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#pragma once
#if defined(OS_LINUX) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <list>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include <Poco/Logger.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnDecimal.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnString.h>
#include <Common/Arena.h>
#include <Common/ArenaWithFreeLists.h>
#include <Common/CurrentMetrics.h>
#include <common/logger_useful.h>
#include <Common/SmallObjectPool.h>
#include <Compression/CompressedWriteBuffer.h>
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <Dictionaries/BucketCache.h>
#include <ext/scope_guard.h>
#include <IO/HashingWriteBuffer.h>
#include <pcg_random.hpp>
#include "IDictionary.h"
#include "IDictionarySource.h"
#include "DictionaryStructure.h"
#include "DictionaryHelpers.h"
namespace DB
class KeyRef
explicit KeyRef(char * data) : ptr(data) {}
KeyRef() : ptr(nullptr) {}
inline UInt16 size() const
UInt16 res;
memcpy(&res, ptr, sizeof(res));
return res;
inline size_t fullSize() const
return static_cast<size_t>(size()) + sizeof(UInt16);
inline bool isNull() const
return ptr == nullptr;
inline char * data() const
return ptr + sizeof(UInt16);
inline char * fullData() const
return ptr;
inline char * fullData()
return ptr;
inline const StringRef getRef() const
return StringRef(data(), size());
inline bool operator==(const KeyRef & other) const
return getRef() == other.getRef();
inline bool operator!=(const KeyRef & other) const
return !(*this == other);
inline bool operator<(const KeyRef & other) const
return getRef() < other.getRef();
char * ptr;
using KeyRefs = std::vector<KeyRef>;
namespace std
template <>
struct hash<DB::KeyRef>
size_t operator() (DB::KeyRef key_ref) const
return hasher(key_ref.getRef());
std::hash<StringRef> hasher;
namespace DB
using AttributeValueVariant = std::variant<
The pool for storing complex keys.
template <typename A>
class ComplexKeysPoolImpl
KeyRef allocKey(const size_t row, const Columns & key_columns, StringRefs & keys)
const auto keys_size = key_columns.size();
UInt16 sum_keys_size{};
for (size_t j = 0; j < keys_size; ++j)
keys[j] = key_columns[j]->getDataAt(row);
sum_keys_size += keys[j].size;
if (!key_columns[j]->valuesHaveFixedSize()) // String
sum_keys_size += sizeof(size_t) + 1;
auto place = arena.alloc(sum_keys_size + sizeof(sum_keys_size));
auto key_start = place;
memcpy(key_start, &sum_keys_size, sizeof(sum_keys_size));
key_start += sizeof(sum_keys_size);
for (size_t j = 0; j < keys_size; ++j)
if (!key_columns[j]->valuesHaveFixedSize()) // String
auto key_size = keys[j].size + 1;
memcpy(key_start, &key_size, sizeof(size_t));
key_start += sizeof(size_t);
memcpy(key_start, keys[j].data, keys[j].size);
key_start += keys[j].size;
*key_start = '\0';
memcpy(key_start, keys[j].data, keys[j].size);
key_start += keys[j].size;
return KeyRef(place);
KeyRef copyKeyFrom(const KeyRef & key)
char * data = arena.alloc(key.fullSize());
memcpy(data, key.fullData(), key.fullSize());
return KeyRef(data);
void freeKey(const KeyRef & key)
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<A, ArenaWithFreeLists>)
arena.free(key.fullData(), key.fullSize());
void rollback(const KeyRef & key)
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<A, Arena>)
void writeKey(const KeyRef & key, WriteBuffer & buf)
buf.write(key.fullData(), key.fullSize());
void readKey(KeyRef & key, ReadBuffer & buf)
UInt16 sz;
readBinary(sz, buf);
char * data = nullptr;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<A, SmallObjectPool>)
data = arena.alloc();
data = arena.alloc(sz + sizeof(sz));
memcpy(data, &sz, sizeof(sz));
buf.read(data + sizeof(sz), sz);
key = KeyRef(data);
void ignoreKey(ReadBuffer & buf) const
UInt16 sz;
readBinary(sz, buf);
size_t size() const
return arena.size();
A arena;
using TemporalComplexKeysPool = ComplexKeysPoolImpl<Arena>;
using ComplexKeysPool = ComplexKeysPoolImpl<ArenaWithFreeLists>;
struct KeyDeleter
KeyDeleter(ComplexKeysPool & keys_pool_) : keys_pool(keys_pool_) {}
void operator()(const KeyRef key) const
ComplexKeysPool & keys_pool;
Class for operations with cache file and index.
