2022-10-12 15:25:23 +02:00

157 lines
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#pragma once
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <Interpreters/Context.h>
#include <Disks/TemporaryFileOnDisk.h>
#include <Disks/IVolume.h>
#include <Common/CurrentMetrics.h>
namespace CurrentMetrics
extern const Metric TemporaryFilesUnknown;
namespace DB
class TemporaryDataOnDiskScope;
using TemporaryDataOnDiskScopePtr = std::shared_ptr<TemporaryDataOnDiskScope>;
class TemporaryDataOnDisk;
using TemporaryDataOnDiskPtr = std::unique_ptr<TemporaryDataOnDisk>;
class TemporaryFileStream;
using TemporaryFileStreamPtr = std::unique_ptr<TemporaryFileStream>;
* Used to account amount of temporary data written to disk.
* If limit is set, throws exception if limit is exceeded.
* Data can be nested, so parent scope accounts all data written by children.
* Scopes are: global -> per-user -> per-query -> per-purpose (sorting, aggregation, etc).
class TemporaryDataOnDiskScope : boost::noncopyable
struct StatAtomic
std::atomic<size_t> compressed_size;
std::atomic<size_t> uncompressed_size;
explicit TemporaryDataOnDiskScope(VolumePtr volume_, size_t limit_)
: volume(std::move(volume_)), limit(limit_)
explicit TemporaryDataOnDiskScope(TemporaryDataOnDiskScopePtr parent_, size_t limit_)
: parent(std::move(parent_)), volume(parent->volume), limit(limit_)
/// TODO: remove
/// Refactor all code that uses volume directly to use TemporaryDataOnDisk.
VolumePtr getVolume() const { return volume; }
void deltaAllocAndCheck(int compressed_delta, int uncompressed_delta);
TemporaryDataOnDiskScopePtr parent = nullptr;
VolumePtr volume;
StatAtomic stat;
size_t limit = 0;
* Holds the set of temporary files.
* New file stream is created with `createStream`.
* Streams are owned by this object and will be deleted when it is deleted.
* It's a leaf node in temorarty data scope tree.
class TemporaryDataOnDisk : private TemporaryDataOnDiskScope
friend class TemporaryFileStream; /// to allow it to call `deltaAllocAndCheck` to account data
using TemporaryDataOnDiskScope::StatAtomic;
explicit TemporaryDataOnDisk(TemporaryDataOnDiskScopePtr parent_)
: TemporaryDataOnDiskScope(std::move(parent_), /* limit_ = */ 0)
explicit TemporaryDataOnDisk(TemporaryDataOnDiskScopePtr parent_, CurrentMetrics::Value metric_scope)
: TemporaryDataOnDiskScope(std::move(parent_), /* limit_ = */ 0)
, current_metric_scope(metric_scope)
/// If max_file_size > 0, then check that there's enough space on the disk and throw an exception in case of lack of free space
TemporaryFileStream & createStream(const Block & header, size_t max_file_size = 0);
std::vector<TemporaryFileStream *> getStreams() const;
bool empty() const;
const StatAtomic & getStat() const { return stat; }
mutable std::mutex mutex;
std::vector<TemporaryFileStreamPtr> streams TSA_GUARDED_BY(mutex);
typename CurrentMetrics::Value current_metric_scope = CurrentMetrics::TemporaryFilesUnknown;
* Data can be written into this stream and then read.
* After finish writing, call `finishWriting` and then `read` to read the data.
* Account amount of data written to disk in parent scope.
class TemporaryFileStream : boost::noncopyable
struct Stat
/// Statistics for file
/// Non-atomic because we don't allow to `read` or `write` into single file from multiple threads
size_t compressed_size = 0;
size_t uncompressed_size = 0;
size_t num_rows = 0;
TemporaryFileStream(TemporaryFileOnDiskHolder file_, const Block & header_, TemporaryDataOnDisk * parent_);
void write(const Block & block);
Stat finishWriting();
bool isWriteFinished() const;
Block read();
const String path() const { return file->getPath(); }
Block getHeader() const { return header; }
/// Read finished and file released
bool isEof() const;
void updateAllocAndCheck();
/// Release everything, close reader and writer, delete file
void release();
TemporaryDataOnDisk * parent;
Block header;
TemporaryFileOnDiskHolder file;
Stat stat;
struct OutputWriter;
std::unique_ptr<OutputWriter> out_writer;
struct InputReader;
std::unique_ptr<InputReader> in_reader;