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#include <Columns/ColumnArray.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnFunction.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnMap.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnTuple.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnConst.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeArray.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeFunction.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeMap.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeTuple.h>
#include <Functions/FunctionHelpers.h>
#include <Functions/like.h>
#include <Functions/array/arrayConcat.h>
#include <Functions/array/arrayFilter.h>
#include <Functions/array/arrayMap.h>
#include <Functions/array/arraySort.h>
#include <Functions/array/arrayIndex.h>
#include <Functions/array/arrayExists.h>
#include <Functions/array/arrayAll.h>
#include <Functions/identity.h>
#include <Functions/FunctionFactory.h>
#include <base/map.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT;
/** An adapter that allows to execute array* functions over Map types arguments.
* E.g. transform mapConcat to arrayConcat.
* Impl - the implementation of function that is applied
* to internal column of Map arguments (e.g. 'arrayConcat').
* Adapter - a struct that determines the way how to extract the internal array columns
* from Map arguments and possibly modify other columns.
template <typename Impl, typename Adapter, typename Name>
class FunctionMapToArrayAdapter : public IFunction
static constexpr auto name = Name::name;
static FunctionPtr create(ContextPtr) { return std::make_shared<FunctionMapToArrayAdapter>(); }
String getName() const override { return name; }
bool isVariadic() const override { return impl.isVariadic(); }
size_t getNumberOfArguments() const override { return impl.getNumberOfArguments(); }
bool useDefaultImplementationForConstants() const override { return impl.useDefaultImplementationForConstants(); }
bool isSuitableForShortCircuitArgumentsExecution(const DataTypesWithConstInfo &) const override { return false; }
void getLambdaArgumentTypes(DataTypes & arguments) const override
DataTypePtr getReturnTypeImpl(const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & arguments) const override
if (arguments.empty())
throw Exception(
"Function {} requires at least one argument, passed {}", getName(), arguments.size());
auto nested_arguments = arguments;
constexpr bool impl_has_get_return_type = requires
/// If method is not overloaded in the implementation call default implementation
/// from IFunction. Here inheritance cannot be used for template parameterized field.
if constexpr (impl_has_get_return_type)
return Adapter::wrapType(impl.getReturnTypeImpl(nested_arguments));
return Adapter::wrapType(dynamic_cast<const IFunction &>(impl).getReturnTypeImpl(nested_arguments));
ColumnPtr executeImpl(const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & arguments, const DataTypePtr & result_type, size_t input_rows_count) const override
auto nested_arguments = arguments;
return Adapter::wrapColumn(impl.executeImpl(nested_arguments, Adapter::extractResultType(result_type), input_rows_count));
Impl impl;
template <typename Derived, typename Name>
struct MapAdapterBase
static void extractNestedTypes(DataTypes & types)
bool has_map_column = false;
for (auto & type : types)
if (const auto * type_map = typeid_cast<const DataTypeMap *>(type.get()))
has_map_column = true;
type = Derived::extractNestedType(*type_map);
if (!has_map_column)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT,
"Function {} requires at least one argument of type Map", Name::name);
static void extractNestedTypesAndColumns(ColumnsWithTypeAndName & arguments)
bool has_map_column = false;
for (auto & argument : arguments)
if (const auto * type_map = typeid_cast<const DataTypeMap *>(argument.type.get()))
has_map_column = true;
argument.type = Derived::extractNestedType(*type_map);
if (argument.column)
if (const auto * const_map = checkAndGetColumnConstData<ColumnMap>(argument.column.get()))
argument.column = ColumnConst::create(Derived::extractNestedColumn(*const_map), argument.column->size());
argument.column = Derived::extractNestedColumn(assert_cast<const ColumnMap &>(*argument.column));
if (!has_map_column)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT,
"Function {} requires at least one argument of type Map", Name::name);
/// Adapter that extracts nested Array(Tuple(key, value)) from Map columns.
