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#pragma once
#include <Core/Types.h>
#include <Core/Defines.h>
#include <Core/TypeListNumber.h>
#include <Columns/IColumn.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnVector.h>
#include <Common/typeid_cast.h>
#include <ext/range.h>
/// Warning in boost::geometry during template strategy substitution.
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#if !__clang__
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
#include <boost/geometry.hpp>
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/point_xy.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/polygon.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/multi_polygon.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/segment.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/comparable_distance.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/strategies/cartesian/distance_pythagoras.hpp>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <IO/WriteBufferFromString.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
namespace GeoUtils
template <typename Polygon>
UInt64 getPolygonAllocatedBytes(const Polygon & polygon)
UInt64 size = 0;
using RingType = typename Polygon::ring_type;
using ValueType = typename RingType::value_type;
auto sizeOfRing = [](const RingType & ring) { return sizeof(ring) + ring.capacity() * sizeof(ValueType); };
size += sizeOfRing(polygon.outer());
const auto & inners = polygon.inners();
size += sizeof(inners) + inners.capacity() * sizeof(RingType);
for (auto & inner : inners)
size += sizeOfRing(inner);
return size;
template <typename MultiPolygon>
UInt64 getMultiPolygonAllocatedBytes(const MultiPolygon & multi_polygon)
using ValueType = typename MultiPolygon::value_type;
UInt64 size = multi_polygon.capacity() * sizeof(ValueType);
for (const auto & polygon : multi_polygon)
size += getPolygonAllocatedBytes(polygon);
return size;
template <typename CoordinateType = Float32>
class PointInPolygonWithGrid
using Point = boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy<CoordinateType>;
/// Counter-Clockwise ordering.
using Polygon = boost::geometry::model::polygon<Point, false>;
using MultiPolygon = boost::geometry::model::multi_polygon<Polygon>;
using Box = boost::geometry::model::box<Point>;
using Segment = boost::geometry::model::segment<Point>;
explicit PointInPolygonWithGrid(const Polygon & polygon_, UInt16 grid_size_ = 8)
: grid_size(std::max<UInt16>(1, grid_size_)), polygon(polygon_) {}
void init();
/// True if bound box is empty.
bool hasEmptyBound() const { return has_empty_bound; }
UInt64 getAllocatedBytes() const;
inline bool ALWAYS_INLINE contains(CoordinateType x, CoordinateType y);
enum class CellType
struct HalfPlane
/// Line, a * x + b * y + c = 0. Vector (a, b) points inside half-plane.
CoordinateType a;
CoordinateType b;
CoordinateType c;
/// Take left half-plane.
void fill(const Point & from, const Point & to)
a = -(to.y() - from.y());
b = to.x() - from.x();
c = -from.x() * a - from.y() * b;
/// Inner part of the HalfPlane is the left side of initialized vector.
bool ALWAYS_INLINE contains(CoordinateType x, CoordinateType y) const { return a * x + b * y + c >= 0; }
struct Cell
static const int max_stored_half_planes = 2;
HalfPlane half_planes[max_stored_half_planes];
size_t index_of_inner_polygon;
CellType type;
const UInt16 grid_size;
Polygon polygon;
std::vector<Cell> cells;
std::vector<MultiPolygon> polygons;
CoordinateType cell_width;
CoordinateType cell_height;
CoordinateType x_shift;
CoordinateType y_shift;
CoordinateType x_scale;
CoordinateType y_scale;
bool has_empty_bound = false;
bool was_grid_built = false;
void buildGrid();
void calcGridAttributes(Box & box);
template <typename T>
T ALWAYS_INLINE getCellIndex(T row, T col) const { return row * grid_size + col; }
/// Complex case. Will check intersection directly.
inline void addComplexPolygonCell(size_t index, const Box & box);
/// Empty intersection or intersection == box.
inline void addCell(size_t index, const Box & empty_box);
/// Intersection is a single polygon.
inline void addCell(size_t index, const Box & box, const Polygon & intersection);
/// Intersection is a pair of polygons.
inline void addCell(size_t index, const Box & box, const Polygon & first, const Polygon & second);
/// Returns a list of half-planes were formed from intersection edges without box edges.
