mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 04:12:19 +00:00
Previously some symbols had been counted as word breakers, and this breaks the completion since after such symbol the completion will start from scratch. One of the most annoying was the "-" sign. But actually all those word breakers that is used for SQL completion is not required for keeper client, so let's leave only necessary. Signed-off-by: Azat Khuzhin <a.khuzhin@semrush.com>
532 lines
16 KiB
532 lines
16 KiB
#include <Client/ReplxxLineReader.h>
#include <base/errnoToString.h>
#include <IO/ReadBufferFromFile.h>
#include <IO/WriteBufferFromString.h>
#include <IO/copyData.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <chrono>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstring>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <functional>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <csignal>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include "config.h" // USE_SKIM
#include <skim.h>
/// Trim ending whitespace inplace
void rightTrim(String & s)
s.erase(std::find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), [](unsigned char ch) { return !std::isspace(ch); }).base(), s.end());
std::string getEditor()
const char * editor = std::getenv("EDITOR"); // NOLINT(concurrency-mt-unsafe)
if (!editor || !*editor)
editor = "vim";
return editor;
/// See comments in ShellCommand::executeImpl()
/// (for the vfork via dlsym())
int executeCommand(char * const argv[])
#if !defined(USE_MUSL)
/** Here it is written that with a normal call `vfork`, there is a chance of deadlock in multithreaded programs,
* because of the resolving of symbols in the shared library
* http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/solaris10/subprocess-136439.html
* Therefore, separate the resolving of the symbol from the call.
static void * real_vfork = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "vfork");
/// If we use Musl with static linking, there is no dlsym and no issue with vfork.
static void * real_vfork = reinterpret_cast<void *>(&vfork);
if (!real_vfork)
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot find vfork symbol");
pid_t pid = reinterpret_cast<pid_t (*)()>(real_vfork)();
if (-1 == pid)
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("Cannot vfork {}: {}", argv[0], errnoToString()));
/// Child
if (0 == pid)
sigset_t mask;
sigprocmask(0, nullptr, &mask); // NOLINT(concurrency-mt-unsafe) // ok in newly created process
sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &mask, nullptr); // NOLINT(concurrency-mt-unsafe) // ok in newly created process
execvp(argv[0], argv);
int status = 0;
int exited_pid = waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
if (exited_pid != -1)
if (errno == EINTR)
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("Cannot waitpid {}: {}", pid, errnoToString()));
} while (true);
return status;
void writeRetry(int fd, const std::string & data)
size_t bytes_written = 0;
const char * begin = data.c_str();
size_t offset = data.size();
while (bytes_written != offset)
ssize_t res = ::write(fd, begin + bytes_written, offset - bytes_written);
if ((-1 == res || 0 == res) && errno != EINTR)
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("Cannot write to {}: {}", fd, errnoToString()));
bytes_written += res;
std::string readFile(const std::string & path)
std::string out;
DB::WriteBufferFromString out_buffer(out);
DB::ReadBufferFromFile in_buffer(path);
DB::copyData(in_buffer, out_buffer);
return out;
/// Simple wrapper for temporary files.
class TemporaryFile
std::string path;
int fd = -1;
explicit TemporaryFile(const char * pattern)
: path(pattern)
size_t dot_pos = path.rfind('.');
if (dot_pos != std::string::npos)
fd = ::mkstemps(path.data(), static_cast<int>(path.size() - dot_pos));
fd = ::mkstemp(path.data());
if (-1 == fd)
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("Cannot create temporary file {}: {}", path, errnoToString()));
catch (const std::runtime_error & e)
fmt::print(stderr, "{}", e.what());
void close()
if (fd == -1)
if (0 != ::close(fd))
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("Cannot close temporary file {}: {}", path, errnoToString()));
fd = -1;
void write(const std::string & data)
if (fd == -1)
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("Cannot write to uninitialized file {}", path));
writeRetry(fd, data);
void unlink()
if (0 != ::unlink(path.c_str()))
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("Cannot remove temporary file {}: {}", path, errnoToString()));
std::string & getPath() { return path; }
/// Copied from replxx::src/util.cxx::now_ms_str() under the terms of 3-clause BSD license of Replxx.
/// Copyright (c) 2017-2018, Marcin Konarski (amok at codestation.org)
/// Copyright (c) 2010, Salvatore Sanfilippo (antirez at gmail dot com)
/// Copyright (c) 2010, Pieter Noordhuis (pcnoordhuis at gmail dot com)
std::string replxx_now_ms_str()
std::chrono::milliseconds ms(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()));
time_t t = ms.count() / 1000;
tm broken;
if (!localtime_r(&t, &broken))
return {};
static int const BUFF_SIZE(32);
char str[BUFF_SIZE];
if (strftime(str, BUFF_SIZE, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.", &broken) <= 0)
return {};
if (snprintf(str + sizeof("YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS"), 5, "%03d", static_cast<int>(ms.count() % 1000)) <= 0)
return {};
return str;
/// Convert from readline to replxx format.
