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#include "FileCache.h"
#include <Common/randomSeed.h>
#include <Common/SipHash.h>
#include <Common/hex.h>
#include <Common/FileCacheSettings.h>
#include <IO/ReadHelpers.h>
#include <IO/WriteBufferFromFile.h>
#include <IO/ReadSettings.h>
#include <IO/WriteBufferFromString.h>
#include <IO/Operators.h>
#include <pcg-random/pcg_random.hpp>
#include <filesystem>
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
String keyToStr(const IFileCache::Key & key)
return getHexUIntLowercase(key);
const String & cache_base_path_,
const FileCacheSettings & cache_settings_)
: cache_base_path(cache_base_path_)
, max_size(cache_settings_.max_size)
, max_element_size(cache_settings_.max_elements)
, max_file_segment_size(cache_settings_.max_file_segment_size)
IFileCache::Key IFileCache::hash(const String & path)
return sipHash128(path.data(), path.size());
String IFileCache::getPathInLocalCache(const Key & key, size_t offset)
auto key_str = keyToStr(key);
return fs::path(cache_base_path) / key_str.substr(0, 3) / key_str / std::to_string(offset);
String IFileCache::getPathInLocalCache(const Key & key)
auto key_str = keyToStr(key);
return fs::path(cache_base_path) / key_str.substr(0, 3) / key_str;
bool IFileCache::isReadOnly()
return !CurrentThread::isInitialized()
|| !CurrentThread::get().getQueryContext()
|| CurrentThread::getQueryId().size == 0;
void IFileCache::assertInitialized() const
if (!is_initialized)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::REMOTE_FS_OBJECT_CACHE_ERROR, "Cache not initialized");
LRUFileCache::LRUFileCache(const String & cache_base_path_, const FileCacheSettings & cache_settings_)
: IFileCache(cache_base_path_, cache_settings_)
, max_stash_element_size(cache_settings_.max_elements)
, enable_cache_hits_threshold(cache_settings_.enable_cache_hits_threshold)
, log(&Poco::Logger::get("LRUFileCache"))
void LRUFileCache::initialize()
std::lock_guard cache_lock(mutex);
if (!is_initialized)
if (fs::exists(cache_base_path))
is_initialized = true;
void LRUFileCache::useCell(
const FileSegmentCell & cell, FileSegments & result, std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & cache_lock)
auto file_segment = cell.file_segment;
if (file_segment->isDownloaded()
&& fs::file_size(getPathInLocalCache(file_segment->key(), file_segment->offset())) == 0)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR,
"Cannot have zero size downloaded file segments. Current file segment: {}",
* A cell receives a queue iterator on first successful space reservation attempt
* (space is reserved incrementally on each read buffer nextImpl() call).
if (cell.queue_iterator)
/// Move to the end of the queue. The iterator remains valid.
queue.moveToEnd(*cell.queue_iterator, cache_lock);
LRUFileCache::FileSegmentCell * LRUFileCache::getCell(
const Key & key, size_t offset, std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & /* cache_lock */)
auto it = files.find(key);
if (it == files.end())
return nullptr;
auto & offsets = it->second;
auto cell_it = offsets.find(offset);
if (cell_it == offsets.end())
return nullptr;
return &cell_it->second;
FileSegments LRUFileCache::getImpl(
const Key & key, const FileSegment::Range & range, std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & cache_lock)
/// Given range = [left, right] and non-overlapping ordered set of file segments,
/// find list [segment1, ..., segmentN] of segments which intersect with given range.
