
541 lines
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// NumericString.h
// $Id: //poco/1.4/Foundation/include/Poco/NumericString.h#1 $
// Library: Foundation
// Package: Core
// Module: NumericString
// Numeric string utility functions.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef Foundation_NumericString_INCLUDED
#define Foundation_NumericString_INCLUDED
#include "Poco/Foundation.h"
#include "Poco/Buffer.h"
#include "Poco/FPEnvironment.h"
#ifdef min
#undef min
#ifdef max
#undef max
#include <limits>
#include <cmath>
#if !defined(POCO_NO_LOCALE)
#include <locale>
// binary numbers are supported, thus 64 (bits) + 1 (string terminating zero)
// value from (double_conversion::kMaxSignificantDecimalDigits)
#define POCO_FLT_INF "inf"
#define POCO_FLT_NAN "nan"
#define POCO_FLT_EXP 'e'
namespace Poco {
inline char decimalSeparator()
/// Returns decimal separator from global locale or
/// default '.' for platforms where locale is unavailable.
#if !defined(POCO_NO_LOCALE)
return std::use_facet<std::numpunct<char> >(std::locale()).decimal_point();
return '.';
inline char thousandSeparator()
/// Returns thousand separator from global locale or
/// default ',' for platforms where locale is unavailable.
#if !defined(POCO_NO_LOCALE)
return std::use_facet<std::numpunct<char> >(std::locale()).thousands_sep();
return ',';
// String to Number Conversions
template <typename I>
bool strToInt(const char* pStr, I& result, short base, char thSep = ',')
/// Converts zero-terminated character array to integer number;
/// Thousand separators are recognized for base10 and current locale;
/// it is silently skipped but not verified for correct positioning.
/// Function returns true if succesful. If parsing was unsuccesful,
/// the return value is false with the result value undetermined.
if (!pStr) return false;
while (isspace(*pStr)) ++pStr;
if (*pStr == '\0') return false;
short sign = 1;
if ((base == 10) && (*pStr == '-'))
// Unsigned types can't be negative so abort parsing
if (std::numeric_limits<I>::min() >= 0) return false;
sign = -1;
else if (*pStr == '+') ++pStr;
// parser states:
char state = 0;
result = 0;
I limitCheck = std::numeric_limits<I>::max() / base;
for (; *pStr != '\0'; ++pStr)
switch (*pStr)
case 'x': case 'X':
if (base != 0x10) return false;
case '0':
if (state < STATE_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS) break;
case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
case '5': case '6': case '7':
if (result > limitCheck) return false;
result = result * base + (*pStr - '0');
case '8': case '9':
if ((base == 10) || (base == 0x10))
if (result > limitCheck) return false;
result = result * base + (*pStr - '0');
else return false;
case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f':
if (base != 0x10) return false;
if (result > limitCheck) return false;
result = result * base + (10 + *pStr - 'a');
case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F':
if (base != 0x10) return false;
if (result > limitCheck) return false;
result = result * base + (10 + *pStr - 'A');
case 'U':
case 'u':
case 'L':
case 'l':
goto done;
case '.':
if ((base == 10) && (thSep == '.')) break;
else return false;
case ',':
if ((base == 10) && (thSep == ',')) break;
else return false;
case ' ':
if ((base == 10) && (thSep == ' ')) break;
case '\t':
case '\n':
case '\v':
case '\f':
case '\r':
goto done;
return false;
if ((sign < 0) && (base == 10)) result *= sign;
return true;
template <typename I>
bool strToInt(const std::string& str, I& result, short base, char thSep = ',')
/// Converts string to integer number;
/// This is a wrapper function, for details see see the
/// bool strToInt(const char*, I&, short, char) implementation.
return strToInt(str.c_str(), result, base, thSep);
// Number to String Conversions
namespace Impl {
class Ptr
/// Utility char pointer wrapper class.
/// Class ensures increment/decrement remain within boundaries.