template <typename Name, bool returns_map = true>
struct MapToNestedAdapter : public MapAdapterBase<MapToNestedAdapter<Name, returns_map>, Name>
using MapAdapterBase<MapToNestedAdapter, Name>::extractNestedTypes;
using MapAdapterBase<MapToNestedAdapter, Name>::extractNestedTypesAndColumns;
static DataTypePtr extractNestedType(const DataTypeMap & type_map)
return type_map.getNestedTypeWithUnnamedTuple();
static ColumnPtr extractNestedColumn(const ColumnMap & column_map)
return column_map.getNestedColumnPtr();
static DataTypePtr extractResultType(const DataTypePtr & result_type)
if constexpr (returns_map)
return assert_cast<const DataTypeMap &>(*result_type).getNestedType();
return result_type;
static DataTypePtr wrapType(DataTypePtr type)
if constexpr (returns_map)
return std::make_shared<DataTypeMap>(std::move(type));
return type;
static ColumnPtr wrapColumn(ColumnPtr column)
if constexpr (returns_map)
return ColumnMap::create(std::move(column));
return column;
/// Adapter that extracts array with keys or values from Map columns.
template <typename Name, size_t position>
struct MapToSubcolumnAdapter : public MapAdapterBase<MapToSubcolumnAdapter<Name, position>, Name>
static_assert(position <= 1);
using MapAdapterBase<MapToSubcolumnAdapter, Name>::extractNestedTypes;
using MapAdapterBase<MapToSubcolumnAdapter, Name>::extractNestedTypesAndColumns;
static DataTypePtr extractNestedType(const DataTypeMap & type_map)
const auto & array_type = assert_cast<const DataTypeArray &>(*type_map.getNestedType());
const auto & tuple_type = assert_cast<const DataTypeTuple &>(*array_type.getNestedType());
return std::make_shared<DataTypeArray>(tuple_type.getElement(position));
static ColumnPtr extractNestedColumn(const ColumnMap & column_map)
const auto & array_column = column_map.getNestedColumn();
const auto & tuple_column = column_map.getNestedData();
return ColumnArray::create(tuple_column.getColumnPtr(position), array_column.getOffsetsPtr());
static DataTypePtr extractResultType(const DataTypePtr & result_type) { return result_type; }
static DataTypePtr wrapType(DataTypePtr type) { return type; }
static ColumnPtr wrapColumn(ColumnPtr column) { return column; }
/// A special function that works like the following:
/// mapKeyLike(pattern, key, value) <=> key LIKE pattern
/// It is used to mimic lambda: (key, value) -> key LIKE pattern.
class FunctionMapKeyLike : public IFunction
String getName() const override { return "mapKeyLike"; }
size_t getNumberOfArguments() const override { return 3; }
bool isSuitableForShortCircuitArgumentsExecution(const DataTypesWithConstInfo & /*arguments*/) const override { return false; }
bool useDefaultImplementationForNulls() const override { return false; }
DataTypePtr getReturnTypeImpl(const DataTypes & arguments) const override
DataTypes new_arguments{arguments[1], arguments[0]};
return impl.getReturnTypeImpl(new_arguments);
ColumnPtr executeImpl(const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & arguments, const DataTypePtr & result_type, size_t input_rows_count) const override
ColumnsWithTypeAndName new_arguments{arguments[1], arguments[0]};
return impl.executeImpl(new_arguments, result_type, input_rows_count);
FunctionLike impl;
/// Adapter for map*KeyLike functions.
/// It extracts nested Array(Tuple(key, value)) from Map columns
/// and prepares ColumnFunction as first argument which works
/// like lambda (k, v) -> k LIKE pattern to pass it to the nested
/// function derived from FunctionArrayMapped.
