undef CLONE
if (traverse_union_all)
if (next_union_all)
res->next_union_all = static_cast<const ASTSelectQuery *>(&*next_union_all)->cloneImpl(true);
res->next_union_all = nullptr;
return res;
void ASTSelectQuery::formatQueryImpl(const FormatSettings & s, FormatState & state, FormatStateStacked frame) const
frame.current_select = this;
frame.need_parens = false;
std::string indent_str = s.one_line ? "" : std::string(4 * frame.indent, ' ');
s.ostr << (s.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << indent_str << "SELECT " << (distinct ? "DISTINCT " : "") << (s.hilite ? hilite_none : "");
? select_expression_list->formatImpl(s, state, frame)
: typeid_cast<const ASTExpressionList &>(*select_expression_list).formatImplMultiline(s, state, frame);
if (tables)
s.ostr << (s.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << s.nl_or_ws << indent_str << "FROM " << (s.hilite ? hilite_none : "");
tables->formatImpl(s, state, frame);
if (prewhere_expression)
s.ostr << (s.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << s.nl_or_ws << indent_str << "PREWHERE " << (s.hilite ? hilite_none : "");
prewhere_expression->formatImpl(s, state, frame);
if (where_expression)
s.ostr << (s.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << s.nl_or_ws << indent_str << "WHERE " << (s.hilite ? hilite_none : "");
where_expression->formatImpl(s, state, frame);
if (group_expression_list)
s.ostr << (s.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << s.nl_or_ws << indent_str << "GROUP BY " << (s.hilite ? hilite_none : "");
? group_expression_list->formatImpl(s, state, frame)
: typeid_cast<const ASTExpressionList &>(*group_expression_list).formatImplMultiline(s, state, frame);
if (group_by_with_totals)
s.ostr << (s.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << s.nl_or_ws << indent_str << (s.one_line ? "" : " ") << "WITH TOTALS" << (s.hilite ? hilite_none : "");
if (having_expression)
s.ostr << (s.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << s.nl_or_ws << indent_str << "HAVING " << (s.hilite ? hilite_none : "");
having_expression->formatImpl(s, state, frame);
if (order_expression_list)
s.ostr << (s.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << s.nl_or_ws << indent_str << "ORDER BY " << (s.hilite ? hilite_none : "");
? order_expression_list->formatImpl(s, state, frame)
: typeid_cast<const ASTExpressionList &>(*order_expression_list).formatImplMultiline(s, state, frame);
if (limit_by_value)
s.ostr << (s.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << s.nl_or_ws << indent_str << "LIMIT " << (s.hilite ? hilite_none : "");
limit_by_value->formatImpl(s, state, frame);
s.ostr << (s.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << " BY " << (s.hilite ? hilite_none : "");
? limit_by_expression_list->formatImpl(s, state, frame)
: typeid_cast<const ASTExpressionList &>(*limit_by_expression_list).formatImplMultiline(s, state, frame);
if (limit_length)
s.ostr << (s.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << s.nl_or_ws << indent_str << "LIMIT " << (s.hilite ? hilite_none : "");
if (limit_offset)
limit_offset->formatImpl(s, state, frame);
s.ostr << ", ";
limit_length->formatImpl(s, state, frame);
if (settings)
s.ostr << (s.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << s.nl_or_ws << indent_str << "SETTINGS " << (s.hilite ? hilite_none : "");
const ASTSetQuery & ast_set = typeid_cast<const ASTSetQuery &>(*settings);
for (ASTSetQuery::Changes::const_iterator it = ast_set.changes.begin(); it != ast_set.changes.end(); ++it)
if (it != ast_set.changes.begin())
s.ostr << ", ";
s.ostr << it->name << " = " << applyVisitor(FieldVisitorToString(), it->value);
if (next_union_all)
s.ostr << (s.hilite ? hilite_keyword : "") << s.nl_or_ws << indent_str << "UNION ALL " << s.nl_or_ws << (s.hilite ? hilite_none : "");
// NOTE Мы можем безопасно применить static_cast вместо typeid_cast, потому что знаем, что в цепочке UNION ALL
// имеются только деревья типа SELECT.
const ASTSelectQuery & next_ast = static_cast<const ASTSelectQuery &>(*next_union_all);
next_ast.formatImpl(s, state, frame);
/// Compatibility functions. TODO Remove.
