Anton Popov 15cb333eba
Merge pull request #54212 from bharatnc/ncb/fix-ipv4-select
fix possible type mismatch with IPv4
2023-09-04 11:39:23 +02:00

1032 lines
41 KiB

#pragma once
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <type_traits>
#include <functional>
#include <Common/Exception.h>
#include <Common/AllocatorWithMemoryTracking.h>
#include <Core/Types.h>
#include <Core/Defines.h>
#include <Core/DecimalFunctions.h>
#include <Core/UUID.h>
#include <base/IPv4andIPv6.h>
#include <base/DayNum.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int BAD_TYPE_OF_FIELD;
extern const int BAD_GET;
extern const int NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
extern const int ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT;
constexpr Null NEGATIVE_INFINITY{Null::Value::NegativeInfinity};
constexpr Null POSITIVE_INFINITY{Null::Value::PositiveInfinity};
class Field;
using FieldVector = std::vector<Field, AllocatorWithMemoryTracking<Field>>;
/// Array and Tuple use the same storage type -- FieldVector, but we declare
/// distinct types for them, so that the caller can choose whether it wants to
/// construct a Field of Array or a Tuple type. An alternative approach would be
/// to construct both of these types from FieldVector, and have the caller
/// specify the desired Field type explicitly.
struct X : public FieldVector \
{ \
using FieldVector::FieldVector; \
/// An array with the following structure: [(key1, value1), (key2, value2), ...]
DEFINE_FIELD_VECTOR(Map); /// TODO: use map instead of vector.
using FieldMap = std::map<String, Field, std::less<>, AllocatorWithMemoryTracking<std::pair<const String, Field>>>;
struct X : public FieldMap \
{ \
using FieldMap::FieldMap; \
struct AggregateFunctionStateData
String name; /// Name with arguments.
String data;
bool operator < (const AggregateFunctionStateData &) const
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT, "Operator < is not implemented for AggregateFunctionStateData.");
bool operator <= (const AggregateFunctionStateData &) const
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT, "Operator <= is not implemented for AggregateFunctionStateData.");
bool operator > (const AggregateFunctionStateData &) const
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT, "Operator > is not implemented for AggregateFunctionStateData.");
bool operator >= (const AggregateFunctionStateData &) const
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT, "Operator >= is not implemented for AggregateFunctionStateData.");
bool operator == (const AggregateFunctionStateData & rhs) const
if (name !=
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT, "Comparing aggregate functions with different types: {} and {}",
return data ==;
struct CustomType
struct CustomTypeImpl
virtual ~CustomTypeImpl() = default;
virtual const char * getTypeName() const = 0;
virtual String toString(bool show_secrets) const = 0;
virtual bool isSecret() const = 0;
virtual bool operator < (const CustomTypeImpl &) const = 0;
virtual bool operator <= (const CustomTypeImpl &) const = 0;
virtual bool operator > (const CustomTypeImpl &) const = 0;
virtual bool operator >= (const CustomTypeImpl &) const = 0;
virtual bool operator == (const CustomTypeImpl &) const = 0;
CustomType() = default;
explicit CustomType(std::shared_ptr<const CustomTypeImpl> impl_) : impl(impl_) {}
bool isSecret() const { return impl->isSecret(); }
const char * getTypeName() const { return impl->getTypeName(); }
String toString(bool show_secrets = true) const { return impl->toString(show_secrets); }
const CustomTypeImpl & getImpl() { return *impl; }
bool operator < (const CustomType & rhs) const { return *impl < *rhs.impl; }
bool operator <= (const CustomType & rhs) const { return *impl <= *rhs.impl; }
bool operator > (const CustomType & rhs) const { return *impl > *rhs.impl; }
bool operator >= (const CustomType & rhs) const { return *impl >= *rhs.impl; }
bool operator == (const CustomType & rhs) const { return *impl == *rhs.impl; }
std::shared_ptr<const CustomTypeImpl> impl;
template <typename T> bool decimalEqual(T x, T y, UInt32 x_scale, UInt32 y_scale);
template <typename T> bool decimalLess(T x, T y, UInt32 x_scale, UInt32 y_scale);
template <typename T> bool decimalLessOrEqual(T x, T y, UInt32 x_scale, UInt32 y_scale);
template <is_decimal T>
class DecimalField
explicit DecimalField(T value = {}, UInt32 scale_ = 0)
: dec(value),
operator T() const { return dec; } /// NOLINT
T getValue() const { return dec; }
T getScaleMultiplier() const { return DecimalUtils::scaleMultiplier<T>(scale); }
UInt32 getScale() const { return scale; }
template <typename U>
bool operator < (const DecimalField<U> & r) const
using MaxType = std::conditional_t<(sizeof(T) > sizeof(U)), T, U>;
return decimalLess<MaxType>(dec, r.getValue(), scale, r.getScale());
template <typename U>
bool operator <= (const DecimalField<U> & r) const
using MaxType = std::conditional_t<(sizeof(T) > sizeof(U)), T, U>;
return decimalLessOrEqual<MaxType>(dec, r.getValue(), scale, r.getScale());
template <typename U>
bool operator == (const DecimalField<U> & r) const
using MaxType = std::conditional_t<(sizeof(T) > sizeof(U)), T, U>;
return decimalEqual<MaxType>(dec, r.getValue(), scale, r.getScale());
template <typename U> bool operator > (const DecimalField<U> & r) const { return r < *this; }
template <typename U> bool operator >= (const DecimalField<U> & r) const { return r <= * this; }
template <typename U> bool operator != (const DecimalField<U> & r) const { return !(*this == r); }
