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#include <Functions/FunctionFactory.h>
#include <Functions/FunctionsLogical.h>
#include <Columns/IColumn.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnVector.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnsNumber.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnConst.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnNullable.h>
#include <Common/FieldVisitors.h>
#include <Common/typeid_cast.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeNullable.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypesNumber.h>
#include <Functions/FunctionHelpers.h>
#include <algorithm>
namespace DB
void registerFunctionsLogical(FunctionFactory & factory)
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
extern const int ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT;
extern const int ILLEGAL_COLUMN;
using namespace FunctionsLogicalDetail;
using UInt8Container = ColumnUInt8::Container;
using UInt8ColumnPtrs = std::vector<const ColumnUInt8 *>;
MutableColumnPtr convertFromTernaryData(const UInt8Container & ternary_data, const bool make_nullable)
const size_t rows_count = ternary_data.size();
auto new_column = ColumnUInt8::create(rows_count);
ternary_data.cbegin(), ternary_data.cend(), new_column->getData().begin(),
[](const auto x) { return x == Ternary::True; });
if (!make_nullable)
return new_column;
auto null_column = ColumnUInt8::create(rows_count);
ternary_data.cbegin(), ternary_data.cend(), null_column->getData().begin(),
[](const auto x) { return x == Ternary::Null; });
return ColumnNullable::create(std::move(new_column), std::move(null_column));
template <typename T>
bool tryConvertColumnToUInt8(const IColumn * column, UInt8Container & res)
const auto col = checkAndGetColumn<ColumnVector<T>>(column);
if (!col)
return false;
col->getData().cbegin(), col->getData().cend(), res.begin(),
[](const auto x) { return x != 0; });
return true;
void convertColumnToUInt8(const IColumn * column, UInt8Container & res)
if (!tryConvertColumnToUInt8<Int8>(column, res) &&
!tryConvertColumnToUInt8<Int16>(column, res) &&
!tryConvertColumnToUInt8<Int32>(column, res) &&
!tryConvertColumnToUInt8<Int64>(column, res) &&
!tryConvertColumnToUInt8<UInt16>(column, res) &&
!tryConvertColumnToUInt8<UInt32>(column, res) &&
!tryConvertColumnToUInt8<UInt64>(column, res) &&
!tryConvertColumnToUInt8<Float32>(column, res) &&
!tryConvertColumnToUInt8<Float64>(column, res))
throw Exception("Unexpected type of column: " + column->getName(), ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN);
template <class Op, typename Func>
static bool extractConstColumns(ColumnRawPtrs & in, UInt8 & res, Func && func)
bool has_res = false;
for (int i = static_cast<int>(in.size()) - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (!isColumnConst(*in[i]))
UInt8 x = func((*in[i])[0]);
if (has_res)
res = Op::apply(res, x);
res = x;
has_res = true;
in.erase(in.begin() + i);
return has_res;
template <class Op>
inline bool extractConstColumns(ColumnRawPtrs & in, UInt8 & res)
return extractConstColumns<Op>(
in, res,
[](const Field & value)
return !value.isNull() && applyVisitor(FieldVisitorConvertToNumber<bool>(), value);
template <class Op>
inline bool extractConstColumnsTernary(ColumnRawPtrs & in, UInt8 & res_3v)
return extractConstColumns<Op>(
in, res_3v,
[](const Field & value)
return value.isNull()
? Ternary::makeValue(false, true)
: Ternary::makeValue(applyVisitor(FieldVisitorConvertToNumber<bool>(), value));
template <typename Op, size_t N>
class AssociativeApplierImpl
using ResultValueType = typename Op::ResultType;
/// Remembers the last N columns from `in`.