Supports GET/SET operations.
class SSDComplexKeyCachePartition
struct Index final
bool inMemory() const;
void setInMemory(const bool in_memory);
bool exists() const;
void setNotExists();
size_t getAddressInBlock() const;
void setAddressInBlock(const size_t address_in_block);
size_t getBlockId() const;
void setBlockId(const size_t block_id);
bool operator< (const Index & rhs) const { return index < rhs.index; }
/// Stores `is_in_memory` flag, block id, address in uncompressed block
uint64_t index = 0;
struct Metadata final
using time_point_t = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point;
using time_point_rep_t = time_point_t::rep;
using time_point_urep_t = std::make_unsigned_t<time_point_rep_t>;
time_point_t expiresAt() const;
void setExpiresAt(const time_point_t & t);
bool isDefault() const;
void setDefault();
/// Stores both expiration time and `is_default` flag in the most significant bit
time_point_urep_t data = 0;
using Offset = size_t;
using Offsets = std::vector<Offset>;
const AttributeUnderlyingType & key_structure,
const std::vector<AttributeUnderlyingType> & attributes_structure,
const std::string & dir_path,
const size_t file_id,
const size_t max_size,
const size_t block_size,
const size_t read_buffer_size,
const size_t write_buffer_size,
const size_t max_stored_keys);
template <typename T>
using ResultArrayType = std::conditional_t<IsDecimalNumber<T>, DecimalPaddedPODArray<T>, PaddedPODArray<T>>;
template <typename Out, typename GetDefault>
void getValue(const size_t attribute_index,
const Columns & key_columns, const DataTypes & key_types,
ResultArrayType<Out> & out, std::vector<bool> & found, GetDefault & default_value_extractor,
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point now) const;
void getString(const size_t attribute_index,
const Columns & key_columns, const DataTypes & key_types,
StringRefs & refs, ArenaWithFreeLists & arena, std::vector<bool> & found,
std::vector<size_t> & default_ids, std::chrono::system_clock::time_point now) const;
void hasKeys(const Columns & key_columns, const DataTypes & key_types,
ResultArrayType<UInt8> & out, std::vector<bool> & found,
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point now) const;
struct Attribute
template <typename T>
using Container = std::vector<T>;
AttributeUnderlyingType type;
Container<String>> values;
using Attributes = std::vector<Attribute>;
size_t appendBlock(
const Columns & key_columns,
const DataTypes & key_types,
const Attributes & new_attributes,
const PaddedPODArray<Metadata> & metadata,
const size_t begin);
size_t appendDefaults(
const KeyRefs & keys,
const PaddedPODArray<Metadata> & metadata,
const size_t begin);
void clearOldestBlocks();
void flush();
void remove();
size_t getId() const;
double getLoadFactor() const;
size_t getElementCount() const;
size_t getBytesAllocated() const;
size_t append(
const KeyRefs & keys,
const Attributes & new_attributes,
const PaddedPODArray<Metadata> & metadata,
const size_t begin);
template <typename SetFunc>
void getImpl(const Columns & key_columns, const DataTypes & key_types,
SetFunc & set, std::vector<bool> & found) const;
template <typename SetFunc>
void getValueFromMemory(const PaddedPODArray<Index> & indices, SetFunc & set) const;
template <typename SetFunc>
void getValueFromStorage(const PaddedPODArray<Index> & indices, SetFunc & set) const;
void ignoreFromBufferToAttributeIndex(const size_t attribute_index, ReadBuffer & buf) const;
const size_t file_id;
const size_t max_size;
const size_t block_size;
const size_t read_buffer_size;
const size_t write_buffer_size;
const size_t max_stored_keys;
const std::string path;
mutable std::shared_mutex rw_lock;
int fd = -1;
ComplexKeysPool keys_pool;
mutable BucketCacheIndex<KeyRef, Index, std::hash<KeyRef>, KeyDeleter> key_to_index;
std::optional<TemporalComplexKeysPool> keys_buffer_pool;
KeyRefs keys_buffer;
const std::vector<AttributeUnderlyingType> attributes_structure;
std::optional<Memory<>> memory;
std::optional<WriteBuffer> write_buffer;
uint32_t keys_in_block = 0;
size_t current_memory_block_id = 0;
size_t current_file_block_id = 0;
using SSDComplexKeyCachePartitionPtr = std::shared_ptr<SSDComplexKeyCachePartition>;
/** Class for managing SSDCachePartition and getting data from source.