const DecimalField<T> & operator += (const DecimalField<T> & r)
if (scale != r.getScale())
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Add different decimal fields");
dec += r.getValue();
return *this;
const DecimalField<T> & operator -= (const DecimalField<T> & r)
if (scale != r.getScale())
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Sub different decimal fields");
dec -= r.getValue();
return *this;
T dec;
UInt32 scale;
template <typename T> constexpr bool is_decimal_field = false;
template <> constexpr inline bool is_decimal_field<DecimalField<Decimal32>> = true;
template <> constexpr inline bool is_decimal_field<DecimalField<Decimal64>> = true;
template <> constexpr inline bool is_decimal_field<DecimalField<Decimal128>> = true;
template <> constexpr inline bool is_decimal_field<DecimalField<Decimal256>> = true;
template <typename T, typename SFINAE = void>
struct NearestFieldTypeImpl;
template <typename T>
using NearestFieldType = typename NearestFieldTypeImpl<T>::Type;
/// char may be signed or unsigned, and behave identically to signed char or unsigned char,
/// but they are always three different types.
/// signedness of char is different in Linux on x86 and Linux on ARM.
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<char> { using Type = std::conditional_t<is_signed_v<char>, Int64, UInt64>; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<signed char> { using Type = Int64; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<unsigned char> { using Type = UInt64; };
#ifdef __cpp_char8_t
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<char8_t> { using Type = UInt64; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<UInt16> { using Type = UInt64; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<UInt32> { using Type = UInt64; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<DayNum> { using Type = UInt64; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<UUID> { using Type = UUID; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<IPv4> { using Type = IPv4; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<IPv6> { using Type = IPv6; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<Int16> { using Type = Int64; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<Int32> { using Type = Int64; };
/// long and long long are always different types that may behave identically or not.
/// This is different on Linux and Mac.
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<long> { using Type = Int64; }; /// NOLINT
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<long long> { using Type = Int64; }; /// NOLINT
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<unsigned long> { using Type = UInt64; }; /// NOLINT
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<unsigned long long> { using Type = UInt64; }; /// NOLINT
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<UInt256> { using Type = UInt256; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<Int256> { using Type = Int256; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<UInt128> { using Type = UInt128; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<Int128> { using Type = Int128; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<Decimal32> { using Type = DecimalField<Decimal32>; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<Decimal64> { using Type = DecimalField<Decimal64>; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<Decimal128> { using Type = DecimalField<Decimal128>; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<Decimal256> { using Type = DecimalField<Decimal256>; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<DateTime64> { using Type = DecimalField<DateTime64>; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<DecimalField<Decimal32>> { using Type = DecimalField<Decimal32>; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<DecimalField<Decimal64>> { using Type = DecimalField<Decimal64>; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<DecimalField<Decimal128>> { using Type = DecimalField<Decimal128>; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<DecimalField<Decimal256>> { using Type = DecimalField<Decimal256>; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<DecimalField<DateTime64>> { using Type = DecimalField<DateTime64>; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<Float32> { using Type = Float64; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<Float64> { using Type = Float64; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<const char *> { using Type = String; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<std::string_view> { using Type = String; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<String> { using Type = String; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<Array> { using Type = Array; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<Tuple> { using Type = Tuple; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<Map> { using Type = Map; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<Object> { using Type = Object; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<bool> { using Type = UInt64; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<Null> { using Type = Null; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<AggregateFunctionStateData> { using Type = AggregateFunctionStateData; };
template <> struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<CustomType> { using Type = CustomType; };
// For enum types, use the field type that corresponds to their underlying type.
