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#pragma once
#include <Backups/BackupOperationInfo.h>
#include <Common/ThreadPool_fwd.h>
#include <Interpreters/Context_fwd.h>
#include <Core/UUID.h>
#include <Parsers/IAST_fwd.h>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace Poco::Util { class AbstractConfiguration; }
namespace DB
class ASTBackupQuery;
struct BackupSettings;
struct RestoreSettings;
struct BackupInfo;
class IBackupCoordination;
class IRestoreCoordination;
class IBackup;
using BackupMutablePtr = std::shared_ptr<IBackup>;
using BackupPtr = std::shared_ptr<const IBackup>;
class IBackupEntry;
using BackupEntries = std::vector<std::pair<String, std::shared_ptr<const IBackupEntry>>>;
using DataRestoreTasks = std::vector<std::function<void()>>;
struct ReadSettings;
class BackupLog;
/// Manager of backups and restores: executes backups and restores' threads in the background.
/// Keeps information about backups and restores started in this session.
class BackupsWorker
BackupsWorker(ContextPtr global_context, size_t num_backup_threads, size_t num_restore_threads, bool allow_concurrent_backups_, bool allow_concurrent_restores_);
/// Waits until all tasks have been completed.
void shutdown();
/// Starts executing a BACKUP or RESTORE query. Returns ID of the operation.
BackupOperationID start(const ASTPtr & backup_or_restore_query, ContextMutablePtr context);
/// Waits until a BACKUP or RESTORE query started by start() is finished.
/// The function returns immediately if the operation is already finished.
void wait(const BackupOperationID & backup_or_restore_id, bool rethrow_exception = true);
BackupOperationInfo getInfo(const BackupOperationID & id) const;
std::vector<BackupOperationInfo> getAllInfos() const;
BackupOperationID startMakingBackup(const ASTPtr & query, const ContextPtr & context);
void doBackup(
const std::shared_ptr<ASTBackupQuery> & backup_query,
const BackupOperationID & backup_id,
const String & backup_name_for_logging,
const BackupInfo & backup_info,
BackupSettings backup_settings,
std::shared_ptr<IBackupCoordination> backup_coordination,
const ContextPtr & context,
ContextMutablePtr mutable_context,
bool called_async);
/// Builds file infos for specified backup entries.
void buildFileInfosForBackupEntries(const BackupPtr & backup, const BackupEntries & backup_entries, const ReadSettings & read_settings, std::shared_ptr<IBackupCoordination> backup_coordination);
/// Write backup entries to an opened backup.
void writeBackupEntries(BackupMutablePtr backup, BackupEntries && backup_entries, const BackupOperationID & backup_id, std::shared_ptr<IBackupCoordination> backup_coordination, bool internal);
BackupOperationID startRestoring(const ASTPtr & query, ContextMutablePtr context);
void doRestore(
const std::shared_ptr<ASTBackupQuery> & restore_query,
const BackupOperationID & restore_id,
const String & backup_name_for_logging,
const BackupInfo & backup_info,
RestoreSettings restore_settings,
std::shared_ptr<IRestoreCoordination> restore_coordination,
ContextMutablePtr context,
bool called_async);
/// Run data restoring tasks which insert data to tables.
void restoreTablesData(const BackupOperationID & restore_id, BackupPtr backup, DataRestoreTasks && tasks, ThreadPool & thread_pool);
void addInfo(const BackupOperationID & id, const String & name, const String & base_backup_name, bool internal, BackupStatus status);
void setStatus(const BackupOperationID & id, BackupStatus status, bool throw_if_error = true);
void setStatusSafe(const String & id, BackupStatus status) { setStatus(id, status, false); }
void setNumFilesAndSize(const BackupOperationID & id, size_t num_files, UInt64 total_size, size_t num_entries,
UInt64 uncompressed_size, UInt64 compressed_size, size_t num_read_files, UInt64 num_read_bytes);
enum class ThreadPoolId;
ThreadPool & getThreadPool(ThreadPoolId thread_pool_id);
class ThreadPools;
std::unique_ptr<ThreadPools> thread_pools;
const bool allow_concurrent_backups;
const bool allow_concurrent_restores;
Poco::Logger * log;
std::unordered_map<BackupOperationID, BackupOperationInfo> infos;
std::shared_ptr<BackupLog> backup_log;
std::condition_variable status_changed;
std::atomic<size_t> num_active_backups = 0;
std::atomic<size_t> num_active_restores = 0;
mutable std::mutex infos_mutex;