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synced 2024-12-09 07:52:19 +00:00
This happens whenever the number of bit positions is bigger than the number of bits in the number, or when the bit position is negative.
82 lines
3.9 KiB
82 lines
3.9 KiB
drop table if exists d;
create table d (i int, j int) engine MergeTree partition by i % 2 order by tuple() settings index_granularity = 1;
insert into d select number, number from numbers(10000);
set max_rows_to_read = 2, optimize_use_projections = 1, optimize_use_implicit_projections = 1;
select min(i), max(i), count() from d;
select min(i), max(i), count() from d group by _partition_id order by _partition_id;
select min(i), max(i), count() from d where _partition_value.1 = 0 group by _partition_id order by _partition_id;
select min(i), max(i), count() from d where moduloLegacy(i, 2) = 0 group by _partition_id order by _partition_id;
select min(i), max(i), count() from d where _partition_value.1 = 10 group by _partition_id order by _partition_id;
-- fuzz crash
select min(i) from d where 1 = _partition_value.1;
-- fuzz crash https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/37151
SELECT min(i), max(i), count() FROM d WHERE (_partition_value.1) = 0 GROUP BY ignore(bitTest(ignore(NULL), 0), NULL, (_partition_value.1) = 7, '10.25', bitTest(NULL, 0), NULL, ignore(ignore(-2147483647, NULL)), 1024), _partition_id ORDER BY _partition_id ASC NULLS FIRST;
drop table d;
drop table if exists has_final_mark;
drop table if exists mixed_final_mark;
create table has_final_mark (i int, j int) engine MergeTree partition by i % 2 order by j settings index_granularity = 10, write_final_mark = 1;
create table mixed_final_mark (i int, j int) engine MergeTree partition by i % 2 order by j settings index_granularity = 10;
set max_rows_to_read = 100000;
insert into has_final_mark select number, number from numbers(10000);
alter table mixed_final_mark attach partition 1 from has_final_mark;
set max_rows_to_read = 2;
select min(j) from has_final_mark;
select min(j) from mixed_final_mark;
select min(j), max(j) from has_final_mark;
set max_rows_to_read = 5001; -- one normal part 5000 + one minmax_count_projection part 1
select min(j), max(j) from mixed_final_mark;
-- The first primary expr is the same of some partition column
drop table if exists t;
create table t (server_date Date, something String) engine MergeTree partition by (toYYYYMM(server_date), server_date) order by (server_date, something);
insert into t values ('2019-01-01', 'test1'), ('2019-02-01', 'test2'), ('2019-03-01', 'test3');
select count() from t;
drop table t;
drop table if exists d;
create table d (dt DateTime, j int) engine MergeTree partition by (toDate(dt), ceiling(j), toDate(dt), CEILING(j)) order by tuple();
insert into d values ('2021-10-24 10:00:00', 10), ('2021-10-25 10:00:00', 10), ('2021-10-26 10:00:00', 10), ('2021-10-27 10:00:00', 10);
select min(dt), max(dt), count() from d where toDate(dt) >= '2021-10-25';
-- fuzz crash
select min(dt), max(dt), count(toDate(dt) >= '2021-10-25') from d where toDate(dt) >= '2021-10-25';
select count() from d group by toDate(dt);
-- fuzz crash
SELECT min(dt), count(ignore(ignore(ignore(tupleElement(_partition_value, 'xxxx', NULL) = NULL), NULL, NULL, NULL), 0, '10485.76', NULL)), max(dt), count(toDate(dt) >= '2021-10-25') FROM d WHERE toDate(dt) >= '2021-10-25';
-- fuzz crash
SELECT pointInEllipses(min(j), NULL), max(dt), count('0.0000000007') FROM d WHERE toDate(dt) >= '2021-10-25';
SELECT min(j) FROM d PREWHERE ceil(j) <= 0;
SELECT min(dt) FROM d PREWHERE ((0.9998999834060669 AND 1023) AND 255) <= ceil(j);
SELECT count('') AND NULL FROM d PREWHERE ceil(j) <= NULL;
drop table d;
-- count variant optimization
drop table if exists test;
create table test (id Int64, d Int64, projection dummy(select * order by id)) engine MergeTree order by id;
insert into test select number, number from numbers(1e3);
select count(if(d=4, d, 1)) from test settings force_optimize_projection = 1;
select count(d/3) from test settings force_optimize_projection = 1;
select count(if(d=4, Null, 1)) from test settings force_optimize_projection = 1; -- { serverError PROJECTION_NOT_USED }
drop table test;