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#include <Poco/Util/Application.h>
#include <Poco/Util/AbstractConfiguration.h>
#include <DB/Parsers/ASTCreateQuery.h>
#include <DB/Parsers/ASTIdentifier.h>
#include <DB/Parsers/ASTLiteral.h>
#include <DB/Interpreters/Context.h>
#include <DB/Storages/StorageLog.h>
#include <DB/Storages/StorageTinyLog.h>
#include <DB/Storages/StorageMemory.h>
#include <DB/Storages/StorageMerge.h>
#include <DB/Storages/StorageMergeTree.h>
#include <DB/Storages/StorageDistributed.h>
#include <DB/Storages/StorageSystemNumbers.h>
#include <DB/Storages/StorageSystemOne.h>
#include <DB/Storages/StorageFactory.h>
#include <DB/Storages/StorageView.h>
#include <DB/Storages/StorageMaterializedView.h>
#include <DB/Storages/StorageChunks.h>
#include <DB/Storages/StorageChunkRef.h>
#include <DB/Storages/StorageChunkMerger.h>
#include <DB/Storages/StorageReplicatedMergeTree.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeArray.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeNested.h>
namespace DB
static bool endsWith(const std::string & s, const std::string & suffix)
return s.size() >= suffix.size() && s.substr(s.size() - suffix.size()) == suffix;
static bool startsWith(const std::string & s, const std::string & prefix)
return s.size() >= prefix.size() && s.substr(0, prefix.size()) == prefix;
/** Для StorageMergeTree: достать первичный ключ в виде ASTExpressionList.
* Он может быть указан в кортеже: (CounterID, Date),
* или как один столбец: CounterID.
static ASTPtr extractPrimaryKey(const ASTPtr & node, const std::string & storage_name)
const ASTFunction * primary_expr_func = dynamic_cast<const ASTFunction *>(&*node);
if (primary_expr_func && primary_expr_func->name == "tuple")
/// Первичный ключ указан в кортеже.
return primary_expr_func->children.at(0);
/// Первичный ключ состоит из одного столбца.
ASTExpressionList * res = new ASTExpressionList;
ASTPtr res_ptr = res;
return res_ptr;
StoragePtr StorageFactory::get(
const String & name,
const String & data_path,
const String & table_name,
const String & database_name,
Context & context,
ASTPtr & query,
NamesAndTypesListPtr columns,
bool attach) const
columns = DataTypeNested::expandNestedColumns(*columns);
if (name == "Log")
return StorageLog::create(data_path, table_name, columns, context.getSettings().max_compress_block_size);
else if (name == "Chunks")
return StorageChunks::create(data_path, table_name, database_name, columns, context, attach);
else if (name == "ChunkRef")
throw Exception("Table with storage ChunkRef must not be created manually.", ErrorCodes::TABLE_MUST_NOT_BE_CREATED_MANUALLY);
else if (name == "View")
return StorageView::create(table_name, database_name, context, query, columns);
else if (name == "MaterializedView")
return StorageMaterializedView::create(table_name, database_name, context, query, columns, attach);
else if (name == "ChunkMerger")
ASTs & args_func = dynamic_cast<ASTFunction &>(*dynamic_cast<ASTCreateQuery &>(*query).storage).children;
if (args_func.size() != 1)
ASTs & args = dynamic_cast<ASTExpressionList &>(*args_func.at(0)).children;
if (args.size() < 3 || args.size() > 4)
String source_database = dynamic_cast<ASTIdentifier &>(*args[0]).name;
String source_table_name_regexp = safeGet<const String &>(dynamic_cast<ASTLiteral &>(*args[1]).value);
size_t chunks_to_merge = safeGet<UInt64>(dynamic_cast<ASTLiteral &>(*args[2]).value);
String destination_name_prefix = "group_";
String destination_database = source_database;
if (args.size() > 3)
destination_name_prefix = dynamic_cast<ASTIdentifier &>(*args[3]).name;
return StorageChunkMerger::create(database_name, table_name, columns, source_database, source_table_name_regexp, destination_name_prefix, chunks_to_merge, context);
} while(false);
throw Exception("Storage ChunkMerger requires from 3 to 4 parameters:"
" source database, regexp for source table names, number of chunks to merge, [destination tables name prefix].",
else if (name == "TinyLog")
return StorageTinyLog::create(data_path, table_name, columns, attach, context.getSettings().max_compress_block_size);
else if (name == "Memory")
return StorageMemory::create(table_name, columns);
else if (name == "Merge")
/** В запросе в качестве аргумента для движка указано имя БД, в которой находятся таблицы-источники,
* а также регексп для имён таблиц-источников.