static const ASTTableExpression * getFirstTableExpression(const ASTSelectQuery & select)
if (!select.tables)
return {};
const ASTTablesInSelectQuery & tables_in_select_query = static_cast<const ASTTablesInSelectQuery &>(*select.tables);
if (tables_in_select_query.children.empty())
return {};
const ASTTablesInSelectQueryElement & tables_element = static_cast<const ASTTablesInSelectQueryElement &>(*tables_in_select_query.children[0]);
if (!tables_element.table_expression)
return {};
return static_cast<const ASTTableExpression *>(tables_element.table_expression.get());
static ASTTableExpression * getFirstTableExpression(ASTSelectQuery & select)
if (!select.tables)
return {};
ASTTablesInSelectQuery & tables_in_select_query = static_cast<ASTTablesInSelectQuery &>(*select.tables);
if (tables_in_select_query.children.empty())
return {};
ASTTablesInSelectQueryElement & tables_element = static_cast<ASTTablesInSelectQueryElement &>(*tables_in_select_query.children[0]);
if (!tables_element.table_expression)
return {};
return static_cast<ASTTableExpression *>(tables_element.table_expression.get());
static const ASTArrayJoin * getFirstArrayJoin(const ASTSelectQuery & select)
if (!select.tables)
return {};
const ASTTablesInSelectQuery & tables_in_select_query = static_cast<const ASTTablesInSelectQuery &>(*select.tables);
if (tables_in_select_query.children.empty())
return {};
const ASTArrayJoin * array_join = nullptr;
for (const auto & child : tables_in_select_query.children)
const ASTTablesInSelectQueryElement & tables_element = static_cast<const ASTTablesInSelectQueryElement &>(*child);
if (tables_element.array_join)
if (!array_join)
array_join = static_cast<const ASTArrayJoin *>(tables_element.array_join.get());
throw Exception("Support for more than one ARRAY JOIN in query is not implemented", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
return array_join;
static const ASTTablesInSelectQueryElement * getFirstTableJoin(const ASTSelectQuery & select)
if (!select.tables)
return {};
const ASTTablesInSelectQuery & tables_in_select_query = static_cast<const ASTTablesInSelectQuery &>(*select.tables);
if (tables_in_select_query.children.empty())
return {};
const ASTTablesInSelectQueryElement * joined_table = nullptr;
for (const auto & child : tables_in_select_query.children)
const ASTTablesInSelectQueryElement & tables_element = static_cast<const ASTTablesInSelectQueryElement &>(*child);
if (tables_element.table_join)
if (!joined_table)
joined_table = &tables_element;
throw Exception("Support for more than one JOIN in query is not implemented", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
return joined_table;
ASTPtr ASTSelectQuery::database() const
const ASTTableExpression * table_expression = getFirstTableExpression(*this);
if (!table_expression || !table_expression->database_and_table_name || table_expression->database_and_table_name->children.empty())
return {};
if (table_expression->database_and_table_name->children.size() != 2)
throw Exception("Logical error: more than two components in table expression", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
return table_expression->database_and_table_name->children[0];
ASTPtr ASTSelectQuery::table() const
const ASTTableExpression * table_expression = getFirstTableExpression(*this);
if (!table_expression)
return {};
if (table_expression->database_and_table_name)
if (table_expression->database_and_table_name->children.empty())
return table_expression->database_and_table_name;
if (table_expression->database_and_table_name->children.size() != 2)
throw Exception("Logical error: more than two components in table expression", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
return table_expression->database_and_table_name->children[1];
if (table_expression->table_function)
return table_expression->table_function;
if (table_expression->subquery)
return static_cast<const ASTSubquery *>(table_expression->subquery.get())->children.at(0);
throw Exception("Logical error: incorrect table expression", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
ASTPtr ASTSelectQuery::sample_size() const
const ASTTableExpression * table_expression = getFirstTableExpression(*this);
if (!table_expression)
return {};
return table_expression->sample_size;
ASTPtr ASTSelectQuery::sample_offset() const
const ASTTableExpression * table_expression = getFirstTableExpression(*this);
if (!table_expression)
return {};
return table_expression->sample_offset;
bool ASTSelectQuery::final() const
const ASTTableExpression * table_expression = getFirstTableExpression(*this);
if (!table_expression)
return {};
return table_expression->final;
ASTPtr ASTSelectQuery::array_join_expression_list() const
const ASTArrayJoin * array_join = getFirstArrayJoin(*this);
if (!array_join)
return {};
return array_join->expression_list;
bool ASTSelectQuery::array_join_is_left() const
const ASTArrayJoin * array_join = getFirstArrayJoin(*this);
if (!array_join)
return {};
return array_join->kind == ASTArrayJoin::Kind::Left;
const ASTTablesInSelectQueryElement * ASTSelectQuery::join() const
return getFirstTableJoin(*this);
void ASTSelectQuery::setDatabaseIfNeeded(const String & database_name)
ASTTableExpression * table_expression = getFirstTableExpression(*this);
if (!table_expression)
if (!table_expression->database_and_table_name)
if (table_expression->database_and_table_name->children.empty())
ASTPtr database = std::make_shared<ASTIdentifier>(StringRange(), database_name, ASTIdentifier::Database);
ASTPtr table = table_expression->database_and_table_name;
const String & old_name = static_cast<ASTIdentifier &>(*table_expression->database_and_table_name).name;
table_expression->database_and_table_name = std::make_shared<ASTIdentifier>(StringRange(), database_name + "." + old_name, ASTIdentifier::Table);
table_expression->database_and_table_name->children = {database, table};
else if (table_expression->database_and_table_name->children.size() != 2)
throw Exception("Logical error: more than two components in table expression", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
void ASTSelectQuery::replaceDatabaseAndTable(const String & database_name, const String & table_name)
ASTTableExpression * table_expression = getFirstTableExpression(*this);
if (!table_expression)
auto tables_list = std::make_shared<ASTTablesInSelectQuery>();
auto element = std::make_shared<ASTTablesInSelectQueryElement>();
auto table_expr = std::make_shared<ASTTableExpression>();
element->table_expression = table_expr;
tables = tables_list;
table_expression = table_expr.get();
ASTPtr table = std::make_shared<ASTIdentifier>(StringRange(), table_name, ASTIdentifier::Table);
if (!database_name.empty())
ASTPtr database = std::make_shared<ASTIdentifier>(StringRange(), database_name, ASTIdentifier::Database);
table_expression->database_and_table_name = std::make_shared<ASTIdentifier>(
StringRange(), database_name + "." + table_name, ASTIdentifier::Table);
table_expression->database_and_table_name->children = {database, table};
table_expression->database_and_table_name = std::make_shared<ASTIdentifier>(
StringRange(), table_name, ASTIdentifier::Table);