class SSDComplexKeyCacheStorage
using AttributeTypes = std::vector<AttributeUnderlyingType>;
const AttributeTypes & attributes_structure,
const std::string & path,
const size_t max_partitions_count,
const size_t file_size,
const size_t block_size,
const size_t read_buffer_size,
const size_t write_buffer_size,
const size_t max_stored_keys);
template <typename T>
using ResultArrayType = SSDComplexKeyCachePartition::ResultArrayType<T>;
template <typename Out, typename GetDefault>
void getValue(const size_t attribute_index, const Columns & key_columns, const DataTypes & key_types,
ResultArrayType<Out> & out, std::unordered_map<KeyRef, std::vector<size_t>> & not_found,
TemporalComplexKeysPool & not_found_pool,
GetDefault & get_default, std::chrono::system_clock::time_point now) const;
void getString(const size_t attribute_index, const Columns & key_columns, const DataTypes & key_types,
StringRefs & refs, ArenaWithFreeLists & arena, std::unordered_map<KeyRef, std::vector<size_t>> & not_found,
TemporalComplexKeysPool & not_found_pool,
std::vector<size_t> & default_ids, std::chrono::system_clock::time_point now) const;
void hasKeys(const Columns & key_columns, const DataTypes & key_types, ResultArrayType<UInt8> & out,
std::unordered_map<KeyRef, std::vector<size_t>> & not_found,
TemporalComplexKeysPool & not_found_pool, std::chrono::system_clock::time_point now) const;
template <typename PresentIdHandler, typename AbsentIdHandler>
void update(DictionarySourcePtr & source_ptr,
const Columns & key_columns, const DataTypes & key_types,
const KeyRefs & required_keys, const std::vector<size_t> & required_rows,
TemporalComplexKeysPool & tmp_keys_pool,
PresentIdHandler && on_updated, AbsentIdHandler && on_key_not_found,
const DictionaryLifetime lifetime);
std::exception_ptr getLastException() const { return last_update_exception; }
const std::string & getPath() const { return path; }
size_t getQueryCount() const { return query_count.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); }
size_t getHitCount() const { return hit_count.load(std::memory_order_acquire); }
size_t getElementCount() const;
double getLoadFactor() const;
void collectGarbage();
const AttributeTypes attributes_structure;
const std::string path;
const size_t max_partitions_count;
const size_t file_size;
const size_t block_size;
const size_t read_buffer_size;
const size_t write_buffer_size;
const size_t max_stored_keys;
mutable std::shared_mutex rw_lock;
std::list<SSDComplexKeyCachePartitionPtr> partitions;
std::list<SSDComplexKeyCachePartitionPtr> partition_delete_queue;
Poco::Logger * const log;
mutable pcg64 rnd_engine;
mutable std::exception_ptr last_update_exception;
mutable size_t update_error_count = 0;
mutable std::chrono::system_clock::time_point backoff_end_time;
mutable std::atomic<size_t> hit_count{0};
mutable std::atomic<size_t> query_count{0};
/** Dictionary interface
class SSDComplexKeyCacheDictionary final : public IDictionaryBase
const StorageID & dict_id_,
const DictionaryStructure & dict_struct_,
DictionarySourcePtr source_ptr_,
const DictionaryLifetime dict_lifetime_,
const std::string & path,
const size_t max_partitions_count_,
const size_t file_size_,
const size_t block_size_,
const size_t read_buffer_size_,
const size_t write_buffer_size_,
const size_t max_stored_keys_);
std::string getKeyDescription() const { return dict_struct.getKeyDescription(); }
std::string getTypeName() const override { return "SSDComplexKeyCache"; }
size_t getBytesAllocated() const override { return 0; } // TODO: ?