auto it = files.find(key);
if (it == files.end())
return {};
const auto & file_segments = it->second;
if (file_segments.empty())
auto key_path = getPathInLocalCache(key);
if (fs::exists(key_path))
return {};
FileSegments result;
auto segment_it = file_segments.lower_bound(range.left);
if (segment_it == file_segments.end())
/// N - last cached segment for given file key, segment{N}.offset < range.left:
/// segment{N} segment{N}
/// [________ [_______]
/// [__________] OR [________]
/// ^ ^
/// range.left range.left
const auto & cell = file_segments.rbegin()->second;
if (cell.file_segment->range().right < range.left)
return {};
useCell(cell, result, cache_lock);
else /// segment_it <-- segmment{k}
if (segment_it != file_segments.begin())
const auto & prev_cell = std::prev(segment_it)->second;
const auto & prev_cell_range = prev_cell.file_segment->range();
if (range.left <= prev_cell_range.right)
/// segment{k-1} segment{k}
/// [________] [_____
/// [___________
/// ^
/// range.left
useCell(prev_cell, result, cache_lock);
/// segment{k} ... segment{k-1} segment{k} segment{k}
/// [______ [______] [____ [________
/// [_________ OR [________ OR [______] ^
/// ^ ^ ^ segment{k}.offset
/// range.left range.left range.right
while (segment_it != file_segments.end())
const auto & cell = segment_it->second;
if (range.right < cell.file_segment->range().left)
useCell(cell, result, cache_lock);
return result;
FileSegments LRUFileCache::splitRangeIntoCells(
const Key & key, size_t offset, size_t size, FileSegment::State state, std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & cache_lock)
assert(size > 0);
auto current_pos = offset;
auto end_pos_non_included = offset + size;
size_t current_cell_size;
size_t remaining_size = size;
FileSegments file_segments;
while (current_pos < end_pos_non_included)
current_cell_size = std::min(remaining_size, max_file_segment_size);
remaining_size -= current_cell_size;
auto * cell = addCell(key, current_pos, current_cell_size, state, cache_lock);
if (cell)
current_pos += current_cell_size;
assert(file_segments.empty() || offset + size - 1 == file_segments.back()->range().right);
return file_segments;
void LRUFileCache::fillHolesWithEmptyFileSegments(
FileSegments & file_segments,
const Key & key,
const FileSegment::Range & range,
bool fill_with_detached_file_segments,
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & cache_lock)
/// There are segments [segment1, ..., segmentN]
/// (non-overlapping, non-empty, ascending-ordered) which (maybe partially)
/// intersect with given range.
/// It can have holes:
/// [____________________] -- requested range
/// [____] [_] [_________] -- intersecting cache [segment1, ..., segmentN]
/// For each such hole create a cell with file segment state EMPTY.
auto it = file_segments.begin();
auto segment_range = (*it)->range();
size_t current_pos;
if (segment_range.left < range.left)
/// [_______ -- requested range
/// [_______
/// ^
/// segment1
current_pos = segment_range.right + 1;
current_pos = range.left;
while (current_pos <= range.right && it != file_segments.end())
segment_range = (*it)->range();
if (current_pos == segment_range.left)
current_pos = segment_range.right + 1;
assert(current_pos < segment_range.left);
auto hole_size = segment_range.left - current_pos;
if (fill_with_detached_file_segments)
auto file_segment = std::make_shared<FileSegment>(current_pos, hole_size, key, this, FileSegment::State::EMPTY);
std::lock_guard segment_lock(file_segment->mutex);
file_segments.insert(it, file_segment);
file_segments.splice(it, splitRangeIntoCells(key, current_pos, hole_size, FileSegment::State::EMPTY, cache_lock));
current_pos = segment_range.right + 1;
if (current_pos <= range.right)
/// ________] -- requested range
/// _____]
/// ^
/// segmentN
auto hole_size = range.right - current_pos + 1;
if (fill_with_detached_file_segments)
auto file_segment = std::make_shared<FileSegment>(current_pos, hole_size, key, this, FileSegment::State::EMPTY);
std::lock_guard segment_lock(file_segment->mutex);
file_segments.insert(file_segments.end(), file_segment);
file_segments.end(), splitRangeIntoCells(key, current_pos, hole_size, FileSegment::State::EMPTY, cache_lock));
FileSegmentsHolder LRUFileCache::getOrSet(const Key & key, size_t offset, size_t size)
FileSegment::Range range(offset, offset + size - 1);
std::lock_guard cache_lock(mutex);
#ifndef NDEBUG
assertCacheCorrectness(key, cache_lock);
/// Get all segments which intersect with the given range.