/// replxx requires each history line to prepended with time line:
/// select 1
/// And w/o those service lines it will load all lines from history file as
/// one history line for suggestion. And if there are lots of lines in file it
/// will take lots of time (getline() + tons of reallocations).
/// NOTE: this code uses std::ifstream/std::ofstream like original replxx code.
void convertHistoryFile(const std::string & path, replxx::Replxx & rx)
std::ifstream in(path);
if (!in)
rx.print("Cannot open %s reading (for conversion): %s\n",
path.c_str(), errnoToString().c_str());
std::string line;
if (getline(in, line).bad())
rx.print("Cannot read from %s (for conversion): %s\n",
path.c_str(), errnoToString().c_str());
/// This is the marker of the date, no need to convert.
static char const REPLXX_TIMESTAMP_PATTERN[] = "### dddd-dd-dd dd:dd:dd.ddd";
if (line.empty() || (line.starts_with("### ") && line.size() == strlen(REPLXX_TIMESTAMP_PATTERN)))
std::vector<std::string> lines;
while (getline(in, line).good())
size_t lines_size = lines.size();
std::sort(lines.begin(), lines.end());
lines.erase(std::unique(lines.begin(), lines.end()), lines.end());
rx.print("The history file (%s) is in old format. %zu lines, %zu unique lines.\n",
path.c_str(), lines_size, lines.size());
std::ofstream out(path);
if (!out)
rx.print("Cannot open %s for writing (for conversion): %s\n",
path.c_str(), errnoToString().c_str());
const std::string & timestamp = replxx_now_ms_str();
for (const auto & out_line : lines)
out << "### " << timestamp << "\n" << out_line << std::endl;
namespace DB
static bool replxx_last_is_delimiter = false;
void ReplxxLineReader::setLastIsDelimiter(bool flag)
replxx_last_is_delimiter = flag;
Suggest & suggest,
const String & history_file_path_,
bool multiline_,
Patterns extenders_,
Patterns delimiters_,
const char word_break_characters_[],
replxx::Replxx::highlighter_callback_t highlighter_)
: LineReader(history_file_path_, multiline_, std::move(extenders_), std::move(delimiters_)), highlighter(std::move(highlighter_))
, word_break_characters(word_break_characters_)
, editor(getEditor())
using namespace std::placeholders;
using Replxx = replxx::Replxx;
if (!history_file_path.empty())
history_file_fd = open(history_file_path.c_str(), O_RDWR);
if (history_file_fd < 0)
rx.print("Open of history file failed: %s\n", errnoToString().c_str());
convertHistoryFile(history_file_path, rx);
if (flock(history_file_fd, LOCK_SH))
rx.print("Shared lock of history file failed: %s\n", errnoToString().c_str());
if (!rx.history_load(history_file_path))
rx.print("Loading history failed: %s\n", errnoToString().c_str());
if (flock(history_file_fd, LOCK_UN))
rx.print("Unlock of history file failed: %s\n", errnoToString().c_str());
auto callback = [&suggest, this] (const String & context, size_t context_size)
return suggest.getCompletions(context, context_size, word_break_characters);
if (highlighter)
/// By default C-p/C-n binded to COMPLETE_NEXT/COMPLETE_PREV,
/// bind C-p/C-n to history-previous/history-next like readline.
rx.bind_key(Replxx::KEY::control('N'), [this](char32_t code) { return rx.invoke(Replxx::ACTION::HISTORY_NEXT, code); });
rx.bind_key(Replxx::KEY::control('P'), [this](char32_t code) { return rx.invoke(Replxx::ACTION::HISTORY_PREVIOUS, code); });
auto commit_action = [this](char32_t code)
/// If we allow multiline and there is already something in the input, start a newline.
/// NOTE: Lexer is only available if we use highlighter.
if (highlighter && multiline && !replxx_last_is_delimiter)
return rx.invoke(Replxx::ACTION::NEW_LINE, code);
replxx_last_is_delimiter = false;
return rx.invoke(Replxx::ACTION::COMMIT_LINE, code);
/// bind C-j to ENTER action.
rx.bind_key(Replxx::KEY::control('J'), commit_action);
rx.bind_key(Replxx::KEY::ENTER, commit_action);
/// By default COMPLETE_NEXT/COMPLETE_PREV was binded to C-p/C-n, re-bind
/// to M-P/M-N (that was used for HISTORY_COMMON_PREFIX_SEARCH before, but
/// it also binded to M-p/M-n).