template <typename T>
requires std::is_enum_v<T>
struct NearestFieldTypeImpl<T>
using Type = NearestFieldType<std::underlying_type_t<T>>;
template <typename T>
decltype(auto) castToNearestFieldType(T && x)
using U = NearestFieldType<std::decay_t<T>>;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<T>, U>)
return std::forward<T>(x);
return U(x);
template <typename T>
concept not_field_or_bool_or_stringlike
= (!std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<T>, Field> && !std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<T>, bool>
&& !std::is_same_v<NearestFieldType<std::decay_t<T>>, String>);
/** 32 is enough. Round number is used for alignment and for better arithmetic inside std::vector.
* NOTE: Actually, sizeof(std::string) is 32 when using libc++, so Field is 40 bytes.
/** Discriminated union of several types.
* Made for replacement of `boost::variant`
* is not generalized,
* but somewhat more efficient, and simpler.
* Used to represent a single value of one of several types in memory.
* Warning! Prefer to use chunks of columns instead of single values. See IColumn.h
class Field
struct Types
/// Type tag.
enum Which
Null = 0,
UInt64 = 1,
Int64 = 2,
Float64 = 3,
UInt128 = 4,
Int128 = 5,
String = 16,
Array = 17,
Tuple = 18,
Decimal32 = 19,
Decimal64 = 20,
Decimal128 = 21,
AggregateFunctionState = 22,
Decimal256 = 23,
UInt256 = 24,
Int256 = 25,
Map = 26,
UUID = 27,
Bool = 28,
Object = 29,
IPv4 = 30,
IPv6 = 31,
CustomType = 32,
/// Returns an identifier for the type or vice versa.
template <typename T> struct TypeToEnum;
template <Types::Which which> struct EnumToType;
static bool isDecimal(Types::Which which)
return which == Types::Decimal32
|| which == Types::Decimal64
|| which == Types::Decimal128
|| which == Types::Decimal256;
Field() : Field(Null{}) {}
/** Despite the presence of a template constructor, this constructor is still needed,
* since, in its absence, the compiler will still generate the default constructor.
Field(const Field & rhs)
Field(Field && rhs) noexcept
template <typename T>
requires not_field_or_bool_or_stringlike<T>
Field(T && rhs); /// NOLINT
Field(bool rhs) : Field(castToNearestFieldType(rhs)) /// NOLINT
which = Types::Bool;
/// Create a string inplace.
Field(std::string_view str) { create(, str.size()); } /// NOLINT
Field(const String & str) { create(std::string_view{str}); } /// NOLINT
Field(String && str) { create(std::move(str)); } /// NOLINT
Field(const char * str) { create(std::string_view{str}); } /// NOLINT
template <typename CharT>
Field(const CharT * data, size_t size)
create(data, size);
Field & operator= (const Field & rhs)
if (this != &rhs)
if (which != rhs.which)
assign(rhs); /// This assigns string or vector without deallocation of existing buffer.