inline std::vector<HalfPlane> findHalfPlanes(const Box & box, const Polygon & intersection);
/// Check that polygon.outer() is convex.
inline bool isConvex(const Polygon & polygon);
using Distance = typename boost::geometry::default_comparable_distance_result<Point, Segment>::type;
/// min(distance(point, edge) : edge in polygon)
inline Distance distance(const Point & point, const Polygon & polygon);
template <typename CoordinateType>
UInt64 PointInPolygonWithGrid<CoordinateType>::getAllocatedBytes() const
UInt64 size = sizeof(*this);
size += cells.capacity() * sizeof(Cell);
size += polygons.capacity() * sizeof(MultiPolygon);
size += getPolygonAllocatedBytes(polygon);
for (const auto & elem : polygons)
size += getMultiPolygonAllocatedBytes(elem);
return size;
template <typename CoordinateType>
void PointInPolygonWithGrid<CoordinateType>::init()
if (!was_grid_built)
was_grid_built = true;
template <typename CoordinateType>
void PointInPolygonWithGrid<CoordinateType>::calcGridAttributes(
PointInPolygonWithGrid<CoordinateType>::Box & box)
boost::geometry::envelope(polygon, box);
const Point & min_corner = box.min_corner();
const Point & max_corner = box.max_corner();
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#if !__clang__
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized"
cell_width = (max_corner.x() - min_corner.x()) / grid_size;
cell_height = (max_corner.y() - min_corner.y()) / grid_size;
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
if (cell_width == 0 || cell_height == 0)
has_empty_bound = true;
x_scale = 1 / cell_width;
y_scale = 1 / cell_height;
x_shift = -min_corner.x();
y_shift = -min_corner.y();
template <typename CoordinateType>
void PointInPolygonWithGrid<CoordinateType>::buildGrid()
Box box;
if (has_empty_bound)
cells.assign(grid_size * grid_size, {});
const Point & min_corner = box.min_corner();
for (size_t row = 0; row < grid_size; ++row)
CoordinateType y_min = min_corner.y() + row * cell_height;
CoordinateType y_max = min_corner.y() + (row + 1) * cell_height;
for (size_t col = 0; col < grid_size; ++col)
CoordinateType x_min = min_corner.x() + col * cell_width;
CoordinateType x_max = min_corner.x() + (col + 1) * cell_width;
Box cell_box(Point(x_min, y_min), Point(x_max, y_max));
Polygon cell_bound;
boost::geometry::convert(cell_box, cell_bound);
MultiPolygon intersection;
boost::geometry::intersection(polygon, cell_bound, intersection);
size_t cellIndex = getCellIndex(row, col);
if (intersection.empty())
addCell(cellIndex, cell_box);
else if (intersection.size() == 1)
addCell(cellIndex, cell_box, intersection.front());
else if (intersection.size() == 2)
addCell(cellIndex, cell_box, intersection.front(), intersection.back());
addComplexPolygonCell(cellIndex, cell_box);
template <typename CoordinateType>
bool PointInPolygonWithGrid<CoordinateType>::contains(CoordinateType x, CoordinateType y)
if (has_empty_bound)
return false;
CoordinateType float_row = (y + y_shift) * y_scale;
CoordinateType float_col = (x + x_shift) * x_scale;
if (float_row < 0 || float_row > grid_size)
return false;
if (float_col < 0 || float_col > grid_size)
return false;
int row = std::min<int>(float_row, grid_size - 1);
int col = std::min<int>(float_col, grid_size - 1);
int index = getCellIndex(row, col);
const auto & cell = cells[index];
switch (cell.type)
case CellType::inner:
return true;
case CellType::outer:
return false;
case CellType::singleLine:
return cell.half_planes[0].contains(x, y);
case CellType::pairOfLinesSingleConvexPolygon:
return cell.half_planes[0].contains(x, y) && cell.half_planes[1].contains(x, y);
case CellType::pairOfLinesDifferentPolygons: [[fallthrough]];
case CellType::pairOfLinesSingleNonConvexPolygons:
return cell.half_planes[0].contains(x, y) || cell.half_planes[1].contains(x, y);
case CellType::complexPolygon:
return boost::geometry::within(Point(x, y), polygons[cell.index_of_inner_polygon]);
template <typename CoordinateType>
typename PointInPolygonWithGrid<CoordinateType>::Distance
const PointInPolygonWithGrid<CoordinateType>::Point & point,
const PointInPolygonWithGrid<CoordinateType>::Polygon & poly)
const auto & outer = poly.outer();
Distance distance = 0;
for (auto i : ext::range(0, outer.size() - 1))
Segment segment(outer[i], outer[i + 1]);
Distance current = boost::geometry::comparable_distance(point, segment);
distance = i ? std::min(current, distance) : current;
return distance;
template <typename CoordinateType>
bool PointInPolygonWithGrid<CoordinateType>::isConvex(const PointInPolygonWithGrid<CoordinateType>::Polygon & poly)
const auto & outer = poly.outer();
/// Segment or point.