auto file_segments = getImpl(key, range, cache_lock);
if (file_segments.empty())
file_segments = splitRangeIntoCells(key, offset, size, FileSegment::State::EMPTY, cache_lock);
fillHolesWithEmptyFileSegments(file_segments, key, range, false, cache_lock);
return FileSegmentsHolder(std::move(file_segments));
FileSegmentsHolder LRUFileCache::get(const Key & key, size_t offset, size_t size)
FileSegment::Range range(offset, offset + size - 1);
std::lock_guard cache_lock(mutex);
#ifndef NDEBUG
assertCacheCorrectness(key, cache_lock);
/// Get all segments which intersect with the given range.
auto file_segments = getImpl(key, range, cache_lock);
if (file_segments.empty())
auto file_segment = std::make_shared<FileSegment>(offset, size, key, this, FileSegment::State::EMPTY);
std::lock_guard segment_lock(file_segment->mutex);
file_segments = { file_segment };
fillHolesWithEmptyFileSegments(file_segments, key, range, true, cache_lock);
return FileSegmentsHolder(std::move(file_segments));
LRUFileCache::FileSegmentCell * LRUFileCache::addCell(
const Key & key, size_t offset, size_t size, FileSegment::State state,
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & cache_lock)
/// Create a file segment cell and put it in `files` map by [key][offset].
if (!size)
return nullptr; /// Empty files are not cached.
if (files[key].contains(offset))
throw Exception(
"Cache already exists for key: `{}`, offset: {}, size: {}.\nCurrent cache structure: {}",
keyToStr(key), offset, size, dumpStructureUnlocked(key, cache_lock));
auto skip_or_download = [&]() -> FileSegmentPtr
if (state == FileSegment::State::EMPTY && enable_cache_hits_threshold)
auto record = records.find({key, offset});
if (record == records.end())
auto queue_iter = stash_queue.add(key, offset, 0, cache_lock);
records.insert({{key, offset}, queue_iter});
if (stash_queue.getElementsNum(cache_lock) > max_stash_element_size)
auto remove_queue_iter = stash_queue.begin();
records.erase({remove_queue_iter->key, remove_queue_iter->offset});
stash_queue.remove(remove_queue_iter, cache_lock);
/// For segments that do not reach the download threshold, we do not download them, but directly read them
return std::make_shared<FileSegment>(offset, size, key, this, FileSegment::State::SKIP_CACHE);
auto queue_iter = record->second;
stash_queue.moveToEnd(queue_iter, cache_lock);
state = queue_iter->hits >= enable_cache_hits_threshold ? FileSegment::State::EMPTY : FileSegment::State::SKIP_CACHE;
return std::make_shared<FileSegment>(offset, size, key, this, state);
return std::make_shared<FileSegment>(offset, size, key, this, state);
FileSegmentCell cell(skip_or_download(), this, cache_lock);
auto & offsets = files[key];
if (offsets.empty())
auto key_path = getPathInLocalCache(key);
if (!fs::exists(key_path))
auto [it, inserted] = offsets.insert({offset, std::move(cell)});
if (!inserted)
throw Exception(
"Failed to insert into cache key: `{}`, offset: {}, size: {}",
keyToStr(key), offset, size);
return &(it->second);
FileSegmentsHolder LRUFileCache::setDownloading(const Key & key, size_t offset, size_t size)
std::lock_guard cache_lock(mutex);
#ifndef NDEBUG
assertCacheCorrectness(key, cache_lock);
auto * cell = getCell(key, offset, cache_lock);
if (cell)
throw Exception(
"Cache cell already exists for key `{}` and offset {}",
keyToStr(key), offset);
auto file_segments = splitRangeIntoCells(key, offset, size, FileSegment::State::DOWNLOADING, cache_lock);
return FileSegmentsHolder(std::move(file_segments));
bool LRUFileCache::tryReserve(
const Key & key, size_t offset, size_t size, std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & cache_lock)
auto removed_size = 0;
size_t queue_size = queue.getElementsNum(cache_lock);
assert(queue_size <= max_element_size);
/// Since space reservation is incremental, cache cell already exists if it's state is EMPTY.