return *this;
Field & operator= (Field && rhs) noexcept
if (this != &rhs)
if (which != rhs.which)
return *this;
/// Allows expressions like
/// Field f = 1;
/// Things to note:
/// 1. float <--> int needs explicit cast
/// 2. customized types needs explicit cast
template <typename T>
requires not_field_or_bool_or_stringlike<T>
Field & /// NOLINT
operator=(T && rhs);
Field & operator= (bool rhs)
*this = castToNearestFieldType(rhs);
which = Types::Bool;
return *this;
Field & operator= (std::string_view str);
Field & operator= (const String & str) { return *this = std::string_view{str}; }
Field & operator= (String && str);
Field & operator= (const char * str) { return *this = std::string_view{str}; }
Types::Which getType() const { return which; }
std::string_view getTypeName() const;
bool isNull() const { return which == Types::Null; }
template <typename T>
NearestFieldType<std::decay_t<T>> & get();
template <typename T>
const auto & get() const
auto * mutable_this = const_cast<std::decay_t<decltype(*this)> *>(this);
return mutable_this->get<T>();
bool isNegativeInfinity() const { return which == Types::Null && get<Null>().isNegativeInfinity(); }
bool isPositiveInfinity() const { return which == Types::Null && get<Null>().isPositiveInfinity(); }
template <typename T> bool tryGet(T & result)
const Types::Which requested = TypeToEnum<std::decay_t<T>>::value;
if (which != requested)
return false;
result = get<T>();
return true;
template <typename T> bool tryGet(T & result) const
const Types::Which requested = TypeToEnum<std::decay_t<T>>::value;
if (which != requested)
return false;
result = get<T>();
return true;
template <typename T> auto & safeGet() const
return const_cast<Field *>(this)->safeGet<T>();
template <typename T> auto & safeGet();
bool operator< (const Field & rhs) const
if (which < rhs.which)
return true;
if (which > rhs.which)
return false;
switch (which)
case Types::Null: return false;
case Types::Bool: [[fallthrough]];
case Types::UInt64: return get<UInt64>() < rhs.get<UInt64>();
case Types::UInt128: return get<UInt128>() < rhs.get<UInt128>();
case Types::UInt256: return get<UInt256>() < rhs.get<UInt256>();
case Types::Int64: return get<Int64>() < rhs.get<Int64>();
case Types::Int128: return get<Int128>() < rhs.get<Int128>();
case Types::Int256: return get<Int256>() < rhs.get<Int256>();
case Types::UUID: return get<UUID>() < rhs.get<UUID>();
case Types::IPv4: return get<IPv4>() < rhs.get<IPv4>();
case Types::IPv6: return get<IPv6>() < rhs.get<IPv6>();
case Types::Float64: return get<Float64>() < rhs.get<Float64>();
case Types::String: return get<String>() < rhs.get<String>();
case Types::Array: return get<Array>() < rhs.get<Array>();
case Types::Tuple: return get<Tuple>() < rhs.get<Tuple>();
case Types::Map: return get<Map>() < rhs.get<Map>();
case Types::Object: return get<Object>() < rhs.get<Object>();
case Types::Decimal32: return get<DecimalField<Decimal32>>() < rhs.get<DecimalField<Decimal32>>();
case Types::Decimal64: return get<DecimalField<Decimal64>>() < rhs.get<DecimalField<Decimal64>>();
case Types::Decimal128: return get<DecimalField<Decimal128>>() < rhs.get<DecimalField<Decimal128>>();
case Types::Decimal256: return get<DecimalField<Decimal256>>() < rhs.get<DecimalField<Decimal256>>();
case Types::AggregateFunctionState: return get<AggregateFunctionStateData>() < rhs.get<AggregateFunctionStateData>();
case Types::CustomType: return get<CustomType>() < rhs.get<CustomType>();
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_TYPE_OF_FIELD, "Bad type of Field");
bool operator> (const Field & rhs) const
return rhs < *this;
bool operator<= (const Field & rhs) const
if (which < rhs.which)
return true;
if (which > rhs.which)
return false;
switch (which)
case Types::Null: return true;
case Types::Bool: [[fallthrough]];
case Types::UInt64: return get<UInt64>() <= rhs.get<UInt64>();
case Types::UInt128: return get<UInt128>() <= rhs.get<UInt128>();
case Types::UInt256: return get<UInt256>() <= rhs.get<UInt256>();
case Types::Int64: return get<Int64>() <= rhs.get<Int64>();
case Types::Int128: return get<Int128>() <= rhs.get<Int128>();
case Types::Int256: return get<Int256>() <= rhs.get<Int256>();
case Types::UUID: return get<UUID>().toUnderType() <= rhs.get<UUID>().toUnderType();
case Types::IPv4: return get<IPv4>() <= rhs.get<IPv4>();
case Types::IPv6: return get<IPv6>() <= rhs.get<IPv6>();
case Types::Float64: return get<Float64>() <= rhs.get<Float64>();
case Types::String: return get<String>() <= rhs.get<String>();
case Types::Array: return get<Array>() <= rhs.get<Array>();
case Types::Tuple: return get<Tuple>() <= rhs.get<Tuple>();
case Types::Map: return get<Map>() <= rhs.get<Map>();
case Types::Object: return get<Object>() <= rhs.get<Object>();
case Types::Decimal32: return get<DecimalField<Decimal32>>() <= rhs.get<DecimalField<Decimal32>>();
case Types::Decimal64: return get<DecimalField<Decimal64>>() <= rhs.get<DecimalField<Decimal64>>();
case Types::Decimal128: return get<DecimalField<Decimal128>>() <= rhs.get<DecimalField<Decimal128>>();
case Types::Decimal256: return get<DecimalField<Decimal256>>() <= rhs.get<DecimalField<Decimal256>>();
case Types::AggregateFunctionState: return get<AggregateFunctionStateData>() <= rhs.get<AggregateFunctionStateData>();
case Types::CustomType: return get<CustomType>() <= rhs.get<CustomType>();
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_TYPE_OF_FIELD, "Bad type of Field");
bool operator>= (const Field & rhs) const
return rhs <= *this;
// More like bitwise equality as opposed to semantic equality:
// Null equals Null and NaN equals NaN.
