2023-02-14 22:13:11 +00:00

368 lines
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// NetworkInterface.h
// Library: Net
// Package: Sockets
// Module: NetworkInterface
// Definition of the NetworkInterface class.
// Copyright (c) 2005-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef Net_NetworkInterface_INCLUDED
#define Net_NetworkInterface_INCLUDED
#include "Poco/Net/Net.h"
# include <map>
# include <ostream>
# include "Poco/Mutex.h"
# include "Poco/Net/IPAddress.h"
# include "Poco/Tuple.h"
namespace Poco
namespace Net
class NetworkInterfaceImpl;
class Net_API NetworkInterface
/// This class represents a network interface.
/// NetworkInterface is used with MulticastSocket to specify
/// multicast interfaces for sending and receiving multicast
/// messages.
/// The class also provides static member functions for
/// enumerating or searching network interfaces and their
/// respective configuration values.
/// On Windows, detection capabilities vary depending on the
/// OS version/service pack. Although the best effort is made
/// not to attempt access to non-existent features through a
/// combination of compile/runtime checks, when running binaries
/// compiled on a newer version of the OS on an older one
/// problems may occur; if possible, it is best to run
/// binaries on the OS version where they were compiled.
/// This particularly applies to OS versions older than Vista
/// and XP.
typedef std::vector<NetworkInterface> List;
typedef List NetworkInterfaceList; //@deprecated
typedef std::map<unsigned, NetworkInterface> Map;
typedef Poco::Tuple<IPAddress, IPAddress, IPAddress> AddressTuple;
typedef std::vector<AddressTuple> AddressList;
typedef AddressList::iterator AddressIterator;
typedef AddressList::const_iterator ConstAddressIterator;
typedef std::vector<unsigned char> MACAddress;
enum AddressType
enum Type
enum IPVersion
IPv4_ONLY, /// Return interfaces with IPv4 address only
IPv6_ONLY, /// Return interfaces with IPv6 address only
IPv4_OR_IPv6 /// Return interfaces with IPv4 or IPv6 address
static const unsigned NO_INDEX = ~0;
static const char MAC_SEPARATOR = ':';
NetworkInterface(unsigned index = NO_INDEX);
/// Creates a NetworkInterface representing the
/// default interface.
/// The name is empty, the IP address is the wildcard
/// address and the index is max value of unsigned integer.
NetworkInterface(const NetworkInterface & interfc);
/// Creates the NetworkInterface by copying another one.
/// Destroys the NetworkInterface.
NetworkInterface & operator=(const NetworkInterface & interfc);
/// Assigns another NetworkInterface.
bool operator<(const NetworkInterface & other) const;
/// Operator less-than.
bool operator==(const NetworkInterface & other) const;
/// Operator equal. Compares interface indices.
void swap(NetworkInterface & other);
/// Swaps the NetworkInterface with another one.
unsigned index() const;
/// Returns the interface OS index.
const std::string & name() const;
/// Returns the interface name.
const std::string & displayName() const;
/// Returns the interface display name.
/// On Windows platforms, this is currently the network adapter
/// name. This may change to the "friendly name" of the network
/// connection in a future version, however.
/// On other platforms this is the same as name().
const std::string & adapterName() const;
/// Returns the interface adapter name.
/// On Windows platforms, this is the network adapter LUID.
/// The adapter name is used by some Windows Net APIs like DHCP.
/// On other platforms this is the same as name().
const IPAddress & firstAddress(IPAddress::Family family) const;
/// Returns the first IP address bound to the interface.
/// Throws NotFoundException if the address family is not
/// configured on the interface.
void firstAddress(IPAddress & addr, IPAddress::Family family = IPAddress::IPv4) const;
/// Returns the first IP address bound to the interface.
/// If the address family is not configured on the interface,
/// the address returned in addr will be unspecified (wildcard).
const IPAddress & address(unsigned index = 0) const;
/// Returns the IP address bound to the interface at index position.
void addAddress(const IPAddress & address);
/// Adds address to the interface.
void addAddress(const IPAddress & address, const IPAddress & subnetMask, const IPAddress & broadcastAddress);
/// Adds address to the interface.
const AddressList & addressList() const;
/// Returns the list of IP addresses bound to the interface.
const IPAddress & subnetMask(unsigned index = 0) const;
/// Returns the subnet mask for this network interface.
const IPAddress & broadcastAddress(unsigned index = 0) const;
/// Returns the broadcast address for this network interface.
const IPAddress & destAddress(unsigned index = 0) const;
/// Returns the IPv4 point-to-point destination address for this network interface.
const MACAddress & macAddress() const;
/// Returns MAC (Media Access Control) address for the interface.
unsigned mtu() const;
/// Returns the MTU for this interface.