template <typename Name, bool returns_map>
struct MapKeyLikeAdapter
static void checkTypes(const DataTypes & types)
if (types.size() != 2)
"Number of arguments for function {} doesn't match: passed {}, should be 2",
Name::name, types.size());
const auto * map_type = checkAndGetDataType<DataTypeMap>(types[0].get());
if (!map_type)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT, "First argument for function {} must be a Map", Name::name);
if (!isStringOrFixedString(types[1]))
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT, "Second argument for function {} must be String or FixedString", Name::name);
if (!isStringOrFixedString(map_type->getKeyType()))
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT, "Key type of map for function {} must be String or FixedString", Name::name);
static void extractNestedTypes(DataTypes & types)
const auto & map_type = assert_cast<const DataTypeMap &>(*types[0]);
DataTypes lambda_argument_types{types[1], map_type.getKeyType(), map_type.getValueType()};
auto result_type = FunctionMapKeyLike().getReturnTypeImpl(lambda_argument_types);
DataTypes argument_types{map_type.getKeyType(), map_type.getValueType()};
auto function_type = std::make_shared<DataTypeFunction>(argument_types, result_type);
types = {function_type, types[0]};
MapToNestedAdapter<Name, returns_map>::extractNestedTypes(types);
static void extractNestedTypesAndColumns(ColumnsWithTypeAndName & arguments)
checkTypes(collections::map<DataTypes>(arguments, [](const auto & elem) { return elem.type; }));
const auto & map_type = assert_cast<const DataTypeMap &>(*arguments[0].type);
const auto & pattern_arg = arguments[1];
ColumnPtr function_column;
auto function = std::make_shared<FunctionMapKeyLike>();
DataTypes lambda_argument_types{pattern_arg.type, map_type.getKeyType(), map_type.getValueType()};
auto result_type = function->getReturnTypeImpl(lambda_argument_types);
DataTypes argument_types{map_type.getKeyType(), map_type.getValueType()};
auto function_type = std::make_shared<DataTypeFunction>(argument_types, result_type);
if (pattern_arg.column)
/// Here we create ColumnFunction with already captured pattern column.
/// Nested function will append keys and values column and it will work as desired lambda.
auto function_base = std::make_shared<FunctionToFunctionBaseAdaptor>(function, lambda_argument_types, result_type);
function_column = ColumnFunction::create(pattern_arg.column->size(), std::move(function_base), ColumnsWithTypeAndName{pattern_arg});
ColumnWithTypeAndName function_arg{function_column, function_type, "__function_map_key_like"};
arguments = {function_arg, arguments[0]};
MapToNestedAdapter<Name, returns_map>::extractNestedTypesAndColumns(arguments);
static DataTypePtr extractResultType(const DataTypePtr & result_type)
return MapToNestedAdapter<Name, returns_map>::extractResultType(result_type);
static DataTypePtr wrapType(DataTypePtr type)
return MapToNestedAdapter<Name, returns_map>::wrapType(std::move(type));
static ColumnPtr wrapColumn(ColumnPtr column)
return MapToNestedAdapter<Name, returns_map>::wrapColumn(std::move(column));
struct NameMapConcat { static constexpr auto name = "mapConcat"; };
using FunctionMapConcat = FunctionMapToArrayAdapter<FunctionArrayConcat, MapToNestedAdapter<NameMapConcat>, NameMapConcat>;
struct NameMapKeys { static constexpr auto name = "mapKeys"; };
using FunctionMapKeys = FunctionMapToArrayAdapter<FunctionIdentity, MapToSubcolumnAdapter<NameMapKeys, 0>, NameMapKeys>;
struct NameMapValues { static constexpr auto name = "mapValues"; };
using FunctionMapValues = FunctionMapToArrayAdapter<FunctionIdentity, MapToSubcolumnAdapter<NameMapValues, 1>, NameMapValues>;
struct NameMapContains { static constexpr auto name = "mapContains"; };
using FunctionMapContains = FunctionMapToArrayAdapter<FunctionArrayIndex<HasAction, NameMapContains>, MapToSubcolumnAdapter<NameMapKeys, 0>, NameMapContains>;
struct NameMapFilter { static constexpr auto name = "mapFilter"; };
