
530 lines
17 KiB

#include <Common/ConfigProcessor.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <Poco/DOM/Text.h>
#include <Poco/DOM/Attr.h>
#include <Poco/DOM/Comment.h>
#include <Poco/Util/XMLConfiguration.h>
#include <zkutil/ZooKeeperNodeCache.h>
using namespace Poco::XML;
static bool endsWith(const std::string & s, const std::string & suffix)
return s.size() >= suffix.size() && s.substr(s.size() - suffix.size()) == suffix;
/// Extracts from a string the first encountered number consisting of at least two digits.
static std::string numberFromHost(const std::string & s)
for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i)
std::string res;
size_t j = i;
while (j < s.size() && isdigit(s[j]))
res += s[j++];
if (res.size() >= 2)
while (res[0] == '0')
return res;
return "";
ConfigProcessor::ConfigProcessor(bool throw_on_bad_incl_, bool log_to_console, const Substitutions & substitutions_)
: throw_on_bad_incl(throw_on_bad_incl_)
, substitutions(substitutions_)
/// We need larger name pool to allow to support vast amount of users in users.xml files for ClickHouse.
/// Size is prime because Poco::XML::NamePool uses bad (inefficient, low quality)
/// hash function internally, and its size was prime by default.
, name_pool(new Poco::XML::NamePool(65521))
, dom_parser(name_pool)
if (log_to_console && Logger::has("ConfigProcessor") == nullptr)
channel_ptr = new Poco::ConsoleChannel;
log = &Logger::create("ConfigProcessor", channel_ptr.get(), Poco::Message::PRIO_TRACE);
log = &Logger::get("ConfigProcessor");
if (channel_ptr) /// This means we have created a new console logger in the constructor.
/// Vector containing the name of the element and a sorted list of attribute names and values
/// (except "remove" and "replace" attributes).
/// Serves as a unique identifier of the element contents for comparison.
using ElementIdentifier = std::vector<std::string>;
using NamedNodeMapPtr = Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::XML::NamedNodeMap>;
/// NOTE getting rid of iterating over the result of Node.childNodes() call is a good idea
/// because accessing the i-th element of this list takes O(i) time.
using NodeListPtr = Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::XML::NodeList>;
static ElementIdentifier getElementIdentifier(Node * element)
NamedNodeMapPtr attrs = element->attributes();
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > attrs_kv;
for (size_t i = 0; i < attrs->length(); ++i)
Node * node = attrs->item(i);
std::string name = node->nodeName();
if (name == "replace" || name == "remove" || name == "incl" || name == "from_zk")
std::string value = node->nodeValue();
attrs_kv.push_back(std::make_pair(name, value));
std::sort(attrs_kv.begin(), attrs_kv.end());
ElementIdentifier res;
for (const auto & attr : attrs_kv)
return res;
static Node * getRootNode(Document * document)
NodeListPtr children = document->childNodes();
for (size_t i = 0; i < children->length(); ++i)
Node * child = children->item(i);
/// Besides the root element there can be comment nodes on the top level.
/// Skip them.
if (child->nodeType() == Node::ELEMENT_NODE)
return child;
throw Poco::Exception("No root node in document");
static bool allWhitespace(const std::string & s)
return s.find_first_not_of(" \t\n\r") == std::string::npos;
static std::string preprocessedConfigPath(const std::string & path)
Poco::Path preprocessed_path(path);
preprocessed_path.setBaseName(preprocessed_path.getBaseName() + "-preprocessed");
return preprocessed_path.toString();
void ConfigProcessor::mergeRecursive(XMLDocumentPtr config, Node * config_root, Node * with_root)
NodeListPtr with_nodes = with_root->childNodes();
using ElementsByIdentifier = std::multimap<ElementIdentifier, Node *>;
ElementsByIdentifier config_element_by_id;
for (Node * node = config_root->firstChild(); node;)
Node * next_node = node->nextSibling();
/// Remove text from the original config node.
