Vasily Nemkov 70ea507dae OPTIMIZE DEDUPLICATE BY columns
Extended OPTIMIZE ... DEDUPLICATE syntax to allow explicit (or implicit with asterisk/column transformers) list of columns to check for duplicates on.

Following syntax variants are now supported:

OPTIMIZE TABLE table DEDUPLICATE; -- the old one
OPTIMIZE TABLE table DEDUPLICATE BY COLUMNS('column-matched-by-regex');
OPTIMIZE TABLE table DEDUPLICATE BY COLUMNS('column-matched-by-regex') EXCEPT colX;
OPTIMIZE TABLE table DEDUPLICATE BY COLUMNS('column-matched-by-regex') EXCEPT (colX, colY);

Note that * behaves just like in SELECT: MATERIALIZED, and ALIAS columns are not used for expansion.
Also, it is an error to specify empty list of columns, or write an expression that results in an empty list of columns, or deduplicate by an ALIAS column.
Column transformers other than EXCEPT are not supported.
2020-12-07 09:44:07 +03:00

248 lines
10 KiB

#pragma once
#include <ext/shared_ptr_helper.h>
#include <Core/Names.h>
#include <Storages/AlterCommands.h>
#include <Storages/IStorage.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeTreeData.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeTreeDataSelectExecutor.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeTreeDataWriter.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeTreeDataMergerMutator.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeTreePartsMover.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeTreeMutationEntry.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MergeTreeMutationStatus.h>
#include <Disks/StoragePolicy.h>
#include <Common/SimpleIncrement.h>
#include <Core/BackgroundSchedulePool.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/BackgroundJobsExecutor.h>
namespace DB
/** See the description of the data structure in MergeTreeData.
class StorageMergeTree final : public ext::shared_ptr_helper<StorageMergeTree>, public MergeTreeData
friend struct ext::shared_ptr_helper<StorageMergeTree>;
void startup() override;
void shutdown() override;
~StorageMergeTree() override;
std::string getName() const override { return merging_params.getModeName() + "MergeTree"; }
bool supportsParallelInsert() const override { return true; }
bool supportsIndexForIn() const override { return true; }
Pipe read(
const Names & column_names,
const StorageMetadataPtr & /*metadata_snapshot*/,
SelectQueryInfo & query_info,
const Context & context,
QueryProcessingStage::Enum processed_stage,
size_t max_block_size,
unsigned num_streams) override;
void read(
QueryPlan & query_plan,
const Names & column_names,
const StorageMetadataPtr & /*metadata_snapshot*/,
SelectQueryInfo & query_info,
const Context & context,
QueryProcessingStage::Enum processed_stage,
size_t max_block_size,
unsigned num_streams) override;
std::optional<UInt64> totalRows(const Settings &) const override;
std::optional<UInt64> totalRowsByPartitionPredicate(const SelectQueryInfo &, const Context &) const override;
std::optional<UInt64> totalBytes(const Settings &) const override;
BlockOutputStreamPtr write(const ASTPtr & query, const StorageMetadataPtr & /*metadata_snapshot*/, const Context & context) override;
/** Perform the next step in combining the parts.
bool optimize(
const ASTPtr & query,
const StorageMetadataPtr & /*metadata_snapshot*/,
const ASTPtr & partition,
bool final,
bool deduplicate,
const Names & deduplicate_by_columns,
const Context & context) override;
void mutate(const MutationCommands & commands, const Context & context) override;
/// Return introspection information about currently processing or recently processed mutations.
std::vector<MergeTreeMutationStatus> getMutationsStatus() const override;
CancellationCode killMutation(const String & mutation_id) override;
void drop() override;
void truncate(const ASTPtr &, const StorageMetadataPtr &, const Context &, TableExclusiveLockHolder &) override;
void alter(const AlterCommands & commands, const Context & context, TableLockHolder & table_lock_holder) override;
void checkTableCanBeDropped() const override;
ActionLock getActionLock(StorageActionBlockType action_type) override;
void onActionLockRemove(StorageActionBlockType action_type) override;
CheckResults checkData(const ASTPtr & query, const Context & context) override;
std::optional<JobAndPool> getDataProcessingJob() override;
/// Mutex and condvar for synchronous mutations wait
std::mutex mutation_wait_mutex;
std::condition_variable mutation_wait_event;
MergeTreeDataSelectExecutor reader;
MergeTreeDataWriter writer;
MergeTreeDataMergerMutator merger_mutator;
BackgroundJobsExecutor background_executor;
BackgroundMovesExecutor background_moves_executor;
/// For block numbers.
SimpleIncrement increment{0};
/// For clearOldParts, clearOldTemporaryDirectories.
AtomicStopwatch time_after_previous_cleanup;
/// Mutex for parts currently processing in background
/// merging (also with TTL), mutating or moving.
mutable std::mutex currently_processing_in_background_mutex;
mutable std::condition_variable currently_processing_in_background_condition;
/// Parts that currently participate in merge or mutation.
/// This set have to be used with `currently_processing_in_background_mutex`.