/// And it cache cell does not exist on startup -- as we first check for space and then add a cell.
auto * cell_for_reserve = getCell(key, offset, cache_lock);
/// A cell acquires a LRUQueue iterator on first successful space reservation attempt.
/// cell_for_reserve can be nullptr here when we call tryReserve() from loadCacheInfoIntoMemory().
if (!cell_for_reserve || !cell_for_reserve->queue_iterator)
queue_size += 1;
auto is_overflow = [&]
/// max_size == 0 means unlimited cache size, max_element_size means unlimited number of cache elements.
return (max_size != 0 && queue.getTotalWeight(cache_lock) + size - removed_size > max_size)
|| (max_element_size != 0 && queue_size > max_element_size);
std::vector<FileSegmentCell *> to_evict;
std::vector<FileSegmentCell *> trash;
for (const auto & [entry_key, entry_offset, entry_size, _] : queue)
if (!is_overflow())
auto * cell = getCell(entry_key, entry_offset, cache_lock);
if (!cell)
throw Exception(
"Cache became inconsistent. Key: {}, offset: {}",
keyToStr(key), offset);
size_t cell_size = cell->size();
assert(entry_size == cell_size);
/// It is guaranteed that cell is not removed from cache as long as
/// pointer to corresponding file segment is hold by any other thread.
if (cell->releasable())
auto & file_segment = cell->file_segment;
std::lock_guard segment_lock(file_segment->mutex);
switch (file_segment->download_state)
case FileSegment::State::DOWNLOADED:
/// Cell will actually be removed only if
/// we managed to reserve enough space.
removed_size += cell_size;
/// This case is very unlikely, can happen in case of exception from
/// file_segment->complete(), which would be a logical error.
for (auto & cell : trash)
auto file_segment = cell->file_segment;
if (file_segment)
std::lock_guard segment_lock(file_segment->mutex);
remove(file_segment->key(), file_segment->offset(), cache_lock, segment_lock);
if (is_overflow())
return false;
/// cache cell is nullptr on server startup because we first check for space and then add a cell.
if (cell_for_reserve)
/// queue_iteratir is std::nullopt here if no space has been reserved yet, a cache cell
/// acquires queue iterator on first successful space reservation attempt.
/// If queue iterator already exists, we need to update the size after each space reservation.
auto queue_iterator = cell_for_reserve->queue_iterator;
if (queue_iterator)
queue.incrementSize(*queue_iterator, size, cache_lock);
cell_for_reserve->queue_iterator = queue.add(key, offset, size, cache_lock);
for (auto & cell : to_evict)
auto file_segment = cell->file_segment;
if (file_segment)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> segment_lock(file_segment->mutex);
remove(file_segment->key(), file_segment->offset(), cache_lock, segment_lock);
if (queue.getTotalWeight(cache_lock) > (1ull << 63))
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Cache became inconsistent. There must be a bug");
return true;
void LRUFileCache::remove(const Key & key)
std::lock_guard cache_lock(mutex);
auto it = files.find(key);
if (it == files.end())
auto & offsets = it->second;
std::vector<FileSegmentCell *> to_remove;
for (auto & [offset, cell] : offsets)
for (auto & cell : to_remove)
if (!cell->releasable())
throw Exception(
"Cannot remove file from cache because someone reads from it. File segment info: {}",
auto file_segment = cell->file_segment;
if (file_segment)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> segment_lock(file_segment->mutex);
remove(file_segment->key(), file_segment->offset(), cache_lock, segment_lock);
auto key_path = getPathInLocalCache(key);
if (fs::exists(key_path))
#ifndef NDEBUG
void LRUFileCache::remove()
/// Try remove all cached files by cache_base_path.