if (node->nodeType() == Node::TEXT_NODE && !allWhitespace(node->getNodeValue()))
else if (node->nodeType() == Node::ELEMENT_NODE)
config_element_by_id.insert(ElementsByIdentifier::value_type(getElementIdentifier(node), node));
node = next_node;
for (size_t i = 0; i < with_nodes->length(); ++i)
Node * with_node = with_nodes->item(i);
bool merged = false;
bool remove = false;
if (with_node->nodeType() == Node::ELEMENT_NODE)
Element * with_element = dynamic_cast<Element *>(with_node);
remove = with_element->hasAttribute("remove");
bool replace = with_element->hasAttribute("replace");
if (remove && replace)
throw Poco::Exception("both remove and replace attributes set for element <" + with_node->nodeName() + ">");
ElementsByIdentifier::iterator it = config_element_by_id.find(getElementIdentifier(with_node));
if (it != config_element_by_id.end())
Node * config_node = it->second;
if (remove)
else if (replace)
NodePtr new_node = config->importNode(with_node, true);
config_root->replaceChild(new_node, config_node);
mergeRecursive(config, config_node, with_node);
merged = true;
if (!merged && !remove)
NodePtr new_node = config->importNode(with_node, true);
void ConfigProcessor::merge(XMLDocumentPtr config, XMLDocumentPtr with)
mergeRecursive(config, getRootNode(&*config), getRootNode(&*with));
std::string ConfigProcessor::layerFromHost()
utsname buf;
if (uname(&buf))
throw Poco::Exception(std::string("uname failed: ") + std::strerror(errno));
std::string layer = numberFromHost(buf.nodename);
if (layer.empty())
throw Poco::Exception(std::string("no layer in host name: ") + buf.nodename);
return layer;
void ConfigProcessor::doIncludesRecursive(
XMLDocumentPtr config,
XMLDocumentPtr include_from,
Node * node,
zkutil::ZooKeeperNodeCache * zk_node_cache,
std::unordered_set<std::string> & contributing_zk_paths)
if (node->nodeType() == Node::TEXT_NODE)
for (auto & substitution : substitutions)
std::string value = node->nodeValue();
bool replace_occured = false;
size_t pos;
while ((pos = value.find(substitution.first)) != std::string::npos)
value.replace(pos, substitution.first.length(), substitution.second);
replace_occured = true;
if (replace_occured)
if (node->nodeType() != Node::ELEMENT_NODE)
/// Substitute <layer> for the number extracted from the hostname only if there is an
/// empty <layer> tag without attributes in the original file.
if ( node->nodeName() == "layer" &&
!node->hasAttributes() &&
!node->hasChildNodes() &&
NodePtr new_node = config->createTextNode(layerFromHost());
NamedNodeMapPtr attributes = node->attributes();
Node * incl_attribute = attributes->getNamedItem("incl");
Node * from_zk_attribute = attributes->getNamedItem("from_zk");
if (incl_attribute && from_zk_attribute)
throw Poco::Exception("both incl and from_zk attributes set for element <" + node->nodeName() + ">");
/// Replace the original contents, not add to it.
bool replace = attributes->getNamedItem("replace");
auto process_include = [&](const Node * include_attr, const std::function<Node * (const std::string &)> & get_node, const char * error_msg)
std::string name = include_attr->getNodeValue();
Node * node_to_include = get_node(name);
if (!node_to_include)
if (attributes->getNamedItem("optional"))
else if (throw_on_bad_incl)
throw Poco::Exception(error_msg + name);
LOG_WARNING(log, error_msg << name);
Element * element = dynamic_cast<Element *>(node);
if (replace)
while (Node * child = node->firstChild())
NodeListPtr children = node_to_include->childNodes();
for (size_t i = 0; i < children->length(); ++i)
NodePtr new_node = config->importNode(children->item(i), true);
NamedNodeMapPtr from_attrs = node_to_include->attributes();
for (size_t i = 0; i < from_attrs->length(); ++i)
element->setAttributeNode(dynamic_cast<Attr *>(config->importNode(from_attrs->item(i), true)));
auto get_incl_node = [&](const std::string & name)
return include_from ? include_from->getNodeByPath("yandex/" + name) : nullptr;
if (incl_attribute)
process_include(incl_attribute, get_incl_node, "Include not found: ");
if (from_zk_attribute)
if (zk_node_cache)
XMLDocumentPtr zk_document;
auto get_zk_node = [&](const std::string & name) -> Node *
std::experimental::optional<std::string> contents = zk_node_cache->get(name);
if (!contents)
return nullptr;
/// Enclose contents into a fake <from_zk> tag to allow pure text substitutions.
