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#pragma once
#include <DB/Functions/FunctionsArithmetic.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <type_traits>
#include <array>
namespace DB
/** Функции округления:
* roundToExp2 - вниз до ближайшей степени двойки;
* roundDuration - вниз до ближайшего из: 0, 1, 10, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 3600, 7200, 18000, 36000;
* roundAge - вниз до ближайшего из: 0, 18, 25, 35, 45.
* round(x, N) - арифметическое округление (N - сколько знаков после запятой оставить; 0 по умолчанию).
* ceil(x, N) - наименьшее число, которое не меньше x (N - сколько знаков после запятой оставить; 0 по умолчанию).
* floor(x, N) - наибольшее число, которое не больше x (N - сколько знаков после запятой оставить; 0 по умолчанию).
template<typename A>
struct RoundToExp2Impl
typedef A ResultType;
static inline A apply(A x)
return x <= 0 ? static_cast<A>(0) : (static_cast<A>(1) << static_cast<UInt64>(log2(static_cast<double>(x))));
struct RoundToExp2Impl<Float32>
typedef Float32 ResultType;
static inline Float32 apply(Float32 x)
return static_cast<Float32>(x < 1 ? 0. : pow(2., floor(log2(x))));
struct RoundToExp2Impl<Float64>
typedef Float64 ResultType;
static inline Float64 apply(Float64 x)
return x < 1 ? 0. : pow(2., floor(log2(x)));
template<typename A>
struct RoundDurationImpl
typedef UInt16 ResultType;
static inline ResultType apply(A x)
return x < 1 ? 0
: (x < 10 ? 1
: (x < 30 ? 10
: (x < 60 ? 30
: (x < 120 ? 60
: (x < 180 ? 120
: (x < 240 ? 180
: (x < 300 ? 240
: (x < 600 ? 300
: (x < 1200 ? 600
: (x < 1800 ? 1200
: (x < 3600 ? 1800
: (x < 7200 ? 3600
: (x < 18000 ? 7200
: (x < 36000 ? 18000
: 36000))))))))))))));
template<typename A>
struct RoundAgeImpl
typedef UInt8 ResultType;
static inline ResultType apply(A x)
return x < 18 ? 0
: (x < 25 ? 18
: (x < 35 ? 25
: (x < 45 ? 35
: 45)));
/// Реализация функций округления на низком уровне.
template<typename T, int rounding_mode, bool with_scale>
struct RoundingComputation
template<int rounding_mode, bool with_scale>
struct RoundingComputation<Float32, rounding_mode, with_scale>
using Data = std::array<Float32, 4>;
using Scale = __m128;
template<bool with_scale2 = with_scale>
static inline void prepareScale(size_t scale, Scale & mm_scale,
typename std::enable_if<with_scale2>::type * = nullptr)
Float32 fscale = static_cast<Float32>(scale);
mm_scale = _mm_load1_ps(&fscale);
template<bool with_scale2 = with_scale>
static inline void prepareScale(size_t scale, Scale & mm_scale,
typename std::enable_if<!with_scale2>::type * = nullptr)
template<bool with_scale2 = with_scale>
static inline void compute(const Data & in, const Scale & mm_scale, Data & out,
typename std::enable_if<with_scale2>::type * = nullptr)
__m128 mm_value = _mm_loadu_ps(reinterpret_cast<const Float32 *>(&in));
mm_value = _mm_mul_ps(mm_value, mm_scale);
mm_value = _mm_round_ps(mm_value, rounding_mode);
mm_value = _mm_div_ps(mm_value, mm_scale);
_mm_storeu_ps(reinterpret_cast<Float32 *>(&out), mm_value);
template<bool with_scale2 = with_scale>
static inline void compute(const Data & in, const Scale & mm_scale, Data & out,
typename std::enable_if<!with_scale2>::type * = nullptr)
__m128 mm_value = _mm_loadu_ps(reinterpret_cast<const Float32 *>(&in));
mm_value = _mm_round_ps(mm_value, rounding_mode);
_mm_storeu_ps(reinterpret_cast<Float32 *>(&out), mm_value);
template<int rounding_mode, bool with_scale>
struct RoundingComputation<Float64, rounding_mode, with_scale>
using Data = std::array<Float64, 2>;
using Scale = __m128d;
template<bool with_scale2 = with_scale>
static inline void prepareScale(size_t scale, Scale & mm_scale,