NetworkInterface::Type type() const;
/// returns the MIB IfType of the interface.
bool supportsIP() const;
/// Returns true if the interface supports IP.
bool supportsIPv4() const;
/// Returns true if the interface supports IPv4.
bool supportsIPv6() const;
/// Returns true if the interface supports IPv6.
bool supportsBroadcast() const;
/// Returns true if the interface supports broadcast.
bool supportsMulticast() const;
/// Returns true if the interface supports multicast.
bool isLoopback() const;
/// Returns true if the interface is loopback.
bool isPointToPoint() const;
/// Returns true if the interface is point-to-point.
bool isRunning() const;
/// Returns true if the interface is running.
bool isUp() const;
/// Returns true if the interface is up.
static NetworkInterface forName(const std::string & name, bool requireIPv6 = false);
/// Returns the NetworkInterface for the given name.
/// If requireIPv6 is false, an IPv4 interface is returned.
/// Otherwise, an IPv6 interface is returned.
/// Throws an InterfaceNotFoundException if an interface
/// with the give name does not exist.
static NetworkInterface forName(const std::string & name, IPVersion ipVersion);
/// Returns the NetworkInterface for the given name.
/// The ipVersion argument can be used to specify whether
/// an IPv4 (IPv4_ONLY) or IPv6 (IPv6_ONLY) interface is required,
/// or whether the caller does not care (IPv4_OR_IPv6).
/// Throws an InterfaceNotFoundException if an interface
/// with the give name does not exist.
static NetworkInterface forAddress(const IPAddress & address);
/// Returns the NetworkInterface for the given IP address.
/// Throws an InterfaceNotFoundException if an interface
/// with the give address does not exist.
static NetworkInterface forIndex(unsigned index);
/// Returns the NetworkInterface for the given interface index.
/// Throws an InterfaceNotFoundException if an interface
/// with the given index does not exist.
static List list(bool ipOnly = true, bool upOnly = true);
/// Returns a list with all network interfaces
/// on the system.
/// If ipOnly is true, only interfaces supporting IP
/// are returned. Otherwise, all system network interfaces
/// are returned.
/// If upOnly is true, only interfaces being up are returned.
/// Otherwise, both interfaces being up and down are returned.
/// If there are multiple addresses bound to one interface,
/// multiple NetworkInterface entries are listed for
/// the same interface.
static Map map(bool ipOnly = true, bool upOnly = true);
/// Returns a map containing system network interfaces
/// Map is keyed by interface system indices.
/// If ipOnly is true, only interfaces supporting IP
/// are returned. Otherwise, all system network interfaces
/// are returned.
/// If upOnly is true, only interfaces being up are returned.
/// Otherwise, both interfaces being up and down are returned.
/// If there are multiple addresses bound to one interface,
/// they are contained within the NetworkInterface (second)
/// member of the pair.
const std::string & name,
const std::string & displayName,
const std::string & adapterName,
const IPAddress & address,
unsigned index,
MACAddress * pMACAddress = 0);
/// Creates the NetworkInterface.
const std::string & name,
const std::string & displayName,
const std::string & adapterName,
unsigned index,
MACAddress * pMACAddress = 0);
/// Creates the NetworkInterface.
NetworkInterface(const std::string & name, const IPAddress & address, unsigned index, MACAddress * pMACAddress = 0);
/// Creates the NetworkInterface.
const std::string & name,
const std::string & displayName,
const std::string & adapterName,
const IPAddress & address,
const IPAddress & subnetMask,
const IPAddress & broadcastAddress,
unsigned index,
MACAddress * pMACAddress = 0);
/// Creates the NetworkInterface.
const std::string & name,
const IPAddress & address,
const IPAddress & subnetMask,
const IPAddress & broadcastAddress,
unsigned index,
MACAddress * pMACAddress = 0);
/// Creates the NetworkInterface.
IPAddress interfaceNameToAddress(const std::string & interfaceName) const;
/// Determines the IPAddress bound to the interface with the given name.
unsigned interfaceNameToIndex(const std::string & interfaceName) const;
/// Determines the interface index of the interface with the given name.
NetworkInterfaceImpl & impl()
return *_pImpl;
NetworkInterfaceImpl * _pImpl;
static Poco::FastMutex _mutex;
/// inlines
inline bool NetworkInterface::operator<(const NetworkInterface & other) const
return this->index() < other.index();
inline bool NetworkInterface::operator==(const NetworkInterface & other) const
return this->index() == other.index();
} // namespace Poco::Net
Net_API std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & ostr, const Poco::Net::NetworkInterface::MACAddress & addr);
#endif // Net_NetworkInterface_INCLUDED