/// Only releasable file segments are evicted.
std::lock_guard cache_lock(mutex);
std::vector<FileSegment *> to_remove;
for (auto it = queue.begin(); it != queue.end();)
const auto & [key, offset, size, _] = *it++;
auto * cell = getCell(key, offset, cache_lock);
if (!cell)
throw Exception(
"Cache is in inconsistent state: LRU queue contains entries with no cache cell");
if (cell->releasable())
auto file_segment = cell->file_segment;
if (file_segment)
std::lock_guard segment_lock(file_segment->mutex);
file_segment->detach(cache_lock, segment_lock);
remove(file_segment->key(), file_segment->offset(), cache_lock, segment_lock);
/// Remove all access information.
void LRUFileCache::remove(
Key key, size_t offset,
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & cache_lock, std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & /* segment_lock */)
LOG_TEST(log, "Remove. Key: {}, offset: {}", keyToStr(key), offset);
auto * cell = getCell(key, offset, cache_lock);
if (!cell)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "No cache cell for key: {}, offset: {}", keyToStr(key), offset);
if (cell->queue_iterator)
queue.remove(*cell->queue_iterator, cache_lock);
auto & offsets = files[key];
auto cache_file_path = getPathInLocalCache(key, offset);
if (fs::exists(cache_file_path))
if (is_initialized && offsets.empty())
auto key_path = getPathInLocalCache(key);
if (fs::exists(key_path))
catch (...)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::REMOTE_FS_OBJECT_CACHE_ERROR,
"Removal of cached file failed. Key: {}, offset: {}, path: {}, error: {}",
keyToStr(key), offset, cache_file_path, getCurrentExceptionMessage(false));
void LRUFileCache::loadCacheInfoIntoMemory(std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & cache_lock)
Key key;
UInt64 offset = 0;
size_t size = 0;
std::vector<std::pair<LRUQueue::Iterator, std::weak_ptr<FileSegment>>> queue_entries;
/// cache_base_path / key_prefix / key / offset
fs::directory_iterator key_prefix_it{cache_base_path};
for (; key_prefix_it != fs::directory_iterator(); ++key_prefix_it)
fs::directory_iterator key_it{key_prefix_it->path()};
for (; key_it != fs::directory_iterator(); ++key_it)
key = unhexUInt<UInt128>(key_it->path().filename().string().data());
fs::directory_iterator offset_it{key_it->path()};
for (; offset_it != fs::directory_iterator(); ++offset_it)
bool parsed = tryParse<UInt64>(offset, offset_it->path().filename());
if (!parsed)
LOG_WARNING(log, "Unexpected file: ", offset_it->path().string());
continue; /// Or just remove? Some unexpected file.
size = offset_it->file_size();
if (!size)
if (tryReserve(key, offset, size, cache_lock))
auto * cell = addCell(key, offset, size, FileSegment::State::DOWNLOADED, cache_lock);
if (cell)
queue_entries.emplace_back(*cell->queue_iterator, cell->file_segment);
"Cache capacity changed (max size: {}, available: {}), cached file `{}` does not fit in cache anymore (size: {})",
max_size, getAvailableCacheSizeUnlocked(cache_lock), key_it->path().string(), size);
/// Shuffle cells to have random order in LRUQueue as at startup all cells have the same priority.
pcg64 generator(randomSeed());
std::shuffle(queue_entries.begin(), queue_entries.end(), generator);
for (const auto & [it, file_segment] : queue_entries)
/// Cell cache size changed and, for example, 1st file segment fits into cache
/// and 2nd file segment will fit only if first was evicted, then first will be removed and
/// cell is nullptr here.
