
156 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Manages artifacts similar to GH actions, but in S3"""
from dataclasses import dataclass
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from os import path as op
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import copy2
from typing import List, Union
from github.Commit import Commit
from build_download_helper import download_build_with_progress
from commit_status_helper import post_commit_status
from compress_files import SUFFIX, compress_fast, decompress_fast
from env_helper import RUNNER_TEMP, S3_BUILDS_BUCKET
from git_helper import SHA_REGEXP
from s3_helper import S3Helper
ARTIFACTS_PATH = Path(RUNNER_TEMP) / "artifacts"
class S3Object:
key: str
last_modified: str
size: int
class ArtifactsHelper:
INDEX = "index.html"
RESTRICTED_SYMBOLS = r"\/':<>|*?\""
def __init__(
s3_helper: S3Helper,
commit: Union[str, Commit],
s3_prefix: str = "artifacts",
"""The helper to compress+upload and download+decompress artifacts
If `commit` is github.Commit.Commit instance, the status Artifacts for a
given commit will be updated on an uploading"""
self._commit = commit
assert SHA_REGEXP.match(self.commit)
self.temp_path = ARTIFACTS_PATH
self.temp_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
self.s3_helper = s3_helper
# The s3 prefix is done with trailing slash!
self._s3_prefix = op.join(s3_prefix, self.commit, "")
self._s3_index_key = f"{self.s3_prefix}{self.INDEX}"
def commit(self) -> str:
"""string of the commit SHA"""
if isinstance(self._commit, str):
return self._commit
return self._commit.sha
def s3_prefix(self) -> str:
"""Prefix with the trailing slash"""
return self._s3_prefix
def s3_index_key(self) -> str:
"""Prefix with the trailing slash"""
return self._s3_index_key
def upload(self, artifact_name: str, artifact_path: Path) -> None:
"""Creates archive 'artifact_name.tar{compress_files.SUFFIX} with directory of"""
assert not any(s in artifact_name for s in self.RESTRICTED_SYMBOLS)
archive_path = self.temp_path / f"{artifact_name}.tar{SUFFIX}"
s3_artifact_key = f"{self.s3_prefix}{}"
compress_fast(artifact_path, archive_path)
self.s3_helper.upload_build_file_to_s3(archive_path, s3_artifact_key)
def download(
artifact_name: str,
extract_directory: Path = ARTIFACTS_PATH,
keep_archive: bool = False,
) -> Path:
"""Downloads artifact, if exists, and extracts it. If not, returns False"""
assert not any(s in artifact_name for s in self.RESTRICTED_SYMBOLS)
assert extract_directory.is_dir()
archive_path = self.temp_path / f"{artifact_name}.tar{SUFFIX}"
artifact_path = extract_directory / artifact_name
s3_artifact_key = f"{self.s3_prefix}{}"
url = self.s3_helper.url_if_exists(s3_artifact_key, S3_BUILDS_BUCKET)
if not url:
return artifact_path
if url.startswith("file://"):
copy2(Path(url[7:]), archive_path)
download_build_with_progress(url, archive_path)
artifact_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
decompress_fast(archive_path, artifact_path)
if not keep_archive:
return artifact_path
def list_artifacts(self, glob: str = "") -> List[str]:
"""return the list of artifacts existing for a commit"""
def ignore(key: str) -> bool:
if key == self.s3_index_key:
return False
if glob:
return fnmatch(key, glob)
return True
results = filter(
ignore, self.s3_helper.list_prefix(self.s3_prefix, S3_BUILDS_BUCKET)
return list(results)
def _regenerate_index(self) -> None:
objects = self.s3_helper.client.list_objects_v2(
Bucket=S3_BUILDS_BUCKET, Prefix=self.s3_prefix
files = [] # type: List[S3Object]
links = [] # type: List[str]
if "Contents" in objects:
files = [
obj["Key"][len(self.s3_prefix) :],
for obj in objects["Contents"]
links = [
f'<tr><td><a href="{f.key}">{f.key}</a></td><td>{f.size}</td>'
for f in files
index_path = self.temp_path / self.INDEX
title = f"Artifacts for workflow commit {self.commit}"
index_content = (
HEAD_HTML_TEMPLATE.format(title=title, header=title)
+ "<table><tr><th>Artifact</th><th>Size</th><th>Modified</th></tr>"
+ "\n".join(links)
+ "</table>"
index_path.write_text(index_content, encoding="utf-8")
url = self.s3_helper.upload_build_file_to_s3(index_path, self.s3_index_key)
if isinstance(self._commit, Commit):
self._commit, "success", url, "Artifacts for workflow", "Artifacts"