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#include <Interpreters/ComparisonGraph.h>
#include <Parsers/IAST.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTLiteral.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTFunction.h>
#include <Parsers/queryToString.h>
#include <Common/FieldVisitorsAccurateComparison.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int VIOLATED_CONSTRAINT;
/// Make function a > b or a >= b
ASTPtr normalizeAtom(const ASTPtr & atom)
static const std::map<std::string, std::string> inverse_relations =
{"lessOrEquals", "greaterOrEquals"},
{"less", "greater"},
ASTPtr res = atom->clone();
if (const auto * func = res->as<ASTFunction>())
if (const auto it = inverse_relations.find(func->name); it != std::end(inverse_relations))
res = makeASTFunction(it->second, func->arguments->children[1]->clone(), func->arguments->children[0]->clone());
return res;
bool less(const Field & lhs, const Field & rhs) { return applyVisitor(FieldVisitorAccurateLess{}, lhs, rhs); }
bool greater(const Field & lhs, const Field & rhs) { return applyVisitor(FieldVisitorAccurateLess{}, rhs, lhs); }
bool equals(const Field & lhs, const Field & rhs) { return applyVisitor(FieldVisitorAccurateEquals{}, lhs, rhs); }
ComparisonGraph::ComparisonGraph(const ASTs & atomic_formulas)
if (atomic_formulas.empty())
static const std::unordered_map<std::string, Edge::Type> relation_to_enum =
{"equals", Edge::EQUAL},
{"greater", Edge::GREATER},
{"greaterOrEquals", Edge::GREATER_OR_EQUAL},
/// Firstly build an intermediate graph,
/// in which each vertex corresponds to one expression.
/// That means that if we have edge (A, B) with type GREATER, then always A > B.
/// If we have EQUAL relation, then we add both edges (A, B) and (B, A).
Graph g;
for (const auto & atom_raw : atomic_formulas)
const auto atom = normalizeAtom(atom_raw);
auto get_index = [](const ASTPtr & ast, Graph & asts_graph) -> std::optional<size_t>
const auto it = asts_graph.ast_hash_to_component.find(ast->getTreeHash());
if (it != std::end(asts_graph.ast_hash_to_component))
if (!std::any_of(
[ast](const ASTPtr & constraint_ast)
return constraint_ast->getTreeHash() == ast->getTreeHash()
&& constraint_ast->getColumnName() == ast->getColumnName();
return {};
return it->second;
asts_graph.ast_hash_to_component[ast->getTreeHash()] = asts_graph.vertices.size();
asts_graph.vertices.push_back(EqualComponent{{ast}, std::nullopt});
return asts_graph.vertices.size() - 1;
const auto * func = atom->as<ASTFunction>();
if (func && func->arguments->children.size() == 2)
auto index_left = get_index(func->arguments->children[0], g);
auto index_right = get_index(func->arguments->children[1], g);
if (index_left && index_right)
if (const auto it = relation_to_enum.find(func->name); it != std::end(relation_to_enum))
g.edges[*index_left].push_back(Edge{it->second, *index_right});
if (it->second == Edge::EQUAL)
g.edges[*index_right].push_back(Edge{it->second, *index_left});
/// Now expressions A and B are equal, if and only if
/// we have both paths from A to B and from B to A in graph.
/// That means that equivalence classes of expressions
/// are the same as strongly connected components in graph.
/// So, we find such components and build graph on them.
/// All expressions from one equivalence class will be stored
/// in the corresponding vertex of new graph.
graph = buildGraphFromAstsGraph(g);
dists = buildDistsFromGraph(graph);
std::tie(ast_const_lower_bound, ast_const_upper_bound) = buildConstBounds();
/// Find expressions that are known to be unequal.
static const std::unordered_set<String> not_equals_functions = {"notEquals", "greater"};
/// Explicitly save unequal components.
