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317 lines
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#pragma once
#include <__tuple>
#include <filesystem>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <Client/ReplxxLineReader.h>
#include <Loggers/Loggers.h>
#include "Disks/DiskSelector.h"
#include "Disks/IDisk.h"
#include "ICommand_fwd.h"
#include "IO/ReadHelpers.h"
#include <Interpreters/Context.h>
#include <boost/program_options/options_description.hpp>
#include <boost/program_options/variables_map.hpp>
#include "Common/Exception.h"
// #include <boost/program_options.hpp>
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
namespace DB
std::vector<String> split(const String & text, const String & delimiters);
using ProgramOptionsDescription = boost::program_options::options_description;
using CommandLineOptions = boost::program_options::variables_map;
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS;
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
class DiskWithPath
explicit DiskWithPath(DiskPtr disk_, std::optional<String> path_ = std::nullopt)
: disk(disk_)
, path(
if (path_.has_value())
if (!fs::path{path_.value()}.is_absolute())
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Initializing path {} is not absolute", path_.value());
return path_.value();
return String{"/"};
if (!disk->isDirectory(normalizePathAndGetAsRelative(path)))
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Initializing path {} at disk {} is not a directory", path, disk->getName());
String getPrompt() { return disk->getName() + ":" + path + "$ "; }
String getAbsolutePath(const String & any_path) const { return normalizePath(fs::path(path) / any_path); }
String getCurrentPath() const { return path; }
bool isDirectory(const String & any_path) const { return disk->isDirectory(getRelativeFromRoot(any_path)); }
std::vector<String> listAllFilesByPath(const String & any_path) const
if (isDirectory(any_path))
std::vector<String> file_names;
disk->listFiles(getRelativeFromRoot(any_path), file_names);
return file_names;
return {};
std::vector<String> getAllFilesByPattern(std::string pattern) const
auto [path_before, path_after] = [&]() -> std::pair<String, String>
auto slash_pos = pattern.find_last_of('/');
if (slash_pos >= pattern.size())
return {"", pattern};
return {pattern.substr(0, slash_pos + 1), pattern.substr(slash_pos + 1, pattern.size() - slash_pos - 1)};
if (!isDirectory(path_before))
return {};
std::vector<String> file_names = listAllFilesByPath(path_before);
std::vector<String> answer;
for (const auto & file_name : file_names)
if (file_name.starts_with(path_after))
String file_pattern = path_before + file_name;
if (isDirectory(file_pattern))
file_pattern = file_pattern + "/";
return answer;
DiskPtr getDisk() const { return disk; }
void setPath(const String & any_path)
if (isDirectory(any_path))
path = getAbsolutePath(any_path);
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Path {} at disk {} is not a directory", any_path, disk->getName());
String getRelativeFromRoot(const String & any_path) const { return normalizePathAndGetAsRelative(getAbsolutePath(any_path)); }
static String validatePathAndGetAsRelative(const String & path)
String lexically_normal_path = fs::path(path).lexically_normal();
if (lexically_normal_path.find("..") != std::string::npos)
throw DB::Exception(DB::ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Path {} is not normalized", path);
/// If path is absolute we should keep it as relative inside disk, so disk will look like
/// an ordinary filesystem with root.
if (fs::path(lexically_normal_path).is_absolute())
return lexically_normal_path.substr(1);
return lexically_normal_path;
static std::string normalizePathAndGetAsRelative(const std::string & messyPath)
std::filesystem::path path(messyPath);
std::filesystem::path canonical_path = std::filesystem::weakly_canonical(path);
std::string npath = canonical_path.make_preferred().string();
return validatePathAndGetAsRelative(npath);
static std::string normalizePath(const std::string & messyPath)
std::filesystem::path path(messyPath);
std::filesystem::path canonical_path = std::filesystem::weakly_canonical(path);
return canonical_path.make_preferred().string();
const DiskPtr disk;
String path;
class DisksClient
explicit DisksClient(std::vector<std::pair<DiskPtr, std::optional<String>>> && disks_with_paths, std::optional<String> begin_disk)
if (disks_with_paths.empty())
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Initializing array of disks is empty");
if (!begin_disk.has_value())
begin_disk = disks_with_paths[0].first->getName();
bool has_begin_disk = true;
for (auto & [disk, path] : disks_with_paths)
addDisk(disk, path);
if (disk->getName() == begin_disk.value())
has_begin_disk = true;
if (!has_begin_disk)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "There is no begin_disk '{}' in initializing array", begin_disk.value());
current_disk = std::move(begin_disk.value());
const DiskWithPath & getDiskWithPath(const String & disk) const
return disks.at(disk);
catch (...)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "The disk '{}' is unknown", disk);
DiskWithPath & getDiskWithPath(const String & disk)
return disks.at(disk);
catch (...)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "The disk '{}' is unknown", disk);
const DiskWithPath & getCurrentDiskWithPath() const
return disks.at(current_disk);
catch (...)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "There is no current disk in client");
DiskWithPath & getCurrentDiskWithPath()
return disks.at(current_disk);
catch (...)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "There is no current disk in client");
DiskPtr getCurrentDisk() const { return getCurrentDiskWithPath().getDisk(); }
DiskPtr getDisk(const String & disk) const { return getDiskWithPath(disk).getDisk(); }
bool switchToDisk(const String & disk_, const std::optional<String> & path_)
if (disks.contains(disk_))
if (path_.has_value())
current_disk = disk_;
return true;
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "The disk '{}' is unknown", disk_);
std::vector<String> getAllDiskNames() const
std::vector<String> answer{};
for (const auto & [disk_name, _] : disks)
return answer;
std::vector<String> getAllFilesByPatternFromAllDisks(std::string pattern) const
std::vector<String> answer{};
for (const auto & [_, disk] : disks)
for (auto & word : disk.getAllFilesByPattern(pattern))
return answer;
void addDisk(DiskPtr disk_, const std::optional<String> & path_)
String disk_name = disk_->getName();
if (disks.contains(disk_->getName()))
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "The disk '{}' already exists", disk_name);
disks.emplace(disk_name, DiskWithPath{disk_, path_});
String current_disk;
std::unordered_map<String, DiskWithPath> disks;