size_t getQueryCount() const override { return storage.getQueryCount(); }
double getHitRate() const override
return static_cast<double>(storage.getHitCount()) / storage.getQueryCount();
size_t getElementCount() const override { return storage.getElementCount(); }
double getLoadFactor() const override { return storage.getLoadFactor(); }
bool supportUpdates() const override { return false; }
std::shared_ptr<const IExternalLoadable> clone() const override
return std::make_shared<SSDComplexKeyCacheDictionary>(getDictionaryID(), dict_struct, source_ptr->clone(), dict_lifetime, path,
max_partitions_count, file_size, block_size, read_buffer_size, write_buffer_size, max_stored_keys);
const IDictionarySource * getSource() const override { return source_ptr.get(); }
const DictionaryLifetime & getLifetime() const override { return dict_lifetime; }
const DictionaryStructure & getStructure() const override { return dict_struct; }
bool isInjective(const std::string & attribute_name) const override
return dict_struct.attributes[getAttributeIndex(attribute_name)].injective;
std::exception_ptr getLastException() const override { return storage.getLastException(); }
DictionaryKeyType getKeyType() const override { return DictionaryKeyType::complex; }
ColumnPtr getColumn(
const std::string& attribute_name,
const DataTypePtr & result_type,
const Columns & key_columns,
const DataTypes & key_types,
const ColumnPtr default_values_column) const override;
ColumnUInt8::Ptr hasKeys(const Columns & key_columns, const DataTypes & key_types) const override;
template <typename T>
using ResultArrayType = SSDComplexKeyCacheStorage::ResultArrayType<T>;
BlockInputStreamPtr getBlockInputStream(const Names & column_names, size_t max_block_size) const override;
size_t getAttributeIndex(const std::string & attr_name) const;
template <typename T>
AttributeValueVariant createAttributeNullValueWithTypeImpl(const Field & null_value);
AttributeValueVariant createAttributeNullValueWithType(const AttributeUnderlyingType type, const Field & null_value);
void createAttributes();
template <typename AttributeType, typename OutputType, typename DefaultValueExtractor>
void getItemsNumberImpl(
const size_t attribute_index,
const Columns & key_columns,
const DataTypes & key_types,
ResultArrayType<OutputType> & out,
DefaultValueExtractor & default_value_extractor) const;
void getItemsStringImpl(
const size_t attribute_index,
const Columns & key_columns,
const DataTypes & key_types,
ColumnString * out,
DictionaryDefaultValueExtractor<String> & default_value_extractor) const;
const std::string name;
const DictionaryStructure dict_struct;
mutable DictionarySourcePtr source_ptr;
const DictionaryLifetime dict_lifetime;
const std::string path;
const size_t max_partitions_count;
const size_t file_size;
const size_t block_size;
const size_t read_buffer_size;
const size_t write_buffer_size;
const size_t max_stored_keys;
std::map<std::string, size_t> attribute_index_by_name;
std::vector<AttributeValueVariant> null_values;
mutable SSDComplexKeyCacheStorage storage;
Poco::Logger * const log;
mutable size_t bytes_allocated = 0;