using FunctionMapFilter = FunctionMapToArrayAdapter<FunctionArrayFilter, MapToNestedAdapter<NameMapFilter>, NameMapFilter>;
struct NameMapApply { static constexpr auto name = "mapApply"; };
using FunctionMapApply = FunctionMapToArrayAdapter<FunctionArrayMap, MapToNestedAdapter<NameMapApply>, NameMapApply>;
struct NameMapExists { static constexpr auto name = "mapExists"; };
using FunctionMapExists = FunctionMapToArrayAdapter<FunctionArrayExists, MapToNestedAdapter<NameMapExists, false>, NameMapExists>;
struct NameMapAll { static constexpr auto name = "mapAll"; };
using FunctionMapAll = FunctionMapToArrayAdapter<FunctionArrayAll, MapToNestedAdapter<NameMapAll, false>, NameMapAll>;
struct NameMapContainsKeyLike { static constexpr auto name = "mapContainsKeyLike"; };
using FunctionMapContainsKeyLike = FunctionMapToArrayAdapter<FunctionArrayExists, MapKeyLikeAdapter<NameMapContainsKeyLike, false>, NameMapContainsKeyLike>;
struct NameMapExtractKeyLike { static constexpr auto name = "mapExtractKeyLike"; };
using FunctionMapExtractKeyLike = FunctionMapToArrayAdapter<FunctionArrayFilter, MapKeyLikeAdapter<NameMapExtractKeyLike, true>, NameMapExtractKeyLike>;
struct NameMapSort { static constexpr auto name = "mapSort"; };
struct NameMapReverseSort { static constexpr auto name = "mapReverseSort"; };
struct NameMapPartialSort { static constexpr auto name = "mapPartialSort"; };
struct NameMapPartialReverseSort { static constexpr auto name = "mapPartialReverseSort"; };
using FunctionMapSort = FunctionMapToArrayAdapter<FunctionArraySort, MapToNestedAdapter<NameMapSort>, NameMapSort>;
using FunctionMapReverseSort = FunctionMapToArrayAdapter<FunctionArrayReverseSort, MapToNestedAdapter<NameMapReverseSort>, NameMapReverseSort>;
using FunctionMapPartialSort = FunctionMapToArrayAdapter<FunctionArrayPartialSort, MapToNestedAdapter<NameMapPartialSort>, NameMapPartialSort>;
using FunctionMapPartialReverseSort = FunctionMapToArrayAdapter<FunctionArrayPartialReverseSort, MapToNestedAdapter<NameMapPartialReverseSort>, NameMapPartialReverseSort>;
.description="The same as arrayConcat.",
.examples{{"mapConcat", "SELECT mapConcat(map('k1', 'v1'), map('k2', 'v2'))", ""}},
.description="Returns an array with the keys of map.",
.examples{{"mapKeys", "SELECT mapKeys(map('k1', 'v1', 'k2', 'v2'))", ""}},
.description="Returns an array with the values of map.",
.examples{{"mapValues", "SELECT mapValues(map('k1', 'v1', 'k2', 'v2'))", ""}},
.description="Checks whether the map has the specified key.",
.examples{{"mapContains", "SELECT mapContains(map('k1', 'v1', 'k2', 'v2'), 'k1')", ""}},
.description="The same as arrayFilter.",
.examples{{"mapFilter", "SELECT mapFilter((k, v) -> v > 1, map('k1', 1, 'k2', 2))", ""}},
.description="The same as arrayMap.",
.examples{{"mapApply", "SELECT mapApply((k, v) -> (k, v * 2), map('k1', 1, 'k2', 2))", ""}},
.description="The same as arrayExists.",
.examples{{"mapExists", "SELECT mapExists((k, v) -> v = 1, map('k1', 1, 'k2', 2))", ""}},
.description="The same as arrayAll.",
.examples{{"mapAll", "SELECT mapAll((k, v) -> v = 1, map('k1', 1, 'k2', 2))", ""}},
.description="The same as arraySort.",
.examples{{"mapSort", "SELECT mapSort((k, v) -> v, map('k1', 3, 'k2', 1, 'k3', 2))", ""}},
.description="The same as arrayReverseSort.",
.examples{{"mapReverseSort", "SELECT mapReverseSort((k, v) -> v, map('k1', 3, 'k2', 1, 'k3', 2))", ""}},
.description="The same as arrayReverseSort.",
.examples{{"mapPartialSort", "SELECT mapPartialSort((k, v) -> v, 2, map('k1', 3, 'k2', 1, 'k3', 2))", ""}},
.description="The same as arrayPartialReverseSort.",
.examples{{"mapPartialReverseSort", "SELECT mapPartialReverseSort((k, v) -> v, 2, map('k1', 3, 'k2', 1, 'k3', 2))", ""}},
.description="Checks whether map contains key LIKE specified pattern.",
.examples{{"mapContainsKeyLike", "SELECT mapContainsKeyLike(map('k1-1', 1, 'k2-1', 2), 'k1%')", ""}},
.description="Returns a map with elements which key matches the specified pattern.",
.examples{{"mapExtractKeyLike", "SELECT mapExtractKeyLike(map('k1-1', 1, 'k2-1', 2), 'k1%')", ""}},