typename std::enable_if<with_scale2>::type * = nullptr)
Float64 fscale = static_cast<Float64>(scale);
mm_scale = _mm_load1_pd(&fscale);
template<bool with_scale2 = with_scale>
static inline void prepareScale(size_t scale, Scale & mm_scale,
typename std::enable_if<!with_scale2>::type * = nullptr)
template<bool with_scale2 = with_scale>
static inline void compute(const Data & in, const Scale & mm_scale, Data & out,
typename std::enable_if<with_scale2>::type * = nullptr)
__m128d mm_value = _mm_loadu_pd(reinterpret_cast<const Float64 *>(&in));
mm_value = _mm_mul_pd(mm_value, mm_scale);
mm_value = _mm_round_pd(mm_value, rounding_mode);
mm_value = _mm_div_pd(mm_value, mm_scale);
_mm_storeu_pd(reinterpret_cast<Float64 *>(&out), mm_value);
template<bool with_scale2 = with_scale>
static inline void compute(const Data & in, const Scale & mm_scale, Data & out,
typename std::enable_if<!with_scale2>::type * = nullptr)
__m128d mm_value = _mm_loadu_pd(reinterpret_cast<const Float64 *>(&in));
mm_value = _mm_round_pd(mm_value, rounding_mode);
_mm_storeu_pd(reinterpret_cast<Float64 *>(&out), mm_value);
/// Реализация функций округления на высоком уровне.
template<typename T, int rounding_mode, bool with_scale, typename Enable = void>
struct FunctionRoundingImpl
/// В случае целочисленных значений не выполяется округления.
template<typename T, int rounding_mode, bool with_scale>
struct FunctionRoundingImpl<T, rounding_mode, with_scale, typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value>::type>
static inline void apply(const PODArray<T> & in, size_t scale, typename ColumnVector<T>::Container_t & out)
size_t size = in.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
out[i] = in[i];
static inline T apply(T val, size_t scale)
return val;
template<typename T, int rounding_mode, bool with_scale>
struct FunctionRoundingImpl<T, rounding_mode, with_scale, typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type>
using Op = RoundingComputation<T, rounding_mode, with_scale>;
using Data = typename Op::Data;
using Scale = typename Op::Scale;
static inline void apply(const PODArray<T> & in, size_t scale, typename ColumnVector<T>::Container_t & out)
Scale mm_scale;
Op::prepareScale(scale, mm_scale);
const size_t size = in.size();
const size_t data_size = std::tuple_size<Data>();
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < (size - data_size + 1); i += data_size)
Data tmp;
for (size_t j = 0; j < data_size; ++j)
tmp[j] = in[i + j];
Data res;
Op::compute(tmp, mm_scale, res);
for (size_t j = 0; j < data_size; ++j)
out[i + j] = res[j];
if (i < size)
Data tmp{0};
for (size_t j = 0; (j < data_size) && ((i + j) < size); ++j)
tmp[j] = in[i + j];
Data res;
Op::compute(tmp, mm_scale, res);
for (size_t j = 0; (j < data_size) && ((i + j) < size); ++j)
out[i + j] = res[j];
static inline T apply(T val, size_t scale)
if (val == 0)
return val;
Scale mm_scale;
Op::prepareScale(scale, mm_scale);
Data tmp{0};
tmp[0] = val;
Data res;
Op::compute(tmp, mm_scale, res);
return res[0];
template<typename T, typename U>
struct PrecisionForType
template<typename L = T>
static inline bool apply(const ColumnPtr & column, UInt8 & precision,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<L>::value>::type * = nullptr)
using ColumnType = ColumnConst<U>;
const ColumnType * precision_col = typeid_cast<const ColumnType *>(&*column);
if (precision_col == nullptr)
return false;
U val = precision_col->getData();
if (val < 0)
val = 0;
else if (val >= static_cast<U>(std::numeric_limits<L>::digits10))
val = static_cast<U>(std::numeric_limits<L>::digits10);
precision = static_cast<UInt8>(val);
return true;
/// Для целых чисел точность не имеет значения.