zk_document = dom_parser.parseString("<from_zk>" + contents.value() + "</from_zk>");
return getRootNode(zk_document.get());
process_include(from_zk_attribute, get_zk_node, "Could not get ZooKeeper node: ");
NodeListPtr children = node->childNodes();
for (size_t i = 0; i < children->length(); ++i)
doIncludesRecursive(config, include_from, children->item(i), zk_node_cache, contributing_zk_paths);
ConfigProcessor::Files ConfigProcessor::getConfigMergeFiles(const std::string & config_path)
Files res;
Poco::Path merge_dir_path(config_path);
std::vector<std::string> merge_dirs;
if (merge_dir_path.getBaseName() != "conf") {
for (const std::string & merge_dir_name : merge_dirs)
Poco::File merge_dir(merge_dir_name);
if (!merge_dir.exists() || !merge_dir.isDirectory())
for (Poco::DirectoryIterator it(merge_dir_name); it != Poco::DirectoryIterator(); ++it)
Poco::File & file = *it;
if (file.isFile() && (endsWith(file.path(), ".xml") || endsWith(file.path(), ".conf")))
return res;
XMLDocumentPtr ConfigProcessor::processConfig(
const std::string & path_str,
bool * has_zk_includes,
zkutil::ZooKeeperNodeCache * zk_node_cache)
XMLDocumentPtr config = dom_parser.parse(path_str);
std::vector<std::string> contributing_files;
for (auto & merge_file : getConfigMergeFiles(path_str))
XMLDocumentPtr with = dom_parser.parse(merge_file);
merge(config, with);
catch (Poco::Exception & e)
throw Poco::Exception("Failed to merge config with " + merge_file + ": " + e.displayText());
std::unordered_set<std::string> contributing_zk_paths;
Node * node = config->getNodeByPath("yandex/include_from");
XMLDocumentPtr include_from;
std::string include_from_path;
if (node)
include_from_path = node->innerText();
std::string default_path = "/etc/metrika.xml";
if (Poco::File(default_path).exists())
include_from_path = default_path;
if (!include_from_path.empty())
include_from = dom_parser.parse(include_from_path);
doIncludesRecursive(config, include_from, getRootNode(config.get()), zk_node_cache, contributing_zk_paths);
catch (Poco::Exception & e)
throw Poco::Exception("Failed to preprocess config `" + path_str + "': " + e.displayText(), e);
if (has_zk_includes)
*has_zk_includes = !contributing_zk_paths.empty();
std::stringstream comment;
comment << " This file was generated automatically.\n";
comment << " Do not edit it: it is likely to be discarded and generated again before it's read next time.\n";
comment << " Files used to generate this file:";
for (const std::string & path : contributing_files)
comment << "\n " << path;
if (zk_node_cache && !contributing_zk_paths.empty())
comment << "\n ZooKeeper nodes used to generate this file:";
for (const std::string & path : contributing_zk_paths)
comment << "\n " << path;
comment << " ";
NodePtr new_node = config->createTextNode("\n\n");
config->insertBefore(new_node, config->firstChild());
new_node = config->createComment(comment.str());
config->insertBefore(new_node, config->firstChild());
return config;
ConfigProcessor::LoadedConfig ConfigProcessor::loadConfig(const std::string & path, bool allow_zk_includes)
bool has_zk_includes;
XMLDocumentPtr config_xml = processConfig(path, &has_zk_includes);
if (has_zk_includes && !allow_zk_includes)
throw Poco::Exception("Error while loading config `" + path + "': from_zk includes are not allowed!");
bool preprocessed_written = false;
if (!has_zk_includes)
savePreprocessedConfig(config_xml, preprocessedConfigPath(path));
preprocessed_written = true;
ConfigurationPtr configuration(new Poco::Util::XMLConfiguration(config_xml));
return LoadedConfig{configuration, has_zk_includes, /* loaded_from_preprocessed = */ false, preprocessed_written};
ConfigProcessor::LoadedConfig ConfigProcessor::loadConfigWithZooKeeperIncludes(
const std::string & path,
zkutil::ZooKeeperNodeCache & zk_node_cache,
bool fallback_to_preprocessed)
std::string preprocessed_path = preprocessedConfigPath(path);
XMLDocumentPtr config_xml;
bool has_zk_includes;
bool processed_successfully = false;
config_xml = processConfig(path, &has_zk_includes, &zk_node_cache);
processed_successfully = true;
catch (const Poco::Exception & ex)
if (!fallback_to_preprocessed)
const auto * zk_exception = dynamic_cast<const zkutil::KeeperException *>(ex.nested());
if (!zk_exception)
"Error while processing from_zk config includes: " + zk_exception->message() +
". Config will be loaded from preprocessed file: " + preprocessed_path);
config_xml = dom_parser.parse(preprocessed_path);
if (processed_successfully)
savePreprocessedConfig(config_xml, preprocessed_path);
ConfigurationPtr configuration(new Poco::Util::XMLConfiguration(config_xml));
return LoadedConfig{configuration, has_zk_includes, !processed_successfully, processed_successfully};
void ConfigProcessor::savePreprocessedConfig(const XMLDocumentPtr & config, const std::string & preprocessed_path)
DOMWriter().writeNode(preprocessed_path, config);
catch (Poco::Exception & e)
LOG_WARNING(log, "Couldn't save preprocessed config to " << preprocessed_path << ": " << e.displayText());