DataParts currently_merging_mutating_parts;
std::map<String, MergeTreeMutationEntry> current_mutations_by_id;
std::multimap<Int64, MergeTreeMutationEntry &> current_mutations_by_version;
std::atomic<bool> shutdown_called {false};
void loadMutations();
/** Determines what parts should be merged and merges it.
* If aggressive - when selects parts don't takes into account their ratio size and novelty (used for OPTIMIZE query).
* Returns true if merge is finished successfully.
bool merge(bool aggressive, const String & partition_id, bool final, bool deduplicate, const Names & deduplicate_by_columns, String * out_disable_reason = nullptr, bool optimize_skip_merged_partitions = false);
ActionLock stopMergesAndWait();
/// Allocate block number for new mutation, write mutation to disk
/// and into in-memory structures. Wake up merge-mutation task.
Int64 startMutation(const MutationCommands & commands, String & mutation_file_name);
/// Wait until mutation with version will finish mutation for all parts
void waitForMutation(Int64 version, const String & file_name);
struct CurrentlyMergingPartsTagger
FutureMergedMutatedPart future_part;
ReservationPtr reserved_space;
StorageMergeTree & storage;
FutureMergedMutatedPart & future_part_,
size_t total_size,
StorageMergeTree & storage_,
const StorageMetadataPtr & metadata_snapshot,
bool is_mutation);
using CurrentlyMergingPartsTaggerPtr = std::unique_ptr<CurrentlyMergingPartsTagger>;
friend struct CurrentlyMergingPartsTagger;
struct MergeMutateSelectedEntry
FutureMergedMutatedPart future_part;
CurrentlyMergingPartsTaggerPtr tagger;
MutationCommands commands;
MergeMutateSelectedEntry(const FutureMergedMutatedPart & future_part_, CurrentlyMergingPartsTaggerPtr && tagger_, const MutationCommands & commands_)
: future_part(future_part_)
, tagger(std::move(tagger_))
, commands(commands_)
std::shared_ptr<MergeMutateSelectedEntry> selectPartsToMerge(
const StorageMetadataPtr & metadata_snapshot,
bool aggressive,
const String & partition_id,
bool final,
String * disable_reason,
TableLockHolder & table_lock_holder,
bool optimize_skip_merged_partitions = false,
SelectPartsDecision * select_decision_out = nullptr);
bool mergeSelectedParts(const StorageMetadataPtr & metadata_snapshot, bool deduplicate, const Names & deduplicate_by_columns, MergeMutateSelectedEntry & entry, TableLockHolder & table_lock_holder);
std::shared_ptr<MergeMutateSelectedEntry> selectPartsToMutate(const StorageMetadataPtr & metadata_snapshot, String * disable_reason, TableLockHolder & table_lock_holder);
bool mutateSelectedPart(const StorageMetadataPtr & metadata_snapshot, MergeMutateSelectedEntry & entry, TableLockHolder & table_lock_holder);
Int64 getCurrentMutationVersion(
const DataPartPtr & part,
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> & /* currently_processing_in_background_mutex_lock */) const;
void clearOldMutations(bool truncate = false);
// Partition helpers
void dropPartition(const ASTPtr & partition, bool detach, bool drop_part, const Context & context, bool throw_if_noop) override;
PartitionCommandsResultInfo attachPartition(const ASTPtr & partition, const StorageMetadataPtr & metadata_snapshot, bool part, const Context & context) override;
void replacePartitionFrom(const StoragePtr & source_table, const ASTPtr & partition, bool replace, const Context & context) override;
void movePartitionToTable(const StoragePtr & dest_table, const ASTPtr & partition, const Context & context) override;
bool partIsAssignedToBackgroundOperation(const DataPartPtr & part) const override;
/// Update mutation entries after part mutation execution. May reset old
/// errors if mutation was successful. Otherwise update last_failed* fields
/// in mutation entries.
void updateMutationEntriesErrors(FutureMergedMutatedPart result_part, bool is_successful, const String & exception_message);
/// Return empty optional if mutation was killed. Otherwise return partially
/// filled mutation status with information about error (latest_fail*) and
/// is_done. mutation_ids filled with mutations with the same errors,
/// because we can execute several mutations at once. Order is important for
/// better readability of exception message. If mutation was killed doesn't
/// return any ids.
std::optional<MergeTreeMutationStatus> getIncompleteMutationsStatus(Int64 mutation_version, std::set<String> * mutation_ids = nullptr) const;
void startBackgroundMovesIfNeeded() override;
friend class MergeTreeBlockOutputStream;
friend class MergeTreeData;
/** Attach the table with the appropriate name, along the appropriate path (with / at the end),
* (correctness of names and paths are not checked)
* consisting of the specified columns.
* See MergeTreeData constructor for comments on parameters.
const StorageID & table_id_,
const String & relative_data_path_,
const StorageInMemoryMetadata & metadata,
bool attach,
Context & context_,
const String & date_column_name,
const MergingParams & merging_params_,
std::unique_ptr<MergeTreeSettings> settings_,
bool has_force_restore_data_flag);
MutationCommands getFirstAlterMutationCommandsForPart(const DataPartPtr & part) const override;