if (outer.size() < 4)
return false;
auto vecProduct = [](const Point & from, const Point & to) { return from.x() * to.y() - from.y() * to.x(); };
auto getVector = [](const Point & from, const Point & to) -> Point
return Point(to.x() - from.x(), to.y() - from.y());
Point first = getVector(outer[0], outer[1]);
Point prev = first;
for (auto i : ext::range(1, outer.size() - 1))
Point cur = getVector(outer[i], outer[i + 1]);
if (vecProduct(prev, cur) < 0)
return false;
prev = cur;
return vecProduct(prev, first) >= 0;
template <typename CoordinateType>
std::vector<typename PointInPolygonWithGrid<CoordinateType>::HalfPlane>
const PointInPolygonWithGrid<CoordinateType>::Box & box,
const PointInPolygonWithGrid<CoordinateType>::Polygon & intersection)
std::vector<HalfPlane> half_planes;
Polygon bound;
boost::geometry::convert(box, bound);
const auto & outer = intersection.outer();
for (auto i : ext::range(0, outer.size() - 1))
/// Want to detect is intersection edge was formed from box edge or from polygon edge.
/// If center of the edge closer to box, than don't form the half-plane.
Segment segment(outer[i], outer[i + 1]);
Point center((segment.first.x() + segment.second.x()) / 2, (segment.first.y() + segment.second.y()) / 2);
if (distance(center, polygon) < distance(center, bound))
half_planes.back().fill(segment.first, segment.second);
return half_planes;
template <typename CoordinateType>
void PointInPolygonWithGrid<CoordinateType>::addComplexPolygonCell(
size_t index, const PointInPolygonWithGrid<CoordinateType>::Box & box)
cells[index].type = CellType::complexPolygon;
cells[index].index_of_inner_polygon = polygons.size();
/// Expand box in (1 + eps_factor) times to eliminate errors for points on box bound.
static constexpr CoordinateType eps_factor = 0.01;
auto x_eps = eps_factor * (box.max_corner().x() - box.min_corner().x());
auto y_eps = eps_factor * (box.max_corner().y() - box.min_corner().y());
Point min_corner(box.min_corner().x() - x_eps, box.min_corner().y() - y_eps);
Point max_corner(box.max_corner().x() + x_eps, box.max_corner().y() + y_eps);
Box box_with_eps_bound(min_corner, max_corner);
Polygon bound;
boost::geometry::convert(box_with_eps_bound, bound);
MultiPolygon intersection;
boost::geometry::intersection(polygon, bound, intersection);
template <typename CoordinateType>
void PointInPolygonWithGrid<CoordinateType>::addCell(
size_t index, const PointInPolygonWithGrid<CoordinateType>::Box & empty_box)
const auto & min_corner = empty_box.min_corner();
const auto & max_corner = empty_box.max_corner();
Point center((min_corner.x() + max_corner.x()) / 2, (min_corner.y() + max_corner.y()) / 2);
if (boost::geometry::within(center, polygon))
cells[index].type = CellType::inner;
cells[index].type = CellType::outer;
template <typename CoordinateType>
void PointInPolygonWithGrid<CoordinateType>::addCell(
size_t index,
const PointInPolygonWithGrid<CoordinateType>::Box & box,
const PointInPolygonWithGrid<CoordinateType>::Polygon & intersection)
if (!intersection.inners().empty())
addComplexPolygonCell(index, box);
auto half_planes = findHalfPlanes(box, intersection);
if (half_planes.empty())
addCell(index, box);
else if (half_planes.size() == 1)
cells[index].type = CellType::singleLine;
cells[index].half_planes[0] = half_planes[0];
else if (half_planes.size() == 2)
cells[index].type = isConvex(intersection) ? CellType::pairOfLinesSingleConvexPolygon
: CellType::pairOfLinesSingleNonConvexPolygons;
cells[index].half_planes[0] = half_planes[0];
cells[index].half_planes[1] = half_planes[1];
addComplexPolygonCell(index, box);
template <typename CoordinateType>
void PointInPolygonWithGrid<CoordinateType>::addCell(
size_t index,
const PointInPolygonWithGrid<CoordinateType>::Box & box,
const PointInPolygonWithGrid<CoordinateType>::Polygon & first,
const PointInPolygonWithGrid<CoordinateType>::Polygon & second)
if (!first.inners().empty() || !second.inners().empty())