Ptr(char* ptr, std::size_t offset): _beg(ptr), _cur(ptr), _end(ptr + offset)
char*& operator ++ () // prefix
check(_cur + 1);
return ++_cur;
char* operator ++ (int) // postfix
check(_cur + 1);
char* tmp = _cur++;
return tmp;
char*& operator -- () // prefix
check(_cur - 1);
return --_cur;
char* operator -- (int) // postfix
check(_cur - 1);
char* tmp = _cur--;
return tmp;
char*& operator += (int incr)
check(_cur + incr);
return _cur += incr;
char*& operator -= (int decr)
check(_cur - decr);
return _cur -= decr;
operator char* () const
return _cur;
std::size_t span() const
return _end - _beg;
void check(char* ptr)
if (ptr > _end) throw RangeException();
const char* _beg;
char* _cur;
const char* _end;
} // namespace Impl
template <typename T>
bool intToStr(T value,
unsigned short base,
char* result,
std::size_t& size,
bool prefix = false,
int width = -1,
char fill = ' ',
char thSep = 0)
/// Converts integer to string. Numeric bases from binary to hexadecimal are supported.
/// If width is non-zero, it pads the return value with fill character to the specified width.
/// When padding is zero character ('0'), it is prepended to the number itself; all other
/// paddings are prepended to the formatted result with minus sign or base prefix included
/// If prefix is true and base is octal or hexadecimal, respective prefix ('0' for octal,
/// "0x" for hexadecimal) is prepended. For all other bases, prefix argument is ignored.
/// Formatted string has at least [width] total length.
if (base < 2 || base > 0x10)
*result = '\0';
return false;
Impl::Ptr ptr(result, size);
int thCount = 0;
T tmpVal;
tmpVal = value;
value /= base;
*ptr++ = "FEDCBA9876543210123456789ABCDEF"[15 + (tmpVal - value * base)];
if (thSep && (base == 10) && (++thCount == 3))
*ptr++ = thSep;
thCount = 0;
} while (value);
if ('0' == fill)
if (tmpVal < 0) --width;
if (prefix && base == 010) --width;
if (prefix && base == 0x10) width -= 2;
while ((ptr - result) < width) *ptr++ = fill;
if (prefix && base == 010) *ptr++ = '0';
else if (prefix && base == 0x10)
*ptr++ = 'x';
*ptr++ = '0';
if (tmpVal < 0) *ptr++ = '-';
if ('0' != fill)
while ((ptr - result) < width) *ptr++ = fill;
size = ptr - result;
poco_assert_dbg (size <= ptr.span());
poco_assert_dbg ((-1 == width) || (size >= size_t(width)));
*ptr-- = '\0';
char* ptrr = result;
char tmp;
while(ptrr < ptr)
tmp = *ptr;
*ptr-- = *ptrr;
*ptrr++ = tmp;
return true;
template <typename T>
bool uIntToStr(T value,
unsigned short base,
char* result,
std::size_t& size,
bool prefix = false,
int width = -1,
char fill = ' ',
char thSep = 0)
/// Converts unsigned integer to string. Numeric bases from binary to hexadecimal are supported.
/// If width is non-zero, it pads the return value with fill character to the specified width.
/// When padding is zero character ('0'), it is prepended to the number itself; all other
/// paddings are prepended to the formatted result with minus sign or base prefix included
/// If prefix is true and base is octal or hexadecimal, respective prefix ('0' for octal,
/// "0x" for hexadecimal) is prepended. For all other bases, prefix argument is ignored.
/// Formatted string has at least [width] total length.
if (base < 2 || base > 0x10)
*result = '\0';
return false;
Impl::Ptr ptr(result, size);
int thCount = 0;
T tmpVal;
tmpVal = value;
value /= base;
*ptr++ = "FEDCBA9876543210123456789ABCDEF"[15 + (tmpVal - value * base)];
if (thSep && (base == 10) && (++thCount == 3))
*ptr++ = thSep;
thCount = 0;
} while (value);
if ('0' == fill)
if (prefix && base == 010) --width;
if (prefix && base == 0x10) width -= 2;
while ((ptr - result) < width) *ptr++ = fill;
if (prefix && base == 010) *ptr++ = '0';
else if (prefix && base == 0x10)
*ptr++ = 'x';
*ptr++ = '0';
if ('0' != fill)
while ((ptr - result) < width) *ptr++ = fill;
size = ptr - result;
poco_assert_dbg (size <= ptr.span());
poco_assert_dbg ((-1 == width) || (size >= size_t(width)));
*ptr-- = '\0';
char* ptrr = result;
char tmp;
while(ptrr < ptr)
tmp = *ptr;
*ptr-- = *ptrr;
*ptrr++ = tmp;
return true;
template <typename T>
bool intToStr (T number, unsigned short base, std::string& result, bool prefix = false, int width = -1, char fill = ' ', char thSep = 0)
/// Converts integer to string; This is a wrapper function, for details see see the
/// bool intToStr(T, unsigned short, char*, int, int, char, char) implementation.