bool operator== (const Field & rhs) const
if (which != rhs.which)
return false;
switch (which)
case Types::Null: return true;
case Types::Bool: [[fallthrough]];
case Types::UInt64: return get<UInt64>() == rhs.get<UInt64>();
case Types::Int64: return get<Int64>() == rhs.get<Int64>();
case Types::Float64:
// Compare as UInt64 so that NaNs compare as equal.
return std::bit_cast<UInt64>(get<Float64>()) == std::bit_cast<UInt64>(rhs.get<Float64>());
case Types::UUID: return get<UUID>() == rhs.get<UUID>();
case Types::IPv4: return get<IPv4>() == rhs.get<IPv4>();
case Types::IPv6: return get<IPv6>() == rhs.get<IPv6>();
case Types::String: return get<String>() == rhs.get<String>();
case Types::Array: return get<Array>() == rhs.get<Array>();
case Types::Tuple: return get<Tuple>() == rhs.get<Tuple>();
case Types::Map: return get<Map>() == rhs.get<Map>();
case Types::Object: return get<Object>() == rhs.get<Object>();
case Types::UInt128: return get<UInt128>() == rhs.get<UInt128>();
case Types::UInt256: return get<UInt256>() == rhs.get<UInt256>();
case Types::Int128: return get<Int128>() == rhs.get<Int128>();
case Types::Int256: return get<Int256>() == rhs.get<Int256>();
case Types::Decimal32: return get<DecimalField<Decimal32>>() == rhs.get<DecimalField<Decimal32>>();
case Types::Decimal64: return get<DecimalField<Decimal64>>() == rhs.get<DecimalField<Decimal64>>();
case Types::Decimal128: return get<DecimalField<Decimal128>>() == rhs.get<DecimalField<Decimal128>>();
case Types::Decimal256: return get<DecimalField<Decimal256>>() == rhs.get<DecimalField<Decimal256>>();
case Types::AggregateFunctionState: return get<AggregateFunctionStateData>() == rhs.get<AggregateFunctionStateData>();
case Types::CustomType: return get<CustomType>() == rhs.get<CustomType>();
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_TYPE_OF_FIELD, "Bad type of Field");
bool operator!= (const Field & rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
/// Field is template parameter, to allow universal reference for field,
/// that is useful for const and non-const .
template <typename F, typename FieldRef>
static auto dispatch(F && f, FieldRef && field)
switch (field.which)
case Types::Null: return f(field.template get<Null>());
case Types::UInt64: return f(field.template get<UInt64>());
case Types::UInt128: return f(field.template get<UInt128>());
case Types::UInt256: return f(field.template get<UInt256>());
case Types::Int64: return f(field.template get<Int64>());
case Types::Int128: return f(field.template get<Int128>());
case Types::Int256: return f(field.template get<Int256>());
case Types::UUID: return f(field.template get<UUID>());
case Types::IPv4: return f(field.template get<IPv4>());
case Types::IPv6: return f(field.template get<IPv6>());
case Types::Float64: return f(field.template get<Float64>());
case Types::String: return f(field.template get<String>());
case Types::Array: return f(field.template get<Array>());
case Types::Tuple: return f(field.template get<Tuple>());
case Types::Map: return f(field.template get<Map>());
case Types::Bool:
bool value = bool(field.template get<UInt64>());
return f(value);
case Types::Object: return f(field.template get<Object>());
case Types::Decimal32: return f(field.template get<DecimalField<Decimal32>>());
case Types::Decimal64: return f(field.template get<DecimalField<Decimal64>>());
case Types::Decimal128: return f(field.template get<DecimalField<Decimal128>>());
case Types::Decimal256: return f(field.template get<DecimalField<Decimal256>>());
case Types::AggregateFunctionState: return f(field.template get<AggregateFunctionStateData>());
case Types::CustomType: return f(field.template get<CustomType>());
String dump() const;
static Field restoreFromDump(std::string_view dump_);
std::aligned_union_t<DBMS_MIN_FIELD_SIZE - sizeof(Types::Which),
Null, UInt64, UInt128, UInt256, Int64, Int128, Int256, UUID, IPv4, IPv6, Float64, String, Array, Tuple, Map,
DecimalField<Decimal32>, DecimalField<Decimal64>, DecimalField<Decimal128>, DecimalField<Decimal256>,
AggregateFunctionStateData, CustomType
> storage;
Types::Which which;
/// Assuming there was no allocated state or it was deallocated (see destroy).
