2020-12-21 18:36:02 +02:00

54 lines
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--- See also tests/queries/0_stateless/01581_deduplicate_by_columns_local.sql
--- replicated case
-- Just in case if previous tests run left some stuff behind.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS replicated_deduplicate_by_columns_r1 SYNC;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS replicated_deduplicate_by_columns_r2 SYNC;
SET replication_alter_partitions_sync = 2;
-- IRL insert_replica_id were filled from hostname
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS replicated_deduplicate_by_columns_r1 (
id Int32, val UInt32, unique_value UInt64 MATERIALIZED rowNumberInBlock()
) ENGINE=ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/test_01581/replicated_deduplicate', 'r1') ORDER BY id;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS replicated_deduplicate_by_columns_r2 (
id Int32, val UInt32, unique_value UInt64 MATERIALIZED rowNumberInBlock()
) ENGINE=ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/test_01581/replicated_deduplicate', 'r2') ORDER BY id;
-- insert some data, 2 records: (3, 1003), (4, 1004) are duplicated and have difference in unique_value / insert_replica_id
-- (1, 1001), (5, 2005) has full duplicates
INSERT INTO replicated_deduplicate_by_columns_r1 VALUES (1, 1001), (1, 1001), (2, 1002), (3, 1003), (4, 1004), (1, 2001), (9, 1002);
INSERT INTO replicated_deduplicate_by_columns_r2 VALUES (1, 1001), (2, 2002), (3, 1003), (4, 1004), (5, 2005), (5, 2005);
-- make sure that all data is present on all replicas
SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA replicated_deduplicate_by_columns_r2;
SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA replicated_deduplicate_by_columns_r1;
SELECT 'check that we have a data';
SELECT 'r1', id, val, count(), uniqExact(unique_value) FROM replicated_deduplicate_by_columns_r1 GROUP BY id, val ORDER BY id, val;
SELECT 'r2', id, val, count(), uniqExact(unique_value) FROM replicated_deduplicate_by_columns_r2 GROUP BY id, val ORDER BY id, val;
-- NOTE: here and below we need FINAL to force deduplication in such a small set of data in only 1 part.
-- that should remove full duplicates
OPTIMIZE TABLE replicated_deduplicate_by_columns_r1 FINAL DEDUPLICATE;
SELECT 'r1', id, val, count(), uniqExact(unique_value) FROM replicated_deduplicate_by_columns_r1 GROUP BY id, val ORDER BY id, val;
SELECT 'r2', id, val, count(), uniqExact(unique_value) FROM replicated_deduplicate_by_columns_r2 GROUP BY id, val ORDER BY id, val;
OPTIMIZE TABLE replicated_deduplicate_by_columns_r1 FINAL DEDUPLICATE BY id, val;
OPTIMIZE TABLE replicated_deduplicate_by_columns_r1 FINAL DEDUPLICATE BY COLUMNS('[id, val]');
OPTIMIZE TABLE replicated_deduplicate_by_columns_r1 FINAL DEDUPLICATE BY COLUMNS('[i]') EXCEPT(unique_value);
SELECT 'check data again after multiple deduplications with new syntax';
SELECT 'r1', id, val, count(), uniqExact(unique_value) FROM replicated_deduplicate_by_columns_r1 GROUP BY id, val ORDER BY id, val;
SELECT 'r2', id, val, count(), uniqExact(unique_value) FROM replicated_deduplicate_by_columns_r2 GROUP BY id, val ORDER BY id, val;
-- cleanup the mess
DROP TABLE replicated_deduplicate_by_columns_r1;
DROP TABLE replicated_deduplicate_by_columns_r2;