2023-01-10 16:31:01 +01:00

352 lines
12 KiB

#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeTreeSequentialSource.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeTreeBlockReadUtils.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/LoadedMergeTreeDataPartInfoForReader.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeTreeDataSelectExecutor.h>
#include <Processors/Transforms/FilterTransform.h>
#include <Processors/QueryPlan/ISourceStep.h>
#include <QueryPipeline/QueryPipelineBuilder.h>
#include <QueryPipeline/Pipe.h>
#include <Interpreters/Context.h>
#include <Processors/Sources/NullSource.h>
#include <Processors/QueryPlan/FilterStep.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int MEMORY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED;
/// Lightweight (in terms of logic) stream for reading single part from MergeTree
/// NOTE:
/// It doesn't filter out rows that are deleted with lightweight deletes.
/// Use createMergeTreeSequentialSource filter out those rows.
class MergeTreeSequentialSource : public ISource
const MergeTreeData & storage_,
const StorageSnapshotPtr & storage_snapshot_,
MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr data_part_,
Names columns_to_read_,
std::optional<MarkRanges> mark_ranges_,
bool apply_deleted_mask,
bool read_with_direct_io_,
bool take_column_types_from_storage,
bool quiet = false);
~MergeTreeSequentialSource() override;
String getName() const override { return "MergeTreeSequentialSource"; }
size_t getCurrentMark() const { return current_mark; }
size_t getCurrentRow() const { return current_row; }
Chunk generate() override;
const MergeTreeData & storage;
StorageSnapshotPtr storage_snapshot;
/// Data part will not be removed if the pointer owns it
MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr data_part;
/// Columns we have to read (each Block from read will contain them)
Names columns_to_read;
/// Should read using direct IO
bool read_with_direct_io;
Poco::Logger * log = &Poco::Logger::get("MergeTreeSequentialSource");
std::optional<MarkRanges> mark_ranges;
std::shared_ptr<MarkCache> mark_cache;
using MergeTreeReaderPtr = std::unique_ptr<IMergeTreeReader>;
MergeTreeReaderPtr reader;
/// current mark at which we stop reading
size_t current_mark = 0;
/// current row at which we stop reading
size_t current_row = 0;
/// Closes readers and unlock part locks
void finish();
const MergeTreeData & storage_,
const StorageSnapshotPtr & storage_snapshot_,
MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr data_part_,
Names columns_to_read_,
std::optional<MarkRanges> mark_ranges_,
bool apply_deleted_mask,
bool read_with_direct_io_,
bool take_column_types_from_storage,
bool quiet)
: ISource(storage_snapshot_->getSampleBlockForColumns(columns_to_read_))
, storage(storage_)
, storage_snapshot(storage_snapshot_)
, data_part(std::move(data_part_))
, columns_to_read(std::move(columns_to_read_))
, read_with_direct_io(read_with_direct_io_)
, mark_ranges(std::move(mark_ranges_))
, mark_cache(storage.getContext()->getMarkCache())
if (!quiet)
/// Print column name but don't pollute logs in case of many columns.
if (columns_to_read.size() == 1)
LOG_DEBUG(log, "Reading {} marks from part {}, total {} rows starting from the beginning of the part, column {}",
data_part->getMarksCount(), data_part->name, data_part->rows_count, columns_to_read.front());
LOG_DEBUG(log, "Reading {} marks from part {}, total {} rows starting from the beginning of the part",
data_part->getMarksCount(), data_part->name, data_part->rows_count);
/// Note, that we don't check setting collaborate_with_coordinator presence, because this source
/// is only used in background merges.
/// Add columns because we don't want to read empty blocks
injectRequiredColumns(LoadedMergeTreeDataPartInfoForReader(data_part), storage_snapshot, /*with_subcolumns=*/ false, columns_to_read);
NamesAndTypesList columns_for_reader;
if (take_column_types_from_storage)
auto options = GetColumnsOptions(GetColumnsOptions::AllPhysical)
columns_for_reader = storage_snapshot->getColumnsByNames(options, columns_to_read);
/// take columns from data_part
columns_for_reader = data_part->getColumns().addTypes(columns_to_read);
ReadSettings read_settings;
if (read_with_direct_io)
read_settings.direct_io_threshold = 1;
MergeTreeReaderSettings reader_settings =
.read_settings = read_settings,
.save_marks_in_cache = false,
.apply_deleted_mask = apply_deleted_mask,
if (!mark_ranges)
mark_ranges.emplace(MarkRanges{MarkRange(0, data_part->getMarksCount())});
reader = data_part->getReader(columns_for_reader, storage_snapshot->metadata,
/* uncompressed_cache = */ nullptr, mark_cache.get(), reader_settings, {}, {});
Chunk MergeTreeSequentialSource::generate()
const auto & header = getPort().getHeader();
if (!isCancelled() && current_row < data_part->rows_count)
size_t rows_to_read = data_part->index_granularity.getMarkRows(current_mark);
bool continue_reading = (current_mark != 0);
const auto & sample = reader->getColumns();
Columns columns(sample.size());
size_t rows_read = reader->readRows(current_mark, data_part->getMarksCount(), continue_reading, rows_to_read, columns);
if (rows_read)
current_row += rows_read;
current_mark += (rows_to_read == rows_read);
bool should_evaluate_missing_defaults = false;
reader->fillMissingColumns(columns, should_evaluate_missing_defaults, rows_read);
if (should_evaluate_missing_defaults)
reader->evaluateMissingDefaults({}, columns);
/// Reorder columns and fill result block.
size_t num_columns = sample.size();
Columns res_columns;
auto it = sample.begin();
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i)
if (header.has(it->name))
return Chunk(std::move(res_columns), rows_read);
return {};
catch (...)