/// TODO: Build a graph for unequal components.
for (const auto & atom_raw : atomic_formulas)
const auto atom = normalizeAtom(atom_raw);
const auto * func = atom->as<ASTFunction>();
if (func && not_equals_functions.contains(func->name))
auto index_left = graph.ast_hash_to_component.at(func->arguments->children[0]->getTreeHash());
auto index_right = graph.ast_hash_to_component.at(func->arguments->children[1]->getTreeHash());
if (index_left == index_right)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::VIOLATED_CONSTRAINT,
"Found expression '{}', but its arguments considered equal according to constraints",
not_equal.emplace(index_left, index_right);
not_equal.emplace(index_right, index_left);
ComparisonGraph::CompareResult ComparisonGraph::pathToCompareResult(Path path, bool inverse)
switch (path)
case Path::GREATER: return inverse ? CompareResult::LESS : CompareResult::GREATER;
case Path::GREATER_OR_EQUAL: return inverse ? CompareResult::LESS_OR_EQUAL : CompareResult::GREATER_OR_EQUAL;
std::optional<ComparisonGraph::Path> ComparisonGraph::findPath(const size_t start, const size_t finish) const
const auto it = dists.find(std::make_pair(start, finish));
if (it == std::end(dists))
return {};
/// Since path can be only GREATER or GREATER_OR_EQUALS,
/// we can strengthen the condition.
return not_equal.contains({start, finish}) ? Path::GREATER : it->second;
ComparisonGraph::CompareResult ComparisonGraph::compare(const ASTPtr & left, const ASTPtr & right) const
size_t start = 0;
size_t finish = 0;
/// TODO: check full ast
const auto it_left = graph.ast_hash_to_component.find(left->getTreeHash());
const auto it_right = graph.ast_hash_to_component.find(right->getTreeHash());
if (it_left == std::end(graph.ast_hash_to_component) || it_right == std::end(graph.ast_hash_to_component))
CompareResult result = CompareResult::UNKNOWN;
const auto left_bound = getConstLowerBound(left);
const auto right_bound = getConstUpperBound(right);
if (left_bound && right_bound)
if (greater(left_bound->first, right_bound->first))
result = CompareResult::GREATER;
else if (equals(left_bound->first, right_bound->first))
result = left_bound->second || right_bound->second
? CompareResult::GREATER : CompareResult::GREATER_OR_EQUAL;
const auto left_bound = getConstUpperBound(left);
const auto right_bound = getConstLowerBound(right);
if (left_bound && right_bound)
if (less(left_bound->first, right_bound->first))
result = CompareResult::LESS;
else if (equals(left_bound->first, right_bound->first))
result = left_bound->second || right_bound->second
? CompareResult::LESS : CompareResult::LESS_OR_EQUAL;
return result;
start = it_left->second;
finish = it_right->second;
if (start == finish)
return CompareResult::EQUAL;
if (auto path = findPath(start, finish))
return pathToCompareResult(*path, /*inverse=*/ false);
if (auto path = findPath(finish, start))
return pathToCompareResult(*path, /*inverse=*/ true);
if (not_equal.contains({start, finish}))
return CompareResult::NOT_EQUAL;
return CompareResult::UNKNOWN;
bool ComparisonGraph::isPossibleCompare(const CompareResult expected, const ASTPtr & left, const ASTPtr & right) const
const auto result = compare(left, right);
if (expected == CompareResult::UNKNOWN || result == CompareResult::UNKNOWN)
return true;
if (expected == result)
return true;
static const std::set<std::pair<CompareResult, CompareResult>> possible_pairs =
{CompareResult::EQUAL, CompareResult::LESS_OR_EQUAL},
{CompareResult::EQUAL, CompareResult::GREATER_OR_EQUAL},
{CompareResult::LESS_OR_EQUAL, CompareResult::LESS},