template<typename L = T>
static inline bool apply(const ColumnPtr & column, UInt8 & precision,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<L>::value>::type * = nullptr)
using ColumnType = ColumnConst<U>;
const ColumnType * precision_col = typeid_cast<const ColumnType *>(&*column);
if (precision_col == nullptr)
return false;
precision = 0;
return true;
/// Следующий код генерирует во время сборки таблицу степеней числа 10.
/// Отдельные степени числа 10.
template<size_t N>
struct PowerOf10
static const size_t value = 10 * PowerOf10<N - 1>::value;
struct PowerOf10<0>
static const size_t value = 1;
/// Объявление и определение контейнера содержащего таблицу степеней числа 10.
template<size_t... TArgs>
struct TableContainer
static const std::array<size_t, sizeof...(TArgs)> values;
template<size_t... TArgs>
const std::array<size_t, sizeof...(TArgs)> TableContainer<TArgs...>::values = { TArgs... };
/// Генератор первых N степеней.
template<size_t N, size_t... TArgs>
struct FillArrayImpl
using result = typename FillArrayImpl<N - 1, PowerOf10<N>::value, TArgs...>::result;
template<size_t... TArgs>
struct FillArrayImpl<0, TArgs...>
using result = TableContainer<PowerOf10<0>::value, TArgs...>;
template<size_t N>
struct FillArray
using result = typename FillArrayImpl<N - 1>::result;
/** Шаблон для функций, которые вычисляют приближенное значение входного параметра
* типа (U)Int8/16/32/64 или Float32/64 и принимают дополнительный необязятельный
* параметр указывающий сколько знаков после запятой оставить (по умолчанию - 0).
* Op - функция (round/floor/ceil)
template<typename Name, int rounding_mode>
class FunctionRounding : public IFunction
static constexpr auto name = Name::name;
static IFunction * create(const Context & context) { return new FunctionRounding; }
using PowersOf10 = FillArray<std::numeric_limits<Float64>::digits10 + 1>::result;
template<typename T>
bool checkType(const IDataType * type) const
return typeid_cast<const T *>(type) != nullptr;
template<typename T>
bool executeForType(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result)
using OpWithScale = FunctionRoundingImpl<T, rounding_mode, true>;
using OpWithoutScale = FunctionRoundingImpl<T, rounding_mode, false>;
if (ColumnVector<T> * col = typeid_cast<ColumnVector<T> *>(&*block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column))
ColumnVector<T> * col_res = new ColumnVector<T>;
block.getByPosition(result).column = col_res;
typename ColumnVector<T>::Container_t & vec_res = col_res->getData();
UInt8 precision = 0;
if (arguments.size() == 2)
precision = getPrecision<T>(block.getByPosition(arguments[1]).column);
if (precision > 0)
OpWithScale::apply(col->getData(), PowersOf10::values[precision], vec_res);
OpWithoutScale::apply(col->getData(), 0, vec_res);
return true;
else if (ColumnConst<T> * col = typeid_cast<ColumnConst<T> *>(&*block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column))
UInt8 precision = 0;
if (arguments.size() == 2)
precision = getPrecision<T>(block.getByPosition(arguments[1]).column);
T res;
if (precision > 0)
res = OpWithScale::apply(col->getData(), PowersOf10::values[precision]);
res = OpWithoutScale::apply(col->getData(), 0);
ColumnConst<T> * col_res = new ColumnConst<T>(col->size(), res);
block.getByPosition(result).column = col_res;
return true;
return false;
/// В зависимости от входного параметра, определить какая нужна точность
/// для результата.