AssociativeApplierImpl(const UInt8ColumnPtrs & in)
: vec(in[in.size() - N]->getData()), next(in) {}
/// Returns a combination of values in the i-th row of all columns stored in the constructor.
inline ResultValueType apply(const size_t i) const
const auto & a = vec[i];
if constexpr (Op::isSaturable())
return Op::isSaturatedValue(a) ? a : Op::apply(a, next.apply(i));
return Op::apply(a, next.apply(i));
const UInt8Container & vec;
const AssociativeApplierImpl<Op, N - 1> next;
template <typename Op>
class AssociativeApplierImpl<Op, 1>
using ResultValueType = typename Op::ResultType;
AssociativeApplierImpl(const UInt8ColumnPtrs & in)
: vec(in[in.size() - 1]->getData()) {}
inline ResultValueType apply(const size_t i) const { return vec[i]; }
const UInt8Container & vec;
/// A helper class used by AssociativeGenericApplierImpl
/// Allows for on-the-fly conversion of any data type into intermediate ternary representation
using ValueGetter = std::function<Ternary::ResultType (size_t)>;
template <typename ... Types>
struct ValueGetterBuilderImpl;
template <typename Type, typename ...Types>
struct ValueGetterBuilderImpl<Type, Types...>
static ValueGetter build(const IColumn * x)
if (const auto nullable_column = typeid_cast<const ColumnNullable *>(x))
if (const auto nested_column = typeid_cast<const ColumnVector<Type> *>(nullable_column->getNestedColumnPtr().get()))
return [&null_data = nullable_column->getNullMapData(), &column_data = nested_column->getData()](size_t i)
{ return Ternary::makeValue(column_data[i], null_data[i]); };
return ValueGetterBuilderImpl<Types...>::build(x);
else if (const auto column = typeid_cast<const ColumnVector<Type> *>(x))
return [&column_data = column->getData()](size_t i) { return Ternary::makeValue(column_data[i]); };
return ValueGetterBuilderImpl<Types...>::build(x);
template <>
struct ValueGetterBuilderImpl<>
static ValueGetter build(const IColumn * x)
throw Exception(
std::string("Unknown numeric column of type: ") + demangle(typeid(x).name()),
using ValueGetterBuilder =
ValueGetterBuilderImpl<UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float32, Float64>;
/// This class together with helper class ValueGetterBuilder can be used with columns of arbitrary data type
/// Allows for on-the-fly conversion of any type of data into intermediate ternary representation
/// and eliminates the need to materialize data columns in intermediate representation
template <typename Op, size_t N>
class AssociativeGenericApplierImpl
using ResultValueType = typename Op::ResultType;
/// Remembers the last N columns from `in`.
AssociativeGenericApplierImpl(const ColumnRawPtrs & in)
: val_getter{ValueGetterBuilder::build(in[in.size() - N])}, next{in} {}
/// Returns a combination of values in the i-th row of all columns stored in the constructor.
inline ResultValueType apply(const size_t i) const
const auto a = val_getter(i);
if constexpr (Op::isSaturable())
return Op::isSaturatedValue(a) ? a : Op::apply(a, next.apply(i));
return Op::apply(a, next.apply(i));
const ValueGetter val_getter;
const AssociativeGenericApplierImpl<Op, N - 1> next;
template <typename Op>
class AssociativeGenericApplierImpl<Op, 1>
using ResultValueType = typename Op::ResultType;
/// Remembers the last N columns from `in`.
AssociativeGenericApplierImpl(const ColumnRawPtrs & in)
: val_getter{ValueGetterBuilder::build(in[in.size() - 1])} {}
inline ResultValueType apply(const size_t i) const { return val_getter(i); }
const ValueGetter val_getter;
/// Apply target function by feeding it "batches" of N columns
/// Combining 10 columns per pass is the fastest for large block sizes.
/// For small block sizes - more columns is faster.
template <
typename Op, template <typename, size_t> typename OperationApplierImpl, size_t N = 10>
struct OperationApplier
template <typename Columns, typename ResultColumn>
static void apply(Columns & in, ResultColumn & result)
while (in.size() > 1)
doBatchedApply(in, result->getData());
template <typename Columns, typename ResultData>
static void NO_INLINE doBatchedApply(Columns & in, ResultData & result_data)
if (N > in.size())
OperationApplier<Op, OperationApplierImpl, N - 1>::doBatchedApply(in, result_data);
const OperationApplierImpl<Op, N> operationApplierImpl(in);
size_t i = 0;
for (auto & res : result_data)
res = operationApplierImpl.apply(i++);
in.erase(in.end() - N, in.end());
template <
typename Op, template <typename, size_t> typename OperationApplierImpl>
struct OperationApplier<Op, OperationApplierImpl, 1>
template <typename Columns, typename Result>
static void NO_INLINE doBatchedApply(Columns &, Result &)
throw Exception(
"OperationApplier<...>::apply(...): not enough arguments to run this method",
template <class Op>
static void executeForTernaryLogicImpl(ColumnRawPtrs arguments, ColumnWithTypeAndName & result_info, size_t input_rows_count)
/// Combine all constant columns into a single constant value.