if (file_segment.expired())
queue.moveToEnd(it, cache_lock);
#ifndef NDEBUG
void LRUFileCache::reduceSizeToDownloaded(
const Key & key, size_t offset,
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & cache_lock, std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & /* segment_lock */)
* In case file was partially downloaded and it's download cannot be continued
* because of no space left in cache, we need to be able to cut cell's size to downloaded_size.
auto * cell = getCell(key, offset, cache_lock);
if (!cell)
throw Exception(
"No cell found for key: {}, offset: {}",
keyToStr(key), offset);
const auto & file_segment = cell->file_segment;
size_t downloaded_size = file_segment->downloaded_size;
if (downloaded_size == file_segment->range().size())
throw Exception(
"Nothing to reduce, file segment fully downloaded, key: {}, offset: {}",
keyToStr(key), offset);
cell->file_segment = std::make_shared<FileSegment>(offset, downloaded_size, key, this, FileSegment::State::DOWNLOADED);
bool LRUFileCache::isLastFileSegmentHolder(
const Key & key, size_t offset,
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & cache_lock, std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & /* segment_lock */)
auto * cell = getCell(key, offset, cache_lock);
if (!cell)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "No cell found for key: {}, offset: {}", keyToStr(key), offset);
/// The caller of this method is last file segment holder if use count is 2 (the second pointer is cache itself)
return cell->file_segment.use_count() == 2;
FileSegments LRUFileCache::getSnapshot() const
std::lock_guard cache_lock(mutex);
FileSegments file_segments;
for (const auto & [key, cells_by_offset] : files)
for (const auto & [offset, cell] : cells_by_offset)
file_segments.push_back(FileSegment::getSnapshot(cell.file_segment, cache_lock));
return file_segments;
std::vector<String> LRUFileCache::tryGetCachePaths(const Key & key)
std::lock_guard cache_lock(mutex);
std::vector<String> cache_paths;
const auto & cells_by_offset = files[key];
for (const auto & [offset, cell] : cells_by_offset)
if (cell.file_segment->state() == FileSegment::State::DOWNLOADED)
cache_paths.push_back(getPathInLocalCache(key, offset));
return cache_paths;
size_t LRUFileCache::getUsedCacheSize() const
std::lock_guard cache_lock(mutex);
return getUsedCacheSizeUnlocked(cache_lock);
size_t LRUFileCache::getUsedCacheSizeUnlocked(std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & cache_lock) const
return queue.getTotalWeight(cache_lock);
size_t LRUFileCache::getAvailableCacheSize() const
std::lock_guard cache_lock(mutex);
return getAvailableCacheSizeUnlocked(cache_lock);
size_t LRUFileCache::getAvailableCacheSizeUnlocked(std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & cache_lock) const
return max_size - getUsedCacheSizeUnlocked(cache_lock);
size_t LRUFileCache::getFileSegmentsNum() const
std::lock_guard cache_lock(mutex);
return getFileSegmentsNumUnlocked(cache_lock);
size_t LRUFileCache::getFileSegmentsNumUnlocked(std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & cache_lock) const
return queue.getElementsNum(cache_lock);
FileSegmentPtr file_segment_,
LRUFileCache * cache,
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & cache_lock)
: file_segment(file_segment_)
* Cell can be created with either DOWNLOADED or EMPTY file segment's state.
* File segment acquires DOWNLOADING state and creates LRUQueue iterator on first
* successful getOrSetDownaloder call.