/// Suspicion of the broken part. A part is added to the queue for verification.
if (getCurrentExceptionCode() != ErrorCodes::MEMORY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED)
void MergeTreeSequentialSource::finish()
/** Close the files (before destroying the object).
* When many sources are created, but simultaneously reading only a few of them,
* buffers don't waste memory.
MergeTreeSequentialSource::~MergeTreeSequentialSource() = default;
Pipe createMergeTreeSequentialSource(
const MergeTreeData & storage,
const StorageSnapshotPtr & storage_snapshot,
MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr data_part,
Names columns_to_read,
bool read_with_direct_io,
bool take_column_types_from_storage,
bool quiet,
std::shared_ptr<std::atomic<size_t>> filtered_rows_count)
/// The part might have some rows masked by lightweight deletes
const bool need_to_filter_deleted_rows = data_part->hasLightweightDelete();
auto columns = columns_to_read;
if (need_to_filter_deleted_rows)
bool apply_deleted_mask = false;
auto column_part_source = std::make_shared<MergeTreeSequentialSource>(
storage, storage_snapshot, data_part, columns, std::optional<MarkRanges>{}, apply_deleted_mask, read_with_direct_io, take_column_types_from_storage, quiet);
Pipe pipe(std::move(column_part_source));
/// Add filtering step that discards deleted rows
if (need_to_filter_deleted_rows)
pipe.addSimpleTransform([filtered_rows_count](const Block & header)
return std::make_shared<FilterTransform>(
header, nullptr,, true, false, filtered_rows_count);
return pipe;
/// A Query Plan step to read from a single Merge Tree part
/// using Merge Tree Sequential Source (which reads strictly sequentially in a single thread).
/// This step is used for mutations because the usual reading is too tricky.
/// Previously, sequential reading was achieved by changing some settings like max_threads,
/// however, this approach lead to data corruption after some new settings were introduced.
class ReadFromPart final : public ISourceStep
const MergeTreeData & storage_,
const StorageSnapshotPtr & storage_snapshot_,
MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr data_part_,
Names columns_to_read_,
bool apply_deleted_mask_,
ActionsDAGPtr filter_,
ContextPtr context_,
Poco::Logger * log_)
: ISourceStep(DataStream{.header = storage_snapshot_->getSampleBlockForColumns(columns_to_read_)})
, storage(storage_)
, storage_snapshot(storage_snapshot_)
, data_part(std::move(data_part_))
, columns_to_read(std::move(columns_to_read_))
, apply_deleted_mask(apply_deleted_mask_)
, filter(std::move(filter_))
, context(std::move(context_))
, log(log_)
String getName() const override { return fmt::format("ReadFromPart({})", data_part->name); }
void initializePipeline(QueryPipelineBuilder & pipeline, const BuildQueryPipelineSettings &) override
std::optional<MarkRanges> mark_ranges;
const auto & metadata_snapshot = storage_snapshot->metadata;
if (filter && metadata_snapshot->hasPrimaryKey())
const auto & primary_key = storage_snapshot->metadata->getPrimaryKey();
const Names & primary_key_column_names = primary_key.column_names;
KeyCondition key_condition(filter, context, primary_key_column_names, primary_key.expression, NameSet{});
LOG_DEBUG(log, "Key condition: {}", key_condition.toString());
if (!key_condition.alwaysFalse())
mark_ranges = MergeTreeDataSelectExecutor::markRangesFromPKRange(
data_part, metadata_snapshot, key_condition, context->getSettingsRef(), log);
if (mark_ranges && mark_ranges->empty())
auto source = std::make_unique<MergeTreeSequentialSource>(
storage, storage_snapshot, data_part, columns_to_read, std::move(mark_ranges), apply_deleted_mask, false, true);
const MergeTreeData & storage;
StorageSnapshotPtr storage_snapshot;
MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr data_part;
Names columns_to_read;
bool apply_deleted_mask;
ActionsDAGPtr filter;
ContextPtr context;
Poco::Logger * log;
void createMergeTreeSequentialSource(
QueryPlan & plan,
const MergeTreeData & storage,
const StorageSnapshotPtr & storage_snapshot,
MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr data_part,
Names columns_to_read,
bool apply_deleted_mask,
ActionsDAGPtr filter,
ContextPtr context,
Poco::Logger * log)
auto reading = std::make_unique<ReadFromPart>(
storage, storage_snapshot, std::move(data_part), std::move(columns_to_read), apply_deleted_mask, filter, std::move(context), log);