template<typename T>
UInt8 getPrecision(const ColumnPtr & column)
UInt8 precision = 0;
if (!( PrecisionForType<T, UInt8>::apply(column, precision)
|| PrecisionForType<T, UInt16>::apply(column, precision)
|| PrecisionForType<T, UInt16>::apply(column, precision)
|| PrecisionForType<T, UInt32>::apply(column, precision)
|| PrecisionForType<T, UInt64>::apply(column, precision)
|| PrecisionForType<T, Int8>::apply(column, precision)
|| PrecisionForType<T, Int16>::apply(column, precision)
|| PrecisionForType<T, Int32>::apply(column, precision)
|| PrecisionForType<T, Int64>::apply(column, precision)))
throw Exception("Illegal column " + column->getName()
+ " of second ('precision') argument of function " + getName(),
return precision;
/// Получить имя функции.
String getName() const override
return name;
/// Получить типы результата по типам аргументов. Если функция неприменима для данных аргументов - кинуть исключение.
DataTypePtr getReturnType(const DataTypes & arguments) const override
if ((arguments.size() < 1) || (arguments.size() > 2))
throw Exception("Number of arguments for function " + getName() + " doesn't match: passed "
+ toString(arguments.size()) + ", should be 1 or 2.",
if (arguments.size() == 2)
const IDataType * type = &*arguments[1];
if (!( checkType<DataTypeUInt8>(type)
|| checkType<DataTypeUInt16>(type)
|| checkType<DataTypeUInt32>(type)
|| checkType<DataTypeUInt64>(type)
|| checkType<DataTypeInt8>(type)
|| checkType<DataTypeInt16>(type)
|| checkType<DataTypeInt32>(type)
|| checkType<DataTypeInt64>(type)))
throw Exception("Illegal type in second argument of function " + getName(),
const IDataType * type = &*arguments[0];
if (!type->behavesAsNumber())
throw Exception("Illegal type " + arguments[0]->getName() + " of argument of function " + getName(),
return arguments[0];
/// Выполнить функцию над блоком.
void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result) override
if (!( executeForType<UInt8>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeForType<UInt16>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeForType<UInt32>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeForType<UInt64>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeForType<Int8>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeForType<Int16>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeForType<Int32>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeForType<Int64>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeForType<Float32>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeForType<Float64>(block, arguments, result)))
throw Exception("Illegal column " + block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column->getName()
+ " of argument of function " + getName(),
struct NameRoundToExp2 { static constexpr auto name = "roundToExp2"; };
struct NameRoundDuration { static constexpr auto name = "roundDuration"; };
struct NameRoundAge { static constexpr auto name = "roundAge"; };
struct NameRound { static constexpr auto name = "round"; };
struct NameCeil { static constexpr auto name = "ceil"; };
struct NameFloor { static constexpr auto name = "floor"; };
typedef FunctionUnaryArithmetic<RoundToExp2Impl, NameRoundToExp2> FunctionRoundToExp2;
typedef FunctionUnaryArithmetic<RoundDurationImpl, NameRoundDuration> FunctionRoundDuration;
typedef FunctionUnaryArithmetic<RoundAgeImpl, NameRoundAge> FunctionRoundAge;
typedef FunctionRounding<NameRound, _MM_FROUND_NINT> FunctionRound;
typedef FunctionRounding<NameCeil, _MM_FROUND_CEIL> FunctionCeil;
typedef FunctionRounding<NameFloor, _MM_FROUND_FLOOR> FunctionFloor;