switch (file_segment->download_state)
case FileSegment::State::DOWNLOADED:
queue_iterator = cache->queue.add(file_segment->key(), file_segment->offset(), file_segment->range().size(), cache_lock);
case FileSegment::State::SKIP_CACHE:
case FileSegment::State::EMPTY:
case FileSegment::State::DOWNLOADING:
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::REMOTE_FS_OBJECT_CACHE_ERROR,
"Can create cell with either EMPTY, DOWNLOADED, DOWNLOADING state, got: {}",
LRUFileCache::LRUQueue::Iterator LRUFileCache::LRUQueue::add(
const IFileCache::Key & key, size_t offset, size_t size, std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & /* cache_lock */)
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (const auto & [entry_key, entry_offset, entry_size, entry_hits] : queue)
if (entry_key == key && entry_offset == offset)
throw Exception(
"Attempt to add duplicate queue entry to queue. (Key: {}, offset: {}, size: {})",
keyToStr(key), offset, size);
cache_size += size;
return queue.insert(queue.end(), FileKeyAndOffset(key, offset, size));
void LRUFileCache::LRUQueue::remove(Iterator queue_it, std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & /* cache_lock */)
cache_size -= queue_it->size;
void LRUFileCache::LRUQueue::removeAll(std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & /* cache_lock */)
cache_size = 0;
void LRUFileCache::LRUQueue::moveToEnd(Iterator queue_it, std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & /* cache_lock */)
queue.splice(queue.end(), queue, queue_it);
void LRUFileCache::LRUQueue::incrementSize(Iterator queue_it, size_t size_increment, std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & /* cache_lock */)
cache_size += size_increment;
queue_it->size += size_increment;
bool LRUFileCache::LRUQueue::contains(
const IFileCache::Key & key, size_t offset, std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & /* cache_lock */) const
/// This method is used for assertions in debug mode.
/// So we do not care about complexity here.
for (const auto & [entry_key, entry_offset, size, _] : queue)
if (key == entry_key && offset == entry_offset)
return true;
return false;
void LRUFileCache::LRUQueue::assertCorrectness(LRUFileCache * cache, std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & cache_lock)
[[maybe_unused]] size_t total_size = 0;
for (auto it = queue.begin(); it != queue.end();)
auto & [key, offset, size, _] = *it++;
auto * cell = cache->getCell(key, offset, cache_lock);
if (!cell)
throw Exception(
"Cache is in inconsistent state: LRU queue contains entries with no cache cell (assertCorrectness())");
assert(cell->size() == size);
total_size += size;
assert(total_size == cache_size);
assert(cache_size <= cache->max_size);
assert(queue.size() <= cache->max_element_size);
String LRUFileCache::LRUQueue::toString(std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & /* cache_lock */) const
String result;
for (const auto & [key, offset, size, _] : queue)
if (!result.empty())
result += ", ";
result += fmt::format("{}: [{}, {}]", keyToStr(key), offset, offset + size - 1);
return result;
String LRUFileCache::dumpStructure(const Key & key)
std::lock_guard cache_lock(mutex);
return dumpStructureUnlocked(key, cache_lock);
String LRUFileCache::dumpStructureUnlocked(const Key & key, std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & cache_lock)
WriteBufferFromOwnString result;
const auto & cells_by_offset = files[key];
for (const auto & [offset, cell] : cells_by_offset)
result << cell.file_segment->getInfoForLog() << "\n";
result << "\n\nQueue: " << queue.toString(cache_lock);
return result.str();
void LRUFileCache::assertCacheCellsCorrectness(
const FileSegmentsByOffset & cells_by_offset, [[maybe_unused]] std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & cache_lock)
for (const auto & [_, cell] : cells_by_offset)
const auto & file_segment = cell.file_segment;
if (file_segment->reserved_size != 0)
/// FIXME: this is too slow, need to make it O(1)
/// assert(queue.contains(file_segment->key(), file_segment->offset(), cache_lock));
void LRUFileCache::assertCacheCorrectness(const Key & key, std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & cache_lock)
assertCacheCellsCorrectness(files[key], cache_lock);
queue.assertCorrectness(this, cache_lock);
void LRUFileCache::assertCacheCorrectness(std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & cache_lock)
for (const auto & [key, cells_by_offset] : files)
assertCacheCellsCorrectness(files[key], cache_lock);
queue.assertCorrectness(this, cache_lock);