rx.bind_key(Replxx::KEY::meta('N'), [this](char32_t code) { return rx.invoke(Replxx::ACTION::COMPLETE_NEXT, code); });
rx.bind_key(Replxx::KEY::meta('P'), [this](char32_t code) { return rx.invoke(Replxx::ACTION::COMPLETE_PREVIOUS, code); });
/// By default M-BACKSPACE is KILL_TO_WHITESPACE_ON_LEFT, while in readline it is backward-kill-word
rx.bind_key(Replxx::KEY::meta(Replxx::KEY::BACKSPACE), [this](char32_t code) { return rx.invoke(Replxx::ACTION::KILL_TO_BEGINING_OF_WORD, code); });
/// By default C-w is KILL_TO_BEGINING_OF_WORD, while in readline it is unix-word-rubout
rx.bind_key(Replxx::KEY::control('W'), [this](char32_t code) { return rx.invoke(Replxx::ACTION::KILL_TO_WHITESPACE_ON_LEFT, code); });
rx.bind_key(Replxx::KEY::meta('E'), [this](char32_t) { openEditor(); return Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE; });
/// readline insert-comment
auto insert_comment_action = [this](char32_t code)
replxx::Replxx::State state(rx.get_state());
const char * line = state.text();
const char * line_end = line + strlen(line);
std::string commented_line;
if (std::find(line, line_end, '\n') != line_end)
/// If query has multiple lines, multiline comment is used over
/// commenting each line separately for easier uncomment (though
/// with invoking editor it is simpler to uncomment multiple lines)
/// Note, that using multiline comment is OK even with nested
/// comments, since nested comments are supported.
commented_line = fmt::format("/* {} */", state.text());
// In a simplest case use simple comment.
commented_line = fmt::format("-- {}", state.text());
rx.set_state(replxx::Replxx::State(commented_line.c_str(), static_cast<int>(commented_line.size())));
return rx.invoke(Replxx::ACTION::COMMIT_LINE, code);
rx.bind_key(Replxx::KEY::meta('#'), insert_comment_action);
auto interactive_history_search = [this](char32_t code)
std::vector<std::string> words;
auto hs(rx.history_scan());
while (hs.next())
std::string current_query(rx.get_state().text());
std::string new_query;
new_query = std::string(skim(current_query, words));
catch (const std::exception & e)
rx.print("skim failed: %s (consider using Ctrl-T for a regular non-fuzzy reverse search)\n", e.what());
/// REPAINT before to avoid prompt overlap by the query
rx.invoke(Replxx::ACTION::REPAINT, code);
if (!new_query.empty())
rx.set_state(replxx::Replxx::State(new_query.c_str(), static_cast<int>(new_query.size())));
if (bracketed_paste_enabled)
rx.invoke(Replxx::ACTION::CLEAR_SELF, code);
return rx.invoke(Replxx::ACTION::REPAINT, code);
rx.bind_key(Replxx::KEY::control('R'), interactive_history_search);
/// Rebind regular incremental search to C-T.
/// NOTE: C-T by default this is a binding to swap adjustent chars
/// (TRANSPOSE_CHARACTERS), but for SQL it sounds pretty useless.
rx.bind_key(Replxx::KEY::control('T'), [this](char32_t)
/// Reverse search is detected by C-R.
uint32_t reverse_search = Replxx::KEY::control('R');
return rx.invoke(Replxx::ACTION::HISTORY_INCREMENTAL_SEARCH, reverse_search);
if (close(history_file_fd))
rx.print("Close of history file failed: %s\n", errnoToString().c_str());
LineReader::InputStatus ReplxxLineReader::readOneLine(const String & prompt)
const char* cinput = rx.input(prompt);
if (cinput == nullptr)
return (errno != EAGAIN) ? ABORT : RESET_LINE;
input = cinput;
return INPUT_LINE;
void ReplxxLineReader::addToHistory(const String & line)
// locking history file to prevent from inconsistent concurrent changes
// replxx::Replxx::history_save() already has lockf(),
// but replxx::Replxx::history_load() does not
// and that is why flock() is added here.
bool locked = false;
if (flock(history_file_fd, LOCK_EX))
rx.print("Lock of history file failed: %s\n", errnoToString().c_str());
locked = true;
// flush changes to the disk
if (!rx.history_save(history_file_path))
rx.print("Saving history failed: %s\n", errnoToString().c_str());
if (locked && 0 != flock(history_file_fd, LOCK_UN))
rx.print("Unlock of history file failed: %s\n", errnoToString().c_str());
void ReplxxLineReader::openEditor()
TemporaryFile editor_file("clickhouse_client_editor_XXXXXX.sql");
char * const argv[] = {editor.data(), editor_file.getPath().data(), nullptr};
if (executeCommand(argv) == 0)
const std::string & new_query = readFile(editor_file.getPath());
rx.set_state(replxx::Replxx::State(new_query.c_str(), static_cast<int>(new_query.size())));
catch (const std::runtime_error & e)
if (bracketed_paste_enabled)
void ReplxxLineReader::enableBracketedPaste()
bracketed_paste_enabled = true;
void ReplxxLineReader::disableBracketedPaste()
bracketed_paste_enabled = false;