UInt8 const_3v_value = 0;
const bool has_consts = extractConstColumnsTernary<Op>(arguments, const_3v_value);
/// If the constant value uniquely determines the result, return it.
if (has_consts && (arguments.empty() || (Op::isSaturable() && Op::isSaturatedValue(const_3v_value))))
result_info.column = ColumnConst::create(
convertFromTernaryData(UInt8Container({const_3v_value}), result_info.type->isNullable()),
const auto result_column = ColumnUInt8::create(input_rows_count);
MutableColumnPtr const_column_holder;
if (has_consts)
const_column_holder =
convertFromTernaryData(UInt8Container(input_rows_count, const_3v_value), const_3v_value == Ternary::Null);
OperationApplier<Op, AssociativeGenericApplierImpl>::apply(arguments, result_column);
result_info.column = convertFromTernaryData(result_column->getData(), result_info.type->isNullable());
template <typename Op, typename ... Types>
struct TypedExecutorInvoker;
template <typename Op>
using FastApplierImpl =
TypedExecutorInvoker<Op, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float32, Float64>;
template <typename Op, typename Type, typename ... Types>
struct TypedExecutorInvoker<Op, Type, Types ...>
template <typename T, typename Result>
static void apply(const ColumnVector<T> & x, const IColumn & y, Result & result)
if (const auto column = typeid_cast<const ColumnVector<Type> *>(&y))
x.getData().cbegin(), x.getData().cend(),
column->getData().cbegin(), result.begin(),
[](const auto a, const auto b) { return Op::apply(!!a, !!b); });
TypedExecutorInvoker<Op, Types ...>::template apply<T>(x, y, result);
template <typename Result>
static void apply(const IColumn & x, const IColumn & y, Result & result)
if (const auto column = typeid_cast<const ColumnVector<Type> *>(&x))
FastApplierImpl<Op>::template apply<Type>(*column, y, result);
TypedExecutorInvoker<Op, Types ...>::apply(x, y, result);
template <typename Op>
struct TypedExecutorInvoker<Op>
template <typename T, typename Result>
static void apply(const ColumnVector<T> &, const IColumn & y, Result &)
throw Exception(std::string("Unknown numeric column y of type: ") + demangle(typeid(y).name()), ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
template <typename Result>
static void apply(const IColumn & x, const IColumn &, Result &)
throw Exception(std::string("Unknown numeric column x of type: ") + demangle(typeid(x).name()), ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
template <class Op>
static void basicExecuteImpl(ColumnRawPtrs arguments, ColumnWithTypeAndName & result_info, size_t input_rows_count)
/// Combine all constant columns into a single constant value.
UInt8 const_val = 0;
bool has_consts = extractConstColumns<Op>(arguments, const_val);
/// If the constant value uniquely determines the result, return it.
if (has_consts && (arguments.empty() || Op::apply(const_val, 0) == Op::apply(const_val, 1)))
if (!arguments.empty())
const_val = Op::apply(const_val, 0);
result_info.column = DataTypeUInt8().createColumnConst(input_rows_count, toField(const_val));
/// If the constant value is a neutral element, let's forget about it.
if (has_consts && Op::apply(const_val, 0) == 0 && Op::apply(const_val, 1) == 1)
has_consts = false;
UInt8ColumnPtrs uint8_args;
auto col_res = ColumnUInt8::create();
UInt8Container & vec_res = col_res->getData();
if (has_consts)
vec_res.assign(input_rows_count, const_val);
/// FastPath detection goes in here
if (arguments.size() == (has_consts ? 1 : 2))
if (has_consts)
FastApplierImpl<Op>::apply(*arguments[0], *col_res, col_res->getData());
FastApplierImpl<Op>::apply(*arguments[0], *arguments[1], col_res->getData());
result_info.column = std::move(col_res);
/// Convert all columns to UInt8
Columns converted_columns;
for (const IColumn * column : arguments)
if (auto uint8_column = checkAndGetColumn<ColumnUInt8>(column))
auto converted_column = ColumnUInt8::create(input_rows_count);
convertColumnToUInt8(column, converted_column->getData());
OperationApplier<Op, AssociativeApplierImpl>::apply(uint8_args, col_res);
/// This is possible if there is exactly one non-constant among the arguments, and it is of type UInt8.
