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synced 2024-12-02 04:22:03 +00:00
This PR formats all the `*.py` files found under the `tests/integration` folder. It also reorders the imports and cleans up a bunch of unused imports. The formatting also takes care of other things like wrapping lines and fixing spaces and indents such that the tests look more readable.
243 lines
8.5 KiB
243 lines
8.5 KiB
import random
import threading
import time
from collections import Counter
import pytest
from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster
cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__)
node1 = cluster.add_instance('node1', macros={'cluster': 'test1'}, with_zookeeper=True)
# Check, that limits on max part size for merges doesn`t affect mutations
node2 = cluster.add_instance('node2', macros={'cluster': 'test1'}, main_configs=["configs/merge_tree.xml"],
node3 = cluster.add_instance('node3', macros={'cluster': 'test2'}, main_configs=["configs/merge_tree_max_parts.xml"],
node4 = cluster.add_instance('node4', macros={'cluster': 'test2'}, main_configs=["configs/merge_tree_max_parts.xml"],
node5 = cluster.add_instance('node5', macros={'cluster': 'test3'}, main_configs=["configs/merge_tree_max_parts.xml"])
all_nodes = [node1, node2, node3, node4, node5]
def started_cluster():
for node in all_nodes:
node.query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_mutations")
for node in [node1, node2, node3, node4]:
"CREATE TABLE test_mutations(d Date, x UInt32, i UInt32) ENGINE ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/{cluster}/tables/test/test_mutations', '{instance}') ORDER BY x PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(d)")
"CREATE TABLE test_mutations(d Date, x UInt32, i UInt32) ENGINE MergeTree() ORDER BY x PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(d)")
yield cluster
class Runner:
def __init__(self, nodes):
self.nodes = nodes
self.mtx = threading.Lock()
self.total_inserted_xs = 0
self.total_inserted_rows = 0
self.total_mutations = 0
self.total_deleted_xs = 0
self.total_deleted_rows = 0
self.current_xs = Counter()
self.currently_inserting_xs = Counter()
self.currently_deleting_xs = set()
self.stop_ev = threading.Event()
self.exceptions = []
def do_insert(self, thread_num, partitions_num):
# Each thread inserts a small random number of rows with random year, month 01 and day determined
# by the thread number. The idea is to avoid spurious duplicates and to insert into a
# nontrivial number of partitions.
month = '01'
day = str(thread_num + 1).zfill(2)
i = 1
while not self.stop_ev.is_set():
xs = [random.randint(1, 10) for _ in range(random.randint(1, 10))]
with self.mtx:
xs = [x for x in xs if x not in self.currently_deleting_xs]
if len(xs) == 0:
for x in xs:
self.currently_inserting_xs[x] += 1
year = 2000 + random.randint(0, partitions_num)
date_str = '{year}-{month}-{day}'.format(year=year, month=month, day=day)
payload = ''
for x in xs:
payload += '{date_str} {x} {i}\n'.format(date_str=date_str, x=x, i=i)
i += 1
print 'thread {}: insert for {}: {}'.format(thread_num, date_str, ','.join(str(x) for x in xs))
random.choice(self.nodes).query("INSERT INTO test_mutations FORMAT TSV", payload)
with self.mtx:
for x in xs:
self.current_xs[x] += 1
self.total_inserted_xs += sum(xs)
self.total_inserted_rows += len(xs)
except Exception, e:
print 'Exception while inserting,', e
with self.mtx:
for x in xs:
self.currently_inserting_xs[x] -= 1
self.stop_ev.wait(0.2 + random.random() / 5)
def do_delete(self, thread_num):
self.stop_ev.wait(1.0 + random.random())
while not self.stop_ev.is_set():
chosen = False
with self.mtx:
if self.current_xs:
x = random.choice(list(self.current_xs.elements()))
if self.currently_inserting_xs[x] == 0 and x not in self.currently_deleting_xs:
chosen = True
to_delete_count = self.current_xs[x]
if not chosen:
self.stop_ev.wait(0.1 * random.random())
print 'thread {}: delete {} * {}'.format(thread_num, to_delete_count, x)
random.choice(self.nodes).query("ALTER TABLE test_mutations DELETE WHERE x = {}".format(x))
with self.mtx:
self.total_mutations += 1
self.current_xs[x] -= to_delete_count
self.total_deleted_xs += to_delete_count * x
self.total_deleted_rows += to_delete_count
except Exception, e:
print 'Exception while deleting,', e
with self.mtx:
self.stop_ev.wait(1.0 + random.random() * 2)
def wait_for_mutations(nodes, number_of_mutations):
for i in range(100): # wait for replication 80 seconds max
def get_done_mutations(node):
return int(node.query("SELECT sum(is_done) FROM system.mutations WHERE table = 'test_mutations'").rstrip())
if all([get_done_mutations(n) == number_of_mutations for n in nodes]):
return True
return False
def test_mutations(started_cluster):
nodes = [node1, node2]
runner = Runner(nodes)
threads = []
for thread_num in range(5):
threads.append(threading.Thread(target=runner.do_insert, args=(thread_num, 10)))
for thread_num in (11, 12, 13):
threads.append(threading.Thread(target=runner.do_delete, args=(thread_num,)))
for t in threads:
for t in threads:
# Sanity check: at least something was inserted and something was deleted
assert runner.total_inserted_rows > 0
assert runner.total_mutations > 0
all_done = wait_for_mutations(nodes, runner.total_mutations)
print "Total mutations: ", runner.total_mutations
for node in nodes:
print node.query(
"SELECT mutation_id, command, parts_to_do, is_done FROM system.mutations WHERE table = 'test_mutations' FORMAT TSVWithNames")
assert all_done
expected_sum = runner.total_inserted_xs - runner.total_deleted_xs
actual_sums = []
for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
actual_sums.append(int(node.query("SELECT sum(x) FROM test_mutations").rstrip()))
assert actual_sums[i] == expected_sum
([node5, ],), # MergeTree
([node3, node4],), # ReplicatedMergeTree
def test_mutations_dont_prevent_merges(started_cluster, nodes):
for year in range(2000, 2016):
rows = ''
date_str = '{}-01-{}'.format(year, random.randint(1, 10))
for i in range(10):
rows += '{} {} {}\n'.format(date_str, random.randint(1, 10), i)
nodes[0].query("INSERT INTO test_mutations FORMAT TSV", rows)
# will run mutations of 16 parts in parallel, mutations will sleep for about 20 seconds
nodes[0].query("ALTER TABLE test_mutations UPDATE i = sleepEachRow(2) WHERE 1")
runner = Runner(nodes)
threads = []
for thread_num in range(2):
threads.append(threading.Thread(target=runner.do_insert, args=(thread_num, 0)))
# will insert approx 8-10 new parts per 1 second into one partition
for t in threads:
all_done = wait_for_mutations(nodes, 1)
for t in threads:
for node in nodes:
print node.query(
"SELECT mutation_id, command, parts_to_do, is_done FROM system.mutations WHERE table = 'test_mutations' FORMAT TSVWithNames")
print node.query(
"SELECT partition, count(name), sum(active), sum(active*rows) FROM system.parts WHERE table ='test_mutations' GROUP BY partition FORMAT TSVWithNames")
assert all_done
assert all([str(e).find("Too many parts") < 0 for e in runner.exceptions])