2016-01-07 01:53:39 +03:00

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// VarIterator.h
// $Id: //poco/Main/Foundation/include/Poco/Dynamic/VarIterator.h#1 $
// Library: Foundation
// Package: Dynamic
// Module: VarIterator
// Definition of the VarIterator class.
// Copyright (c) 2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef Foundation_VarIterator_INCLUDED
#define Foundation_VarIterator_INCLUDED
#include "Poco/Exception.h"
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
namespace Poco {
namespace Dynamic {
class Var;
class Foundation_API VarIterator
/// VarIterator class.
typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef Var value_type;
typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef Var* pointer;
typedef Var& reference;
static const std::size_t POSITION_END;
/// End position indicator.
VarIterator(Var* pVar, bool positionEnd);
/// Creates the VarIterator and positions it at the end of
/// the recordset if positionEnd is true. Otherwise, it is
/// positioned at the beginning.
VarIterator(const VarIterator& other);
/// Creates a copy of other VarIterator.
/// Destroys the VarIterator.
VarIterator& operator = (const VarIterator& other);
/// Assigns the other VarIterator.
bool operator == (const VarIterator& other) const;
/// Equality operator.
bool operator != (const VarIterator& other) const;
/// Inequality operator.
Var& operator * () const;
/// Returns value at the current position.
Var* operator -> () const;
/// Returns pointer to the value at current position.
const VarIterator& operator ++ () const;
/// Advances by one position and returns current position.
VarIterator operator ++ (int) const;
/// Advances by one position and returns copy of the iterator with
/// previous current position.
const VarIterator& operator -- () const;
/// Goes back by one position and returns copy of the iterator with
/// previous current position.
VarIterator operator -- (int) const;
/// Goes back by one position and returns previous current position.
VarIterator operator + (std::size_t diff) const;
/// Returns a copy the VarIterator advanced by diff positions.
VarIterator operator - (std::size_t diff) const;
/// Returns a copy the VarIterator backed by diff positions.
/// Throws RangeException if diff is larger than current position.
void swap(VarIterator& other);
/// Swaps the VarIterator with another one.
void increment() const;
/// Increments the iterator position by one.
/// Throws RangeException if position is out of range.
void decrement() const;
/// Decrements the iterator position by one.
/// Throws RangeException if position is out of range.
void setPosition(std::size_t pos) const;
/// Sets the iterator position.
/// Throws RangeException if position is out of range.
Var* _pVar;
mutable std::size_t _position;
friend class Var;
/// inlines
inline bool VarIterator::operator == (const VarIterator& other) const
return _pVar == other._pVar && _position == other._position;
inline bool VarIterator::operator != (const VarIterator& other) const
return _pVar != other._pVar || _position != other._position;
} } // namespace Poco::Dynamic
namespace std
using std::swap;
inline void swap<Poco::Dynamic::VarIterator>(Poco::Dynamic::VarIterator& s1,
Poco::Dynamic::VarIterator& s2)
/// Full template specalization of std:::swap for VarIterator
#endif // Foundation_VarIterator_INCLUDED