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<title>ClickHouse Query</title>
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<!-- Development Roadmap:
1. Support readonly servers.
Check if readonly = 1 (with SELECT FROM system.settings) to avoid sending settings. It can be done once on address/credentials change.
It can be done in background, e.g. wait 100 ms after address/credentials change and do the check.
Also it can provide visual indication that credentials are correct.
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Also I personally dislike "Ubuntu" font due to the similarity of 'r' and 'г' (it looks very ignorant). */
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<div id="query_div">
<textarea autofocus spellcheck="false" class="monospace shadow" id="query"></textarea>
<div id="run_div">
<button class="shadow" id="run">Run</button>
<span class="hint"> (Ctrl/Cmd+Enter)</span>
<span id="hourglass">⧗</span>
<span id="check-mark">✔</span>
<span id="stats"></span>
<span id="toggle-dark">🌑</span><span id="toggle-light">🌞</span>
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<a href="https://clickhouse.com/">
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<title>Powered by ClickHouse</title>
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/// TODO: Proper rendering of network errors.
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stats.innerText = `Elapsed: ${seconds} sec, read ${formatted_rows} rows, ${formatted_bytes}.`;
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/// Test: SELECT number, toString(number) AS str, number % 2 ? number : NULL AS nullable, range(number) AS arr, CAST((['hello', 'world'], [number, number % 2]) AS Map(String, UInt64)) AS map FROM numbers(10)
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text = JSON.stringify(cell);
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/// If result is empty, show this fact with a style.
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td.rowSpan = response.meta.length;
td.className = 'empty-result';
let div = document.createElement('div');
div.appendChild(document.createTextNode("empty result"));
div.className = 'empty-result';
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table.style.display = 'table';
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/// To prevent hanging the browser, limit the number of cells in a table.
/// It's important to have the limit on number of cells, not just rows, because tables may be wide or narrow.
/// Also we permit rendering of more records but only if elapsed time is not large.
const max_rows = 10000 / response.meta.length;
const max_render_ms = 200;
let row_num = 0;
const column_is_number = response.meta.map(elem => !!elem.type.match(/^(Nullable\()?(U?Int|Decimal|Float)/));
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column_minimums: column_minimums,
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const start_time = performance.now();
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let td = document.createElement('td');
td.className = 'row-number';
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td.onmouseleave = () => {
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let table = document.getElementById('data-table');
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/// A function to render raw data when non-default format is specified.
function renderUnparsedResult(response)
let data = document.getElementById('data-unparsed')
if (response === '') {
/// TODO: Fade or remove previous result when new request will be performed.
response = 'Ok.';
data.innerText = response;
/// inline-block make width adjust to the size of content.
data.style.display = 'inline-block';
function renderError(response)
document.getElementById('error').innerText = response ? response : "No response.";
document.getElementById('error').style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById('logo-container').style.display = 'none';
/// Huge JS libraries should be loaded only if needed.
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const script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = src;
if (integrity) {
script.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
script.integrity = integrity;
} else {
console.warn('no integrity for', src)
script.addEventListener('load', function() { resolve(true); });
let load_dagre_promise;
function loadDagre() {
if (load_dagre_promise) { return load_dagre_promise; }
load_dagre_promise = Promise.all([
return load_dagre_promise;
async function renderGraph(response)
await loadDagre();
/// https://github.com/dagrejs/dagre-d3/issues/131
const dot = response.data.reduce((acc, row) => acc + '\n' + row[0].replace(/shape\s*=\s*box/g, 'shape=rect'));
let graph = graphlibDot.read(dot);
graph.graph().rankdir = 'TB';
let render = new dagreD3.render();
let svg = document.getElementById('graph');
svg.style.display = 'block';
render(d3.select("#graph"), graph);
svg.style.width = graph.graph().width;
svg.style.height = graph.graph().height;
let load_uplot_promise;
function loadUplot() {
if (load_uplot_promise) { return load_uplot_promise; }
load_uplot_promise = loadJS('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/uplot@1.6.21/dist/uPlot.iife.min.js',
return load_uplot_promise;
let uplot;
async function renderChart(json)
await loadUplot();
let chart = document.getElementById('chart');
chart.style.display = 'block';
let paths = uPlot.paths.stepped({align: 1});
const [line_color, fill_color, grid_color, axes_color] = theme == 'light'
? ["#F80", "#FED", "#c7d0d9", "#2c3235"]
: ["#888", "#045", "#2c3235", "#c7d0d9"];
const opts = {
width: chart.clientWidth,
height: chart.clientHeight,
scales: { x: { time: json[0][0] > 1000000000 && json[0][0] < 2000000000 } },
axes: [ { stroke: axes_color,
grid: { width: 1 / devicePixelRatio, stroke: grid_color },
ticks: { width: 1 / devicePixelRatio, stroke: grid_color } },
{ stroke: axes_color,
grid: { width: 1 / devicePixelRatio, stroke: grid_color },
ticks: { width: 1 / devicePixelRatio, stroke: grid_color } } ],
series: [ { label: "x" },
{ label: "y", stroke: line_color, fill: fill_color,
drawStyle: 0, lineInterpolation: 1, paths } ],
padding: [ null, null, null, (Math.ceil(Math.log10(Math.max(...json[1]))) + Math.floor(Math.log10(Math.max(...json[1])) / 3)) * 6 ],
uplot = new uPlot(opts, json, chart);
function resizeChart() {
if (uplot) {
let chart = document.getElementById('chart');
uplot.setSize({ width: chart.clientWidth, height: chart.clientHeight });
function redrawChart() {
if (uplot && document.getElementById('chart').style.display == 'block') {
new ResizeObserver(resizeChart).observe(document.getElementById('chart'));
/// First we check if theme is set via the 'theme' GET parameter, if not, we check localStorage, otherwise we check OS preference.
let theme = current_url.searchParams.get('theme');
if (['dark', 'light'].indexOf(theme) === -1) {
theme = window.localStorage.getItem('theme');
if (!theme) {
theme = 'light';
function setColorTheme(new_theme, update_preference) {
theme = new_theme;
if (update_preference) {
window.localStorage.setItem('theme', theme);
document.documentElement.setAttribute('data-theme', theme);
if (theme) {
document.documentElement.setAttribute('data-theme', theme);
} else {
/// Obtain system-level user preference
const media_query_list = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)');
if (media_query_list.matches) {
/// There is a rumor that on some computers, the theme is changing automatically on day/night.
media_query_list.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
setColorTheme(e.matches ? 'dark' : 'light');
document.getElementById('toggle-light').onclick = function() {
setColorTheme('light', true);
document.getElementById('toggle-dark').onclick = function() {
setColorTheme('dark', true);