template <typename T>
void createConcrete(T && x)
using UnqualifiedType = std::decay_t<T>;
// In both Field and PODArray, small types may be stored as wider types,
// e.g. char is stored as UInt64. Field can return this extended value
// with get<StorageType>(). To avoid uninitialized results from get(),
// we must initialize the entire wide stored type, and not just the
// nominal type.
using StorageType = NearestFieldType<UnqualifiedType>;
new (&storage) StorageType(std::forward<T>(x));
which = TypeToEnum<UnqualifiedType>::value;
/// Assuming same types.
template <typename T>
void assignConcrete(T && x)
using JustT = std::decay_t<T>;
assert(which == TypeToEnum<JustT>::value);
JustT * MAY_ALIAS ptr = reinterpret_cast<JustT *>(&storage);
*ptr = std::forward<T>(x);
template <typename CharT>
requires (sizeof(CharT) == 1)
void assignString(const CharT * data, size_t size)
assert(which == Types::String);
String * ptr = reinterpret_cast<String *>(&storage);
ptr->assign(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(data), size);
void assignString(String && str)
assert(which == Types::String);
String * ptr = reinterpret_cast<String *>(&storage);
void create(const Field & x)
dispatch([this] (auto & value) { createConcrete(value); }, x);
void create(Field && x)
dispatch([this] (auto & value) { createConcrete(std::move(value)); }, x);
void assign(const Field & x)
dispatch([this] (auto & value) { assignConcrete(value); }, x);
void assign(Field && x)
dispatch([this] (auto & value) { assignConcrete(std::move(value)); }, x);
template <typename CharT>
requires (sizeof(CharT) == 1)
void create(const CharT * data, size_t size)
new (&storage) String(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(data), size);
which = Types::String;
void create(String && str)
new (&storage) String(std::move(str));
which = Types::String;
ALWAYS_INLINE void destroy()
switch (which)
case Types::String:
case Types::Array:
case Types::Tuple:
case Types::Map:
case Types::Object:
case Types::AggregateFunctionState:
case Types::CustomType:
which = Types::Null; /// for exception safety in subsequent calls to destroy and create, when create fails.
template <typename T>
void destroy()
T * MAY_ALIAS ptr = reinterpret_cast<T*>(&storage);
using Row = std::vector<Field>;
template <> struct Field::TypeToEnum<Null> { static constexpr Types::Which value = Types::Null; };
template <> struct Field::TypeToEnum<UInt64> { static constexpr Types::Which value = Types::UInt64; };
template <> struct Field::TypeToEnum<UInt128> { static constexpr Types::Which value = Types::UInt128; };
template <> struct Field::TypeToEnum<UInt256> { static constexpr Types::Which value = Types::UInt256; };
template <> struct Field::TypeToEnum<Int64> { static constexpr Types::Which value = Types::Int64; };
template <> struct Field::TypeToEnum<Int128> { static constexpr Types::Which value = Types::Int128; };
template <> struct Field::TypeToEnum<Int256> { static constexpr Types::Which value = Types::Int256; };
template <> struct Field::TypeToEnum<UUID> { static constexpr Types::Which value = Types::UUID; };
template <> struct Field::TypeToEnum<IPv4> { static constexpr Types::Which value = Types::IPv4; };
template <> struct Field::TypeToEnum<IPv6> { static constexpr Types::Which value = Types::IPv6; };
template <> struct Field::TypeToEnum<Float64> { static constexpr Types::Which value = Types::Float64; };
template <> struct Field::TypeToEnum<String> { static constexpr Types::Which value = Types::String; };
template <> struct Field::TypeToEnum<Array> { static constexpr Types::Which value = Types::Array; };
template <> struct Field::TypeToEnum<Tuple> { static constexpr Types::Which value = Types::Tuple; };
template <> struct Field::TypeToEnum<Map> { static constexpr Types::Which value = Types::Map; };