addComplexPolygonCell(index, box);
auto first_half_planes = findHalfPlanes(box, first);
auto second_half_planes = findHalfPlanes(box, second);
if (first_half_planes.empty())
addCell(index, box, first);
else if (second_half_planes.empty())
addCell(index, box, second);
else if (first_half_planes.size() == 1 && second_half_planes.size() == 1)
cells[index].type = CellType::pairOfLinesDifferentPolygons;
cells[index].half_planes[0] = first_half_planes[0];
cells[index].half_planes[1] = second_half_planes[0];
addComplexPolygonCell(index, box);
template <typename Strategy, typename CoordinateType = Float32>
class PointInPolygon
using Point = boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy<CoordinateType>;
/// Counter-Clockwise ordering.
using Polygon = boost::geometry::model::polygon<Point, false>;
using Box = boost::geometry::model::box<Point>;
explicit PointInPolygon(const Polygon & polygon_) : polygon(polygon_) {}
void init()
boost::geometry::envelope(polygon, box);
const Point & min_corner = box.min_corner();
const Point & max_corner = box.max_corner();
if (min_corner.x() == max_corner.x() || min_corner.y() == max_corner.y())
has_empty_bound = true;
bool hasEmptyBound() const { return has_empty_bound; }
inline bool ALWAYS_INLINE contains(CoordinateType x, CoordinateType y)
Point point(x, y);
if (!boost::geometry::within(point, box))
return false;
return boost::geometry::covered_by(point, polygon, strategy);
UInt64 getAllocatedBytes() const { return sizeof(*this); }
const Polygon & polygon;
Box box;
bool has_empty_bound = false;
Strategy strategy;
/// Algorithms.
template <typename T, typename U, typename PointInPolygonImpl>
ColumnPtr pointInPolygon(const ColumnVector<T> & x, const ColumnVector<U> & y, PointInPolygonImpl && impl)
auto size = x.size();
if (impl.hasEmptyBound())
return ColumnVector<UInt8>::create(size, 0);
auto result = ColumnVector<UInt8>::create(size);
auto & data = result->getData();
const auto & x_data = x.getData();
const auto & y_data = y.getData();
for (auto i : ext::range(0, size))
data[i] = static_cast<UInt8>(impl.contains(x_data[i], y_data[i]));
return result;
template <typename ... Types>
struct CallPointInPolygon;
template <typename Type, typename ... Types>
struct CallPointInPolygon<Type, Types ...>
template <typename T, typename PointInPolygonImpl>
static ColumnPtr call(const ColumnVector<T> & x, const IColumn & y, PointInPolygonImpl && impl)
if (auto column = typeid_cast<const ColumnVector<Type> *>(&y))
return pointInPolygon(x, *column, impl);
return CallPointInPolygon<Types ...>::template call<T>(x, y, impl);
template <typename PointInPolygonImpl>
static ColumnPtr call(const IColumn & x, const IColumn & y, PointInPolygonImpl && impl)
using Impl = typename ApplyTypeListForClass<::DB::GeoUtils::CallPointInPolygon, TypeListNumbers>::Type;
if (auto column = typeid_cast<const ColumnVector<Type> *>(&x))
return Impl::template call<Type>(*column, y, impl);
return CallPointInPolygon<Types ...>::call(x, y, impl);
template <>
struct CallPointInPolygon<>
template <typename T, typename PointInPolygonImpl>
static ColumnPtr call(const ColumnVector<T> &, const IColumn & y, PointInPolygonImpl &&)
throw Exception(std::string("Unknown numeric column type: ") + demangle(typeid(y).name()), ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
template <typename PointInPolygonImpl>
static ColumnPtr call(const IColumn & x, const IColumn &, PointInPolygonImpl &&)
throw Exception(std::string("Unknown numeric column type: ") + demangle(typeid(x).name()), ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
template <typename PointInPolygonImpl>
ColumnPtr pointInPolygon(const IColumn & x, const IColumn & y, PointInPolygonImpl && impl)
using Impl = typename ApplyTypeListForClass<::DB::GeoUtils::CallPointInPolygon, TypeListNumbers>::Type;
return Impl::call(x, y, impl);
/// Total angle (signed) between neighbor vectors in linestring. Zero if linestring.size() < 2.