char res[POCO_MAX_INT_STRING_LEN] = {0};
std::size_t size = POCO_MAX_INT_STRING_LEN;
bool ret = intToStr(number, base, res, size, prefix, width, fill, thSep);
result.assign(res, size);
return ret;
template <typename T>
bool uIntToStr (T number, unsigned short base, std::string& result, bool prefix = false, int width = -1, char fill = ' ', char thSep = 0)
/// Converts unsigned integer to string; This is a wrapper function, for details see see the
/// bool uIntToStr(T, unsigned short, char*, int, int, char, char) implementation.
char res[POCO_MAX_INT_STRING_LEN] = {0};
std::size_t size = POCO_MAX_INT_STRING_LEN;
bool ret = uIntToStr(number, base, res, size, prefix, width, fill, thSep);
result.assign(res, size);
return ret;
// Wrappers for double-conversion library (
// Library is the implementation of the algorithm described in Florian Loitsch's paper:
Foundation_API void floatToStr(char* buffer,
int bufferSize,
float value,
int lowDec = -std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10,
int highDec = std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10);
/// Converts a float value to string. Converted string must be shorter than bufferSize.
/// Conversion is done by computing the shortest string of digits that correctly represents
/// the input number. Depending on lowDec and highDec values, the function returns
/// decimal or exponential representation.
Foundation_API std::string& floatToStr(std::string& str,
float value,
int precision = -1,
int width = 0,
char thSep = 0,
char decSep = 0);
/// Converts a float value, assigns it to the supplied string and returns the reference.
/// This function calls floatToStr(char*, int, float, int, int) and formats the result according to
/// precision (total number of digits after the decimal point, -1 means ignore precision argument)
/// and width (total length of formatted string).
Foundation_API void doubleToStr(char* buffer,
int bufferSize,
double value,
int lowDec = -std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10,
int highDec = std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10);
/// Converts a double value to string. Converted string must be shorter than bufferSize.
/// Conversion is done by computing the shortest string of digits that correctly represents
/// the input number. Depending on lowDec and highDec values, the function returns
/// decimal or exponential representation.
Foundation_API std::string& doubleToStr(std::string& str,
double value,
int precision = -1,
int width = 0,
char thSep = 0,
char decSep = 0);
/// Converts a double value, assigns it to the supplied string and returns the reference.
/// This function calls doubleToStr(char*, int, float, int, int) and formats the result according to
/// precision (total number of digits after the decimal point, -1 means ignore precision argument)
/// and width (total length of formatted string).
Foundation_API float strToFloat(const char* str);
/// Converts the string of characters into single-precision floating point number.
/// Function uses double_convesrion::DoubleToStringConverter to do the conversion.
Foundation_API bool strToFloat(const std::string&, float& result, char decSep = '.', char thSep = ',');
/// Converts the string of characters into single-precision floating point number.
/// The conversion result is assigned to the result parameter.
/// If decimal separator and/or thousand separator are different from defaults, they should be
/// supplied to ensure proper conversion.
/// Returns true if succesful, false otherwise.
Foundation_API double strToDouble(const char* str);
/// Converts the string of characters into double-precision floating point number.
Foundation_API bool strToDouble(const std::string& str, double& result, char decSep = '.', char thSep = ',');
/// Converts the string of characters into double-precision floating point number.
/// The conversion result is assigned to the result parameter.
/// If decimal separator and/or thousand separator are different from defaults, they should be
/// supplied to ensure proper conversion.
/// Returns true if succesful, false otherwise.
// end double-conversion functions declarations
} // namespace Poco
#endif // Foundation_NumericString_INCLUDED