template <> struct Field::TypeToEnum<Object> { static constexpr Types::Which value = Types::Object; };
template <> struct Field::TypeToEnum<DecimalField<Decimal32>>{ static constexpr Types::Which value = Types::Decimal32; };
template <> struct Field::TypeToEnum<DecimalField<Decimal64>>{ static constexpr Types::Which value = Types::Decimal64; };
template <> struct Field::TypeToEnum<DecimalField<Decimal128>>{ static constexpr Types::Which value = Types::Decimal128; };
template <> struct Field::TypeToEnum<DecimalField<Decimal256>>{ static constexpr Types::Which value = Types::Decimal256; };
template <> struct Field::TypeToEnum<DecimalField<DateTime64>>{ static constexpr Types::Which value = Types::Decimal64; };
template <> struct Field::TypeToEnum<AggregateFunctionStateData>{ static constexpr Types::Which value = Types::AggregateFunctionState; };
template <> struct Field::TypeToEnum<CustomType>{ static constexpr Types::Which value = Types::CustomType; };
template <> struct Field::TypeToEnum<bool>{ static constexpr Types::Which value = Types::Bool; };
template <> struct Field::EnumToType<Field::Types::Null> { using Type = Null; };
template <> struct Field::EnumToType<Field::Types::UInt64> { using Type = UInt64; };
template <> struct Field::EnumToType<Field::Types::UInt128> { using Type = UInt128; };
template <> struct Field::EnumToType<Field::Types::UInt256> { using Type = UInt256; };
template <> struct Field::EnumToType<Field::Types::Int64> { using Type = Int64; };
template <> struct Field::EnumToType<Field::Types::Int128> { using Type = Int128; };
template <> struct Field::EnumToType<Field::Types::Int256> { using Type = Int256; };
template <> struct Field::EnumToType<Field::Types::UUID> { using Type = UUID; };
template <> struct Field::EnumToType<Field::Types::IPv4> { using Type = IPv4; };
template <> struct Field::EnumToType<Field::Types::IPv6> { using Type = IPv6; };
template <> struct Field::EnumToType<Field::Types::Float64> { using Type = Float64; };
template <> struct Field::EnumToType<Field::Types::String> { using Type = String; };
template <> struct Field::EnumToType<Field::Types::Array> { using Type = Array; };
template <> struct Field::EnumToType<Field::Types::Tuple> { using Type = Tuple; };
template <> struct Field::EnumToType<Field::Types::Map> { using Type = Map; };
template <> struct Field::EnumToType<Field::Types::Object> { using Type = Object; };
template <> struct Field::EnumToType<Field::Types::Decimal32> { using Type = DecimalField<Decimal32>; };
template <> struct Field::EnumToType<Field::Types::Decimal64> { using Type = DecimalField<Decimal64>; };
template <> struct Field::EnumToType<Field::Types::Decimal128> { using Type = DecimalField<Decimal128>; };
template <> struct Field::EnumToType<Field::Types::Decimal256> { using Type = DecimalField<Decimal256>; };
template <> struct Field::EnumToType<Field::Types::AggregateFunctionState> { using Type = AggregateFunctionStateData; };
template <> struct Field::EnumToType<Field::Types::CustomType> { using Type = CustomType; };
template <> struct Field::EnumToType<Field::Types::Bool> { using Type = UInt64; };
inline constexpr bool isInt64OrUInt64FieldType(Field::Types::Which t)
return t == Field::Types::Int64
|| t == Field::Types::UInt64;
inline constexpr bool isInt64OrUInt64orBoolFieldType(Field::Types::Which t)
return t == Field::Types::Int64
|| t == Field::Types::UInt64
|| t == Field::Types::Bool;
// Field value getter with type checking in debug builds.
template <typename T>
NearestFieldType<std::decay_t<T>> & Field::get()
// Before storing the value in the Field, we static_cast it to the field
// storage type, so here we return the value of storage type as well.
// Otherwise, it is easy to make a mistake of reinterpret_casting the stored
// value to a different and incompatible type.