{CompareResult::LESS_OR_EQUAL, CompareResult::EQUAL},
{CompareResult::LESS_OR_EQUAL, CompareResult::NOT_EQUAL},
{CompareResult::GREATER_OR_EQUAL, CompareResult::GREATER},
{CompareResult::GREATER_OR_EQUAL, CompareResult::EQUAL},
{CompareResult::GREATER_OR_EQUAL, CompareResult::NOT_EQUAL},
{CompareResult::LESS, CompareResult::LESS},
{CompareResult::LESS, CompareResult::LESS_OR_EQUAL},
{CompareResult::LESS, CompareResult::NOT_EQUAL},
{CompareResult::GREATER, CompareResult::GREATER},
{CompareResult::GREATER, CompareResult::GREATER_OR_EQUAL},
{CompareResult::GREATER, CompareResult::NOT_EQUAL},
{CompareResult::NOT_EQUAL, CompareResult::LESS},
{CompareResult::NOT_EQUAL, CompareResult::GREATER},
{CompareResult::NOT_EQUAL, CompareResult::LESS_OR_EQUAL},
{CompareResult::NOT_EQUAL, CompareResult::GREATER_OR_EQUAL},
return possible_pairs.contains({expected, result});
bool ComparisonGraph::isAlwaysCompare(const CompareResult expected, const ASTPtr & left, const ASTPtr & right) const
const auto result = compare(left, right);
if (expected == CompareResult::UNKNOWN || result == CompareResult::UNKNOWN)
return false;
if (expected == result)
return true;
static const std::set<std::pair<CompareResult, CompareResult>> possible_pairs =
{CompareResult::LESS_OR_EQUAL, CompareResult::LESS},
{CompareResult::LESS_OR_EQUAL, CompareResult::EQUAL},
{CompareResult::GREATER_OR_EQUAL, CompareResult::GREATER},
{CompareResult::GREATER_OR_EQUAL, CompareResult::EQUAL},
{CompareResult::NOT_EQUAL, CompareResult::GREATER},
{CompareResult::NOT_EQUAL, CompareResult::LESS},
return possible_pairs.contains({expected, result});
ASTs ComparisonGraph::getEqual(const ASTPtr & ast) const
const auto res = getComponentId(ast);
if (!res)
return {};
return getComponent(res.value());
std::optional<size_t> ComparisonGraph::getComponentId(const ASTPtr & ast) const
const auto hash_it = graph.ast_hash_to_component.find(ast->getTreeHash());
if (hash_it == std::end(graph.ast_hash_to_component))
return {};
const size_t index = hash_it->second;
if (std::any_of(
[ast](const ASTPtr & constraint_ast)
return constraint_ast->getTreeHash() == ast->getTreeHash() &&
constraint_ast->getColumnName() == ast->getColumnName();
return index;
return {};
bool ComparisonGraph::hasPath(const size_t left, const size_t right) const
return findPath(left, right) || findPath(right, left);
ASTs ComparisonGraph::getComponent(const size_t id) const
return graph.vertices[id].asts;
bool ComparisonGraph::EqualComponent::hasConstant() const
return constant_index.has_value();
ASTPtr ComparisonGraph::EqualComponent::getConstant() const
return asts[*constant_index];
void ComparisonGraph::EqualComponent::buildConstants()
for (size_t i = 0; i < asts.size(); ++i)
if (asts[i]->as<ASTLiteral>())
constant_index = i;
ComparisonGraph::CompareResult ComparisonGraph::atomToCompareResult(const CNFQuery::AtomicFormula & atom)
if (const auto * func = atom.ast->as<ASTFunction>())
auto expected = functionNameToCompareResult(func->name);
if (atom.negative)
expected = inverseCompareResult(expected);
return expected;
return ComparisonGraph::CompareResult::UNKNOWN;
ComparisonGraph::CompareResult ComparisonGraph::functionNameToCompareResult(const std::string & name)
static const std::unordered_map<std::string, CompareResult> relation_to_compare =
{"equals", CompareResult::EQUAL},
{"notEquals", CompareResult::NOT_EQUAL},
{"less", CompareResult::LESS},
{"lessOrEquals", CompareResult::LESS_OR_EQUAL},
{"greaterOrEquals", CompareResult::GREATER_OR_EQUAL},