ASTs & args_func = dynamic_cast<ASTFunction &>(*dynamic_cast<ASTCreateQuery &>(*query).storage).children;
if (args_func.size() != 1)
throw Exception("Storage Merge requires exactly 2 parameters"
" - name of source database and regexp for table names.",
ASTs & args = dynamic_cast<ASTExpressionList &>(*args_func.at(0)).children;
if (args.size() != 2)
throw Exception("Storage Merge requires exactly 2 parameters"
" - name of source database and regexp for table names.",
String source_database = dynamic_cast<ASTIdentifier &>(*args[0]).name;
String table_name_regexp = safeGet<const String &>(dynamic_cast<ASTLiteral &>(*args[1]).value);
return StorageMerge::create(table_name, columns, source_database, table_name_regexp, context);
else if (name == "Distributed")
/** В запросе в качестве аргумента для движка указано имя конфигурационной секции,
* в которой задан список удалённых серверов, а также имя удалённой БД и имя удалённой таблицы.
ASTs & args_func = dynamic_cast<ASTFunction &>(*dynamic_cast<ASTCreateQuery &>(*query).storage).children;
if (args_func.size() != 1)
throw Exception("Storage Distributed requires 3 or 4 parameters"
" - name of configuration section with list of remote servers, name of remote database, name of remote table[, sign column name].",
ASTs & args = dynamic_cast<ASTExpressionList &>(*args_func.at(0)).children;
if (args.size() != 3 && args.size() != 4)
throw Exception("Storage Distributed requires 3 or 4 parameters"
" - name of configuration section with list of remote servers, name of remote database, name of remote table[, sign column name].",
String cluster_name = dynamic_cast<ASTIdentifier &>(*args[0]).name;
String remote_database = dynamic_cast<ASTIdentifier &>(*args[1]).name;
String remote_table = dynamic_cast<ASTIdentifier &>(*args[2]).name;
String sign_column_name = args.size() == 4 ? dynamic_cast<ASTIdentifier &>(*args[3]).name : "";
return StorageDistributed::create(table_name, columns, remote_database, remote_table, cluster_name,
context, sign_column_name);
else if (endsWith(name, "MergeTree"))
/** Движки [Replicated][Summing|Collapsing]MergeTree (6 комбинаций)
* В качестве аргумента для движка должно быть указано:
* - (для Replicated) Путь к таблице в ZooKeeper
* - (для Replicated) Имя реплики в ZooKeeper
* - имя столбца с датой;
* - (не обязательно) имя столбца для семплирования (запрос с SAMPLE x будет выбирать строки, у которых в этом столбце значение меньше, чем x*UINT32_MAX);
* - выражение для сортировки (либо скалярное выражение, либо tuple из нескольких);
* - index_granularity;
* - (для Collapsing) имя столбца, содержащего тип строчки с изменением "визита" (принимающего значения 1 и -1).
* Например: ENGINE = ReplicatedCollapsingMergeTree('/tables/mytable', 'rep02', EventDate, (CounterID, EventDate, intHash32(UniqID), VisitID), 8192, Sign).