// For example, a Float32 value is stored as Float64, and it is incorrect to
// return a reference to this value as Float32.
using StoredType = NearestFieldType<std::decay_t<T>>;
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Disregard signedness when converting between int64 types.
constexpr Field::Types::Which target = TypeToEnum<StoredType>::value;
if (target != which
&& (!isInt64OrUInt64orBoolFieldType(target) || !isInt64OrUInt64orBoolFieldType(which)) && target != Field::Types::IPv4)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR,
"Invalid Field get from type {} to type {}", which, target);
StoredType * MAY_ALIAS ptr = reinterpret_cast<StoredType *>(&storage);
return *ptr;
template <typename T>
auto & Field::safeGet()
const Types::Which requested = TypeToEnum<NearestFieldType<std::decay_t<T>>>::value;
if (which != requested)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_GET,
"Bad get: has {}, requested {}", getTypeName(), requested);
return get<T>();
template <typename T>
requires not_field_or_bool_or_stringlike<T>
Field::Field(T && rhs)
auto && val = castToNearestFieldType(std::forward<T>(rhs));
template <typename T>
requires not_field_or_bool_or_stringlike<T>
Field & /// NOLINT
Field::operator=(T && rhs)
auto && val = castToNearestFieldType(std::forward<T>(rhs));
using U = decltype(val);
if (which != TypeToEnum<std::decay_t<U>>::value)
return *this;
inline Field & Field::operator=(std::string_view str)
if (which != Types::String)
create(, str.size());
assignString(, str.size());
return *this;
inline Field & Field::operator=(String && str)
if (which != Types::String)
return *this;
class ReadBuffer;
class WriteBuffer;
/// It is assumed that all elements of the array have the same type.
void readBinary(Array & x, ReadBuffer & buf);
[[noreturn]] inline void readText(Array &, ReadBuffer &) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Cannot read Array."); }
[[noreturn]] inline void readQuoted(Array &, ReadBuffer &) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Cannot read Array."); }
/// It is assumed that all elements of the array have the same type.
/// Also write size and type into buf. UInt64 and Int64 is written in variadic size form
void writeBinary(const Array & x, WriteBuffer & buf);
void writeText(const Array & x, WriteBuffer & buf);
[[noreturn]] inline void writeQuoted(const Array &, WriteBuffer &) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Cannot write Array quoted."); }
void readBinary(Tuple & x, ReadBuffer & buf);
[[noreturn]] inline void readText(Tuple &, ReadBuffer &) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Cannot read Tuple."); }
[[noreturn]] inline void readQuoted(Tuple &, ReadBuffer &) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Cannot read Tuple."); }
void writeBinary(const Tuple & x, WriteBuffer & buf);
void writeText(const Tuple & x, WriteBuffer & buf);
[[noreturn]] inline void writeQuoted(const Tuple &, WriteBuffer &) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Cannot write Tuple quoted."); }
void readBinary(Map & x, ReadBuffer & buf);
[[noreturn]] inline void readText(Map &, ReadBuffer &) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Cannot read Map."); }
[[noreturn]] inline void readQuoted(Map &, ReadBuffer &) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Cannot read Map."); }
void writeBinary(const Map & x, WriteBuffer & buf);
void writeText(const Map & x, WriteBuffer & buf);
[[noreturn]] inline void writeQuoted(const Map &, WriteBuffer &) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Cannot write Map quoted."); }
void readBinary(Object & x, ReadBuffer & buf);
[[noreturn]] inline void readText(Object &, ReadBuffer &) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Cannot read Object."); }
[[noreturn]] inline void readQuoted(Object &, ReadBuffer &) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Cannot read Object."); }
void writeBinary(const Object & x, WriteBuffer & buf);
void writeText(const Object & x, WriteBuffer & buf);
void writeBinary(const CustomType & x, WriteBuffer & buf);
void writeText(const CustomType & x, WriteBuffer & buf);
[[noreturn]] inline void writeQuoted(const Object &, WriteBuffer &) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Cannot write Object quoted."); }
__attribute__ ((noreturn)) inline void writeText(const AggregateFunctionStateData &, WriteBuffer &)
// This probably doesn't make any sense, but we have to have it for
// completeness, so that we can use toString(field_value) in field visitors.
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Cannot convert a Field of type AggregateFunctionStateData to human-readable text");
template <typename T>
inline void writeText(const DecimalField<T> & value, WriteBuffer & buf, bool trailing_zeros = false)
writeText(value.getValue(), value.getScale(), buf, trailing_zeros);
template <typename T>
void readQuoted(DecimalField<T> & x, ReadBuffer & buf);
void writeFieldText(const Field & x, WriteBuffer & buf);
String toString(const Field & x);
std::string_view fieldTypeToString(Field::Types::Which type);
template <>
struct fmt::formatter<DB::Field>
static constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context & ctx)
const auto * it = ctx.begin();
const auto * end = ctx.end();
/// Only support {}.
if (it != end && *it != '}')
throw fmt::format_error("Invalid format");
return it;
template <typename FormatContext>
auto format(const DB::Field & x, FormatContext & ctx)
return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "{}", toString(x));