{"greater", CompareResult::GREATER},
const auto it = relation_to_compare.find(name);
return it == std::end(relation_to_compare) ? CompareResult::UNKNOWN : it->second;
ComparisonGraph::CompareResult ComparisonGraph::inverseCompareResult(const CompareResult result)
static const std::unordered_map<CompareResult, CompareResult> inverse_relations =
{CompareResult::NOT_EQUAL, CompareResult::EQUAL},
{CompareResult::EQUAL, CompareResult::NOT_EQUAL},
{CompareResult::GREATER_OR_EQUAL, CompareResult::LESS},
{CompareResult::GREATER, CompareResult::LESS_OR_EQUAL},
{CompareResult::LESS, CompareResult::GREATER_OR_EQUAL},
{CompareResult::LESS_OR_EQUAL, CompareResult::GREATER},
{CompareResult::UNKNOWN, CompareResult::UNKNOWN},
return inverse_relations.at(result);
std::optional<ASTPtr> ComparisonGraph::getEqualConst(const ASTPtr & ast) const
const auto hash_it = graph.ast_hash_to_component.find(ast->getTreeHash());
if (hash_it == std::end(graph.ast_hash_to_component))
return std::nullopt;
const size_t index = hash_it->second;
return graph.vertices[index].hasConstant()
? std::optional<ASTPtr>{graph.vertices[index].getConstant()}
: std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::pair<Field, bool>> ComparisonGraph::getConstUpperBound(const ASTPtr & ast) const
if (const auto * literal = ast->as<ASTLiteral>())
return std::make_pair(literal->value, false);
const auto it = graph.ast_hash_to_component.find(ast->getTreeHash());
if (it == std::end(graph.ast_hash_to_component))
return std::nullopt;
const size_t to = it->second;
const ssize_t from = ast_const_upper_bound[to];
if (from == -1)
return std::nullopt;
return std::make_pair(graph.vertices[from].getConstant()->as<ASTLiteral>()->value, dists.at({from, to}) == Path::GREATER);
std::optional<std::pair<Field, bool>> ComparisonGraph::getConstLowerBound(const ASTPtr & ast) const
if (const auto * literal = ast->as<ASTLiteral>())
return std::make_pair(literal->value, false);
const auto it = graph.ast_hash_to_component.find(ast->getTreeHash());
if (it == std::end(graph.ast_hash_to_component))
return std::nullopt;
const size_t from = it->second;
const ssize_t to = ast_const_lower_bound[from];
if (to == -1)
return std::nullopt;
return std::make_pair(graph.vertices[to].getConstant()->as<ASTLiteral>()->value, dists.at({from, to}) == Path::GREATER);
void ComparisonGraph::dfsOrder(const Graph & asts_graph, size_t v, std::vector<bool> & visited, std::vector<size_t> & order)
visited[v] = true;
for (const auto & edge : asts_graph.edges[v])
if (!visited[edge.to])
dfsOrder(asts_graph, edge.to, visited, order);
ComparisonGraph::Graph ComparisonGraph::reverseGraph(const Graph & asts_graph)
Graph g;
g.ast_hash_to_component = asts_graph.ast_hash_to_component;
g.vertices = asts_graph.vertices;
for (size_t v = 0; v < asts_graph.vertices.size(); ++v)
for (const auto & edge : asts_graph.edges[v])
g.edges[edge.to].push_back(Edge{edge.type, v});
return g;
std::vector<ASTs> ComparisonGraph::getVertices() const
std::vector<ASTs> result;
for (const auto & vertex : graph.vertices)
for (const auto & ast : vertex.asts)
return result;
void ComparisonGraph::dfsComponents(
const Graph & reversed_graph, size_t v,
OptionalIndices & components, const size_t component)
components[v] = component;
for (const auto & edge : reversed_graph.edges[v])
if (!components[edge.to])
dfsComponents(reversed_graph, edge.to, components, component);
ComparisonGraph::Graph ComparisonGraph::buildGraphFromAstsGraph(const Graph & asts_graph)
/// Find strongly connected component by using 2 dfs traversals.
/// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kosaraju%27s_algorithm
const auto n = asts_graph.vertices.size();
std::vector<size_t> order;
std::vector<bool> visited(n, false);
for (size_t v = 0; v < n; ++v)
if (!visited[v])
dfsOrder(asts_graph, v, visited, order);
OptionalIndices components(n);
size_t component = 0;
const Graph reversed_graph = reverseGraph(asts_graph);
for (auto it = order.rbegin(); it != order.rend(); ++it)
if (!components[*it])
dfsComponents(reversed_graph, *it, components, component);
Graph result;
for (const auto & [hash, index] : asts_graph.ast_hash_to_component)
result.ast_hash_to_component[hash] = *components[index];
std::end(asts_graph.vertices[index].asts)); // asts_graph has only one ast per vertex
/// Calculate constants
for (auto & vertex : result.vertices)
/// For each edge in initial graph, we add an edge between components in condensation graph.
for (size_t v = 0; v < n; ++v)
for (const auto & edge : asts_graph.edges[v])
result.edges[*components[v]].push_back(Edge{edge.type, *components[edge.to]});
/// TODO: make edges unique (left most strict)
/// If we have constansts in two components, we can compare them and add and extra edge.
for (size_t v = 0; v < result.vertices.size(); ++v)
for (size_t u = 0; u < result.vertices.size(); ++u)
if (v != u && result.vertices[v].hasConstant() && result.vertices[u].hasConstant())
const auto * left = result.vertices[v].getConstant()->as<ASTLiteral>();
const auto * right = result.vertices[u].getConstant()->as<ASTLiteral>();
/// Only GREATER. Equal constant fields = equal literals so it was already considered above.
if (greater(left->value, right->value))
result.edges[v].push_back(Edge{Edge::GREATER, u});
return result;
std::map<std::pair<size_t, size_t>, ComparisonGraph::Path> ComparisonGraph::buildDistsFromGraph(const Graph & g)
/// Min path : -1 means GREATER, 0 means GREATER_OR_EQUALS.
/// We use Floyd–Warshall algorithm to find distances between all pairs of vertices.
/// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floyd–Warshall_algorithm
constexpr auto inf = std::numeric_limits<Int8>::max();
const size_t n = g.vertices.size();
std::vector<std::vector<Int8>> results(n, std::vector<Int8>(n, inf));
for (size_t v = 0; v < n; ++v)
results[v][v] = 0;
for (const auto & edge : g.edges[v])
results[v][edge.to] = std::min(results[v][edge.to], static_cast<Int8>(edge.type == Edge::GREATER ? -1 : 0));
for (size_t k = 0; k < n; ++k)
for (size_t v = 0; v < n; ++v)
for (size_t u = 0; u < n; ++u)
if (results[v][k] != inf && results[k][u] != inf)
results[v][u] = std::min(results[v][u], std::min(results[v][k], results[k][u]));
std::map<std::pair<size_t, size_t>, Path> path;
for (size_t v = 0; v < n; ++v)
for (size_t u = 0; u < n; ++u)
if (results[v][u] != inf)
path[std::make_pair(v, u)] = (results[v][u] == -1 ? Path::GREATER : Path::GREATER_OR_EQUAL);
return path;
std::pair<std::vector<ssize_t>, std::vector<ssize_t>> ComparisonGraph::buildConstBounds() const
const size_t n = graph.vertices.size();
std::vector<ssize_t> lower(n, -1);
std::vector<ssize_t> upper(n, -1);
auto get_value = [this](const size_t vertex) -> Field
return graph.vertices[vertex].getConstant()->as<ASTLiteral>()->value;
for (const auto & [edge, path] : dists)
const auto [from, to] = edge;
if (graph.vertices[to].hasConstant())
if (lower[from] == -1
|| greater(get_value(to), get_value(lower[from]))
|| (equals(get_value(to), get_value(lower[from])) && path == Path::GREATER))
lower[from] = to;
if (graph.vertices[from].hasConstant())
if (upper[to] == -1
|| less(get_value(from), get_value(upper[to]))
|| (equals(get_value(from), get_value(upper[to])) && path == Path::GREATER))
upper[to] = from;
return {lower, upper};