String name_part = name.substr(0, name.size() - strlen("MergeTree"));
bool replicated = startsWith(name_part, "Replicated");
if (replicated)
name_part = name_part.substr(strlen("Replicated"));
MergeTreeData::Mode mode = MergeTreeData::Ordinary;
if (name_part == "Collapsing")
mode = MergeTreeData::Collapsing;
else if (name_part == "Summing")
mode = MergeTreeData::Summing;
else if (!name_part.empty())
throw Exception("Unknown storage " + name, ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_STORAGE);
ASTs & args_func = dynamic_cast<ASTFunction &>(*dynamic_cast<ASTCreateQuery &>(*query).storage).children;
ASTs args;
if (args_func.size() == 1)
args = dynamic_cast<ASTExpressionList &>(*args_func.at(0)).children;
size_t additional_params = (replicated ? 2 : 0) + (mode == MergeTreeData::Collapsing ? 1 : 0);
if (args.size() != additional_params + 3 && args.size() != additional_params + 4)
String params;
if (replicated)
params += "path in ZooKeeper, replica name or '', ";
params += "name of column with date, [name of column for sampling], primary key expression, index granularity";
if (mode == MergeTreeData::Collapsing)
params += "sign column";
throw Exception("Storage " + name + " requires " + toString(additional_params + 3) + " or "
+ toString(additional_params + 4) +" parameters: " + params,
String zookeeper_path;
String replica_name;
String date_column_name;
ASTPtr primary_expr_list;
ASTPtr sampling_expression;
UInt64 index_granularity;
String sign_column_name;
if (replicated)
auto ast = dynamic_cast<ASTLiteral *>(&*args[0]);
if (ast && ast->value.getType() == Field::Types::String)
zookeeper_path = safeGet<String>(ast->value);
throw Exception("Path in ZooKeeper must be a string literal", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);
ast = dynamic_cast<ASTLiteral *>(&*args[1]);
if (ast && ast->value.getType() == Field::Types::String)
replica_name = safeGet<String>(ast->value);
throw Exception("Replica name must be a string literal", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);
if (replica_name.empty())
replica_name = context.getDefaultReplicaName();
if (replica_name.empty())
throw Exception("No replica name in config", ErrorCodes::NO_REPLICA_NAME_GIVEN);
args.erase(args.begin(), args.begin() + 2);
if (mode == MergeTreeData::Collapsing)
if (auto ast = dynamic_cast<ASTIdentifier *>(&*args.back()))
sign_column_name = ast->name;
throw Exception("Sign column name must be an unquoted string", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);
if (args.size() == 4)
sampling_expression = args[1];
args.erase(args.begin() + 1);
if (auto ast = dynamic_cast<ASTIdentifier *>(&*args[0]))
date_column_name = ast->name;
throw Exception("Date column name must be an unquoted string", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);
primary_expr_list = extractPrimaryKey(args[1], name);
auto ast = dynamic_cast<ASTLiteral *>(&*args[2]);
if (ast && ast->value.getType() == Field::Types::UInt64)
index_granularity = safeGet<UInt64>(ast->value);
throw Exception("Index granularity must be a positive integer", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);
if (replicated)
return StorageReplicatedMergeTree::create(zookeeper_path, replica_name, attach, data_path, database_name, table_name,
columns, context, primary_expr_list, date_column_name,
sampling_expression, index_granularity, mode, sign_column_name);
return StorageMergeTree::create(data_path, database_name, table_name,
columns, context, primary_expr_list, date_column_name,
sampling_expression, index_granularity, mode, sign_column_name);
else if (name == "SystemNumbers")
if (columns->size() != 1 || columns->begin()->first != "number" || columns->begin()->second->getName() != "UInt64")
throw Exception("Storage SystemNumbers only allows one column with name 'number' and type 'UInt64'",
return StorageSystemNumbers::create(table_name);
else if (name == "SystemOne")
if (columns->size() != 1 || columns->begin()->first != "dummy" || columns->begin()->second->getName() != "UInt8")
throw Exception("Storage SystemOne only allows one column with name 'dummy' and type 'UInt8'",
return StorageSystemOne::create(table_name);
throw Exception("Unknown storage " + name, ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_STORAGE);