if (uint8_args[0] != col_res.get())
result_info.column = std::move(col_res);
template <typename Impl, typename Name>
DataTypePtr FunctionAnyArityLogical<Impl, Name>::getReturnTypeImpl(const DataTypes & arguments) const
if (arguments.size() < 2)
throw Exception("Number of arguments for function \"" + getName() + "\" should be at least 2: passed "
+ toString(arguments.size()),
bool has_nullable_arguments = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i)
const auto & arg_type = arguments[i];
if (!has_nullable_arguments)
has_nullable_arguments = arg_type->isNullable();
if (has_nullable_arguments && !Impl::specialImplementationForNulls())
throw Exception("Logical error: Unexpected type of argument for function \"" + getName() + "\": "
" argument " + toString(i + 1) + " is of type " + arg_type->getName(), ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
if (!(isNativeNumber(arg_type)
|| (Impl::specialImplementationForNulls() && (arg_type->onlyNull() || isNativeNumber(removeNullable(arg_type))))))
throw Exception("Illegal type ("
+ arg_type->getName()
+ ") of " + toString(i + 1) + " argument of function " + getName(),
auto result_type = std::make_shared<DataTypeUInt8>();
return has_nullable_arguments
? makeNullable(result_type)
: result_type;
template <typename Impl, typename Name>
void FunctionAnyArityLogical<Impl, Name>::executeImpl(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result_index, size_t input_rows_count)
ColumnRawPtrs args_in;
for (const auto arg_index : arguments)
auto & result_info = block.getByPosition(result_index);
if (result_info.type->isNullable())
executeForTernaryLogicImpl<Impl>(std::move(args_in), result_info, input_rows_count);
basicExecuteImpl<Impl>(std::move(args_in), result_info, input_rows_count);
template <typename A, typename Op>
struct UnaryOperationImpl
using ResultType = typename Op::ResultType;
using ArrayA = typename ColumnVector<A>::Container;
using ArrayC = typename ColumnVector<ResultType>::Container;
static void NO_INLINE vector(const ArrayA & a, ArrayC & c)
a.cbegin(), a.cend(), c.begin(),
[](const auto x) { return Op::apply(x); });
template <template <typename> class Impl, typename Name>
DataTypePtr FunctionUnaryLogical<Impl, Name>::getReturnTypeImpl(const DataTypes & arguments) const
if (!isNativeNumber(arguments[0]))
throw Exception("Illegal type ("
+ arguments[0]->getName()
+ ") of argument of function " + getName(),
return std::make_shared<DataTypeUInt8>();
template <template <typename> class Impl, typename T>
bool functionUnaryExecuteType(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
if (auto col = checkAndGetColumn<ColumnVector<T>>(block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column.get()))
auto col_res = ColumnUInt8::create();
typename ColumnUInt8::Container & vec_res = col_res->getData();
UnaryOperationImpl<T, Impl<T>>::vector(col->getData(), vec_res);
block.getByPosition(result).column = std::move(col_res);
return true;
return false;
template <template <typename> class Impl, typename Name>
void FunctionUnaryLogical<Impl, Name>::executeImpl(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result, size_t /*input_rows_count*/)
if (!(functionUnaryExecuteType<Impl, UInt8>(block, arguments, result)
|| functionUnaryExecuteType<Impl, UInt16>(block, arguments, result)
|| functionUnaryExecuteType<Impl, UInt32>(block, arguments, result)
|| functionUnaryExecuteType<Impl, UInt64>(block, arguments, result)
|| functionUnaryExecuteType<Impl, Int8>(block, arguments, result)
|| functionUnaryExecuteType<Impl, Int16>(block, arguments, result)
|| functionUnaryExecuteType<Impl, Int32>(block, arguments, result)
|| functionUnaryExecuteType<Impl, Int64>(block, arguments, result)
|| functionUnaryExecuteType<Impl, Float32>(block, arguments, result)
|| functionUnaryExecuteType<Impl, Float64>(block, arguments, result)))
throw Exception("Illegal column " + block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column->getName()
+ " of argument of function " + getName(),