template <typename Linestring>
double calcLinestringRotation(const Linestring & points)
using Point = std::decay_t<decltype(*points.begin())>;
double rotation = 0;
auto vecProduct = [](const Point & from, const Point & to) { return from.x() * to.y() - from.y() * to.x(); };
auto scalarProduct = [](const Point & from, const Point & to) { return from.x() * to.x() + from.y() * to.y(); };
auto getVector = [](const Point & from, const Point & to) -> Point
return Point(to.x() - from.x(), to.y() - from.y());
for (auto it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); ++it)
if (it != points.begin())
auto prev = std::prev(it);
auto next = std::next(it);
if (next == points.end())
next = std::next(points.begin());
Point from = getVector(*prev, *it);
Point to = getVector(*it, *next);
auto vec_prod = vecProduct(from, to);
auto scalar_prod = scalarProduct(from, to);
auto ang = std::atan2(vec_prod, scalar_prod);
rotation += ang;
return rotation;
/// Make inner linestring counter-clockwise and outers clockwise oriented.
template <typename Polygon>
void normalizePolygon(Polygon && polygon)
auto & outer = polygon.outer();
if (calcLinestringRotation(outer) < 0)
std::reverse(outer.begin(), outer.end());
auto & inners = polygon.inners();
for (auto & inner : inners)
if (calcLinestringRotation(inner) > 0)
std::reverse(inner.begin(), inner.end());
template <typename Polygon>
std::string serialize(Polygon && polygon)
std::string result;
WriteBufferFromString buffer(result);
using RingType = typename std::decay_t<Polygon>::ring_type;
auto serializeFloat = [&buffer](float value) { buffer.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&value), sizeof(value)); };
auto serializeSize = [&buffer](size_t size) { buffer.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&size), sizeof(size)); };
auto serializeRing = [& serializeFloat, & serializeSize](const RingType & ring)
for (const auto & point : ring)
const auto & inners = polygon.inners();
for (auto & inner : inners)
return result;
size_t geohashEncode(Float64 longitude, Float64 latitude, UInt8 precision, char * out);
void geohashDecode(const char * encoded_string, size_t encoded_len, Float64 * longitude, Float64 * latitude);
std::vector<std::pair<Float64, Float64>> geohashCoverBox(Float64 longitude_min, Float64 latitude_min, Float64 longitude_max, Float64 latitude_max, UInt8 precision, UInt32 max_items = 0);
struct GeohashesInBoxPreparedArgs
UInt64 items_count = 0;
UInt8 precision = 0;
Float64 longitude_min = 0.0;
Float64 latitude_min = 0.0;
Float64 longitude_max = 0.0;
Float64 latitude_max = 0.0;
Float64 longitude_step = 0.0;
Float64 latitude_step = 0.0;
GeohashesInBoxPreparedArgs geohashesInBoxPrepare(const Float64 longitude_min,
const Float64 latitude_min,
Float64 longitude_max,
Float64 latitude_max,
UInt8 precision);
UInt64 geohashesInBox(const GeohashesInBoxPreparedArgs & estimation, char * out);
} /// GeoUtils
} /// DB